Prayers For Babies In Surgery

Prayer for Surgery

Prayers For Babies In Surgery

Powerful Prayer

for Surgery

We have prayer written for the person facing surgery


for the friends and family

of a person who is facing surgery.

Note that we also have prayer to be prayed

during surgery


after surgery.

We encourage you to modify each prayer

to fit the circumstances.

Prayer written for the person

who is going into

surgery soon:

Dear Lord,

I ask that you would strengthen my body and prepare my body for this upcoming surgery.

Lord, I ask that you prepare eachdoctor and each assistant so that each one is refreshed and at his orher best when the surgery starts. Enable them to disregard anypersonal distractions and fully focus on my surgery. I pray that each oneis clear thinking and able to receive wisdom from you as the surgeryis in progress. May each decision be correct and each procedure beaccurate.

Heavenly Father, I am asking for yoursupernatural protection during my surgery. I pray for the outcome to be yourvery best.

I also pray for protection and provision during my recoveryperiod.

You are my Creator, and you are mySustainer.

Guide me this day as I seek to find peaceful rest in your presence.

In the mighty name of Jesus I pray,


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon

Prayer for Surgery

Written for a friend or family member

of the person

who is soon going into surgery.

Note that these prayers

are written

 – for a male  –

and need to be modified for a female patient.

Dear Lord,

I lift up _______ today asking that youstrengthen his body and prepare his body for the upcoming surgery.

Lord, I ask that you prepare eachdoctor and each assistant so that each one is refreshed and at his orher best when the surgery starts. Enable them to disregard anypersonal distractions and fully focus on ______. I pray for each one to be clear thinking and fully able to receive wisdom from you as the surgeryis in progress. May each decision be correct and each procedure beaccurate.

Lord, I am asking for yoursupernatural protection during the surgery. I pray for the outcome to be yourvery best.

I also pray for protection and provision during the recoveryperiod. I lift up prayer that his recovery is quick and his outcome is successful.

You are our Creator, and you are ourSustainer.

I give you respect and honor this day.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon

Prayer for surgery written

for loved ones to pray:

Dear Lord,

We honor you today and acknowledge your power and your authority. 

You are our Creator, and you are the one who provides our healing.

We come to this prayer time seeking your protection and your provision for this upcoming surgery.

By faith, we believe that your victory is going to escort _______ into surgery and then into the recovery room.

By faith, we believe that you are accomplishing awesome things for ______ through this surgical procedure.  

We come before you this day thanking you and praising you for everything you are doing to bless __________.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon

Prayer for surgery

written for loved ones to pray:

Father God,

You are our healer, and we give you praise.

Thank you for your healing mercies that are flowing into _________ today.

Thank you for your divine protection and provision for __________  as he goes down a path toward your divine health.

Thank you for guiding his steps.

Thank you for guiding his doctors, and all the medical team, who are participating in his road to recovery.

We give thanks to you for everything you are doing to bring health into every area of __________'s  body.

We thank you for reminding us of the power of prayer.  We ask that you would direct our thoughts and guide our prayers for ______________.

We will continue to pray for _____________, and we will remember to thank you for every improvement that we see.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon

Prayer for surgery

for the anesthesiology team

written for a loved one to pray:

Almighty God,

Thank you for all the preparations youare making for __________'s surgery.

I specifically lift up theanesthesiologist and all of his or her team. I ask that youwould guide all preparations, thoughts, and actions regarding theanesthesia.

I ask that all the equipment used wouldbe working properly.

Lord, I pray that you would comeagainst any adverse reactions during surgery and lead _____________ safely throughthe surgery and into the recovery process.

Thank you, Lord, for all yourlovingkindness.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon

Prayer during Surgery

Prayer for surgery written to be prayed DURING surgery:

Dear Lord,

They have taken  _____________ into surgery, and my heart reaches out to you for your help.

Thank you that your love is hovering over ____________ as he is in surgery.

Thank you for a great surgical team that you have sent to bless him.

I come before you to ask that you would pour out on the surgical team – your wisdom, your guidance, your alertness, your precision, and every other thing they need.

I pray for your blessing on all the equipment. I pray that everything would be working perfectly.

