
Rejoicing At Being Pregnant – At Last!


Early pregnancy symptoms: First signs you might be pregnant

Could you be pregnant? For some women, the earliest symptoms of pregnancy appear in the first few weeks after conception.

But even before you miss a period, you may suspect – or hope – that you're pregnant. For some women, early symptoms of pregnancy begin in the first few weeks after conception.

Pregnancy symptoms can also vary in their intensity, frequency and duration.

The following early signs and symptoms of pregnancy checklist are only a guideline. Many early pregnancy symptoms can appear similar to routine pre-menstrual discomforts.

Tender, swollen breasts

Your breasts may provide one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. As early as two weeks after conception, hormonal changes may make your breasts tender, tingly or sore. Or your breasts may feel fuller and heavier.


Fatigue and tiredness also ranks high among early symptoms of pregnancy. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone soar. In high enough doses, progesterone can put you to sleep. At the same time, lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure and increased blood production may team up to sap your energy during your pregnancy.

Slight bleeding or cramping

Sometimes a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy.

Known as implantation bleeding, it happens when the fertilised egg attaches to the lining of the uterus – about 10 to 14 days after fertilisation.

This type of bleeding is usually a bit earlier, spottier and lighter in colour than a normal period and doesn't last as long. Some women also experience abdominal cramping early in pregnancy. These cramps are similar to menstrual cramps.

RELATED: The weirdest symptoms of early pregnancy

Morning sickness, which can strike at any time of the day or night, is one of the classic symptoms of pregnancy. For some women, the queasiness begins as early as two weeks after conception.

Nausea seems to stem at least in part from rapidly rising levels of estrogen, which causes the stomach to empty more slowly.

Pregnant women also have a heightened sense of smell, so various odors – such as foods cooking, perfume or cigarette smoke – may cause waves of nausea in early pregnancy. There are some hints and tips to help combat the effects of morning sickness.

Food aversions or cravings

When you're pregnant, you might find yourself turning up your nose at certain foods, such as coffee or fried foods. Food cravings are common too. most other symptoms of pregnancy, these food preferences can be chalked up to hormonal changes – especially in the first trimester, when hormonal changes are the most dramatic.

RELATED: What to eat in your first trimester, according to a nutritionist


Early in pregnancy, increased blood circulation caused by hormonal changes may trigger frequent, mild headaches.


Constipation is another common early symptom of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone causes food to pass more slowly through the intestines, which can lead to constipation.

Mood swings

The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can make you unusually emotional and weepy. Mood swings also are common, especially in the first trimester.

Faintness and dizziness

As your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure drops, you may feel lightheaded or dizzy. Early in pregnancy, faintness also may be triggered by low blood sugar.

RELATED: How to track your cycle

Raised basal body temperature

Your basal body temperature is your oral temperature when you first wake up in the morning. This temperature increases slightly soon after ovulation and remains at that level until your next period. If you've been charting your basal body temperature to determine when you ovulate, its continued elevation for more than two weeks may mean that you're pregnant.

Missed Period

Perhaps the most obvious early symptom of pregnancy is when you've missed your period. This possible sign of pregnancy is often what causes women to search for more details about the other pregnancy symptoms.

Some women might only experience a much lighter period compared to their usual. You might not experience any of the pregnancy signs listed below until around the time you notice you've missed your monthly cycle.

Just “Feeling” Pregnant

This early pregnancy symptom may be the reason why you are checking this list right now. Many women believe they have an intuition about pregnancy signs. Their intuition is often proven correct.

Maybe you just feel different; tired, moody, queasy, lightheaded. You may also have heartburn, constipation, or find yourself making more frequent trips to the toilet. Perhaps you feel a dull ache or stiffness in your lower back, you have sore breasts or they seem overly sensitive, or you are simply not feeling your usual self.

How can you really tell if you are pregnant?

Unfortunately, these symptoms aren't unique to pregnancy. Some can indicate that you're getting sick or that your period is about to start. wise, you can be pregnant without experiencing any of these symptoms.

