Prayer To Keep Me From Fear When Times Are Hard

Start Your Day – The Heart, Head and Hand Decrees

Prayer To Keep Me From Fear When Times Are Hard

El Morya's I AM affirmations help purify and energize the three major aspects of our practical spirituality—heart, head and hand—for a greater mind-heart-body connection.

We begin with the heart because the heart is the hub of life, physically and spiritually. The heart is the place where we commune with God. It is the center from which we send out our love to nourish mankind.

With the “Heart” mantra, we call forth the transmutative power of the violet flame to dissolve negative feelings and karma that block the flow of energy through our heart. This mantra helps us develop the qualities of the heart. It helps us become more open, more sensitive and more compassionate to the plight of so many who need our love and our prayers.

Our head, or crown chakra, is the chalice where we receive the creative thoughts of God and our Higher Self. The “Head” mantra clears the physical and spiritual faculties of the mind so that we can think and communicate more clearly. It helps us strengthen our intuitive faculties, including our third eye chakra, and develop a keener perception of spiritual dimensions.

Our hands represent how we put our spirituality into practice. The hand symbolizes the power of God to make things happen—through our profession, our service to life, the big and small things we do for others every day. Through our hand we can transfer tremendous energy and healing. In the “Hand” mantra we affirm that when we work hand-in-hand with God, nothing will be impossible.

Heart, Head and Hand Decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet



Visualize the violet flame within your heart as a pulsating violet light that softens your heart, transforming anger into compassion, bitterness into sweetness, anxiety into peace.

Violet fire, thou love divine,Blaze within this heart of mine!Thou art mercy forever true,

Keep me always in tune with you.


See the violet flame leaping up from your heart and penetrating into your head to clear your mind of all mental blocks, negative images and limiting concepts about yourself or others. See your mind becoming filled with the brilliant light of God.

I AM light, thou Christ in me,Set my mind forever free;Violet fire, forever shineDeep within this mind of mine.God who gives my daily bread,With violet fire fill my headTill thy radiance heaven

Makes my mind a mind of light.


Visualize the violet flame dissolving the cause, effect, record and memory of those things you had a “hand” in that you wish you hadn't done.

I AM the hand of God in action,Gaining victory every day;My pure soul's great satisfaction

Is to walk the Middle Way.

Tube of Light

Visualize the dazzling white light from your I AM Presence, brighter than the sun shining on new-fallen snow, coalescing to form an impenetrable wall of light around you. Inside this scintillating tube of light, see yourself enfolded with the violet flame.

From time to time throughout the day, you can reinforce this spiritual protection by visualizing the tube of light around you and repeating the decree.

Beloved I AM Presence bright,Round me seal your tube of lightFrom Ascended Master flameCalled forth now in God's own name.Let it keep my temple freeFrom all discord sent to me.I AM calling forth violet fireTo blaze and transmute all desire,Keeping on in Freedom's name

Till I AM one with the violet flame.


As you give the “Forgiveness” mantra, send your love and forgiveness to all whom you have ever wronged and all who have ever wronged you, releasing the situations into God's hands.

I AM forgiveness acting here,Casting out all doubt and fear,Setting men forever freeWith wings of cosmic victory.I AM calling in full powerFor forgiveness every hour;To all life in every place

I flood forth forgiving grace.


I AM free from fear and doubt,Casting want and misery out,Knowing now all good supplyEver comes from realms on high.I AM the hand of God's own fortuneFlooding forth the treasures of light,Now receiving full abundance

To supply each need of life.


I AM life of God-directionBlaze thy light of truth in me.Focus here all God's perfection,From all discord set me free.Make and keep me anchored everIn the justice of thy plan—I AM the presence of perfection

Living the life of God in man!


I AM changing all my garments,Old ones for the bright new day;With the sun of understandingI AM shining all the way.I AM light within, without;I AM light is all about.Fill me, free me, glorify me!Seal me, heal me, purify me!Until transfigured they describe me:I AM shining the Son,

I AM shining the sun!


I AM the flame of resurrectionBlazing God's pure light through me.Now I AM raising every atom,From every shadow I AM free.I AM the light of God's full presence,I AM living ever free.Now the flame of life eternal

Rises up to victory.