Thank you, Lord, for every blessing.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon

Prayer to be prayed DURING surgery:

Mighty God of All Creation,

I lift my loved one up to you right now.

Thank you for covering __________ with victory as he is having surgery. Thank you for continuing to protect him and bless him all the way through to his complete recovery. 

Thank you for the precision of the instruments of surgery. Thank you for the preciseness of each of the doctor's movements.

Thank you for the alertness of each person who is part of the surgical team. And thank you for perfectly guiding their thoughts in order to give ________ the healing that you have planned for him.

Father, thank you for everything you are doing this day to bless _______ and to bring him into abundant health.

In Jesus name I pray,


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon

Prayer for surgery written to be prayed

DURING surgery:

Jehovah Rapha,

You are the God who heals us.

I come to you as this surgery is underway. I thank you that you are in that surgery room right now.

I thank you for everything you are doing to bless this surgery.

Lord, I ask that you would provide whatever the surgical team needs. I ask that you would anticipate every need and bring the necessary response.

Lord, direct their every thought.

Direct their every move.

And bless them in every way.

Lord, I ask that you would supernaturally strengthen and protect ______ 's body at this very moment and throughout the surgery.

By your power and in your name, I pray that you would guide this surgery to be a total success.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon

*Jehovah Rapha means “The God who heals” and is one of the names God has given to us to call him.

Prayer for surgery written to be prayed

DURING surgery:

Dear Lord,

As this surgery is underway, I want to thank you for every blessing that you are bringing to _________.

I want to thank you for every wondrous thing that you are doing.

Lord, my prayer is that whatever __________ needs during this surgery, I ask you to provide it.

In Jesus' name,


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon

Prayer for Surgery Recovery

Recovery Prayer to pray for the days after surgery

Dear Lord,

I ask that you would bless ________ today.

I ask that you would give him comfort and encouragement as he heals.

I ask that your strength and healing power would be fully flowing in him this day.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon

Almighty God,

I pray that you would comfort ________ this day.

I ask that you would do miraculous things to reduce his pain and increase his healing.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon

Notes from a Nurse

For those of you who want more Prayer Points

One of my friends, who is a nurse,looked at this page and suggested that

I add these Prayer Points to thispage:

Extra Surgery Prayer Points

* Pray specifically for theanesthesiologist and his or her team.

   (I did add a special prayer for the anesthesiology team.)

* Pray specifically before surgery forthe Lord to pick the people for the OR team who have the best skills and knowledgeneeded for the procedure.

* Pray specifically for the scrub nurses/techs – They must count the sponges (4 x 4s) before and aftersurgery to make sure nothing is left in the patient. They also passthe instruments and keep them sterile during the whole procedure.* Pray specifically for the circulatingnurses/techs – They come and go to fetch things, adjust lights, etc.* Pray specifically for recovery roomstaff.

One final note:

We at Inspirational – Prayers believe in divine healing. We have seen miracles and believe in miracles. Therefore, we pray aggressive prayers.

But we cannot guarantee any specific type of results from our prayers.

For a list of all our prayers: Prayers for all Occasions

Topics covered on this page: Prayers for preparation for surgery, prayer for surgery, prayers during surgery, and prayers for surgery recovery

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Preparing Your Child for Surgery

Prayers For Babies In Surgery

Your child needs elective surgery and a date has been scheduled. Un emergency surgery, an elective procedure isn't done as an immediate matter of life and death. Having an elective procedure gives you the time to prepare your child for the hospital and the surgery.

Good preparation can help kids feel less anxious about the anesthesia and surgery and get through the recovery period faster. But, parents everywhere, you're probably uncertain about the best way to prepare your child.

The key is to provide information at your child's level of understanding, correct any misunderstandings, and get rid of fears and feelings of guilt. Help your child understand why the surgery is needed and to become familiar with the hospital and some of the procedures he or she will undergo.

Kids of all ages cope much better if they have an idea of what's going to happen and why it's necessary. To do that, prepare yourself first and correct any misconceptions of your own. If a parent is anxious and nervous, a child will often reflect these feelings and behaviors. So educate yourself, feel comfortable with the process, and make sure all your questions are answered.

