Guide Me Through All Of Life’s Obstacles

Break on Through: A Meditation for Overcoming Obstacles

Guide Me Through All Of Life’s Obstacles

Let’s face it, obstacles are a part of life and none of us have the playbook on how to overcome them.

As ideal as it may sound, dodging obstacles isn’t possible; although you can learn how to work with the energy that creates them and overcome the notion that you are somehow at their mercy.

Let’s first identify what obstacles are, why it’s important to overcome them, and where they might trip you up.

Identifying Obstacles

An obstacle is anything that gets in your way of achieving your goals and living the life you truly desire. Obstacles present themselves the moment you set your sights on something you want.

Think about this: Have you ever been interested in someone romantically and then you just gave up without making your first move for fear of making a fool of yourself? What about the area of well-being? Do you ever find yourself wanting to make healthier food choices only to be derailed when the waiter brings the dessert menu featuring a warm chocolate lava cake? Or, maybe you hit the snooze button a few times too many and you keep missing your window of opportunity for exercising before work. These are just a few of the typical, day-to-day obstacles that can throw you off track and whack.

Why is overcoming obstacles important? Obstacles derail you. They keep you stuck in the past by preventing you from taking action. They root you in fear, convincing you that you aren’t good enough, you don’t know enough, you don’t have enough time or money, and you’re options. If you don’t learn how to overcome obstacles, you run the risk of being ruled by them.

In many cases, obstacles are physical or blatantly obvious, whereas some are non-physical and less discernable.

In some ways they can show up as limiting beliefs you have about yourself or others, and on some days they appear as other people or circumstances preventing you from being, doing, or having the things you want.

Obstacles show up in many forms and are experienced throughout the energetic (spiritual), mental, emotional, and physical bodies.

Energetic Obstacles

Energetic obstacles are things that give you the feeling of being depleted or exhausted all the time. They show up as day-to-day choices that you are making in your life that lead to an imbalance in energy output versus energy input.

Spending 75 percent of your time working and leaving very little energy to put toward healthy nutrition, exercise, or down time will result in lethargy, complacency, or total burnout. Many of us tend to give more than we receive and at some point, the inequality will take its toll.

Try the following exercise to help you overcome energetic obstacles:

  • Spend some time looking at the areas in your life where there is a lack of harmony.
  • Make a list of the things you are doing that you are giving too much of your time and energy. Jot down an approximate percentage of time you spend for each.
  • Look at the areas of life or things you do that give you more energy and indicate an approximate percentage of time you spend doing these things.
  • At the end, see where you can minimize things that take away from your energy levels and increase things that give you more energy.

Mental Obstacles

Mental obstacles often revolve around a lack of goals, motivation, or focus. If you don’t have a goal, you don’t have any direction. It’s near impossible to get to where you’re going if you have no idea where it is you want to be.

Another mental obstacle is absence of motivation. Motivation requires a level of passion in order to sustain forward movement toward the goal. If there is no motivation, mental obstacles will show up in the form of resistance and excuses.

An inability to stay focused on the end result can be a huge obstacle. “Chasing squirrels” in your mind—another term for being easily distracted—is a common theme for many people as we live in a world where multi-tasking has become glorified. When you’re scattered and not able to maintain your focus, you start to spin out and are easily thrown into overwhelm.

Emotional Obstacles

Emotional obstacles show up most frequently in the form of daily stressors: irritation toward other people, limiting beliefs about your own self-worth, thoughts around your inability to accomplish certain things, and negative emotions past experiences.

Not taking enough down time to become present to—and experience—love, joy, gratitude, and happiness in your daily life may leave you ambiguously feeling as though life itself is the obstacle.

Mental and emotional obstacles are where we tend to point the finger outward, blaming other people or circumstances for the way things are rather than taking responsibility for our choices.

Physical Obstacles

Physical obstacles tend to show up as a lack of time or money, behavior patterns, and physiological responses.

