Prayer For The Loss Of A Baby

Losing My Baby: Six Ways I Cope

Prayer For The Loss Of A Baby

Photo Courtesy of Emma Starre. Image modified by Hannah Christensen. All rights reserved.

2016 will always be the year that we lost our third child. We have two healthy little girls, and had never experienced any type of fertility problems before.

There was always a little bit of pride in me that I had regular fertility patterns and could have a baby whenever I wanted. And then the inevitable happened.

The one thing that I had heard about and had seen my friends go through but never thought would happen to me. I lost a baby.

I had an ectopic pregnancy. A rare, life-threatening occurrence that was the last thing on my mind when I saw that positive plus sign on Mother’s Day. Even the doctors didn’t think it was anything to worry about at first, but the cramping kept getting worse and when I went to the ER for testing I was already internally bleeding.

They did not let me leave after the ultrasound confirmed the worst. I was rushed right into surgery, my first surgery ever, while my husband was at home with the kids, trying to stay calm and find a babysitter so he could come be with me.

I didn’t get to see him before the surgery; there wasn’t time, but I did see a priest who gave me the anointing of the sick and the scariest night of my life was suddenly filled with God’s peace. After the surgery, my husband met me in my hospital room and I was fine.

I was going to recover one hundred percent over the next few weeks and was able to leave early the next morning to return home and resume my life as a wife and mom.

But my baby was gone. My baby IS gone.

The finality of those words still slices me a knife and the daze of recovering and sorting through the emotions continues to be life-changing. My life will never be the same after the most terrible experience I ever had.

I live with a hollow womb that should have been expanding with a growing life, but instead holds half of a reproductive system and lasting surgery scars.

I take care of my two living children, knowing that the third will always be missing and wondering who he or she might have been. I don’t think the  grief is ever going to completely go away.

Yet, I’ve encountered a profound peace and acceptance through it all, beginning with the comforting words of the priest who anointed me in that emergency room. God has showed me His love in this cross through the people and resources around me and for that I am so grateful.

Whether you have had a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or an infant death, it is a terrible cross for a parent to experience. Here are some ways that have helped me cope with the loss of my baby that I would to share with you:


The first and foremost way to cope with the loss of a baby is to pray. Pray for acceptance, pray for grace, pray for comfort. God is with you and He will NOT abandon you in your pain, even though it may seem that way.

Talking to a priest or a spiritual director about all the emotional turmoil you are experiencing can be a huge blessing as well, since God speaks to us through His instruments and priests often just KNOW exactly what to say to comfort someone in grief.

I reached out through email to our closest priests friends after my experience and their words were so consoling and uplifting.

I found this amazing Miscarriage Prayer by Mother Angelica that brought me so much comfort in the immediate weeks following the loss of my child and I saved it to pray and reflect on from time to time.

2. Share Your Grief

As soon as I knew we were losing the baby and that I had to have emergency surgery to save my life, I started texting our close circle of friends to ask for their prayers while my husband called and told our immediate families.

From there, the word spread and suddenly we had not just a few people praying for us but dozens! As I recovered, I also sent out emails to inform my extended relatives, my moms’ group and my playgroup because I felt I needed community support.

The offers of meals, babysitting, prayers and sympathy that came pouring in was truly astounding to me.

It seemed helpful to send out the hard information electronically so that the next time I saw people they already knew what had happened and they could offer comfort without me awkwardly trying to explain what I was going through.

Sharing the most traumatic event of my life and being able to talk about it with sympathetic friends really benefited my grief recovery. It also seemed to benefit others as it gave them a chance to share that they too had lost a child and knew what I was experiencing. Miscarriage is a much more common occurrence that I had realized and there is consolation in realizing that we can be united with others in our grief.

3. Name Your Child

We came up with a name within 24 hours of losing our baby and I am so glad we did. It is heartwarming to hear people calling your lost baby by name and to acknowledge that there is a little soul praying for you in Heaven.

