Help to Succeed In My Life

5 Motivational Videos To Help You Succeed In Life

Help to Succeed In My Life

In my third and final interview from The Pause Fest Conference, I sat down with Kate McKibbin, who is the founder of the Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily Blog. Kate is an expert in building blogs from nothing and through her own sites, she was able to quit her day job within 12 months, and make multiple income streams.

Kate is so knowledgeable in the blogging world that she started an online course called Secret Bloggers Business to share everything she knows. She was able to make a substantial amount of money from these blogging courses in a very short period.

1. Start your blog lean

The temptation to go onto and hire the most expensive person you can to help you build the best-looking blog from scratch is something you should avoid. Early on, you should concentrate on finding your niche and narrowing in on your target audience.

If you waste too much money before you have got a small amount of traction, you won’t know if your subject matter and the way you present it is relevant. Once you have nailed your niche, concentrate on giving as much value as you can.

2. Build an email list from day one

The issue with building up followers on social media is that you don’t own their data; specifically their contact details. Even though this strategy has existed for ages, Kate still swears by it: make your main focus building an email list from day one.

This email list down the track will become your customer database when you turn on monetisation. Forget the naysayers who tell you email is dead because it’s not; you just have to use it in the right way, deliver value, and not overdo it.

To help build your email list, try releasing a free eBook or a free course to get more subscribers. These two methods have been around for a while, but that’s because they work the best, as long as the content is perceived to be valuable and you put some effort in.

3. Ignore traditional blogging models (monetise early)

The bloggers who are the most successful are the ones who are not trying to follow the traditional blogging model. The traditional blogging model, Kate says, is to try and build up an audience before you start making any money.

Why would you put all this time into something and then start to make only a little bit of money much later down the track?

Your goal should be to make money from your blog from day one – period!

4. Test some monetisation concepts

When you offer free content and products, pretty quickly people will contact you asking for more and that’s when you can test some paid products or services.

The best way to test a product, according to Kate, is with as minimal spend as possible. The easiest way is through a free Kickstarter Campaign or by creating a landing page and driving traffic to it through a low budget Ad Campaign.

One tip Kate insists on is never to run ads just to get traffic; always have some type of opt-in offer as part of the ad. Also, you don’t need a huge budget for Ads – try starting with $5-$10 a day.

Once you have tested a few ideas with these methods, you will then have a rough idea of what people want and you can concentrate on putting a lot more effort into some new products.

“What you think people want, and what your friends agree and your mum agrees people want, doesn’t necessarily have any baring on what actually is going to happen”

5. Sell your own product vs someone else’s

With a blog, there is always the option to sell and promote other company’s products or to sell your own products. If it’s a personal blog about things you love, then you may be better off being an ambassador for other brands.

The most effective strategy, though, that Kate recommends, is to establish your own platform to sell your own things. Otherwise, you will be helping grow someone else’s platform and only getting a percentage of selling their products.

The other advantage of selling your own products is that you can do it with a much smaller list of email subscribers.

If you insist on working with brands and promoting their products, then you should start communicating with them early on. This way, you will build a long-term relationship with them that you can leverage once your audience is big enough.

6. Try eCommerce early on

Another income stream you can earn from your blog is to trial an eCommerce store as an extension of your site where you sell physical goods and ship them to your audience. Kate tried this and for her, she wasn’t passionate about it and felt it was too much work.

Either way, you should test an eCommerce store early on to see if it works for your niche and to gauge if it’s a good return on your time. The key to putting time into an eCommerce store is to understand how it’s going to affect your lifestyle by taking time away from other things that you love to do.

7. Offer a paid course

If you’re solving a problem for people with the content you are sharing on your blog, then that can be turned into a course of some sort. Kate did this by emailing her followers and offering a blogging course to see if anyone would actually pay for it.

When people signed up and paid her through PayPal, she then began creating the content for the course. Taking this presale approach to selling digital goods is a great way to create the mental willpower needed to come up with quality course content that is valuable to your audience.

As you become a subject matter on the problem that you are solving, you may be asked to go to the next level and make a further income from your blog by being paid to speak at events. As your audience really starts to grow you could even think about running your own events.

“There is never a point where I can say this business is sorted. You have to be constantly growing, developing, and innovating. It’s all about continuous problem solving and trying new things out”

Books Kate Recommends

The One Thing – Gary Keller
Sacred Success – Barbara Stanny

Check out Kate’s blog Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily and if you want to start your own blog then have a look at Kate’s Secret Bloggers Business site

My second interview from The Pause Fest Conference was with the delightful Chiquita Searle, who is the former General Manager of The League Of Extraordinary Women, and now runs her own copywriting & content creation business.

Chiquita intrigued me after I watched her TedX talk about how she changed her life and some of the key concepts she learnt from entrepreneurship. She has a Dalai Lama kind of female wisdom that I found captivating, and she shares some real gems around what you can do to change your life.