For example, if you are someone who struggles with managing your time effectively, you will have difficulty getting things done in an efficient manner—if at all.

If you aren’t in a financial bracket that supports your needs and goals, this will show up as a very real challenge for you.

Sudden illness and injury experienced in the physical body are obstacles that can temporarily throw you off course. If you’re not quick to heal—mentally or physically—it may derail you for months or even years. In other cases, obstacles may show up as behavioral choices sleeping in because you feel energetically, mentally, or emotionally exhausted.

Guided Meditation for Overcoming Obstacles

Depending on how you deal with the obstacles that present themselves will determine the frequency and intensity of which you experience them. Following is a guided meditation for helping you to overcome obstacles in any area of your life. As you move through each self-reflection question, allow yourself a minute or two for contemplation.

  • Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
  • Begin to take slow deep breaths, in and out through your nose.
  • Allow your shoulders to relax and your torso to soften with every exhale.
  • Bring into your awareness an area of your life where an obstacle is present.
  • Think about when, where, and how this obstacle began.
  • Ask yourself who or what triggers the problem. What thoughts and emotions are prevalent when the obstacle is present?
  • Now bring your attention to the cost of this obstacle. How does it affect your ability to be, do and have the things you want in life? How does it affect those around you?
  • Next, see what can be available to you if you overcome this obstacle and are able to move powerfully forward in your life.
  • Consider anyone you know who has already overcome this kind of obstacle. Who was it? What approach did they take?
  • Now think about how you might do things differently than the way you have been up to this point, perhaps including some approaches others have taken.
  • Next, invite in an intention for a creative solution to come forth. Ask your Self or the Universe for guidance in how best to navigate and overcome this obstacle.
  • And now, imagine your life as if the obstacle was dissolved and you are now standing in the life you have created by design.
  • After you have a positive internal representation (an image, sound, or feeling) of being free from this obstacle, spend a few moments in quiet contemplation before slowly coming your meditation.

Upon coming your meditation, you may want to jot down any thoughts into a notebook or journal so that you have some tangible details to then turn into actionable steps. It’s important to take a compassionate approach to this process and really allow yourself to feel into your emotions, listening for your internal guidance to bring forth the insight you need.

Remember, obstacles are the opportunities that have been put on your path to challenge you to move beyond your perceived limitations. Identifying them is just the first step in creating lasting change in your life. The follow-through and taking action to overcome them is where the real gold is. 

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Top Three Obstacles in Life Everyone Must Face

Guide Me Through All Of Life’s Obstacles

Not everyone consciously confronts the following three obstacles in life, but we all encounter them in one way or another. In other words, if you are not consciously aware of these life obstacles, they still affect you.

1. Emotional Transition to Adulthood: Are You Lagging?

As human beings, we all mature physically from childhood to adolescence and then into adulthood, but our emotions lag behind.
~ Bernard Sumner

You know the saying: Everyone gets two chances in life, one in childhood and one in adulthood. The theory is if you had a bad childhood, you can turn it all around with a new lease on life in adulthood.

Seems simple enough, right?

Why, then, do so many people struggle to make the transition to adulthood? Why is this one of the biggest obstacles in life? You have to consider the emotional lag of childhood to understand this one.

Signs emotional lag is an obstacle in life for you:

• You behave immaturely

• You feel helpless, powerless, etc…. even though you do have choices

• You can’t control your behavior

• You get into arguments, etc…when they are avoidable

• You blame others for your behavior and feelings

• In short, when you consistently act immature and don’t take responsibility for yourself

These are signs that, even though you’re the age of an adult, emotionally you are still clinging to childhood. In other words: your emotional age does not match your chronological age.

If you feel you have work to do to become an emotional adult, that’s good to know – and you are not alone. You might begin to study how to grow yourself up.

2. Other People: Are They Obstacles in Life?

Hell is other people.
~ Jean-Paul Sartre

Many of our relationships leave in their wake a trail of resentment, anxiety, jealousy, resentment and overwhelm. This is damaging. In fact, a bad relationship can slowly kill you.