I AM ascension light,Victory flowing free,All of good won at lastFor all eternity.I AM light all weights are gone.Into the air I raise;To all I pour with full God-powerMy wondrous song of praise.All hail! I AM the living Christ,The ever-loving One.Ascended now with full God-power,

I AM a blazing sun!

El Morya's Dedication Of The Heart, Head And Hand Decrees

“Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee!”1

Every moment each man or woman creates his own future. Life, which is a God-given gift, continually acts to fulfill man's spoken or unspoken desires. Human thoughts and feelings are decrees in themselves and do produce with certainty and justice after their kind, whether joy or sorrow.

Although they live in a sea of wisdom, most men create in ignorance. Their lives are therefore a mixture of both good and bad, a chaotic outpicturing of the so-called wheel of fortune.

Believing that honest men and women want to rise above self-imposed bondage and would shed unhappy human qualities of thought and feeling—long endured but not cured—I am offering these decrees to the world in the sunlight of Divine Love and Light. Their constant and faithful use will plant the ever-fertile ground of human consciousness with seeds of grace and sprouts of mercy.

These in turn will yield the harvest of a new life, a personal harvest of harmony and abundance, quickly fulfilled at your call through individual growth and the expansion of God's sacred fire.

the balm of Gilead, these decrees will anoint the weary souls of earth's children and bind human hearts together with the ascended hosts, making the human and the divine one family which can and will establish forever peace and victory in the Light of God which never fails.

As you daily follow the ritual of invocation and decree, accept my blessing personally given from the Retreat of God's Will here in Darjeeling on behalf of the Great White Brotherhood—from heart, head and hand.

El Morya Khan

1. Job 22:28

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Why Your Fears Won’t Come True

Prayer To Keep Me From Fear When Times Are Hard

Fear doesn’t work the way we think it does. I’ll teach you something cool about fear that you can start putting to use right away.

When something scares you, you usually just have an aversion to the notion of that thing. Just the thought of making certain phone calls, confronting certain people, or making certain commitments makes the butterflies bubble up.

This is the point where we usually back down, and distract ourselves from the thought of it by checking email or doing some cleaning or organizing that suddenly seems important.

Quitting my last job to go traveling was something I was afraid of for a long time before I did it. It was a very small company, my boss had been good to me, and I knew it was going to be a blow that came nowhere. The thought of it made me nervous, and I decided to put it off till the next day, ten or twelve times.

Most fears keep us at arm’s length that: we back down at just the idea of doing something nerve-wracking. The fear has done its job — to keep us from going there — and so we don’t look any closer at what it is we’re really afraid of about that idea.

If you do look closely at almost any fear, it’s always a specific moment you’re fearing. A moment with awful feelings in it — awkwardness, pain, shame, guilt, horror, angst. Life unfolds only in moments, so what else could the problem be except some of the moments that you might run into?

Ultimately that’s all you are ever fearing: moments that you believe will force you to experience feelings you really don’t want to experience. If you really break it down there’s nothing else that drives us but the appeal of feelings we want to experience and the fear of feelings we don’t want to experience.

Whatever the feeling is, it’s a feeling you’ve already experienced at some point in your life. You couldn’t be afraid of it if you hadn’t.

The longer we live, the more nasty experiences we have, and the more fears we carry around. But we forget that it’s really acute experiences we’re trying to avoid, and instead we let entire categories of actions and notions get dismissed from our lives, because they represent those experiences.

The cat who was afraid of grass for all the wrong reasons

We had a cat who was afraid of the front lawn. She would creep up to it, sniff it a bit, then tear across it she was being chased.

I watched her do this a few times before learning that my Dad had once turned on the sprinkler hose while she was lying beside it.

After that, to her the lawn was a bad place, because it represented the threat of a terrible experience she didn’t want to have again.

She got over it, probably after accidentally having a few good experiences around the lawn. Animals are probably better at forgetting this stuff. Humans cling to fears because our thinking is so hopelessly lost in symbols and categories. We hold onto this idea that we can fence off the painful areas of life if we’re careful enough.

They aren’t all big things. There were so many foods I didn’t eat for years just because my first run-in with them was bad one. I didn’t eat onions for a second time until I was an adult, just because I ate a piece of raw white onion when I was little.

