Prayer After A Miscarriage

Common Prayers – Service after a Miscarriage or Stillbirth

Prayer After A Miscarriage

A general Service of Prayer celebrated at the time of loss or thereafter, but especially when the priest is called to attend to a miscarriage or stillbirth.

P: Blessed is our God, always, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

R: Amen. O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere and fillest all things; Treasury of Blessings and Giver of Life: Come and abide in us and cleanse us from every impurity, and save our souls, O Good One.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. O Lord, cleanse us from our sins. O Master, pardon our transgressions. O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy Name’s sake.

Lord. have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

P: For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

R: Amen.


P: In peace let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: For the servants of God, [NN.], who have suffered the repose of a child during pregnancy, and for their family and friends, that they may be comforted, let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: That the Lord God, from the goodness of His heart, will have mercy on His servants, and pardon their every sin, granting to them healing and comfort of soul and body, let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: That the Lord God will not turn away His face from His suffering servants, but will receive the prayers we now offer for them, let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: That He will heal every illness and grief by the visitation of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: That He will quickly deliver the handmaid of God [N.] from every pain and affliction, raising her from weakness and infirmity by the almighty word of God, let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: That the merciful Lord will hear the cries of His unworthy servants as He heard the cries of the Canaanite woman, and that He will heal and console His suffering servants, let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: That He will receive the infant [N.], who by His ineffable providence has been taken from his/her mother’s womb and will grant him/her life everlasting, let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger, and necessity, let us pray to the

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O God, by Thy grace.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves and each other, and all our lives unto Christ our God.

R: To Thee, O Lord.

P: O Lord our God! Thy power is incomparable! Thy glory is incomprehensible! Thy mercy is immeasurable! Thy love for mankind is inexpressible! Look down upon us, O Master, and impart the riches of Thy mercy and Thy compassion unto us and unto those who pray with us. For unto Thee are due all glory, honor, and worship: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

R: Amen.


P: Let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord have mercy.

P: O Master, Lord our God, Who was born of the holy Theotokos and ever-Virgin Mary, and as a child was laid in a manger: In Thy great mercy be merciful to this, Thy handmaid [N.] who has miscarried the child who was conceived in her.

Forgive all her voluntary or involuntary offenses, and protect her from all the machinations of the devil. Heal her suffering, and in Thy love for mankind grant health and strength to her body and soul.

Guard her with a radiant Angel from every assault of the invisible demons and from every illness and malady, and deliver her from all that may afflict her womb. O Thou, Who accepts the innocence of infancy into
Thy Kingdom, comfort the mind of Thy handmaid and bring her peace.

Therefore, with fear we cry and say: Look down from heaven and strengthen Thy handmaid [N.] who has miscarried of the child conceived in her. Have mercy on her and bless her, through the intercession of Thine undefiled Mother and of all Thy Saints.

R: Amen.

P: Let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord have mercy.

P: O Lord, Thou hast spoken through Thy Prophet Isaiah, saying, “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create, for behold, I create in Jerusalem a rejoicing, and in her people joy.

I will rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in my people; no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping and the cry of distress. No more shall there be in it an infant that lives but a few days” [Isaiah 65:17-19, 20a].

Do Thou, the same Lord and God, Who on that day will give no cause to mourn the loss of a child, be present with us this day as we gather with sadness to seek Thy comfort and mourn the loss of this child [N.], known to Thy handmaid who carried him/her, to his/her father, who generated him/her, and to us, Thy faithful People.

Thou hast spoken through Thy Prophet Jeremiah, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” [Jeremiah 1:5]. For which cause we bless Thee, O God of compassion, the consolation of the afflicted. Thou knowest the name and age of every person, even from his and her mother’s womb.

Knowing the depths of our hearts, accept our sorrow as we grieve the loss of this child, and comfort us with the promise of the joy of Thy eternal Kingdom.

Help us to grow in confidence in Thy sustaining presence at this moment and in the days to come, through the prayers of Thy most pure Mother, the Theotokos and ever-Virgin Mary, and of all Thy Saints. For Thou art a merciful God, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

R: Amen.

P: Let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: O merciful Lord, falling down before Thy great and inscrutable providence, which is both merciful and just: We confess our weakness and infirmity, not knowing what to ask of Thee. For Thou alone knowest our true needs. Thou lovest us more than we ourselves know how to love.