Still, if you miss a period or notice any of the tip-offs on this list, you might want to take a home pregnancy test – especially if you're not keeping track of your menstrual cycle or if it varies widely from one month to the next. If your home pregnancy test is positive, make an appointment with your health care provider. The sooner your pregnancy is confirmed, the sooner you can begin prenatal care.

If you are worried about possible early symptoms of pregnancy, you can put your mind at ease with a pregnancy test. More than just a pregnancy symptom, this is scientific proof positive of whether you are expecting a baby or not.

Pregnancy tests work best if you wait to take them until at least a day or two after you miss your period. Even if the pregnancy test result is negative you should try it again a few days later to be sure.

11 facts about pregnancy in Australia

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Bleeding or Spotting in Early Pregnancy: Should I Be Worried?

Roughly 20% of women experience some bleeding during the first trimester or first three months of pregnancy.1

If this happens to you, please don't panic. It's ly that you're experiencing a normal pregnancy with some simple spotting. Worry can stress you or your baby, so try to relax and consider the important facts described below.

While it is always advised that pregnant women go to an obstetrician for medical advice, women also need to be aware that there are many other reasons for bleeding in early pregnancy, and many of them are nothing to worry about.

*Please do note that I am not a doctor, and I have not been to medical school. I am, however, a mother who has been through four successful pregnancies and has experienced vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.

When to Worry

Bleeding, in general, is more concerning when it is heavy (more than that of the heaviest day of a regular menstrual period), and accompanied by abdominal pain.2

“In the first trimester, 15 to 25 percent of pregnancies can experience vaginal bleeding,” says Dr. Mark Trolice, director of the IVF Center in Winter Park, Florida. He adds that, “While any bleeding is alarming, it is not associated with miscarriage unless heavy bleeding occurs, resulting in approximately a 24 percent risk of loss.”

You can see some causes of both light and heavy bleeding below.3

Note: If you are in extreme pain or are experiencing a lot of bleeding, you should see your doctor immediately. Otherwise, take note of the bleeding (its color, frequency, duration, and amount), and any other symptoms that accompany it so you can let your doctor or midwife know about it.

In the time before you see your doctor, this article will help you decode what you're seeing down there.

We'll discuss:

% of Women That Experience It Increased Chance of Miscarriage
Light bleeding or spotting (you only notice it when you wipe)
Heavy bleeding (more than the heaviest flow of a period)

The chance of miscarriage varies between 10 and 25 percent for all women in the first trimester (4)

Any time you are bleeding during pregnancy, you should contact your doctor for advice! While you're waiting to speak with the doctor, this article will help.

It's important to note that there has not been much research done on the relationship between bleeding during early pregnancy and miscarriages that happen later on.3

According to Dr. Trolice, “Though bleeding can be scary, there is no definitive evidence on the amount of bleeding, color of blood, or associated symptoms that will predict a miscarriage.”

However, there is some evidence that light bleeding in the first trimester is less closely linked with the chance of miscarriage than episodes of heavy bleeding.4

In the second and third trimester, bleeding of any kind is a cause for concern.1

A few days before the day of your expected period May have light cramping. Bleeding lasts between 3 hrs and 3 days and has no clotting. Its color may be light pink or brown. (5)
Minor Cervical or Vaginal Injury Might happen after having sex, a gyno visit, or vigorous exercise This is not a cause for concern and should clear up on its own. Increased blood flow to these areas makes them more ly to bleed in early pregnancy. (1)
Bleeding From Cervical Polyp Also might happen after sex, gyno visit, or exercise Polyps (benign growths) on the cervix are more ly to bleed during pregnancy because of increased blood flow and estrogen levels. (1)
Sometimes it's unclear why the bleeding happens, but the fetus remains healthy It's important to record any bleeding you experience and other symptoms so your healthcare provider can have as much information as possible to provide you with the best care.