Among the most common obstacles in life, difficult relationships are often all about boundaries.

When we don’t know how to set clear boundaries, we take things personally, can’t say no, give our power away, and remain frustrated where other people are concerned.

Healthy boundaries typically clear all this up. We could essentially redefine this obstacle in life as simply the challenge of setting boundaries. Unfortunately, learning boundaries is more or less an individual pursuit, as most parents don’t consciously teach their children how to set them, or anything about the concept.

When you have clear boundaries, you can:

• Say “no” when you want or need

• Not take things personally

• Show compassion for others

• Give and require respect from others

• Honestly assess what you’re capable of doing

• Control your own emotions

• Stop worrying about things outside of your control

And so on….

Getting to the point of having clear boundaries is a process that takes time, study, and patience with other people who have grown used to your fuzzy boundaries. They’ll need to adjust.

Boundaries resource: Where To Draw the Line.

3. Self-Sabotage: The Universal Obstacle?

You can’t imagine just how much believing in negative thoughts is affecting your life…until you stop.
~ Charles F. Glassman

Getting in your own way; your own worst enemy; looking for trouble; there are lots of ways to casually define self-sabotage. This may be the universal cause of human suffering; the most pernicious of the obstacles in life, as most of what makes us feel bad is self-inflicted.

When you feel rejected, most often the person rejecting you did not intend to hurt you.

When you feel left out, most of the time you do have a viable opportunity to connect with someone.

Feeling empty on the inside can be shifted to fulfillment by doing something you love – or simply remembering to be grateful for what you have.

The problem is, we are quick to interpret the negative and hang onto it. We stew in it. We can’t just let it go. While this is far from necessary, it is habitual. Why?

How come we make the wrong choice so often, even when better options are available. Many of us even fear the right choice, as if something bad would happen if we did what’s in our best interest.

For example: You’re in a group of people and want to speak up and make your opinion known.

This is a problem for you – keeping quiet and letting others determine the direction of conversation or agenda.

Yet, when you would to speak up, you are seized with fear, or shut down, almost as if you’re protecting yourself. In the end, you feel as you typically do, powerless or helpless or not involved.

This is how self-sabotage works. The feelings involved are often so familiar that we fear stepping them into a more empowered place. Self-sabotage is a comfortable place. Some people call this sticking with the devil you know.

Leaving these kinds of self-sabotaging patterns behind requires learning how self-sabotage works in the unconscious so you can own the process and make new choices. This free and enlightening video is a good place to start.

Thanks for reviewing these three obstacles in life. To keep up with all my writing, my Page.

Top Three Obstacles in Life Everyone Must Face

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Embrace Your Obstacles to Get Ahead in Life

Guide Me Through All Of Life’s Obstacles

Can you recall the last time you faced a set back, or an obstacle that really weighed you down?

Whether it was in your past, or you’re presently facing an obstacle, we all have to deal with them. Though, however unpleasant, these obstacles that come our way are necessary for growth. If we never had to face any adversities, blockers, setbacks or failures in life, our experiences would be cake! We’d have it so easy.

The downside? We would never be forced to adapt and mature.

So, in theory, having to face obstacles in life is actually desirable. The more obstacles you’ve faced, the greater the lihood that you are quite mature and adaptable.

Though, not everyone tackles obstacles enthusiastically and head on. Some people go to great lengths to avoid them… or go into denial about their existence. And, others let obstacles overwhelm them, and they feel defeated.

Most think of obstacles as a negative; but, if you can maintain an opportunistic attitude when facing your obstacles or limitations, you’ll have an even more impressive result once you finally reach your goals!

Now, think about what obstacles are currently in your way.

What might you be faced with? Often, it’s time and/or money limitations.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you’ve always dreamed of writing a book—you find yourself daydreaming about the possibility (and have practically written 2 chapters in your head). The problem is, after work and family obligations, you definitely don’t have enough time to write. You wish you could just quit your job to pursue writing full-time, but you also need money to pay your bills.