Ask Questions

You might have heard horror stories in the past about traumatic parent/child separations and very limited hospital visiting hours, but those days are over. Hospitals have changed greatly and are more family-friendly and patient-centered.

For example, many surgeries are now “same-day” procedures requiring no overnight or prolonged stays; most kids are back home, in their own beds, the same night. And most U.S.

hospitals permit at least one parent to stay with the child at all times except during the operation.

After the surgery, you may return to your child in the recovery room. As your child awakens, he or she will not even realize you left.

Ask the doctors, nurses, or staff for the information you need about what will take place so that you can prepare your child and deal with your own fears or concerns. To parents, one of the most fearful aspects of surgery is anesthesia. Anesthesia is much safer today than in the past, but still carries some risk. You should discuss any concerns you have in advance with the anesthesiologist.

When hospitalization is needed overnight or longer, most hospitals avoid separation anxiety by permitting at least one parent to stay with the child day and night. Check with the hospital about its rules regarding parents staying over and when other close family members can visit.

As soon as your child is able, he or she may be playing with other children, toys, and games in a children's recreation room — even if that involves taking along an intravenous (IV) bag on a rolling support.

Explain the Problem

Now that you're more at ease, start preparing your child. Begin by explaining the reason for the surgery in simple, calming words.

Explain — at your child's level of understanding — about the medical problem and why surgery is necessary. Don't use alarming language “the doctor will cut you,” “open you up,” or “sew you with a needle.

” Say that the doctor will fix the problem, and explain that many kids have this problem and must get it fixed at the hospital.

Although they seldom express it, kids may fear that their parents aren't telling them everything — that their health problem is worse than they've been led to believe. To build trust, don't mislead your child — tell as much of the truth as your child can understand.

Handle Fears

Many kids fear that an operation will be painful. It can help to explain that a special doctor, called an anesthesiologist, gives medicine to make patients sleep very deeply so they won't feel anything during the operation and once it's finished, they'll wake up. (Older kids, in particular, need special assurances that they will wake up.)

Again, avoid frightening language — don't say, “You'll be given gas” or “You'll be put to sleep.” Young kids may confuse “gas” with the fuel that can poison or kill and “put to sleep” with what can happen to sick pets.

Explain that you'll be there when your child wakes up — and a favorite toy can come along, too. Tell your child that if anything feels sore right after the operation, a doctor or nurse can give medicine that will make it feel better.

Common surgery-related fears of young children are the possibility of separation from (or abandonment by) parents and the possibility of pain. School-age kids also fear needles, knives, and damage to their bodies. Give a child this age clear, rational information as well as assurances that the surgery is to fix an existing problem, not create a new one.

The fears of teens go well beyond those of younger kids. Besides pain or change of appearance, a teen might be afraid of losing control, missing out on events, being embarrassed or humiliated in public, and sounding childish by expressing fear, anxiety, or pain. A teen also may be afraid of waking up during the operation — or not waking up afterward.

Anticipate these fears, then emphasize that expressing fear, anxiety, and response to pain is quite normal (and OK) at any age, even adulthood. Correct any misconceptions about disfigurement or injury. And explain that anesthesia is very safe today and that patients do not wake up during operations but will certainly wake up afterward.

Encourage your teen to read up on the medical condition and share the information with the family. Reading and sharing information is an excellent coping mechanism.

One further fear that affects kids of all ages is being seen naked and having their “private parts” touched.

If the operation involves the genital or anal area, your child will cope better if you explain in advance that although it might be embarrassing, doctors and nurses will need to examine these private areas, especially to check if they're healing after the operation. Explain that doctors, nurses, and parents are the only exceptions to the rules about privacy.

Encourage your child's questions about the health problem and hospital experience, so that other fears and anxieties can be expressed. Take all questions seriously and answer them to the best of your ability. If you don't know an answer, tell your child that you'll find it out, and explain that the doctors and nurses are happy to answer questions, too.

Relieve Guilt

Children often believe that their medical problem and operation are really punishments for “being bad.” They might not say so, but they may feel guilty and believe that they've brought events on themselves.