Most episodes of bleeding are not a cause for concern and do not raise the chance of miscarriage. If there is a heartbeat in the ultrasound, 90% of women who experience bleeding will have a successful pregnancy. (6)

Between 10 – 25% of pregnancies miscarry in the first trimester. Other symptoms include cramping, true contractions, mild to severe back pain, and tissue passing through the vagina. (4)
This is when the egg implants itself outside the uterus. This happens in 1 50 pregnancies. Some symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include bleeding, stabbing pain in the lower abdomen, and lightheadedness. (7)
Very rare condition where abnormal tissue grows inside the uterus instead of a baby. This occurs in 1 1000 pregnancies. Other symptoms can include nausea and vomiting, and rapid enlargement of the uterus. (8)
Infection of the Vagina or the Cervix Various STIs and other infections can cause bleeding. Some symptoms of infection can include abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, and fever. (6)

Heavy bleeding episodes, especially those associated with pain, are more of a cause for concern than light bleeding episodes during early pregnancy.

According to Dr. Trolice, “Only an obstetrical ultrasound can provide assurance on the viability of the pregnancy. While there are no activity restrictions, we recommend avoiding intercourse during bleeding in order to reduce the risk of potential intrauterine infection since bleeding may result in the cervix dilating.”

You should alert your OB of any bleeding during a pregnancy, and if you're in pain and bleeding heavily, you should see a doctor immediately.

Blood comes in three colors: bright red, pale pink, and brown. You will notice the difference in your panties or when you wipe.

Note the color of the discharge that you're experiencing, as this will be significant information for your doctor or midwife. Your ability to give them descriptive information will aid them in assisting you.

The color and the amount of blood are two important things to note. The color might range from pale pink to brown to red.

“Spotting” is a discharge of pink, reddish, or brown blood, but it's not enough to fill a pad.

“Bleeding” is a discharge of enough reddish or red blood to fill a pad.

Leftover blood from implantation Leftover blood from implantation Vaginal bleeding from cuts
Miscarriage (chemical pregnancy)

These are just guidelines, not rules. Bleeding can be an indication of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, problems with the placenta, or another serious complication, so it's important to consult your doctor or midwife. Miscarriage can also happen witho

Pink blood usually isn't something to be overly concerned about. Pink spotting is quite normal during early pregnancy. In fact, you may experience some pink or light red bleeding at the time that the fertilized egg implants on the uterine wall. This may also be accompanied by some cramping.1

Cervical Bleeding May Look Pink

Often, this blood during early pregnancy is coming from your cervix.

During pregnancy (and particularly in the early phases of a first pregnancy), your cervix is changing and preparing for the work that it's going to do protecting your uterus from infection and then later, opening to allow the baby to come out. The increased blood flow and estrogen can make the area more sensitive, which might cause bleeding after sex or gyno visits.1

The pink color may result from the mixing of other vaginal discharge with the blood.

What to Do If You Have Pink Bleeding?

If your bleeding is pink (light or dark) or watery, watch for further developments. If you begin to experience cramping or heavier blood flow as well, you'll want to contact your doctor.

Many women report brown vaginal spotting during early pregnancy. They often say that the blood comes out in clumps (or clots). This can be alarming because brown spotting sometimes comes in higher volumes than the aforementioned pink spotting.

The important thing to remember is not to cause yourself more stress than is absolutely necessary. In most cases, brown spotting is quite normal during pregnancy (as well as at other times in a woman's life).

What Causes Brown Spotting?

As with the pink, brown spotting is generally caused by changes your body experiences during pregnancy. Your cervix is softening, lengthening, shortening, and eventually dilating and thinning, and you'll experience more cervical pressure as your uterus expands to accommodate the growing fetus.

It should also be noted that many doctors and midwives refer to brown blood as “old blood,” meaning that you have, essentially, lost a scab on your cervix.9 Sometimes brown blood comes from the vaginal walls themselves as well (which is equally harmless).

What Should You Do?