I didn’t recognize that there are a million different ways an onion-eating experience could actually go down — after all, who eats large chunks of raw, white onion? — but I had already cordoned off “onion” as a no-go zone for me, because I refused to ever subject myself to the burning, acidic experience of my first close encounter with an onion.

Onions in all forms became fearsome symbols of that lone, unbearable experience, and so I steered my whole life clear of them. This is the distance at which we normally detect and respond to our fears — from far enough away that we don’t really understand what it is we’re fearing. I was fearing the return of a single, awful moment I had when I was a kid.

One day more than a decade later, I bit the bullet and tried something with onion on it, because it was either that or eat nothing. And I had a different experience. It wasn’t bad. “Onion” came to symbolize a much better experience.

What you fear can’t really happen

What I’ve come to realize is that all my fears of the future are actually fears of the past.

Each of us has a whole bank of awful moments in our memories, each of which are so painful that we can’t accept that we could experience the same pain again.

If the thought of something you want to do rouses fear in you, think: what is the experience — the feeling — I’m actually fearing here? You don’t have to psychoanalyze yourself and try to figure out the childhood memory it comes from, but it doesn’t take much thought to identify the precise experience you can’t bear to risk happening.

By obeying our fears from arm’s length, we end up cordoning off enormous areas of possibility. Life is inescapably risky and painful, not to mention 100% fatal. So don’t think you can dodge pain, awkwardness or by backing down from something a bit scary.

The real bad stuff isn’t going to be something you had the foresight to worry about anyway. From Baz Luhrmann’s famous speech: “The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.”

Now, of course there are all sorts of unpleasant scenarios that can happen. But there is no way you can cordon off enough of life to eliminate the risk of pain, and that’s what our fears are trying to do.

And I can tell you, as somebody who’s been a lifelong master cordon-offer, building all those walls will guarantee you way more pain than almost anything else. There’s no better way to limit your skills, experience, personal power, income and prospects. How do you think people get stuck in jobs and relationships they know are killing them?

What you fear, whatever horrible scenario you think you’re avoiding — it isn’t going to happen anyway. Similar outcomes may happen, but it will never unfold quite you expected, because that would make you a genuine psychic.

The difficult phone conversation you’ve been putting off: there is no way it will go down exactly you expect it will. It will take a different line, a different tone, either slightly or entirely. But your fear, as it is, will not come true.

Whenever you notice you have some unnerving scenario brewing in your mind, remember one inalienable fact — no matter what scenario you’re picturing:

This is not the way it’s actually going to go down.

It can’t be, because you can’t predict the future. All situations are far more complex that you can possibly calculate, and fear has a way of completely screwing with your higher faculties. Whatever horrible moments you’re afraid of, they cannot match the way the situation is actually going to go down.

Fear of the future is fear of the past. You can’t fear the future because you don’t know the future. You’re just deathly afraid that certain parts of the past will happen again.

Next time you travel to somewhere new, either a new city, a new neighborhood, or even a new building, try to picture what it will be — what it will look , what it will feel to be there.

No matter what kind of information you have about it, your imagined impression will be wrong. Because you’re building it only with what’s already in your head.

What it’s actually built of, what it actually looks and feels , is not there in your head so you just can’t get it right.

This is what fearsome thoughts are made of: stuff that’s already in your head — experiences you’ve already had, and categorically not experiences you’re yet to have. You can’t know the moment you’re afraid of, because it doesn’t exist yet. So your fear cannot come true.

Whatever happens, the form it will take will be different. It might be bad, it might be good. It might open a door for you you never knew was there.

But I think we typically over-fear by default. Time and time again in my life I have been surprised at how easy and rewarding most of these scary propositions end up being when I go ahead with them anyway. When they really hurt me is when I keep them at arm’s length, untackled, where they stalk me and mock me.

Those dreaded conversations, when I finally take them on, never turn out quite I thought. I’ve rehearsed long tangents of tricky conversations that never happened. I’ve even flow-charted intimidating phone calls in my head — if he says A I’ll say B, if he says C, I’ll say D.

This is almost always useless. He never says A, or C. That’s because whatever I’ve predicted, that’s not the way it’s going to go down. Because I’m just chicken, not psychic.