Explain that the medical problem is not the result of anything your child may have done or failed to do, and that the operation is not a punishment, but simply the way to “fix” the problem.

On the other hand, if the medical problem was caused by an accident that could have been avoided by obeying safety rules, make sure your child understands the reason for the rules and will follow them in the future.

Explaining What Will Happen

Find books, appropriate to your child's level of understanding, about what to expect at the hospital. Reading together and discussing the surgery will make the hospital seem less threatening. Discuss each idea and encourage your child's questions.

Young kids also will benefit from practicing on a doll or stuffed teddy bear with toy doctor-kit “instruments.” Your child can take the toy's “temperature” and “pulse” and listen to its “heartbeat” and “breathing.”

Ask your doctor for suggested videos or multimedia tools for parents or kids that can help explain the procedure.

As you discuss the hospital and surgery, remember that in addition to your words, your nonverbal cues convey assurance: your tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and body language send powerful messages. If you appear fearful, your child is ly to feel fearful regardless of the words you use.

Pre-Operative Orientation and Tour

Many hospitals offer special pre-operative children's programs, family orientations, and hospital tours, led by specially trained nurses or licensed child-life specialists.

Child-life specialists are a valuable resource for parents and children.

They are professionals trained to talk to kids and teens about medical procedures, comfort them if they're upset or need extra support, and organize “play time” for hospitalized kids and teens to get together and hang out.

Call the hospital to schedule a pre-operative tour, program, or orientation as soon as possible, even from the doctor's office when the appointment for the surgery is made. It's best to schedule the appointment for a few days before the surgery.

An orientation program can remove the mystery of the surgery for kids and their families by making the hospital familiar and friendly and the experience predictable.

On the Day of Surgery

When you arrive on the day of surgery, your young child can play with toys and books you bring from home or sit on your lap and be cuddled during the waiting time.

You won't be allowed to stay in the operating room during the surgery, but afterward, you'll be escorted to the recovery room to be with your child as he or she awakens. Upon discharge, you'll be given instructions for further care at home and for a follow-up visit to the surgeon.

During recovery, there may be times of discomfort for your child. So explain that even if this happens, your child will get better.

Distracting your child, whether with a new book or a visit from a relative or friend, also can make recovery more pleasant. Just make sure your child gets plenty of time to rest and recuperate.

Reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MD

Date reviewed: November 2014

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7 Prayers for Before & After Surgery

Prayers For Babies In Surgery

Surgery is a terrifying thing. Prayer can be a way for you to express your anxieties and accept the encouragement from others that are praying too. No matter what your personal belief system is, there is something so incredibly beautiful about the following 7 prayers for surgery.

7 Prayers For Surgery

Pin this post so you can keep it for when you need it. I found the best prayers from Catholic and Protestant resources.

Before Surgery

First, let’s look at some prayers that are appropriate before the surgery.

Protestant Prayer

Heavenly Father, grant me joyful acceptance of the surgery which awaits me and let this be the relief and cure which I seek. Make skilled the work of the surgeon and that of his team for it is unto their knowledge and skill that I give myself for healing. I pray to You, O Lord, that this procedure will be without complication, and that my recovery will be speedy and complete. Amen.


Greek Orthodox Prayer:

O Lord Jesus Christ our God, Who did patiently endure the scourging and wounding of Your most holy Body, that You might save the souls and bodies of Your people, look graciously, we beseech You, upon the suffering body of this Your servant (Name) and give him (her) strength to endure patiently whatsoever You shall see fit to lay upon him (her). Bless the means employed for the working his (her) cure, granting that he (she) may so endure his (her) sufferings in the flesh that the wounding of his (her) body may be to avail for the correcting and salvation of his (her) soul, for Yours it is to show mercy and to save, O Christ our God; and to You do we send up Glory, as to Your Eternal Father and Your All‑Holy, Good and Life‑creating Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.


After Surgery

After the surgery is finished, there is healing that needs to happen. These prayers are a beautiful way to send requests for healing to God.

Protestant Prayer:

Heavenly Father, I thank you that this operation is safely past, and now I rest in Your abiding presence, relaxing every tension, releasing every care and anxiety, receiving more and more of Your healing life into every part of my being. In moments of pain, I turn to You for strength, in times of loneliness, I feel Your loving nearness. Grant that Your life and love and joy may flow through me for the healing of others in Your name. Amen.