To the pregnant woman, brown blood is more concerning than pink blood because it is often heavier in volume. Although they will ly tell you that you have nothing to worry about, it's best to touch base with your doctor or midwife.

If you see more than a dime-sized amount of red blood in your panties or on the toilet paper after you've wiped, step away from the computer and go call your doctor.

Red blood can be an indication of a serious problem and you'll want to get checked. Go take care of that phone call and then you can come back and continue reading while you wait for your doctor or midwife to call you back.

Red blood during pregnancy isn't something that you want to ignore, even though it doesn't necessarily mean you're having a miscarriage!

Now that you have called your doctor, let's talk about red blood during early pregnancy.

What Does Red Spotting Mean?

There are two types of red blood that you may encounter:

What to Do

Don't mess around if you're bleeding red, even if you aren't cramping. However, it's recommended to call your doctor or midwife instead of rushing straight for the emergency room.

Red blood during pregnancy isn't something that you want to ignore, even though it doesn't necessarily mean you're having a miscarriage!

By themselves, bleeding or cramping aren't necessarily serious.

But in combination with one another, cramping and bleeding may indicate a miscarriage or other serious problem, and you need to get yourself to the hospital right away!2

Many women (myself included) experience bleeding during early pregnancy (and even beyond) and go on through normal pregnancies without further problems. Bleeding alone is no reason to panic and if you aren't experiencing cramping with the bleeding, you may very well be just fine.

Remember that there is no substitute for a doctor's advice. If you're worried about the condition of your baby, consult with your doctor or midwife!

  1. “Spotting During Pregnancy.” Nov 1, 2017. American Pregnancy Association. Accessed Mar 20, 2018.
  2. Hasan R, Baird DD, Herring AH, et al.”Association Between First-Trimester Vaginal Bleeding and Miscarriage.” 2009. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Accessed Mar 20, 2018.
  3. Hasan, Reem, PhD., Baird, Donna D., PhD., et al. “Patterns and predictors of vaginal bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy.” Jul 2010. Annals of Epidemiology. Accessed Mar 20, 2018.
  4. “Miscarriage: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention.” Dec 5, 2017. American Pregnancy Association. Accessed Mar 20, 2018.
  5. “What Is Implantation Bleeding?” November 25, 2017. American Pregnancy Association. Accessed Mar 20, 2018.
  6. Reviewed by Traci C. Johnson, MD.”Bleeding During Pregnancy.” Jul 18, 2016. WebMD. Accessed Mar 20, 2018.
  7. “Ectopic Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, Risks And Treatment.” Jul 20, 2016. American Pregnancy Association. Accessed Mar 20, 2018.
  8. “Molar Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, Risks And Treatment.” Apr 17, 2017. American Pregnancy Association. Accessed Mar 20, 2018.
  9. Schaefer, Anna and Tim Jewell. Medically reviewed by Kim Dishman, MSN, WHNP-BC, RNC-OB. “Why Is My Period Blood Brown?” Jul 21, 2016. Healthline. Accessed Mar 20, 2018.

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Chances Of Getting Pregnant Without Protection | MED+

Are you worried about your chances of getting pregnant without protection?

This guide will explain your safe period and the chances of getting pregnant without condom use.

Normal way to get pregnant

If you wish to get pregnant, then you should have regular intercourse during your fertile mucus or fertile window.

What is your fertile mucus? Your fertile mucus is cervical mucus from your vagina that indicate when ovulation will occur. Intercourse during this type of vaginal discharge may get you pregnant.

What is ovulation? Ovulation is the process of egg release from your ovaries. This egg when fertilized by the sperm will make you pregnant. Learning your ovulation discharge can help you detect when ovulation will occur.

When is your fertile window? Your fertile window are 6 days you can get pregnant during your menstrual cycle.

If you are trying to prevent pregnancy, then you should avoid intercourse during your fertile window. If you want to get pregnant, then you need to have regular intercourse during your fertile days.