It’s definitely not easy having to be in such a predicament. Most of us simply cannot drop our current routine to pursue something totally different.

But, you can do both!

What I mean is, you won’t reach your goals overnight; but, you can take progressive steps towards them using your obstacles as a guide for your path.

In this case, you have to keep making income, and writing a book doesn’t pay… so, your first challenge is to find a way to make money that will get you closer to writing. Or, you can find a way to increase your time.

One option is to find a job within your field that has more writing responsibility, which will position you well for writing your book, as you’ll gain experience and better understanding of the writing world. Through your own career, you may get closer and closer to becoming a professional writer, which is excellent leverage when it comes to getting paid to publish a book.

Or, you could find just 30 minutes a day to dedicate to writing your book, and maybe get rid of something else you habitually do–such as Netflix or Video games. Those 30 minutes a day will add up and you’ll be making major progress towards your goal.

To successfully overcome adversities and reach your goals, you have to embrace the obstacles that come your way.

You certainly don’t have to celebrate or welcome them with open arms, but rather accept and believe that these obstacles will push you to be stronger, help you grow and mature, and shape you to be more resilient.

Your attitude towards setbacks will define the outcome of whether you rise from the challenge, or remain stuck in it. 

Here are some more great things to love about obstacles.

Obstacles Give You Purpose

Sometimes obstacles can reset your objectives.

You might have always had a particular way of doing things, or wanted to pursue certain goals; but when you’re faced with setbacks or difficulties, you’re forced to re-think, and re-examine your path.

And, you may end up focusing on something new and exciting–maybe something that you otherwise wouldn’t have if not for the particular set back.

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Granted, your obstacle may throw you off track for a bit, but it will also help you find strength when you’re faced head-on with a challenge. By having to overcome an obstacle, you’ll be fulfilling a purpose, rather than just going through the motions.

After you’ve overcome an obstacle, you’re more ly to feel confident to overcome the next one that may come your way, and well prepared to tackle other goals ahead.

Obstacles Prepare You for the Unexpected

Even though obstacles aren’t pleasant, they don’t actually prevent us from reaching our intended goals. They serve as guides for where to go next, and–in a way–gives you time to stop and think if perhaps there is a new and better path to take.

While, of course, obstacles can bring out many negative emotions in us, such as frustration, anger, or sadness, it’s important to realize that they don’t inhibit us from reaching our destination – they only change the path we were originally expecting to take.

Obstacles Shift Your Perspective

Obstacles, whether we it or not, are inevitable.

Life is ever changing, and so we need to constantly change and adapt to new situations.

Life will never stop throwing you new obstacles. So, the best thing to do is know how to better see and deal with these obstacles, and transform them into opportunities for self improvement.

Everybody faces different obstacles – some much more severe than others. A few lucky people float through life with relatively few obstacles, others face more difficulty.

If you think of life a game of poker, it’s easy to see how it’s advantageous to play the cards you’re dealt to the best of your ability. While inevitably some people are dealt better hands than others, your chances of success are mostly determined by how you play the game.

The more you’re able to see obstacles as being an advantage to your life, the better you’ll be at managing them, and using the experience to propel you further.

Relish a Challenge

Your mindset is key when facing obstacles. When you practice being optimistic through adversity, you’re intentionally shifting away from negative forces that might consume you. This is the power of a positive mindset.

Accepting obstacles will give you purpose, prepare you for the unexpected, and shift your perspective, allowing you to grow into a better version of yourself.

It’s not what happens to us that determines our fate, but rather, what we do about it that makes the difference.

It’s the choices we make and the actions we take along the way; it’s the thoughts we have, what we focus on and how we frame what we tell ourselves 24/7.

Here is an inspirational quote that I’d to leave you with:

“I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed” – Booker T. Washington

Look at a current obstacle you’re facing, and ask yourself: “Have I accepted it with a positive mindset?”