After interviewing Chiquita, I found that the idea she has grasped the best is to understand what happiness is and how to find it. This is her number one priority and something that she believes should rule your life.

Finding your true happiness is a real cliché right now, but Chiquita goes much deeper into what it means and describes in detail the feelings that come from true happiness. As she described what happiness was, I finally started to see other sides to my own happiness that I hadn’t seen before.

What she then does after explaining happiness is tie it back to entrepreneurship and how many people don’t see the link, but that they should.

1. Happiness and purpose are joined at the hip

Never allow yourself to be unhappy, and always believe that something will come your way that will make you feel happy, and believe that you are resourceful. Pick a purpose that makes your soul sing and is something that gives you a feeling that you can’t get from anything else.

To find your purpose you need to think about what you do in your spare time, that makes you happy. You then need to ask yourself, “why is it that I don’t believe I can’t transform this passion into a source of income?”

A lot of people don’t know where they are headed, and they don’t take action. People are on a treadmill, and they follow the same pattern day to day. The challenge with society is that we put our happiness in the arms of somebody else.

We wrongly look for happiness in things shopping, addictions, etc. We are responsible for our own happiness, and we have everything inside ourselves to be happy.

Social media shows us everyone else’s highlight reel, and we are natural comparers as humans. These highlight reels make us think that this is the life others are living when they are actually not. We dull our senses with TV and social media but what we should be doing is feeding our brains.

“You don’t need to pay for information anymore, and you barely need a university degree”

Your happiness is attached to what you do and your purpose. You spend more time at work or on your business than you do in any other area of your life, so you need to make sure what you are doing is important.

2. Entrepreneurship sprouts from your happiness

To be the best version of yourself you need to be happy with your work, and that most ly means being an entrepreneur. Interrupting your current pattern of thinking towards your work takes courage, is difficult, can be scary, and takes real belief in yourself.

Your thinking can be even more difficult to change if you have no experience in the field you want to go into, or if you don’t know anyone in your niche.

One way to overcome these challenges is to ease into entrepreneurship slowly. Try negotiating a four-day workweek with your current employer and then spend the other three days on your passion. Doing this will require you to make sacrifices having less money and limiting your social life.

As you move into entrepreneurial activities Chiquita says expect sleepless nights and worries about money to arise – these are both reasons for you not to pursue your passion which is why most people don’t.

“You have time; there is always time. It’s just about how you prioritise”

Once you find your passion, you will feel different. When you are doing a job you don’t enjoy you drag yourself to work, surf the internet heaps, take longer lunch breaks, etc. – you’re not inspired and not passionate.

When Chiquita had her first business, which was a clothing label, and she was still working a normal job, she would wake up at 5 am, work for two hours on her label, get ready at 7 am, and then be at work by 8:30 am.

After coming home from work, she would then do it all again. She explained in our interview that when you’re on purpose and following your passion, you will feel different and probably excited all the time. It’s this excitement that fuels you to work these longer hours on your dream.

3. Try to uncover successful people’s deepest, darkest secrets

Chiquita shared with me that one of the reasons that The League Of Extraordinary Women succeeded over similar communities, was the entrepreneurs they got to speak at their events didn’t just tell their typical startup story.

The speakers were told before an event that they could only take part if they agreed to share their deepest, darkest secrets and be real. They were encouraged to share things whether they mortgaged their house, took their kids private schools and sold their products the boot of their car.

When the attendees heard about someone else having to overcome significant challenges, this is what would inspire them with their own entrepreneurial endeavours. Similar communities were concentrating on the overnight success stories, but they would never have people speak that failed badly, or that would present the really hard part of their successful journey.

The reasons these hard times and dark secrets are avoided within entrepreneurial circles is that it’s scary to talk about, and people are afraid of what others might think. The reason The League Of Extraordinary Women is so successful and began by word of mouth alone, Chiquita explains, it that the hard times are some of the best learning you can do, and there is just nothing else it.

“When you hang around other entrepreneurs you start to think to yourself, if they can overcome all of that then I can too”

4. Disruption is everywhere

One of the benefits of people starting to find their passion and discovering entrepreneurship is that lot’s of people Chiquita are leaving jobs they hate to follow their passion. The reason Chiquita says this is happening is partly due to the face that corporations are stuck in the “this is how we do it, and this is how it’s always been done” mentality rather than embracing innovation.

New startups that come onto the scene and are innovating end up stealing the market away from the corporations. Monopoly industries are being disrupted by the s of Uber because they provide a far superior, more reliable, cost effective service, and they use technology in a clever way to do it.