Read more: How to detect your fertile cervical mucus

Read more: When are my fertile days and how to detect it

Chances of getting pregnant during your period?

Can i get pregnant if i have intercourse during menstruation? Yes. It is possible to get pregnant if you have intercourse during your period. Though the chances are very slim.

Normal period in women last for 2 to 7 days. Menstrual cycle, which is the difference between two period, occurs every 21 – 35 days.

Ovulation, which is the process of egg release from your ovaries, occurs every 14 to 16 days before your next period. Therefore, if you have a long 35 day cycle, you are expected to ovulate between day 19 and 21 after your period starts.

However, if you have a short 21 day menstrual cycle, then you can ovulate between 5 – 7 days after your period starts.

Normal male sperm can live up to 5 days. This means that, if you have a short menstrual cycle, then intercourse during your period can get you pregnant.

In a 21 days cycle, you are expected to ovulate on the 7th day after menstruation starts. If you have intercourse, then you may ly get pregnant.

READ  7 Causes Of Spotting Before Period Starts

I have a 28 day menstrual cycle, can i get pregnant during my period?

The chances of getting pregnant is extremely low. If you have a regular 28 day cycle, then ovulation should occur between day 14 and day 16 of your menstrual cycle. However, sperm can only live for about 5 days.

Therefore, intercourse on the final day (day 7) of your period will still not get you pregnant. (Normal period last for 2 – 7 days). This is because the sperm will survive till the 12th day of your menstrual cycle when ovulation has not occurred.

Please note

What are the chances of getting pregnant after period?

The chances of getting pregnant after period depends on your menstrual cycle length. Do you have a short menstrual cycle or a 28 day cycle?

If your menstrual cycle is 21 days, then intercourse during and immediately after your period will ly get you pregnant. This is because ovulation will occur 7 days after your period starts. Since sperm lives for 5 days, it will fertilizes your egg during this time.

However, if you have a regular 28 day cycle or a cycle more than 28 days, then having intercourse after period may not get you pregnant.

If your cycle is 28 days or longer, the first 2 days after your period ends may be safe. This is because women with 28 day cycle usually ovulate on day 14.

 If your period last for 7 days, then you will have 7 days before ovulation occurs.  The lifespan of sperm is 5 days on average.

This means you may get pregnant if you have intercourse on the 10th day of your menstrual cycle. However, the 8 and 9th day may be safe.

READ  Period 2 weeks Early: Light Or Heavy? 8 MAIN Causes

Please note

Can you get pregnant 5 days after your period?

Yes. Women that ovulate early due to stress or women with short cycles can get pregnant 5 days after period. If you have long cycles, then its very unly that pregnancy will occur.

What are the chances of getting pregnant before ovulation?

Ovulation will occur 14 to 16 days before your next menstruation. If you are not sure about when you ovulate, you should learn the symptoms and signs of ovulation.

These are some of the sign that show when you ovulate

If you feel or notice some of these symptoms, then you may be close to ovulation or already ovulated.

However, it may be difficult to know these signs if you are not conscious of your menstrual cycle and vaginal discharge. You can buy an ovulation kit or fertility monitor to help you know when ovulation will occur.

In a 28 day cycle, the chances of getting pregnant with intercourse 7 days before ovulation may be slim. However, if you have intercourse 5 days before ovulation occurs, then you may conceive.

If you have a 28 day cycle, it means intercourse on day 9 to day 14 may get you pregnant.

What are my chances of getting pregnant after ovulation occurs

How do i know that ovulation has occurred?

READ  Period During Pregnancy: What Causes Spotting During Pregnancy?

If you feel any of these symptoms, then its possible you’ve ovulated.

Normal egg does not last more than 24 hours. If you have intercourse on the day of ovulation or immediately after ovulation, then there is a good chance you will get pregnant. However, the chances of pregnancy decreases everyday after ovulation.

Your best chance of getting pregnant is 48 hours before ovulation and the day ovulation occurs.