Catholic Prayer

Blessed Savior, I thank you that this operation is safely past, and now I rest in your abiding presence, relaxing every tension, releasing every care and anxiety, receiving more and more of your healing life into every part of my being. In moments of pain I turn to you for strength, in times of loneliness, I feel your loving nearness. Grant that your life and love and joy may flow through me for the healing of others in your name. Amen.


Jewish Prayer

A Jewish prayer called the Mi Sheberakh is often recited before and after surgery. The original is in Hebrew. A literal English translation follows:

May the One who blessed our ancestors

Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,

Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah

bless and heal the one who is ill:

May the Holy Blessed One

overflow with compassion upon him/her,

to restore him/her,

to heal him/her,

to strengthen him/her,

to enliven him/her.

The One will send him/her, speedily,

a complete healing —

healing of the soul and healing of the body

along with all the ill,

among the people of Israel and all humankind,



without delay,

and let us all say:  Amen!


There you have it! 7 prayers for surgery that are perfect for bringing peace. I hope you never have to use them, but if you do, I hope at least one of these prayers helps you find peace and strength.

Also check out:

Mi SheberakhPrayer: The 500 Most Powerful Prayers for Healing & Miracles: Includes Life Changing Prayers for Warrior, Evening, Healing, Miracle & SurgeryHealing Thoughts Throw Blanket – Inspiring and Comforting Positive Words Get Well Gifts – Teal 50 x 60 – Gift ReadyPrayer Before SurgeryGray Matter: A Neurosurgeon Discovers the Power of Prayer One Patient at a Time

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Nerve Repair Surgery for Babies

Prayers For Babies In Surgery

With the urgent cry – “It’s a shoulder!” – the birthing unit team at Moncton City Hospital sprang into action. “I didn’t know what was happening at first, but then I realized the baby’s shoulder was stuck,” recalls Becky Gallant of her daughter Emma’s birth in November 2012. “She got out okay, but they knew right away she was injured, because her left arm wouldn’t move.”

Emma had suffered nerve damage in her neck – an uncommon birth outcome known as obstetrical brachial plexus injury – due to overstretching in her neck as her shoulder was freed from the rim of Becky’s pelvis. Specialists informed Becky and her husband Marc that the nerves might spontaneously heal, but after nine months it was clear she needed surgery to gain the use of her arm.

If Emma’s injury had happened even 18 months earlier, the Gallants would have had to travel to Toronto for the 12-hour operation. Fortunately for the family, two highly qualified surgeons – Dr. Michael Bezuhly and Dr. David Tang – had recently joined Dalhousie’s Department of Surgery and begun working together on obstetrical brachial plexus repairs.

Dr. Michael Bezuhly and Dr. David Tang

“It’s an extremely complex and potentially risky procedure,” notes Dr. Bezuhly, an assistant professor and plastic surgeon who trained in obstetrical brachial plexus repair at SickKids in Toronto.

“It requires a dissection from the base of the skull to the armpit to access the affected nerves, and a lot of decision-making between the two of us about where to focus the re-innervation, because there’s never enough nerve tissue to graft.”

The first part of the operation involves removing an expendable nerve that runs along the back of each leg, to be used as a nerve replacement, or graft, to bridge the injured area in the neck. After these donor nerves are harvested, the patient is turned over and the work to replace scarred nerves with healthy nerves begins in the neck.

“The overstretching causes the nerve fibres to fray, which leads to scarring that prevents the transmission of nerve signals,” explains Dr. Tang, an assistant professor and plastic surgeon with subspecialty training in nerve reconstruction.

“This can happen along any of the five nerve branches that run from the upper spinal cord through the brachial plexus to provide sensation and muscle control to the shoulder, arm and hand.

We have to identify which nerves are affected over what length, then cut out the scarred tissue and replace it with the graft.”

The two Dalhousie surgeons performed this procedure on Emma Gallant at the IWK Health Centre in September 2013. “Right after surgery, her hand opened up,” says Becky. “Next, she started to shrug her shoulder, then moving her arm away from her body to reach for things. It’s amazing to see her using her arm more and more, where before it hung limp by her side.”