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8 Reminders to Help You Overcome Obstacles

Guide Me Through All Of Life’s Obstacles

Are you struggling with an obstacle? These 8 tips to overcoming obstaclesin life will help you get through the challenges.

We’ll all face obstacles throughout life, to varying degrees. These challenges could be as simple as losing a package in the mail or as dire as losing a job. And while our thoughts and action will reflect the severity of the obstacle, one this is certain: we can overcome it.

Often, overcoming obstacles in life was exactly what we needed at that moment to move in a different direction. My husband had lost his job in the non-profit industry during the recession almost a decade ago—all while we were expecting our first baby in a few months.

What had seemed the end of the world turned out to be a new job within a month and a half at double his previous salary. Sometimes it takes overcoming obstacles in life to show you a new path.

Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links, which means I will earn a commission—at no extra cost to you—if you make a purchase

A few weeks ago, I read the book The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday. The book covered all aspects of obstacles, from lessons to learn to finding the will to get through them. I found the lessons applicable to parenthood and family life that I thought I’d share the top eight I learned here with you.

If you find yourself struggling with overcoming obstacles in life, remember these eight reminders to get you through it:

1. Control your emotions

I read and watched the movie The Martian all about a fictional astronaut stuck on Mars. I remember telling my husband I couldn’t understand how the character remained calm even as he realized he was stuck on a planet all alone. I didn’t think anyone could that collected in such dire circumstances.

Then as I read The Obstacle Is the Way, I learned that NASA staff and astronauts are trained to control their emotions, especially in crisis mode. No matter how bad the situation or whichever malfunction they faced, they learned how to control their emotions.

Suddenly the book and the movie made more sense. The character had to control his emotions and was, in fact, behaving in an accurate and realistic way.

We can learn to be just as collected. After all, succumbing to our emotions means we make more mistakes. We lose hope or can’t think clearly. During an obstacle, we can’t afford to panic.

One of the best ways to defeat overwhelming emotions is through logic. We take a step back and analyze what we’ve got to work with and what we can do moving forward. We brainstorm ways to solve our problems.

Thinking logically also leads to root causes of the obstacle that are much easier to deal with. It’s pretty hard to solve “what if” panic attacks that haven’t even happened yet. We’re more ly to get back to work and do what needs to happen to solve the problem.

2. Be objective

Think about the last time you were overcoming obstacles in life and the internal statements you may have made:

  • “I’m so broke, I have no money.”
  • “I have to fix a flat tire in my car.”
  • “I can’t seem to reach my goals no matter how hard I try.”

Notice how each of the statements begin with the word “I.” And no wonder—when we describe obstacles we face, we often take it personally. We place ourselves into those situations because we’re often the same people who have to deal with the flat tire or an empty bank account.

But what if we removed ourselves from those statements? They might sound more :

  • “This month, there’s $X coming in.”
  • “A nail punctured the tire and now it’s flat.”
  • “Six months in and the scale measures X pounds.”

Sure, the obstacle is still there—changing our language doesn’t make these challenges go away. But they become facts we can deal with much more clearly.

Another way to remove yourself from the obstacle and be objective? Imagine the obstacle happening to someone else.

Picture yourself giving advice to a friend on what to do in that situation. Pretend it’s not happening to you. It’s exactly the kind of advice you’d need without personalizing it too much.

3. Focus on what you can change

Maybe you do the opposite of personalizing obstacles and make it about everyone else. Your lousy boss, the rent rising, the tantrums your child has been throwing.

For many of these situations, we can’t do anything to change direction. As much as we wish, we can’t wave a magic wand to make them disappear.

But what if you could find things you can change within those obstacles? You can’t change your boss’s personality, but maybe you can find a new position at work, or even look for a new job. Or maybe it means not letting his comments affect you the way it currently does.

We don’t control many of the things that happen to us, but, as they say, we can control what we do about it.