What are the chances of getting pregnant before my period?

After ovulation, your safest time to have intercourse is just before your period. Getting pregnant chances reduces 3 days after ovulation. Just before your next period, the chances of conceiving is extremely low.

What are the signs i’m in my safe period after ovulation?

How to increase chances of getting pregnant?

If you want to increase you chances of pregnancy, you must understand your fertile window or mucus. Intercourse during your fertile window increase fertility chances. Your fertile mucus or ovulation discharge is watery and slippery. It can stretch without breaking easily.

Your basal body temperature will help you know when ovulation will occur. Any dip in your body temperature is a sign. Other tools are ovulation predictors and fertility monitors.

Charting your menstrual cycle will also increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you understand your menstrual cycle, then getting pregnant becomes easier.

Treat any infection down there in your vagina. Do you have smelly discharge with any vaginal itching? Always treat infection as it can affect you pregnancy chances.

FAQs about pregnancy chances in women

These are some questions about possibility of getting pregnant. Please ask questions not asked here below.

Can you get pregnant when you have period?

Yes. Pregnancy can occur in women with short menstrual cycle or those who ovulate early, if they have intercourse during period. However, if your cycle is 28 days or longer, you are unly to get pregnant during menstruation.

READ  I Got My Period But Im Having Pregnancy Symptoms: Why?

How long does it take for a woman to get pregnant?

Getting pregnant depends on when you have intercourse. If you are expecting pregnancy, then intercourse during you fertile window will ly make you conceive. Your fertile window is between a day after you ovulate and 5 days before ovulation. If you have intercourse outside your fertile window, it will take you a longer time to get pregnant or no pregnancy at all.

Can you get pregnant the week before your period?

It is possible to get pregnant the week before your menstruation if you had late ovulation from conditions stress and excessive weight loss.

However, if you have a regular 28 day cycle or longer, the chances are very slim.

What are the chances of getting pregnant pulling out (Withdrawal method)?

If your partner uses the pull out technique, then it is possible for you to still get pregnant

However, only 4 in 100 women will get pregnant after penile withdrawal

What are the chances of getting pregnant without protection?

Research has shown that isolated intercourse in women 48 hours before ovulation and during the day of ovulation result in 36% chance of pregnancy. If you fail to use protection make condoms or female condoms, then you can get pregnant especially in your fertile window.

What are the chances of getting pregnant during ovulation?

Ovulation occurs in the middle of a 28 day cycle. If your menstrual cycle is more than 28 days, then ovulation will occur 14 days before when you’re expecting your next period. Unprotected intercourse on the day of ovulation results to 36 percent chance of pregnancy. After ovulation, the probability of getting pregnant decreases.

What are the chances of getting pregnant on birth control pill?

Birth control pills are contraceptive methods used by women to prevent pregnancy. If you are regularly taking your pills, the chances of getting pregnant is less than 1 percent. However, failure to take your pills or a missed pill can cause pregnancy if you have intercourse without condom.

READ  Sore Breast After Period: Is it Pregnancy or Ovulation?

What are the chances of getting pregnant from precum?

Precum or pre-ejaculate fluid can get you pregnant. However, the chances are slim. There are differences in research about how much sperm is found in precum. Some research shows a high amount of sperm while others show little sperm concentration. It is however safe to use protection while making love.

Can you get pregnant right before your period and still have period?

If you are expecting your period and notice blood coming out (brown discharge or pinkish discharge), then its ly because you are already pregnant. You should run a home pregnancy test to confirm it.

If you are pregnant and still notice period during pregnancy,  then it may be due to:

You should inform you doctor if you feel this way.

Now its your turn. Let us know if u still feel worried about getting pregnant.

under: ovulationPregnancy

Dr. Akatakpo Dunn is a senior medical officer at the Presbyterian Joint hospital. He has done over 100 c-section and supervised the delivery of over 300 babies. With lots of crap online, I Hope to quickly give reliable information about health. Read more About Dr. Dunn A. A

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15 signs of being pregnant

Soreness or tingling in breasts is one of the most common signs of being pregnant. Early in pregnancy breasts will fill out and change shape as they prepare to produce milk.