Dr. Bezuhly and Dr.

Tang are among leading plastic surgeons in Canada who hope to improve both the process and outcomes of obstetric brachial plexus repair surgeries, by also using a new technique known as nerve transfer.

Instead of using grafts to replace damaged nerves, nerve transfer surgery involves splitting the strands of a nearby healthy nerve and re-routing some of those strands into the damaged nerve.

“This approach allows a much smaller incision in the neck or further down the arm, reduces the length of the operation, and could speed up the re-innervation of the muscles for a better overall recovery,” says Dr.

Bezuhly. Through the Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Repair Clinic they’ve established at the IWK, he and Dr. Tang have embarked on a long-term observational study to compare the results of grafting versus nerve transfer.

Dr. Bezuhly has also joined forces with a national group led by researchers at the B.C. Children’s Hospital to see if a special arm splint, called the SUPER splint, could reduce the need for surgery in babies with injuries Emma’s.

The splint prevents the hand from contracting into the “waiter’s tip” position, in which the wrist flexes and the hand curls under, by holding it in a more functional, palm-up position during the nine months it typically takes to determine if surgery is needed.

“If the child can hold a cookie and bring it to his or her mouth with a bent elbow, we forego the surgery as the benefits no longer clearly outweigh the risks,” he explains. “We’re looking at potential non-surgical way to achieve a positive outcome.”

Emma wasn’t able to pass “the cookie test” and the Gallants couldn’t be more grateful to Drs. Bezuhly and Tang. As Becky says, “It’s hard to imagine what Emma’s life would be if she hadn’t had the surgery.”

Physiotherapist Kyleigh Woods and occupational therapist Ruth Burrows assess the improvement to Emma Gallant’s arm function a year after her brachial plexus repair surgery as her parents look on.

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20 Short But Effective Prayers for Surgery

Prayers For Babies In Surgery

Do you need a prayer for surgery? Even if nurses take care of hundreds of patients and see them being wheeled into the operating room, we can never be too tired to send out a wish and a prayer for a successful surgery.

Here are 20 short but powerful prayers for nurses, doctors, and patients.

1Prayer For Guidance

Heavenly Father, please take my hands and guide them. Grant me the strength to help my patients and their families. The skill to ease their suffering the understanding to diagnose their needs. The kindness of heart to care for them and reassure their fear. Please be beside me on each and every case as I rely on you the greatest of healers. Amen.

2Prayer For Righteous Judgement


God, the greatest master of healing arts, bless us and guide us. Make us your instrument in alleviating the pains of your ailing servants. Make our eyes alert, our hands skillful and sensitive, and fill our mental faculties with keenness to make righteous judgment so that others may live. Amen.

3Prayer For A Patient’s Recovery

I said a prayer for you today, that God would touch you with His healing hand and give you the comfort and peace you need to get through.

4Prayer For A Patient’s Continued Health

I said a prayer for you today, and know that God must have heard. I felt the answer in my heart although He spoke not a word. I didn’t ask for wealth or fame (I know you wouldn’t mind).

I asked Him to send treasures of a far more lasting kind! I asked that He’d be near you at the start of each new day; to grant you health and blessings and friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you in all things great and small.

But it was for His loving care I prayed for most of all!

5Prayer For After Surgery


O merciful Father in heaven, thank You for being with (name of person) while he/she was in surgery. Thank You for blessing the surgeon with the skill and knowledge needed to do his/her work and safely bringing (name person) through this operation.

O gracious Father, bring healing to (name person) and bless him/her with the best care possible as he/she recovers. Continue to bless him/her with your tender care.

Grant him/her patience during his/her recuperation, help him/her grow in strength each day, and bring him/her to full recovery quickly, without any setbacks. Amen.

6Prayer For Strength And Healing

At every moment of our existence your are present to us God, in gentle compassion. Help us to be present to one another so that our presence may be a strength that heals the wounds of time, and gives hope that is for all persons, through Jesus our compassionate brother.