Help us to discern our true needs, which are concealed from us. We dare not ask either a cross or consolation. We can only wait on Thee. Our hearts are open to Thee. Visit us and help us. Cast us down and raise us up. In silence we contemplate Thy holy will and inscrutable ways.

We offer ourselves to Thee in sacrifice, and we place all our trust in Thee. We have no desire but to fulfill Thy holy will. We believe, O Lord; help our unbelief! Let not our faith fail, nor our hope weaken, nor our love grow cold. Wipe away our tears of sorrow, granting us instead tears of joy.

Heal our weakness and infirmity. Forgive our transgressions, voluntary and involuntary. Receive the infant [N.

] into Thy kingdom and have mercy on us, through the mercy and compassion and love for mankind of Thine only-begotten Son, with whom Thou are blessed, together with Thine all-holy, good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

R: Amen.


P: Wisdom!

R: Father, bless.

P: Christ our true God, the Existing One, is blessed, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

R: Amen. Preserve, O God, the Holy Orthodox Faith and Orthodox Christians, unto ages of ages.

P: Most holy Theotokos, save us.

R: More honorable than the Cherubim, and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim: without defilement you gave birth to God the Word. True Theotokos, we magnify you.

P: Glory to Thee, O Christ, our God and our hope, glory to Thee.

R: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Father, bless.

P: May Christ our true God, through the prayers of His most pure Mother; of the holy, glorious, and all-laudable Apostles; of Saint [N.

, the patron of the unbaptized infant]; of Saint [N.

], whose memory be celebrate on this day; of the holy and righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; and of all the Saints: have mercy on us and save us, for He is good and lovest mankind.

R: Amen.

P: Let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: O Lord, Who guards Thy children in this life and prepares for those who have departed from us in their innocence a haven in the radiant angelic realm in the heavenly mansions: Do Thou, the same Master, Christ our God, receive in peace the soul of Thy child [N.

], for Thou has said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of heaven.” For unto Thee is due all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father, Who is from everlasting, and Thine all-holy, good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever.

and unto ages of ages.

R: Amen.

Memory eternal! Memory eternal! Memory eternal!

His/her soul shall dwell with the blessed!


Approved for use by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America
October 2015

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After a Miscarriage: What Happens and How to Cope

Prayer After A Miscarriage

If you were rejoicing over a positive pregnancy test just weeks or months ago, coping with a sudden and unexpected miscarriage can be difficult.

Even though you never saw your baby (except, perhaps, on ultrasound), you knew that he was growing inside you (and you may have even formed a bond).

You may have daydreamed about your baby and imagined yourself as a mother. And then, all the excitement abruptly came to a stop.

Understandably, you may feel a range of emotions: sad and disheartened over the loss, angry and resentful it happened to you, possibly withdrawn from friends and family (especially those who are pregnant or just had babies).

You may have trouble eating and sleeping at first and accepting the finality of it all. You may cry a lot, or you may not cry at all. These are all among the many natural, healthy responses to a pregnancy loss.

Remember: Your reaction is what’s normal for you.

Feeling in the dark about what happened, what to expect and what your next steps should be can make the situation even tougher. But keeping your partner and health care practitioner in the loop about what you're going through physically and emotionally can help you through this time.

What is a miscarriage?

A miscarriage is when an embryo is expelled from the uterus before it can survive outside on its own. Often, the first sign this is happening is heavy bleeding accompanied by abdominal or back pain and cramping.

Depending on how far along your pregnancy was, these symptoms can last for just a few days — a normal period — or up to three or four weeks.

If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor so he or she can diagnose the miscarriage and help you with the next steps.

What happens next

By the time you learn that you had a miscarriage or ever see a doctor, the process might be mostly over (the physical part at least) or not even begun. If you suspect a miscarriage, see your practitioner right away.

He or she will confirm the miscarriage using an ultrasound to check if the pregnancy is growing normally or whether there’s a heartbeat, and possibly perform a pelvic exam to see if your cervix is dilated.

Your doctor may also draw blood to check your hCG levels, your blood count (to determine how much blood was lost), and your blood type (to check for Rh incompatibility).

If your blood type is Rh negative, you may also receive a shot of Rh immunoglobulin (it’s possible for your blood to come into contact with fetal blood cells during a miscarriage — and this shot can prevent serious problems in later pregnancies).