Breasts may become very tender and sensitive for a few months as a result.

But, Teresa Pitman, doula and lactation expert, notes: “that not all women experience these changes, especially if they have been on birth control pills.”

It is possible to know you’re pregnant in those first few weeks—some women even “know” from the moment of conception. Here are the very earliest pregnancy signs, that you might not notice.

2. Darkening areolas

For many women, hormones can cause the areolas, the circles around nipples, to widen and darken during pregnancy. This occurs as the body prepares itself for breastfeeding.

3. Spotting

About five to 10 days after conception, some women notice light spotting when the embryo implants in the uterus. So if you’ve had a light period this month, you might still be carrying a little bundle of joy—psst, here’s what you need to know about home pregnancy tests, including when it’s best to take one.

4. Urinary frequency or constipation

When you’re pregnant, your uterus presses directly on the bladder leading to more frequent urination. The added pressure and intestinal changes may also cause constipation. Of course, the more a baby grows, the more the uterus presses against the bladder and other organs.

5. Fatigue

Feeling very tired is a common sign of being pregnant (it takes lots of energy to create a baby!). In fact, fatigue is often one of the first pregnancy signs. If you are pregnant, chances are you’ll start to feel less tired around week 12, when the placenta is fully formed.

6. Nausea

Nausea is one of the most common symptoms of being pregnant. It’s caused by an increase in hormone levels (about 80 percent of women experience “morning sickness” during the first 3 months of pregnancy). For many, this nausea is not necessarily confined just to the morning – some feel it all day long. Click here for all the facts on morning sickness.

7. Smell Sensitivity

No, the smells on the bus are not in your head: Many women have a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy. This symptom is one of the most common early signs that you could be pregnant. “Some researchers have speculated that it might be to protect women from eating ‘spoiled’ or tainted foods, thus protecting the baby from any harmful toxins,” says Pitman.

8. Elevated basal temperature

If you’ve been tracking your basal temperature, a positive sign of being pregnant is an increase of about one degree that lasts for more than two weeks after the “dip” in temperature that indicates ovulation.

9. Missing period

The most obvious indicator of pregnancy is a missed period, but a missed period doesn’t always mean a baby is on the way. Stress, diet or an irregular schedule can also be the culprits, so it’s best to get tested before making the big announcement.

10. Unusual hunger or cravings

Pregnant bodies are working hard to grow that baby, and need about 300 extra calories a day. Some women find themselves craving food they would never normally dream of eating, while others simply feel hungry all day long.

11. Headaches

The frequency of migraine headaches can increase with pregnancy. Many women who get hormonal migraine headaches find they get more of them during especially early in pregnancy, explains Pitman. However, some people have the opposite experience and actually get a little reprieve from migraines while expecting.

12. Mood swings

Many women experience emotional mood swings throughout pregnancy. It’s natural to go through a variety of emotions as hormones are adjusting and the body is changing.

13. Feeling faint or dizzy

Shifting hormones, combined with the heart beating faster to pump more blood through the body can cause blood pressure to gradually decrease early in pregnancy. As a result many women experience periods of dizziness or feeling lightheaded.

14. Metallic taste in your mouth

Some women complain of an odd “metallic” taste in their mouths during pregnancy. While there is no scientific explanation for this symptom, for some it can last throughout their entire pregnancy.

15. Vivid dreams

Dreams during pregnancy often intensify. So if your dreamin’ has become more dramatic this could be a pregnancy sign. (Thank your surging hormones for this one!)

Please see a medical professional if you believe you are pregnant.

Related links:
Due date calculator
5 reasons you’re not getting pregnant
Best sex positions for getting pregnant

See more on Getting Pregnant


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40 weeks pregnant: Advice, symptoms and what to expect

At forty weeks pregnant, you’re getting so close to the end of the pregnancy journey and meeting your very own little baby! Find out what’s happening to your baby and to your body and any symptoms you might experience now you’ve reached the 40th week of pregnancy. 