4. Don’t overthink

We worry a lot. And when you compare ourselves to animals, the worrying is even more striking. A polar bear doesn’t worry about what to do if he doesn’t have enough food, or why it’s not fair he can’t seem to find the right shelter. He simply spends his days finding that food and shelter.

It doesn’t mean he’s not hungry or cold, but he doesn’t waste his time thinking about it.

Don’t overthink your predicament, wonder what it means, or proclaim how it’s unfair. Many people start from disadvantage but continue to take it day by day. Avoid making dreadful predictions you don’t even know will happen and instead just see what happens.

As Holiday writes in The Obstacle Is the Way:

“We spend a lot of time thinking about how things are supposed to be, or what the rules say we should do. Trying to get it all perfect. We tell ourselves that we’ll get started once the conditions are right, or once we’re sure we can trust this or that. When, really, it’d be  better to focus on making due with what we’ve got. On focusing on results instead of pretty methods.”

5. Learn from your mistakes

I tell my kids so often they repeat it to me now: “Mistakes are good.” Not good in that we made a mistake, but in what we can learn from them.

Often, nothing we did contributed to an obstacle, but we can see how we played a role and what we can learn from it.

For instance, a challenge you may be facing is how to rein in your child’s behavior. Many factors come into play to contribute to behavior we don’t want to see, but take a look at what you can learn from the situation.

Maybe you realize you need to be firmer with rules and not give in to every request. Or you learned that he spends too much time in extracurricular activities, which cuts into family time with you.

Though never pleasant, mistakes allow us to see where we went wrong and, more importantly, how to change direction.

Watch the video below about 3 things you should do after your child’s meltdowns and power struggles:

It’s so hard to be persistent, especially as we reach for goals that seem way beyond us. We see others hit success in such a short amount of time whereas we feel stuck in the same place, barely moving. Trust me, I know the feeling.

But we all have different timelines, resources and paths to get where we need to go. Many of the people who seem so successful have also been in the same situation as you are. A big difference between them and others who didn’t reach those goals? They didn’t give up.

Again, from the book:

“You’re not going anywhere—you’re not going to be counted out. You’re in this for the long haul.

“Because when you play all the way to the whistle, there’s no reason to worry about the clock. You know you won’t stop until it’s over—that every second available is yours to use. So temporary setbacks aren’t discouraging. They are just bumps along a long road that you intend to travel all the way down.

“It’s okay to be discouraged. It’s not okay to quit. To know you want to quit but to plant your feet and keep inching closer until you take the impenetrable fortress you’ve decided to lay siege to in your own life—THAT’S persistence.”

7. Do your job well

When we see results that aren’t so stellar, it’s tempting to give up or work on it haphazardly. “Why bother?” we might think, especially when we face obstacle after obstacle. We might even wonder if these are signs to just throw in the towel.

Not necessarily. The better option? See how you can improve or change, but with the mindset that you’re set to doing it well. Not only will you give it your all, you’ll also do so all the way until you finish.

We might lose opportunities when we decide to half ass a project or even give up entirely. The initial results may not have been what you imagined, but stick with it, tweak it, and finish it. There’s something to be said about the grit and perseverance of someone who’ll finish a task and do it well.

8. Focus on something bigger than yourself

Remember how we should stop personalizing our obstacles and instead treat them objectively? Take it further and focus on something bigger than yourself.

Think about how overcoming obstacles in life can be an opportunity to make an impact on people, causes or issues much bigger than yourself. You won’t feel so alone. You’ll realize how small we actually are compared to the length of time or the number of people or issues we all face.

Want to better manage your time and feel less tired and overwhelmed? Join my newsletter and get my ebook, Time Management Strategies for the Overwhelmed Mom! Download it below:


We’ll all still continue overcoming obstacles in life.

I’m that person who needs reassurance and a good pep talk to get me through them. In fact, I wrote this article not just for others to read but for myself as well. These are reminders I need to keep in mind when those challenges come my way.