We named our baby Austin Mercy and now whenever I think of the name, I associate it with God’s ocean of mercy in this Jubilee Year of Mercy! My husband picked out Austin as a first name since it could be a girl or a boy, and it was only later that I realized the name Austin is derived from Augustine! So on August 28th, we will be celebrating our baby’s feast day: the feast of St. Augustine of Hippo. Now we not only have a little intercessor in Heaven, but we have another great saint to add to our family’s personal patrons!

4. Write Out Your Sorrow

Maybe it’s just because I blog and I’m used to writing about what is happening in my life, but writing down the sorrow after losing my baby has been very comforting, freeing and therapeutic. About a week after it all had happened and I had a little quiet time to sort through the terrible event, I wrote a letter to my baby.

I poured out all my emotions and thoughts about the whole experience and I cried. I cried through the entire letter and when it was finished, I felt  a weight lift off my shoulders because all the scattered, blurry feelings in my heart were now recorded on the page and somehow I could take a deep breath again.

You can find the letter here.

5. Remember Your Baby

I think it is so important in the grieving process to keep talking about your baby, praying to your baby and honoring his or her life. That baby is part of your family and if you have other children, they can grow up being aware that they have a sibling in Heaven and can pray to that sibling as an intercessor.

 I bought a customized name plaque from a Catholic mom on Etsy: Sweet Little Ones Shop to honor our baby in our home. We include “Austin Mercy, pray for us” in night prayers with our children or in our litany of saints at the end of our family rosary.

I am also planning to put together a scrapbook of the few short weeks of Austin’s life on earth, with comforting quotes, prayers cards and all the sympathy notes we received after the loss. If you don’t have a gravesite for your baby or even if you do, there is a Shrine of the Holy Innocents that keeps a book of names to remember babies who have died.

They offer Mass at the shrine once a month for all the babies and their families. All you do is fill out a little form on their website and you have an automatic Mass being lifted up for you monthly!

6. Be Grateful

God has a plan in the midst of pain and He is loving your through your suffering. For me at least, I realized how many blessings He was pouring down on me during the most traumatic time of my life and that realization has made me so in awe of His goodness.

For one thing, He allowed me to live and continue to be here for my husband and young daughters, as I could have easily died from the ectopic pregnancy if we had caught it too late. The grieving experience has made me depend more on Him and on others and has opened my eyes to how much I am loved.

I am taking my children for granted less and focusing more on loving them while they are here with me, because just that, one of them is gone. I am now able to be empathetic in the grief of others who have lost a child or who struggle with infertility.

 I am more thankful for my own fertility and less prideful about the ability to have babies whenever I want, because as I found out this year, that is simply not true.

Nothing is guaranteed except God’s unending love, so whatever cross you are bearing right now, lean on His love, appreciate your blessings and He will carry you through! Know that if you are going through something similar to my story, you have my prayers and if you ever want to share about your grief, I am here. You may visit my blog at Lovely Little Lives.

What are some strategies that have helped you cope with grief in your life?

Copyright 2016 Hannah Christensen

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14 Best Comforting Prayers for Loss of a Loved One

Prayer For The Loss Of A Baby

Losing a loved one can bring about a sudden feeling of shock and trouble. Reciting a traditional prayer for comfort can help to bring you consolation and reassurance. Here is a look at some great prayers for loss of a loved one.

Prayer #1

Comfort me with Your love O God Wrap me up in Your strong embrace Shelter me from the storm O Lord

Envelop me in Your tender care

By day I pour out my heartbreak to You
By night I give you my racing thoughts

In You I take refuge In You I will not be afraid

For you hold me strong, You hold me safe

Calm my fearful heart O God
Still my anxious mind O Lord

For all my life is found in You All my being is given to You

All my hope begins in You

Prayer #2

Lord, at the moment nothing seems to be able to help the loss I feel. My heart is broken and my spirit mourns. All I know is that Your grace is sufficient.

This day, this hour Moment by moment I choose to lean on You, For when I am at my weakest Your strength is strongest.