How big is my baby at 40 weeks?

Your baby is fully grown and ready to be born now and is the size of a watermelon. They will weigh between six and nine pounds, and will usually measure between 19 and 22 inches, though they could be bigger or smaller once you finally get to meet them.

What’s my baby doing at 40 weeks?

It’s the official end of your pregnancy, but your baby may not realise it yet. Around 30% of pregnancies last longer than 40 weeks. Hang in there – it’s nearly time to meet your little one.

While they are still living inside your tummy, you’re still providing the antibodies they need to fight infections for the first few months of their life.

If you decide to breastfeed, they will get more antibodies to boost her immune system and will get even more from the colostrum that you’ll feed them for the first few days of their life.

Once they are born, you’ll no doubt first check to see her sex, and whether your little one is a boy or a girl! Once that exciting revelation is over, there is so much to admire.

Their tiny hands and feet, and of course, their little eyes.

Babies at birth can only focus about an inch away, so you may look a little blurry at first, but make sure you talk lots to your little one, as they will recognise both yours and your partner’s voice. 

When your baby comes out, you might notice that they are still curled up in the foetal position.

After being in one position for so long, it’ll take a while for your little one to realise they have plenty of room to spread out – plus, it’s comforting for them to be in the foetal pose, as it’s the only position they have ever known. Try swaddling them to remind them of the cosy position they adopted in your uterus. 

and toes back towards your shin may help alleviate some of the pain. 

What to do this week:

Although you’ve reached 40 weeks’ pregnant, there’s no guarantee that your baby will want to come out just yet. Very few babies arrive on their due date and in reality, they could turn up anytime between weeks 37 and 42. However, if you just can’t wait to meet them, there are a few things you can do to speed the process up. Here are just some of them… 

Natural ways to induce labour:

 This can release oxytocin, which causes the body to have contractions. Gently rub or roll your nipples, or get your other half to. Alternatively, if it’s not too painful, use a breast pump. However, because this activity can overstimulate your uterus, it’s best to do this when you’re being monitored, rather than trying it at home.

  You may not be up for this right now, but if you’re lucky enough to be in the mood (and some women feel quite rampant), an orgasm can be a contraction trigger. Plus, semen contains prostaglandins which help your body prep for labour.

Isn’t biology great? You don’t want to totally exhaust yourself (after all, you’ve got labour to come) but climbing up your stairs may help even more than taking a lengthy, tiring walk – possibly because you’re taking bigger steps, and lifting your legs higher which puts more pressure on your cervix.

There are loads of stories about labour-inducing foods with some women swearing on their vindaloos that spicy foods bring out the baby. Foods that contain basil and oregano or ginger are also said to work, as well as pineapple, as it contains the enzyme bromelain which could help ripen the cervix.

Similar to acupuncture, this technique uses fingers on pressure points instead of needles. Try to apply pressure to the roof of your mouth, the webbing of your fingers between your index finger and thumb, and above the ankle – there’s a pressure point around four finger spaces above it.  

What is my body doing at 40 weeks?

The weight of your baby on your cervix will put pressure on the tissues, which helps to thin it (known as ripening or effacing) and open it up ready for birth. If your midwife were to do an internal examination now, she may discover you’re already a couple of centimetres dilated, even if you haven’t had any contractions. 

Your doctor or midwife will also check plenty of other things: they'll do an ultrasound to look at your baby’s breathing movements, muscle tone and overall movement as well as the amount of amniotic fluid that surrounds her, carry out a foetal heart monitoring test and they'll also check your cervix to look at its position, how soft it is, how dilated it is and how effaced it is. 

If you don’t go into labour soon, you’ll ly be induced next week or the week after. 

Common symptoms to look out for:

Take me back to week 39

Take me to week 41

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