7Prayer For Jesus’ Healing Hands


Heavenly Father, we pray that You will lay your healing Hands upon all those who are sick. We beg You to have compassion on all those who are suffering so that they may be delivered from their pitiful circumstances. In Jesus, we pray. Amen.

8Prayer For Quick Recovery

May the love of Jesus and His healing power touch you in a special way this very hour. May the Savior’s strong arms and prayers of special friends embrace and hold you close until your body mends.

9Prayer For Recovery

Today I lifted up your name before the Lord in prayer. I asked him to supply your needs, and keep you in his care. I pled with him to make you well, and take away your illness and pain, the sunshine chases rain. Amen.

10Prayer For Skill

Dear God, These strong gloved fingers which I flex, this human hand which holds the knife, sterile now and steady – need thy guiding skill to help another life. Bless now this patient – thine and mind – who, under thee entrusts to me a precious life! God of the surgeon’s tireless strength, the surgeon’s finite skill, grant that I may be guided to do thy will. Amen.

11Prayer For Guidance

Dear God, These fragile hands that cut the flesh, steady them as if at rest. Bless this patient yours and mine whose very life is your design. Almighty God I do pray guide my hand as I work today! Amen.

Also Read: 35 Nurse’s Prayers That Will Inspire Your Soul

12General Prayer For Healing

Pour out, thy healing Angels, thy heavenly host upon me, and upon those that I love, let me feel the beam of thy healing Angels upon me. The light of your healing hands, I will let thy healing begin, whatever way God grants it, Amen.

13Prayer For A Successful Operation

Loving Father, I entrust myself to your care this day. Guide with wisdom and skill the minds and hands of the medical people who minister in your Name, and grant that every cause of illness be removed.

 That I may be restored to soundness of health and learn to live in more perfect harmony with you and with those around me. Through Jesus Christ. Amen. Into your hands, I commend my body and my soul. Amen.

14Prayer Before Surgery

O Jesus Christ, Messiah and Lord, grant me joyful acceptance of the surgery which awaits me, and let this be the relief and cure which I seek.

Make skilled the work of the surgeon and that of his team for it is unto their knowledge and skill that I give myself for healing.

I pray You, O Lord, that this procedure will be without complication, and that my recovery will be speedy and complete. Amen.

15Prayer For Healing

O God, the source of all health. Fill my heart with faith. Be near me in times of weakness and pain Although I know You are in control, I am apprehensive about what faces me. You made me, loved me, and have provided my surgeon with needed skill to perform a miracle in my behalf. Sustain me by Your grace that my strength and courage may not fail. Heal me according to Your will. Amen.

16Prayer Before Surgery

Loving Father, as I face this new experience in these different surroundings, I come to You for courage, wisdom and peace of mind. I know that Your Healing Power is here both in me and my doctor.

I trust his skill and wisdom, and he tender care of the nurses. Dear Lord, take over this operation and let Your Power be felt through all these forces. Let Your Perfect Wholeness be mine, that I may live to glorify You in every area of my life.

I pray all this in the Powerful Name of Jesus, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

17Prayer For Preparation Before A Surgery

Lord Jesus, help me as I prepare for this operation. In Your love, guard and protect me through the skills of the doctors and the care of everyone else. Bring me back to health and full recovery. Lord Jesus, I praise You forever and ever. Amen.

18Prayer From Deuteronomy


Lord, help me suffering to lead me to return to You with a repentant heart; ready to follow Your commands and praise Your Name for Your patience with me. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Also Read: 50 Best Bible Verses for Nurses

19Prayer After Surgery


Blessed Savior, I thank you that this operation is safely past, and now I rest in your abiding presence, relaxing every tension, releasing every care and anxiety, receiving more and more of your healing life into every part of my being. In moments of pain, I turn to you for strength. In times of loneliness I feel your loving nearness. Grant that your life and love and joy may flow through me for the healing of others in your name. Amen.

20Healing Prayer

Lord Jesus, heal me. Heal in me whatever You see needs healing. Heal me of whatever might separate me from you. Heal my memory, heal my heart, heal my body, heal my soul. Lay Your hands gently upon me and heal me through Your love for me. Amen.

We hope that you found an appropriate prayer for surgery and that your patients go home happy and healthy.

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