I pour out my grief to You And praise You that on one glorious day When all suffering is extinguished and love has conquered

We shall walk together again.

Prayer #3

Our Father in heaven, may Your Name be honored. There is none greater than You. You are our refuge and strength. You are always ready to help in times of trouble. We praise You, Lord. We lift our hearts with praise.

It is good to sing praises to You, our God; how delightful and how right! Lord, You are great and mighty in power. Your understanding is infinite. We thank You, Father, for the life of our loved one(s) who have gone on to be with You.

Thank You for their time on earth and the impact they had on our lives. We are thankful to You and we bless Your Name.

Prayer #4

Father, You can count the stars and call them all by name. Your power is absolute. Your understanding is beyond comprehension. You support the humble and bring the wicked down into the dust. You comfort those who mourn. We declare that those grieving the death of a loved one; mourning will turn into dancing.

We confess that You are their rock, fortress, and Savior in whom they will find protection. You are their shield, and the strength of their salvation. Father, You are their stronghold. As they call on You, You have promised to answer.

We believe that You will be with them during this period of bereavement, rescue them from grief, honor them, and give them Your salvation.

Prayer #5

Father, we ask You to send Your peace to those persons who are mourning. Continue to surround them with family, friends and loved ones who will offer words of comfort. Give them sweet and restful sleep. Father, remove the spirit of heaviness, and give them garments of praise.

In due time, bless their lives to overflow with laughter and joy again. As they take refuge in You, please help them to put their trust in You. Holy Spirit, we ask that You settle the hearts and minds of those who are feeling any guilt, resentment, bitterness, or anger.

Help them not to look back but to press forward.

Prayer #6

Father, forgive the bereaved for any sins they have committed through thoughts, words, or deeds. Forgive them if they have not meditated on Your Word to find comfort.

Father, forgive them if they have not been totally submissive to Your perfect will for their lives. Forgive them for any hurtful things they may have said or done to the deceased. Lord, help them to forgive the deceased if necessary.

Please remind them of anyone they need to forgive; and help them to forgive quickly.

Prayer #7

Loving Father, I am finding it so hard to even get up bed to start the day, knowing that I have to face it alone and without the one I love so dearly – I know that without Your grace and sufficiency I could never get through the day – but I thank You that You have promised to be with me and to provide me with Your strength for the day as well as bright hope for tomorrow.

I can’t imagine tomorrow being anything but a day filled with pain – as I do not have my loved one beside me, but I ask that in Your grace You will give me the strength to get through today, step by step – knowing that You are there to carry me, even when my heart seems to fail from the grief and pain that I am going through.

Thank You that You have promised to carry our pain and thank You that Your grace is sufficient for every eventuality in our lives. Give me the strength and to cope with the loneliness I feel and help me to move forward in my life-plans, knowing that You are with me, to support and strengthen.

Give me hope for tomorrow – for my hope and my trust is in You, Lord. Hold me close I pray and thank You for always being with me and the great comfort that I have in knowing You, as my own dear Saviour and friend.

Prayer #8

Loving Lord and Heavenly king, I want to lift up some dear friends of mind that are going through much grief at the moment and are finding it so difficult to come to terms with all that has taken place in the last few days…

I humbly ask that You would come to them and provide the comfort they need to come to terms with all that has happened – and the strength to face the reality that things will never be as they were.

Lord I know that their grief seems to be overwhelming them and I am hurting for them, and know not what to do to help – and so I am coming to You to in prayer, to ask that You will meet each of them at their point of need and help them to turn to You at this sad time.

I pray that as the day passes Your healing touch will comfort and succour them in this time of distress and may this be a thing that causes each of them to draw closer to You, knowing that You alone can heal the broken-hearted and bring joy pain.

Thank You Lord for being there for me and into Your hands I place each one of these dear ones who have such sadness in their hearts – I KNOW in Whom I believe and an confident that You will bring good this situation – and to You be all the praise and glory, Amen

Prayer #9

Loving Lord I am filled with grief and sadness at the loss of my precious loved one – and yet that pain is tinged with gold, knowing that they trusted you as their Saviour and that they are now in Your presence.