As a recap, here are our eight reminders:

  1. Control your emotions
  2. Be objective
  3. Focus on what you can change
  4. Don’t overthink
  5. Learn from your mistakes
  6. Be persistent
  7. Do your job well
  8. Focus on something bigger than yourself

I hope in some way, these words have changed how you look at and respond to obstacles in life. Thankfully most of us won’t find ourselves stranded alone on Mars, but we can still learn how to get through the obstacles we’ll face.

Get more tips on overcoming obstacles:

Tell me in the comments: What are your best tips to overcoming obstacles in life?

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9 Best Prayers for Overcoming Obstacles

Guide Me Through All Of Life’s Obstacles

When the challenges of life hit you head on, looking to the Lord is sometimes the best way to find a way to surpass the barriers of life. Here are some great prayers for overcoming obstacles that are encouraging and will bring you comfort.

Prayer #1

O Lord, we call upon You in our time of sorrow, That You give us the strength and will to bear our heavy burdens, until we can again feel the warmth and love of Your divine compassion. Be mindful of us and have mercy

on us while we struggle to comprehend life’s hardships.

Keep us ever in Your watch, til we can walk again with
light hearts and renewed spirits.

Prayer #2

Thank you, Lord, for being there for me and allowing me to cry out to you in my times of need.

It is amazing to me that the Lord of the Universe would take time to listen to me and to care about what I say.

God, there are things happening around me right now that I do not understand. Some of these things make me feel weak, helpless and afraid.
Even in the midst of this, I know that you are the Lord.

I know that the situation is in Your hand, and I trust You. I beseech you for strength and for wisdom that I would be able to endure this situation and be able to handle it in a way that would bring glory to Your name.
In Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer #3

Father, we sing praises unto Your Precious and Mighty name. We thank You for all You have done.
Be with us daily Lord, guide us and protect us as we remove obstacles in our way. Lead us along the plain path of righteousness, Oh Heavenly Father. Bless us with Your divine favor and mercy.

Prayer #4

Father, this world sometimes bewilders me and is beyond my understanding. I see poverty and disease, storms and earthquakes, war and killing. Many hearts are bound by ego and fear.

Please strengthen my faith in your higher purpose and open my mind to the truth that everything is unfolding according to your divine plan.

Let compassion and love for my brothers and sisters flow from me and may we all be uplifted by your glory. AMEN.

Prayer #5

Lord, sometimes when I look in the mirror I’m not too happy with what I see. Please let me see me the way you made me, beautiful and perfect just as I am. Help me to hold this image in my mind and heart as I follow my life’s path. Allow others to witness your light shining through me as I walk with confidence, grace and a smile on my face. Amen.

Prayer #6

Heavenly Father, as you know, I am facing a major health challenge in my life. I ask that you grant me the energy and determination to seek out and find the right physicians, treatments and programs; the courage and grace to follow them; and your peace and serenity to rest and restore my body, mind and spirit. Amen.

Prayer #7

I will lift up my eyes to the hills From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD,

Who made heaven and earth.

He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel

Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day,

Nor the moon by night.

The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in

From this time forth, and even forevermore.

Prayer #8

Father, my spouse has chosen to break the vow made before you, our families and friends at our wedding. My heart is heavy and my soul aches. I pray that you give me the courage and strength to go through this divorce with dignity, self respect and the knowledge that you are always with me. Amen.

Prayer #9

Dear God, I have loved well but not too wisely. I’ve given my heart to someone who has not honored that gift and I realize this relationship does not serve either of us. Please give me the courage and strength to end this relationship gracefully. Help me to forgive, heal and move on with my life so that I may open the door to new happiness. Amen.

Here is a look at how to overcome the many obstacles of life to success.

About the Author of this Blog Post
Crystal Ayres has served as our editor-in-chief for the last five years. She is a proud veteran, wife and mother. The goal of ConnectUs is to publish compelling content that addresses some of the biggest issues the world faces. If you would to reach out to contact Crystal, then go here to send her a message.

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