“Entrepreneurs are forward thinking. Without them, we would still be in the dark ages”

5. Dealing with writers block

A core component of entrepreneurship is creativity. Sometimes when you have to work on your art form (your business), you may be having a day where you are not feeling inspired. A lot of the time Chiquita says that we try to push through it, and that’s not always the best way.

What Chiquita recommends is to walk away or take a moment so you can think about something totally different. It’s when you’re not thinking your creative endeavours that you will come up with something that works or become reinspired. This is a great lesson for entrepreneurs but also very useful to me when I am blogging.

Books Chiquita Recommends

Ask and it is given – Abraham Hicks The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

The E-myth – Michael Gerber

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6 Failures You Should Experience If You Want To Succeed In Life

Help to Succeed In My Life

Everybody wants to know the secret to being successful in life. Whether it be in your career or personal life, we all want it all. The real question is: How do we get it?

The answer's a simple one: You have to fail, and you have to fail often. You have to learn all there is from each failure. It’s that simple.

The only other factor is you have to be mindful enough to fail at the right things. There are certain failures in life necessary for the fruition of success. Without them, you’ll be missing a piece of the puzzle.

Then, of course, there are failures that can be entirely avoided — including any and every repeated failure. Failing multiple times is not only allowed, it's praised.

But you should be sure to fail differently each time you fail. Here are seven failures you need to experience in order to succeed in life:

A failed serious relationship

If I had to pick a single moment in my life that had the greatest influence on the person I am today, it was the failure of a relationship.

Not only because it was with a woman I loved more than any before, or after, but because I was the one that screwed it up.

Relationships fail all the time — most of the time it isn’t our fault. You'll never appreciate a meaningful relationship the way you ought to appreciate it, however, until you manage to mess up a great one.

It’s easier to brush yourself off and move on with your life when the other person was clearly to blame. When you only have yourself to blame though, you learn lessons that stick with you. And this requires admitting you were the one that screwed things up… but that’s a different story.

A failed friendship

It takes time to understand and appreciate the relationships you have with different people in your life. It’s not just the romantic ones that teach you important life lessons, but also the relationships you have with your friends.

Just there are toxic romantic relationships, there are also toxic friendships. Once you experience a falling-out with a friend, you understand yourself a little bit better and the life you hope to lead.

It’s most often the company we keep that determines the life we live.

A failed career choice

I’ve never met or heard of a single individual who figured it out the first time. If you’re going to find your passion in life, you’re going to have to spend a whole lot of time figuring out all the things that aren’t a right fit.

If you’re still holding down the first job you've ever had, there’s roughly a 99 percent chance you’re not doing what you ought to be doing. Maybe you’re that one-in-a-million statistic who got lucky, but most people need to go through some trial and error.

It’s usually less about figuring out what you’d to do and more about what the world has to offer and what you can add to it.

A failed “healthy” bank account

If you’ve never been broke in your life, you'll never understand the importance of money. It just isn’t possible. Sure, you can understand it conceptually, but you'll never know how it feels to figure out how to score a free meal.

Or how stressful it is to be buried by the APR on your credit cards and student loans.

Being broke at one point of your life or another — hopefully sooner than later not only gives you an appreciation for money, it gives you an appreciation for how little you need to get by.

Most people are wasteful. They overindulge and live their lives inefficiently. Even worse, such individuals never have an appreciation for the simple things in life.

They’re always trying to throw money at happiness, but never manage to figure out you can't buy happiness.

A failed attempt at greatness

Regardless of your definition of greatness, unless you fail at achieving it repeatedly, you’ll never appreciate your accomplishments.

If you don’t have to struggle to win, to succeed, to be great, then can you even call it greatness? It’s the struggle and all it takes to overcome the seeming impossibilities that we find awe-inspiring. If it comes easy, it isn’t worth praise.

Keep in mind the difference between failing to be great and failing to even attempt being great. You learn a lot from trying your very best and realizing your very best isn’t good enough — yet.

You learn absolutely nothing, however, from never giving yourself a chance to fail. Not until it’s too late.

A failed understanding of what’s to come

The reason human beings landed on the top of the food chain is primarily due to our ability to predict the future with accuracy. We understand the relationship between cause and effect better than any other species, and it's made all the difference.

It takes time to develop this skill. We observe and learn the moment we're born (technically, shortly after) until the moment we die (technically until we believe there's little new to see in our vicinities).

We often forget how important it is to observe and calculate. Most people rely on superstitions and hope, which is amusing, as we were much better observers during our toddler years than we are as adults.

Those of us who understand there's always something new to observe, always something new to contemplate and calculate, are the ones who usually get furthest in life. The more complex the scenario, the more difficult it is to calculate the outcome.

In all honesty, we can only predict the possibility of an event occurring. But it's all you really need — most of life is a gamble anyhow.

For More Of His Thoughts And Ramblings, Follow Paul Hudson On And .

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