I know that I am going to miss this precious one, who has been my strength and my joy for so long, and thank You for the precious times we had together.

Often Lord I expect my dear one to just be there, or walk through the door – and then remember that they have gone home to be with You.

At times this is quite hard and yet I know that I must not grieve as those that have not hope in Jesus – but rejoice knowing that the day is coming when we will be together with You and You will wipe away all tears from our eyes – but at the moment my loss is an open wound – and I pray that You will heal my brokenness and the loneliness I feel… and draw me every closer into Your arms of love my Lord and my God.

Thank You for all You are to me and may I rest in You in Jesus name, Amen

Prayer #10

My heart is reaching out to you, For what you’re going through; I’m thinking of you frequently

And praying for you, too.

If there’s something I can do, Anything at all, Think of me thinking of you,

And don’t hesitate to call.

Prayer #11

When someone we love passes away, We ache, but we go on; Our dear departed would want us to heal,

After they are gone.

Grief is a normal way to mend The anguish and pain in our hearts; We need time to remember and time to mourn,

Before the recovery starts.

Let’s draw together to recuperate, As we go through this period of sorrow; Let’s help each other, with tender care

To find a brighter tomorrow.

Prayer #12

If we could bring you back again, For one more hour or day, We’d express all our unspoken love;

We’d have countless things to say.

If we could bring you back again, We’d say we treasured you, And that your presence in our lives

Meant more than we ever knew.

If we could bring you back again, To tell you what we should, You’d know how much we miss you now,

And if we could, we would.

Prayer #13

If there was ever a time in my life I was weak, it was the days, weeks, and months after my daughter died. To know that God’s strength was at it’s best when I needed it the most gave me courage to take another breath.

It seems impossible to “glory in my affirmities” when you don’t feel you have the strength to go on with your life, but God’s grace *is* sufficient. There is power through Christ Jesus to sustain you when nothing else can. You must allow Him to carry the burden – there are things too big for us to handle on our own.

We cannot as mothers (and fathers) get through the loss of a child and retain any sanity without His help.

I don’t think it’s wrong to ask “why” – I have many times over the years.

But you have to recognize God’s authority and know that whatever purpose there was for your child, it was fulfilled during the time you carried him or her.

We don’t understand all of it, and honestly I don’t believe we have the capacity to. But I take comfort knowing that one day, God will hold me close and explain it to me in a way that I can understand.

Prayer #14

Praise God that He is close to those who are suffering. He knows the pain we’re going through and He keeps us from being consumed by it.

I know without a doubt that had it not been for the grace of God, I would have come through my daughter’s death a bitter and downtrodden woman. But through His love and compassion, He saved me from being crushed by the weight of the burden I carried.

My heart still aches for my baby and it’s been seven years since she died – the ache has dulled some with time, but I don’t believe it will ever go away completely.

I still cry at times talking about her, but I rest in the knowledge that God is near and will continue to carry me if I allow Him to. It’s a choice – a conscious decision you have to make. You have to acknowledge that you need help getting through it, and God is the only answer.
About the Author of this Blog Post
Crystal Ayres has served as our editor-in-chief for the last five years. She is a proud veteran, wife and mother. The goal of ConnectUs is to publish compelling content that addresses some of the biggest issues the world faces. If you would to reach out to contact Crystal, then go here to send her a message.

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Sympathy Poems For Comfort In Time Of Need

Prayer For The Loss Of A Baby

Sympathy poems, including funeral, memorial, bereavement and condolence poems. Also a deceased father poem and a poem for a deceased mother. These sympathy messages are suitable for cards, programs, headstones, or to accompany a sympathy gift.

Just Call On MeI can’t comprehend just how sad you must feelFor the loss of someone you love.This sorrowful time must still feel unrealAnd you’re looking for strength from above.

