Prayer for Peace from Inner Turmoil

5 Powerful Prayers for Peace Within

Prayer for Peace from Inner Turmoil

Is your heart troubled? Are you feeling the psalmist, who asked his own soul, “Why are you in despair? And why have you become disturbed within me?” One of the hardest parts of knowing peace is understanding how it has nothing to do with control.

If you're having trouble with trust or finding the words to pray above the howling of the scary storms, feel free to offer up these words to the Lord now! Below are 5 of our most favorite prayers to speak when we need God's peace to speak over our heart and mind.

A Prayer for Peace Within

Oh Lord, sometimes my insides feel a battle zone, where missiles are falling too close to home. Other times I'm caught in an endless storm, with thoughts flying control.

Confusion reigns, and defeat creeps in to steal my joy. I need your peace—the deep-down-in-your-heart kind that stays with me day and night and speaks confidently into the wind.

Calm my anxious spirit, Lord; all the attacking “if-onlys” and “what-ifs” fill me with needless worry.

I know that trust is a big part of experiencing peace and that fear has no place in my life. Most of the things I worry about or dread don't even happen. So I'm declaring my trust in you.

I'm releasing the reins of my life again and asking you to take control. I may need to pray this same prayer daily, but I'm tired of the frenzy of life that leaves my schedule and my thoughts without any margin.

I need more of you, Lord, and less of me.

I surrender and admit: I can't control people, plans, or even all my circumstances, but I can yield those things to you, and focus on your goodness.

Thank you today for every good gift you've given, every blessing you've sent, all the forgiveness I did not deserve, and, yes, for every trial you've allowed into my life. You bring good every circumstance if I'll only let go and believe you.

I know that when I pray and give thanks instead of worrying, you have promised that I can experience the kind of peace that passes all understanding. That's your kind of peace, Lord. And it's the kind I crave.

Whenever I’m stressed, anxious, or afraid, help me remember to run to you. You're the only one that can calm my fears and end my fretful behavior.

Whether in trivial or heavy matters, I know you will not only give me peace; Lord, you will be my peace.

And when I draw close to you—in prayer, in reading your Word, in helping another, in taking my mind off myself—you will be there, up close and personal.

I can't handle these times alone, Lord. Will you speak peace and calm my storms, or hold my hand while we walk through them together? Will you bring the reassuring wisdom of those who have come through similar times into my life? Thank you, Lord. I'm trusting you.

In the name of the One who makes the wind and the waves stand still, Amen. ~ Rebecca Barlow Jordan

A Short Prayer for Peace

Lord, I come before you ready to pour out my worries, anxieties and fears at Your feet. I am claiming and declaring Your promises for blessings of peace and strength over my life. Bring a peace into my soul that passes all worldly understanding and make me a light for others to see Your strength.

A Prayer for Peace of Mind

Almighty God, We bless you for our lives, we give you praise for your abundant mercy and grace we receive. We thank you for your faithfulness even though we are not that faithful to you. Lord Jesus, we ask you to give us all around peace in our mind, body, soul and spirit. We want you to heal and remove everything that is causing stress, grief, and sorrow in our lives.

Please guide our path through life and make our enemies be at peace with us. Let your peace reign in our family, at our place of work, businesses and everything we lay our hands on.

Let your angels of peace go ahead of us when we go out and stay by our side when we return. In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for Missing Peace

Father God, my heart is filled with chaos and confusion. I feel as if I am drowning in my circumstances and my heart is filled with fear and confusion. I really need the strength and peace that only You can give. Right now, I choose to rest in You. In Jesus' name, Amen. ~ Mary Southerland

A Prayer for Peace When You're Overwhelmed

Lord, when my heart is overwhelmed, overwhelm me with Your peace. Lead me to You, my rock. Guide me to Your Word which gives me strength and refuge. Help me not to run to lesser things. Draw me to run to You first. Help me get into the habit of taking my “overwhelmed” and placing it under your will. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Jennifer Rothschild

A Prayer for the Troubled Heart

Dear God, Our world is hurting and broken. We pray for those who have lost loved ones this week, please comfort them in their grief and loss, cover them with your peace and presence, as only your Spirit can do.

   We know that in whatever we face, you are our Peace and Refuge, a very present help in times of trouble. Thank you that you remind us throughout your Word, we do not face the storms alone, but you are always with us.  Whispering calm.

Speaking peace. Bringing rest to our souls.

We confess our need for you. We ask you to forgive us for trying to figure everything out on our own, for not trusting that you are more than able and powerful to work on our behalf.

Forgive us for picking back up what we already determined to lay down at your feet.

Give us the ability to trust you more, give us a heart that finds rest in your presence, give us the wisdom to seek peace and pursue it, remembering it’s only to be found in you alone.

Thank you that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. Thank you that you care for us. Thank you that the peace of your loving and strong presence guards and protects our hearts and minds in you.

Thank you that we do not have to walk in fear or live in overwhelmed cycles of worry and stress. Thank you for your voice that breaks through the greatest wind and storm swirling around us, and whispers “Peace, be still.

” Thank you that you sent your One and Only Son to set us free. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen. ~ Debbie McDaniel

A Prayer for Peace in Hard Times

Lord, when my heart is overwhelmed, overwhelm me with Your peace. Lead me to You, my rock. Guide me to Your Word which gives me strength and refuge. Help me not to run to lesser things. Draw me to run to You first. Help me get into the habit of taking my “overwhelmed” and placing it under your will. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Lysa Terkeurst

Lord, how I long to break free from negative thinking and embrace peace and joy and optimism. I invite You to begin transforming my thought patterns and help me recognize, reject and replace thoughts that are not pleasing to You. In Jesus' Name, Amen. ~ Traci Miles

Read more of a Prayer for Peace at – Calm your mind and relieve anxiety and stress with these prayer words

Bible Verses for Finding Peace

Psalm 29:11
The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.