Emptying the uterus

Once the miscarriage had been diagnosed, your uterus will need to be empty so your normal menstrual cycle can resume and you can try to get pregnant again, if you choose to.

If your first sign of a miscarriage was heavy bleeding — especially if it was just a few weeks into pregnancy — then it’s possible that the miscarriage was “complete,” meaning all the fetal tissue has already been cleared your uterus.

But sometimes — especially the later in the first trimester you are — a miscarriage isn’t complete, and parts of the pregnancy remain in the uterus (known as an incomplete miscarriage) that need to be removed.

There are a number of ways this can be accomplished:

  • Expectant management. You may choose to let nature take its course and wait until the pregnancy is naturally expelled. Waiting out a missed or incomplete miscarriage can take anywhere from a few days to, in some cases, three or four weeks before your body takes care of things and you resume normal menstrual cycles.
  • Medication. If there’s no sign of your body expelling the embryo on its own, your health care practitioner might instead give you the option to take miscarriage medications — usually mifepristone or misoprostol — to help speed things along. Within a few days of taking a pill or receiving a vaginal suppository, you’ll start to expel fetal tissue and placenta. Just how long this takes varies from woman to woman, but typically it’s only a matter of days at the most before bleeding begins. These medications cause some of the same side effects that you might have experienced when you were just letting nature take its course: cramping, bleeding, nausea and diarrhea.
  • Surgery. Another option is to undergo a minor surgery called dilation and curettage (D&C). During this procedure, a doctor will gently scrape the fetus and placenta from your uterus. Bleeding following the procedure usually lasts no more than a week. Though side effects are rare, there is a slight risk of infection following a D&C.

How should you decide which route to take? Some factors you and your practitioner will take into account include:

  • How far along the miscarriage is. If bleeding and cramping are already heavy, the miscarriage is probably already well under way. In that case, allowing it to progress naturally may be preferable to a D&C. But if there is no bleeding (as in a missed miscarriage), misoprostol or a D&C might be better alternatives.
  • Your emotional and physical state. Waiting for a natural miscarriage to occur after a fetus has died in utero can be psychologically debilitating for a woman and her spouse or partner, if she has one. It’s ly that you won’t be able to begin coming to terms with — and grieving for — your loss while you're still pregnant. Completing the process faster will also allow you to resume your menstrual cycles soon, and when and if the time is right, try to conceive again.
  • Risks and benefits. Because a D&C is invasive, it carries a slightly higher (though still very low) risk of infection. The benefit of having a miscarriage complete sooner, however, may greatly outweigh that small risk for most women. With a naturally occurring miscarriage, there is also the risk that it won’t completely empty the uterus, in which case a D&C may be necessary to finish what nature has started.
  • Evaluation of the miscarriage. When a D&C is performed, evaluating the cause of miscarriage through an examination of the fetal tissue will be easier.

Resuming normal activities after a miscarriage

Whether or not you had a surgical procedure to treat your miscarriage, your doctor will let you know when it’s okay resume normal activities ( exercise and sex).

While you may be able to get back to your usual routines right away, your practitioner may recommend that you don’t put anything in your vagina (which means abstaining from sex and avoiding using tampons) for two weeks to avoid infection.

Make sure to see your health care provider for a follow-up appointment a few weeks after your miscarriage.


Even if your miscarriage progresses naturally and is relatively pain-free, your health care practitioner will ly want to check in with you for a few weeks or months to make sure you don’t develop any complications (don’t worry, these are all very rare).

If you keep bleeding for more than seven days, this excessive bleeding can be a sign that there’s still placenta in the uterus, or that you’ve developed an infection. Other signs of an infection can include foul-smelling discharge, fevers, chills and abdominal pain.

If your practitioner suspects an infection, he or she will ly treat it with a course of antibiotics.

In extremely rare cases, retained products of conception (the technical term for any embryo or placenta left in your uterus) can start abnormally growing and form a type of tumor called a choriocarcinoma.

After a D&C, you’ll also have a slight risk of complications from the surgery. In around 16 percent of first D&Cs women develop scarring, called Asherman’s Syndrome, inside their uterus or around their cervix. It can take a second surgery to get rid of those scars, but luckily, you’ll recover and be able to get pregnant again.