I hope, from my heart, that your pain will decrease,That your spirit will gain strength again,And I pray that your faith will create inner peaceAnd that God will send blessings–Amen.Till then, if you need me to lighten your load,I’m waiting to come to your aid.

Just call on me, and I’ll walk down that road,Until the dark times start to fade.

Deep condolences,

By Karl Fuchs

Sympathy poems, which are also called condolence poems, can offer assistance to those in mourning, as this sympathy message does. This condolence message is perfect for a sympathy card or to go along with a sympathy gift.

Sending SympathyI’m so sorry to hear of your recent loss;I’m sending my sympathy;If you need someone to help you now,Please, friend, call on me.

By Joanna Fuchs

To view ALL our poem pages, see our SITE MAP

Sympathy poems are also called loss of a loved one poems. This condolence poem offering compassion and assistance goes on a sympathy card or with a sympathy gift.

Sympathy poems can be written for a specific purpose–as poems for a funeral, for example. This sympathy poem is a funeral poem designed for a funeral or memorial program. It is a bereavement poem, a condolence message, a death poem about the loss of a loved one.

After They Are GoneWhen someone we love passes away,We ache, but we go on;Our dear departed would want us to heal,After they are gone.

Grief is a normal way to mendThe anguish and pain in our hearts;We need time to remember and time to mourn,Before the recovery starts.

Let's draw together to recuperate,As we go through this period of sorrow;Let's help each other, with tender careTo find a brighter tomorrow.

By Joanna Fuchs

A subcategory of sympathy poems is memorial poems. This sympathy poem is a memorial poem expressing appreciation for the deceased, a death verse meant to be a condolence message.

If We Could Bring You Back AgainIf we could bring you back again,For one more hour or day,We’d express all our unspoken love;We’d have countless things to say.

If we could bring you back again,We’d say we treasured you,And that your presence in our livesMeant more than we ever knew.

If we could bring you back again,To tell you what we should,You’d know how much we miss you now,And if we could, we would.

By Joanna Fuchs

Before using our poems please see our
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Another subcategory of sympathy poems is bereavement poems. This sympathy poem is a bereavement poem that acknowledges the necessary process of mourning. This condolence poem could be used in a sympathy card or to accompany a sympathy gift. Needless to say, if the deceased is a man, use “he” instead of “she” in this sympathy message.

A Better PlaceShe’s in a better place right nowThan she’s ever been before;All pain is gone; she’s now at rest;Nothing troubles her anymore.It’s we who feel the burden ofOur sadness and our grief;.

We have to cry, to mourn our loss,Before we get relief.We know we’ll reconnect with herAt the end of each life’s road;We’ll see her cherished face againWhen we release our earthly load.

By Joanna Fuchs

This sympathy poem lets the bereaved know they are not alone. It's a condolence message of support.

You Are in Our ThoughtsYou are in our thoughtsas you find your way though this.We are praying for your healing,with the passage of time.We know you miss him/her;we send our understandingand consolation.Know that the strain, the pain,will eventually ease.May your pleasant memoriessustain and comfort you.You are in our thoughts.

By Joanna Fuchs

This sympathy poem offers caring, concern and help in a condolence message. It's a sympathy verse sure to be appreciated.

No One Can KnowNo one can know just what you've lost;No one can understand the cost;But when you feel your energy drain,Please count on us to help ease your pain.Let us help you cope with grief;We hope with time you'll feel relief.We can't replace the one who's gone,But let our concern help you carry on.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

This free sympathy card poem, in free verse, could also be called a bereavement poem. It’s a sympathy verse, a condolence message that lets the bereaved know he or she is not alone.

We’re With YouWhen you miss him/her,we’re with you in spirit,wondering how you feel,hoping you’re coping,and getting a little better each day.We understand. We care.When you’re grieving,we’re beside you,in our hearts, in our thoughts,we’re sending you sympathy,encouragement, affection,and strength to carry on with life.He/she would want it that way.

By Joanna Fuchs

Sympathy poetry should make the recipient feel cared for. This free sympathy poem contains a condolence message—words of condolence that are heartfelt.