I can guess at what’s going to happen, and of course I’m apt to guess that something terrible will happen, just so that I can convince myself it’s a dangerous action to take and I can feel justified in relieving myself from the responsibility of doing it. It lets me off the hook for the moment, and I gain another roaming spectre in my life and another long-lasting no-go zone. Well done.

Fear is fun

When you feel fear, take that as a reminder to bring curiosity to the moment. Something new is on the other side of it. If you act in spite of the fear, something exciting is going to go down. Nine times ten you’ll end up gaining some situational benefit, and ten times ten, you’ll feel stronger immediately.

And maybe there is a passing unpleasant feeling that will come with it. It’s probably a good trade-off anyway. Some of the best prizes in my life have come just on the other side of something I was afraid of, and they didn’t end up being difficult or painful at all. They were so close to me the whole time, and I would never have known what they were offering.

Even if the situation does unravel into a debacle of some kind, if you can remember to keep that sense of curiosity alive throughout it, if you can drop the insane hope that you can control things by fearing them, if you can keep your sense of humor close by, it can actually be amusing to watch everything fall apart.

Think of what a powerful notion that is: fear is fun.

Have fun today.

Photo by Jonycunha

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Fear Not: How to Stop Feeding Fear and Overcome It

Prayer To Keep Me From Fear When Times Are Hard

Fear grabs our attention. It gets us ready to fight—or flee. Whether we mask our fear with macho bravado or slink away to seek refuge, it can have a powerful effect on our thinking, decisions and actions.

A healthy fear can keep us from harm. But too often fear keeps us from doing what we want—or need—to do. Sometimes it provokes us into wrong or dangerous responses. Biblically speaking, fear can contribute to obeying—or disobeying—God’s law.

Why does fear seem so pervasive in society today, and what can we do to control it?

Fear now

Increasing troubles in the world and our neighborhoods can make us feel we are living in a fear zone. Politicians and hucksters of every stripe play on our fears for their own benefit, but that doesn’t mean the underlying dangers are not real.

Terrorism, mass shootings, spreading warfare, violent crime, disease epidemics, natural disasters, deadly animals—all of these are in the news and too often in our entertainment and our nightmares.

Some high-profile dangers we tend to overplay ( fear of sharks, flying and mass shootings), while other much more common killers we tend to downplay ( auto accidents and germs). Many of the things we fear never happen to us, and even when they do, all our anxieties and worries generally have done nothing to protect us.

The Bible does not minimize many of the things we fear. In fact, it shows that the world will become more dangerous and frightening as the end times approach.

But it also shows how we can deal with our fears—both the good and the bad.

Fear of the Lord

First, the good fear.

The Bible does promote an exceptional fear—a reasonable fear that actually allows us to eradicate all the deceptive and destructive fears. This healthy awe and respect for our Creator puts us on the path to spiritual knowledge and wisdom (Proverbs 1:7; Psalm 111:10).

Study more about this foundational biblical teaching in our article “Fear of the Lord: What Does It Mean?”

But many other fears do not have good results.

Feelings, phobias and real fears

Our temperament and experiences can contribute to the unique set of phobias and fearful feelings we have. Traumatic events early in life can etch pathways of fear into our brains. Feelings of insecurity can intensify natural human tendencies, the common fear of public speaking.

Do we have to just live in a constant state of anxiety, punctuated by flashes of sheer terror?Experts often suggest fighting irrational fears and phobias with education to change our thinking and practice dealing with the anxiety-producing situations. Many books and online resources have been written about combating specific phobias and anxieties. (For more about this important subject, see “Coping With Anxiety” and “Dealing With Anxiety.”)

But what about the rational fears—the real troubles facing our world that we often have little control over? Do we have to just live in a constant state of anxiety, punctuated by flashes of sheer terror?

Fear vs. faith

The Bible instructs God’s people many times to “fear not.” God does not want us to be debilitated by fear.

For those who have the proper awe and respect for God and who strive to obey His commands, God makes some wonderful promises:

  • “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
  • “All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you” (Isaiah 54:13-14).
  • “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27).
  • “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31).
  • “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32).
  • “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).
  • “For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we may boldly say: ‘The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:5-6).