Your emotions after miscarriage: The stages of grief

Whenever a pregnancy loss happens, you’re ly to experience many feelings and reactions. Though you can’t wish them away, understanding them will eventually help you come to terms with your loss.

Many people who suffer a loss of any type go through a number of steps on their road to emotional healing.

These steps are common, though the order in which the first three occur may vary and so, too, may the feelings you experience.

  • Shock and denial. There may be numbness and disbelief, the feeling that “this couldn’t have happened to me.” This is a mental mechanism designed to protect your psyche from the trauma of loss.
  • Guilt and anger. Desperate to pin the blame for such a senseless tragedy on something, you may blame it on yourself (“I must have done something wrong to cause the miscarriage” or “If I’d been happier about the pregnancy, the baby would still be alive.”). Or you may blame others — God, for letting this happen, or your practitioner (eve if there is no reason to). You may feel resentful and envious of those around you who are pregnant or who are parents, and even have fleeting feelings of hatred for them.
  • Depression and despair. You may find yourself feeling sad most or all of the time, crying constantly, unable to eat, sleep, be interested in anything or otherwise function. You may also wonder if you’ll never be able to have a healthy baby.
  • Acceptance. Finally, you’ll come to terms with the loss. Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean you’ll forget the loss — just that you’ll be able to accept it and get back to the business of life.

Coping with grief after miscarriage

The grief you're feeling is real — and no matter how early in pregnancy you experienced the loss of a baby, you may feel that loss deeply.

Some well-intentioned friends and family may try to minimize the significance of a loss with a “Don’t worry, you can try again,” not realizing that the loss of a baby, no matter when it occurs during a pregnancy, can be devastating.

And the fact that there is no possibility of holding the baby, taking a photo, having a funeral and burial — rituals of grieving that can all help offer some closure for parents of stillborn infants — may complicate the recovery process.

Still, if you’ve suffered a miscarriage (or an ectopic or molar pregnancy), it’s important to remember that you have the right to grieve as much — or as little — as you need to. Do this in any way that helps you to heal and eventually move on.

Turn to your partner for support — remember that he or she is mourning the loss of a baby too but may show that grief in a different way. Sharing your feelings openly with each other, rather than trying to protect each other, can help you both heal.

If you're religious, ask your pastor, priest rabbi or spiritual leader for guidance. Perhaps you’ll find closure in a private ceremony with close family members or just you and your partner.

Sharing your feelings — through a support group, with a friend or online — with others who experienced a miscarriage can also be a comfort.

Ask your practitioner to recommend a therapist or bereavement group to help you through this difficult period.

Since so many women suffer a miscarriage at least once during their reproductive years (at least 10 to 20 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage), you may be surprised to find how many others you know have had the same experience as you but never talked about it with you, or maybe never talked about it at all. (If you don’t feel sharing your feelings — or don’t feel you need to — don’t. Do only what’s right for you.)

When will you feel normal again?

No matter what you’re feeling — and given your situation, your feelings may be all over the emotional map — give yourself time. Accept that you may always have a place in your heart for the pregnancy you lost, and you may feel sad or down on the anniversary of the due date of your lost baby or on the anniversary of the miscarriage, even years later.

If you find it helps, plan on doing something special at that time — at least for the first year or so — that will be cheering yet allows you to remember: planting some new flowers or a tree, having a quiet picnic in the park or sharing a commemorative dinner with your partner.

While it’s normal to mourn your loss — and important to come to terms with it your way — you should also start to feel gradually better as time passes.

If you don’t, or if you have continued trouble coping with everyday life (you’re not eating or sleeping, you’re not able to focus at work, you’re becoming isolated from family and friends) or if you continue to feel very anxious (anxiety following miscarriage has been shown in studies to be even more common than depression is), professional counseling can help you to recover.

Getting pregnant again after a miscarriage

Health care providers used to recommend waiting a number of months before trying to get pregnant again after a miscarriage. They’ve learned, though, that the uterus is remarkably good at recovering from a miscarriage, and most doctors now say it’s okay to try again as soon as you’ve had one normal menstrual cycle.

But check with your practitioner about your specific situation — if there’s scarring in your uterus or pieces of placenta left behind, he or she might recommend a longer wait.

Even among women who have had four consecutive unexplained pregnancy losses, about 65 percent have a successful next pregnancy that ends in a live birth.