I’ll Always Be ThereYour loss is your whole world today;Your hurt feelings will not go away;If you’re needing a friend,On whom you’ll depend,Call me anytime, any day.I’m thinking of you, and I care;If you have feelings you’re wanting to share,Just give me a ring;We’ll discuss everything;When you need me, I’ll always be there.

By Joanna Fuchs

These kinds of sympathy verses, where the deceased is speaking to a love one still alive, are very popular. This sympathy poem is also a funeral poem that could be printed in a program.

If I Should Go Before YouIf I should go before you,I'll still be there with you,As every golden memoryGives comfort, to see you through.If I should go before you,You'll always have my love,And we'll be together again,We two, in heaven above.

By Joanna Fuchs

Poem For A Deceased Mother

There is a surprising number of searches for a Mother's Day poem for the deceased. This Mother's Day poem for a deceased mom also serves as a memorial mother poem, a eulogy poem, a written in memory of mother poem. We hope this loss of mother poem is comforting to you.

Mother’s Day Poem For A Deceased MotherMom, we miss you so very muchOn every Mother’s Day;And not just then, but every minute,Since you went away.You were the center of our livesBefore your soul passed on;It’s just so hard for us to believeThat you are really gone.

But we celebrate the life you livedAnd all the things you gave us;Our wonderful memories, Mom, of youAre the things that will comfort and save us.Please think of us, as we think of youWith hearts so full of love;We’re looking up at you, sweet Mom,As you look at us from above.

By Joanna Fuchs

Deceased Father Poem

Sympathy, condolence, bereavement, funeral, memorial, eulogy and grief poetry make up a huge category of demand for poems. There is a lot of interest in deceased father poems that can be used as eulogy poems. I want a poem about my fathers death, they say; please write a poem for the loss of a a father. Here it is, and I'm so sorry for your loss.

We Can’t Believe You’re GoneDad, our sadness knows no end;We can’t believe you’re gone;We’re grieving for you every day;It’s hard to carry on.You were always there to support and care,When we needed a true friend,How we’ll ever do without our dad,We cannot comprehend.

You were our teacher and our guide,Our dad, so good and strong;Your example will sustain us now,And last our whole lives long.We’re trying to communicate;We hope that you can hear;Expressing what we feel for you,Helps us feel you’re near.Our memories of the times we hadHelp the pain to go away.But Dad, our lives won’t be the same;We’ll miss you every day.

A part of us went with you;You left a gap too big to fill;You’re our father and our hero;We love you and we always will.

By Joanna Fuchs

Sympathy Prayer

There’s a real need for condolence prayers and bereavement prayers, in cards, to be read at funerals, to comfort the grief stricken, so here’s a sympathy poem and prayer for that purpose.

Sympathy prayerDear Lord, please comfort those in grief,Love them, lift them, give reliefFor loss they’ve suffered, sadness felt;Make this sorrow slowly melt.Lord, let happy memories ease,Creating peace a gentle breeze,And as you help them make it through.Draw them closer, Lord, to you.Sincere condolences on your loss.

By Joanna Fuchs

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Pet Sympathy Poem

Poems of sympathy for pets have big search numbers (especially for dogs). I wrote this pet sympathy poem to apply to the death of any pet. It's a very special condolence message.

Sweet PresenceToday I'm often thinking of you,And the loss of your special friend.Those who have never had a petCannot possibly comprehend.

A pet gives unconditional loveNothing else can quite replace;A sweet presence with its furry warmth,That lovable, one-of-a-kind face.

You gave your pet a happy life,With affection true and real;I'm hoping you'll recover soon,So your heart will mend and heal.

By Joanna Fuchs

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Thanks for reading our sympathy poems. These sympathy verses are free for use on personal greeting cards, provided that the author's name (Joanna Fuchs or Karl Fuchs) and our Web site address,, appear somewhere on the card. (It can be small print; just so it's readable.) All other uses require written permission. See our Terms of Use for details.

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