As we grow in the faith to believe these promises, we can increase our ability to turn our worries over to God.

Consider the following biblical principles and examples in your battle with fear:

Go to God with your fears

We can ask God for His strength and peace. David, a man after God’s own heart, faced many frightening situations. After escaping one terrifying incident in the midst of Philistine territory, he wrote, “I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4).

The apostle Paul, no stranger to fears himself (2 Corinthians 7:5), gave this advice and reassurance: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Seek God’s Spirit

God gives His Spirit to those who repent and are baptized (Acts 2:38), and one fruit of His Spirit is peace (Galatians 5:22). Paul also said it is not “a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). God’s Spirit empowers us to control our thinking and to do the right things for the right reason.

For more on applying the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, see “How Do You Know You Have the Holy Spirit?” and “Fruit of the Spirit: Peace.”

Grow in faith

Our trust in God is His promises and His faithfulness. The Faith Chapter, Hebrews 11, is full of stories of men and women who grew to believe that God would do exactly what He promised. Their trust in the faithful God helped them face their fears and act in faith. It helped them wait patiently and courageously endure terrifying trials.

The greatest example is Jesus Christ Himself. “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).

the faithful people of old, we should focus beyond this fearful world on the positive future God has in store. We can also meditate on and appreciate the comfort and peace God gives now.We can ask God for more faith (Luke 17:5; Mark 9:24).

We should then act on that faith in obedience to God, since “faith without works is dead” (James 2:20).

If our focus is on God’s Word and His eternal promises more than the temporary physical circumstances, we will increase our faith and decrease our fear.

For more on this, see our article “How to Grow in Faith.”

Focus on the positive

the faithful people of old, we should focus beyond this fearful world on the positive future God has in store. We can also meditate on and appreciate the comfort and peace God gives now.

Paul directed our thinking toward the positive: “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things” (Philippians 4:8).

He also often extolled the importance of gratitude: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

See more in “Christian Meditation” and “Thanksgiving and Your Mental Health.”

Perfect love casts out fear

On our spiritual journey we must never forget our foundational fear of the Lord—our reverence for Him; our recognition of our dependence on Him. This proper perspective should lead to appreciation and praise—and a deeper love of the God who has given us everything we have and ever will receive. He loved us so much He even gave His own Son!

So our relationship with God grows on that foundation. “We love Him because He first loved us,” John wrote (1 John 4:19).

What does that love do? If we follow His steps and let Him live in us, we will not need to fear the only thing worth fearing: God’s day of judgment (verse 17; Matthew 10:28; see our article “What Christianity Gets Wrong About Hell”).

As a result, fear is conquered. John summed up the ultimate goal this way: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18).

We can go to God with our fears. We can seek more of His Spirit. We can grow in faith in His ability to defeat anything that threatens us. We can find comfort and security in His loving care.

The fear and loathing of this age will be replaced with love and rejoicing forevermore!

For more understanding of what the Bible teaches, see these related articles:

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Fear Will Not Stop Me – Motivational Speech

Prayer To Keep Me From Fear When Times Are Hard

Don’t ever let fear stop you from doing the things you love most. Never let your fears decide your fate.

Fear Will Not Stop Me – Motivational Speech (Motivational Video)

Don't ever let fear stop you from doing the things you love most. Click to Tweet

Download or Stream To ANY DEVICE, Worldwide: iTunesGooglePlayAmazonMP3Spotify, WorldwideMP3Apple Music
From the motivational speeches album: STRONG MIND, STRONG LIFE.

Fear Will Not Stop Me – Motivational Speech – Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speakers (FIRST VIDEO): Ronald Braxton, Chris Ross Freddy Fri
Speakers (SECOND VIDEO): Easy Mills
Image ©Fearless Motivation by 8thDamon

Fear Will Not Stop Me – Motivational Speech by Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE:

Transcript – Fear Will Not Stop Me – Motivational Speech | Fearless Motivation


Being afraid of something that has NOT yet happened, and may NEVER happen, past thoughts, beliefs and conditioning.

Throughout this world there lives only 2 kinds of people:
 Those who have conquered their fears, and those who are living their fears.
Those who are living their fears, and those who are living their dreams because they had the courage to take on their fears.