Try to remind yourself that you can — and most ly will — become pregnant again and give birth to a healthy baby. For the vast majority of women, a miscarriage is a one-time event — and actually, an indication of future fertility.

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The Barakah of Trusting Allah: Continuing After A Miscarriage

Prayer After A Miscarriage

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“I am very sorry. The baby does not have a heartbeat.” Two sentences. Eleven words. These words shot through my ears a rocket. Pain, heartbreak, and sadness rushed through my veins. I felt confusion, denial, and shock. I cried, and cried, and cried. I began to think of all the plans and dreams my husband and I had for our first baby.

I then remembered that I was just a human. A flawed and imperfect piece of flesh made from clay. This was not something I could control or could have avoided. This was part of Allah’s plan for me.

As humans, we plan, and plan, and plan, but Allah is the best of planners. I knew this was the plan that Allah had prepared for me since I was in my mother’s womb. I was confident that Allah had a reason behind this sadness.

I was happy to know that Allah knew I was strong enough to handle this trial. Allah says in the Qur’an,

“Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity.” [Qur’an: Chapter 2: Verse 286]

It was after this realization that I uttered “inna lilah wa inna ilayhi raji’oon, alhamdulilah alaa kulli hal” –

Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return. Praise be to Allah in every circumstance.

In the past years, whenever I was in the need for help or motivation, I always turned to Productive Muslim for encouragement and support. This was my secret source of energy. Unfortunately, this was the first time in eight years that I could not find what I was looking for at Productive Muslim.

I settled for searching up random articles on google with the phrase “continuing after a miscarriage”. As I was looking through a variety of articles on miscarriage, I thought of all the Muslimahs who had gone through the same painful experience as I was going through.

It was then that I felt the need to give you my advice on how to continue with life after having a miscarriage.

Dealing with pain

Pain comes in two different ways: physical and emotional. Getting sick would be considered a physical pain while the loss of a loved one would be an emotional pain. Unfortunately, miscarriage falls under both types of pain. It targets you physically and emotionally.

I tried to fight back the emotional pain, but sometimes the physical pain became stronger making me vulnerable to the emotional pain. I tried to put on a happy face, but I somehow associated everything around me to my precious unborn baby. I tried and tried, but I unwillingly succumbed to pain each time. I didn’t feel leaving my bed.

I was in no mood to study for my upcoming midterms. I didn’t want to return to school or work. I didn’t want to be around people. The first time I tried to go the house after my miscarriage, everyone I saw either asked about my pregnancy or gave my condolences for my miscarriage.

Each time I had to explain, it brought back all the pain again.

However, I am getting better, day by day, and I am learning to live with this. I no longer feel bursting into tears every time I see a pregnant lady, or a mother playing with her child, or baby clothing in stores.

I am beginning to feel happiness again, and no longer have to pretend when I smile. This does not mean I have forgotten. I will never forget the precious weeks I spent with my unborn baby.

This only means I am learning how to continue after a miscarriage.

For those who have been in the same situation as I was, I am very sorry this happened to you, and I make sincere dua that Allah blesses you with healthy children in the near future. For my readers who have not experienced such heart break, I pray that Allah gives you healthy pregnancies to term.

During my miscarriage, there was one specific thing that gave me comfort. It was my faith in Allah and the barakah we gain from trusting Him. It gave me the boost I needed to regain control of my life. I thought of how blessed I was as a Muslim to be able to have confidence that my life was in the hands of Allah .

It was then that I added the word “Islam” to my google search phrase “continuing after a miscarriage”. Having this tawakkul in Allah brought me so much barakah strength I needed to continue. It was the barakah in this knowledge that gave me the shed of light I needed to continue.

Educating myself on the topic of miscarriage in Islam was my first step in recovery.

Step 1: Educate yourself

Alhamdulilah we are blessed with the most merciful and compassionate religion. I was astonished by all the information I found on Islam and miscarriage.

Reading ahadeeth regarding miscarriage and stories of companions who had miscarriages or lost their children gave me an unbelievable amount of comfort.

I thought that I had lost my baby forever – until I came across this beautiful hadeeth.