What is the number one killer of dreams?

What do you think is the number one reason the majority fail to live a life that they WANT TO LIVE?
What is the number one reason why people fail to succeed… at any level?

It’s not luck.It’s not lack of money or opportunity.

It’s certainly not circumstance.

It’s FEAR.

Fear is the greatest killer of dreams that ever roamed planet earth.Fear is that voice inside you that says you can’t.The voice that gets louder and stronger every time you listen.

Every time you let fear dictate your decision, fear grows stronger. Fear grows BIGGER.

Fear is the voice of average.The voice of the settler.
 Fear must die.


The only way you can change is to step right into your fear.You must step right into your fear.

You must sum up all the courage inside you and do the thing you fear most.

Failure may come. Your greatest fears may be realized.
And that is why you go in with the attitude that you will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to conquer that fear.

No matter how many times I fail:No matter how many times I feel rejected, embarrassed, down, out…I WILL NOT GIVE UP!

I WILL KEEP AT IT until my greatest FEAR DIES!

I WILL STAND TOE TO TOE WITH FEAR!FEAR WILL DIE!MY Largest Fear, Carries My Greatest GrowthI Will Never Let My Fears Decide My FateI AM bigger than ANY FEAR.

FEAR has NO PLACE within my HEART

FEAR has no place within your heart.

Fear is conditioned into us from a young age.Many don’t pay attention to the stages of fear.“Be careful”“You can’t do that”

“Play it safe”

These consistent fearful thoughts add up, live inside us and form our psychology, which, for most turns into INACTION.
 For most turns into AVERAGE
For most turns into settling for a life they aren’t PASSIONATE about living.

It’s time to take back control!

So how do we overcome our fears?
Find something that is more painful than your fear.

If you have a fear of failure that is stopping you from going all out and achieving at a high level
a more painful thought might be disappointing your family
or the thought of your kids seeing you settle for a life you don’t want, and knowing they will follow in your footsteps.
Maybe a greater pain would be the thought of getting to the end of your life and KNOWING you never REALLY LIVED, you just existed. You got by.

I need you to really feel that pain.
Think about it.Feel a Deep emotional connection to the pain

Write down why you won’t settle for that pain any more.
Write down why you must conquer this fear once and for all.

What would be worse than your fear?

We say it all the time:What is your reason!?You have to have a strong enough reason why you MUST!

They say if you have a strong enough WHY, the HOW will come, the RESULTS will come.


 Be more fearful of what it will cost you if you don’t do it!

Be more fearful of the impact it will have on your future if you don’t take action.

Be more fearful of how it will impact the lives of your loved ones if you don’t take action


What about if you do face it?
What about if you do conquer it?

How will it improve your life?Who else will benefit? 




What would you do, if you had no fear of failure?
Why are you waiting?

FEAR: False. 
 Real. Click to Tweet I fear NOTHING but a MEDIOCRE LIFE Click to Tweet I will NEVER let me FEARS decide my FATE

 Click to Tweet

Transcript – Fear Nothing – Motivational Speech | Fearless Motivation

Download Everything you want is on the other side of fear, FREE on our Soundcloud channel:

Everyone has something they fear doing,
that, if they did it, if they conquered the fear,
would have a huge impact on their life.

Maybe it’s the fear of failure.

Maybe they fear embarrassment or rejection if it doesn’t work out.
 Maybe they starting that business…
Making that call…
That one thing, you know you must do and if you do it
, it will change your life…

The greatest success in your life is waiting for you, right after you conquer your greatest fears.

Everything you want in life is on the other side of fear.
It is impossible to reach your true potential if you don’t face your greatest fears… that’s just common sense.

The thing that makes you uncomfortable but you KNOW would make you stronger and better if you did it.
That’s the thing you must face
that is the thing you must conquer if you want your freedom.

Fear is a made up concept, it doesn’t exist.
Think about it. Say you fear failure. You are really fearing a possibility. A thought in your head about something that MAY (or may not) occur in the future. It’s not real. It’s your imagination. Your thoughts do nothing to empower you. Let go of that fear and FOCUS on what steps you can take to get to the place you want to get to.

What is that one thing you must do, that could change everything in your life?

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