Prophet Muhammad said, “The miscarried fetus will plead with his Lord if his parents are admitted to Hell. It will be said: “O fetus who pleads with your Lord! Admit your parents to Paradise.” So he will drag them out with his umbilical cord until he admits them to Paradise.’” [Sunan Ibn Majah]

How beautiful is this? Allah’s mercy and compassion I will be reunited with my baby in sha Allah by the doors of heaven. This hadeeth made me burst into tears of happiness and joy.

Step 2: Pray the night prayer

I barely slept after my miscarriage, due to both the physical and emotional pain. One night I forced myself bed, made wudu, and prayed qiyam. I felt the closest I had ever been to Allah during that single prayer. Usually when I would start crying randomly, my husband, or mother, or mother in law would comfort me. This time it was different.

I cried my eyes out on my prayer mat as I made dua to Allah and He was there comforting me. It was such a beautiful feeling for me alhamdulilah. I cannot even describe the level of comfort this prayer gave me. There I was, making sujood on my prayer mat feeling I was directly pouring my heart out to Allah and telling Him about the suffering I was going through.

My qiyam prayer was one of the strongest steps towards my emotional recovery.

3. Make intense dua

In addition to prayer, I used the tool of dua to speak with Allah . I raised my hands to The Most Merciful and cried my eyes out to Him .

Prophet Muhammad said, “There is nothing more honorable with Allah [Most High] than supplication.” [Tirmidhi]

I prayed for physical, emotional, and spiritual strength. I prayed for healthy pregnancy in the future. I prayed for my husband’s comfort and emotional recovery. I prayed for my sisters in Islam who have experienced this.

I prayed to be reunited with my unborn angel in heaven. I prayed for everything and anything. Making dua was the only thing I was able to do while I was on bed rest, and I did my best to take advantage of this source of barakah.

4. Have a support system

It would have been unbelievably hard for me to overcome this burden without my family and friends. My husband gave me a shoulder to cry on and constantly reminded me that this was a test from Allah and that we are strong enough to pass it.

My mother and mother in law stayed by me, cooked for me, completed my house chores, and were there for me every minute of the day. My friends helped me catch up on school assignments and spoke to my professors. I was very blessed to have this support system.

If you are going through a miscarriage, find your support system, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from those around you.

5. Take some time off to grieve

Taking time off was essential for me. I emailed my professors to excuse me from their classes, and I emailed my boss to take a leave from work. I needed this break, not only to recover physically, but emotionally.

I wasn’t ready to see people and answer their many questions concerning my pregnancy and miscarriage, or see all the things outside of my bedroom that reminded me of my baby. I needed time to heal.

Don’t feel you are weak if you need time off. This is normal.

6. Don’t go to social gatherings until you are ready

Unfortunately, I had to learn this the hard way. Just a week after my miscarriage, I had to attend a family engagement party.

I honestly didn’t feel getting dressed up and seeing people, but I had to because of family obligations, and without doubt, I got questions about my pregnancy and miscarriage. I fought with all my strength to not tear up and cry, asked my husband to leave early.

Seeing all those people at the engagement was too overwhelming for me; it was just too early.
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7. Prepare to answer questions

When you feel ready and comfortable to get your house, think about the answers you want to give people and how much information you want to share. Unfortunately, sometimes people can be nosy and curious. Don’t share more than you are comfortable with, and don’t hesitate to tell people you don’t want to talk about it. Don’t let anyone force you in a situation of discomfort.

8. Never lose hope and grow impatient

This last piece of advice is very important. Never ever lose faith and trust in Allah , for everything He does has a purpose and wisdom behind it. Be patient. Your time will come in sha Allah. Constantly make dua that Allah gives you what is in your heart. This is what will ultimately be a source of barakah in your life.

Prophet Zakariya asked Allah in the Qur’an, “He said, “My Lord, how will I have a boy when my wife has been barren and I have reached extreme old age?” Then an angel replied to him saying, “[An angel] said, “Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me, for I created you before, while you were nothing.’ “[Qur’an: Chapter 19: Verses 8-9]

Allah can easily bless you with children; it is just a matter of when. Put your trust in Allah and have faith that there is barakah in everything Allah does. I end this article with a prayer and I ask for you to keep my husband and I in your dua.

“O Allah, I ask you to give every husband and wife the feeling of being a parent and to bless every couple that is struggling with infertility with a healthy child in the near future. Ameen.”

Have you or anyone close to you suffered from a miscarriage? Share your advice in the comments section below on how to deal with the grief and continue after this trial.
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