Isaiah 26:3
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.

Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. 

John 16:33
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. 

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace i give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

More Scripture for Peace

What circumstances do you need God to fill with peace today? Bring your requests to our large praying community in the comments below and being to experience hope and security in God's plan for your life! 

Rebecca Barlow Jordan is an inspirational author, speaker, and passionate follower of Jesus who loves to encourage others heart to heart.

She has written 11 books and over 1700 other articles, greeting cards, and other inspirational pieces. Her daily devotional Daily in Your Presence is available for delivery through

You can find out more about Rebecca at

Publication date: October 12, 2015

This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

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Finding Inner Peace

Prayer for Peace from Inner Turmoil

Finding inner peace is something so many of us want and so few seem to have. You crave it in your heart and soul, but it's almost the more you try to have peace of mind the more elusive it seems.

Thoreau said it well when he said, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation…”

If that sounds you, I invite you to read this story of how personal peace revealed itself in my life and how you, too, can experience it for yourself.

But first, let me tell you a secret. Of the many lessons I've learned on the path of personal evolution and finding inner peace, this one is key.

The problem is, we have been led to look for peace of mind in the wrong places. Personal peace is not to be had in relationships, stuff, good times, the media, lots of money or anything else. Sure, those things may be fun and make life easier. They may temporarily inspire smiles and feelings of happiness. But they don't point the way to inner peace.

Sometimes, just the opposite is true. Ask any celebrity who achieved wealth and fame only to destroy their lives with drugs and an extreme lifestyle. If you were to believe the hype about chasing your star and wanting money more than anything, shouldn't those living the lifestyle of the rich and famous be the happiest people on earth?

No, finding inner peace is about just that, finding peace within. It is feeling mentally, emotionally and spiritually calm and centered, even in the midst of difficult situations. It is a state of being from deep inside. 

The peace you are looking for is already inside you. It may be buried under years of bitterness and struggle. It may be hiding behind limiting or false beliefs that keep you small and stuck. It may be crowded out by things you thought would make you happy and didn't, but it's there.

I know this from my own experience. 

My Story of Finding Inner Peace (and How You Can, Too)

I used to say I was a duck. I looked serene on the outside, but on the inside I was paddling furiously as I tried to cope with life's troubles. Then something happened that forever changed me even though my circumstances stayed the same.

Now, the duck, my feathers get ruffled sometimes. I get sad and upset and angry, but I can tell it's more on the surface. Deep inside I am paddling placidly along.

When I stop the emotional drama I can usually get back in touch with the peaceful self within.

Getting to this point was a process. Each step I took in my personal peace journey stripped away  layers of gunk separating me from finding inner peace. The funny thing was, although I realized I was far from happy at this time, I would have never guessed just how close I was to tapping into my inner joy.

The first step toward personal peace took me to a book by Merlin R. Carothers. I read Prison to Praise in desperation as I was miserably going through a difficult divorce. 

From this book I learned the power of expressing gratitude for everything in my life, wanted and unwanted.

Yes, it sounds counter-intuitive, but I have to tell you that practicing gratitude for and in all things changed my life.

At first, I began expressing gratitude for unwanted, difficult circumstances  even when I had to do it through gritted teeth. But when I did, something miraculous happened.

The flow of peace within was so profound it's barely describable. I tell this story in detail here.

The second step toward finding inner peace came several years later as a result of learning a new energy technique called the Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping. As a beginner, I was intrigued by one of the processes called the personal peace procedure.

In the personal peace procedure, you list everything you can think of from childhood to present day that was in the least bit disturbing or traumatic for you. If it crosses your mind, write it down. Once you have your list of 50 or more events, you tap daily on one or two items until the list is finished.

As I tapped through my list and released suppressed and unresolved anger and guilt using EFT, I felt much lighter. My natural state of calm and peace were able to surface. I was also much less reactive and judgmental toward myself and others.

Along with tapping, a big part of my journey to finding inner peace included forgiveness toward myself and others. Being willing to forgive is essential if you are serious about healing and cultivating inner peace.

It is not always easy, but now, when my mind regurgitates negative events or attacks me for poor choices made, I have an arsenal of releasing techniques to choose from. My favorites are still expressing gratitude, EFT tapping, forgiveness, and the powerful ho'oponopono prayer.

When worries about the future surface and upset peace of mind, releasing techniques help as well as practicing presence and focusing on the now with gratitude. It will calm you and connect you once again to the personal peace within. When you are at ease and centered, it is easier to assess situations, be creative, make wise decisions, and do what you need to do to. 

The last leg of my quest of finding inner peace  has been the ongoing process of letting go of dearly held belief systems and truly learning to love and accept myself and others with as little judgement as possible. Knowing how much this would change my life, I resisted this step for too long. I probably could have avoided a chaotic midlife crisis had I not resisted.

Even so, once I allowed my authentic beliefs to surface and have a voice, incredible peace welled up inside me, even in the midst of turmoil. My truth is that when it comes to life's really big questions, I don't know the answers and probably never will. I do believe that is true wisdom. And I am perfectly okay with that. What a relief!

Finding Peace Within

Are you longing to find inner peace? Know it is right there inside you. When you release what is blocking it, you will feel its amazing presence.

If you are interested in doing the personal peace procedure for yourself, you may want to experiment with techniques such as EFT tapping. One of my favorite resources, the Tapping Solution, contains many audios and videos led by experts who guide you through tapping sequences for a wide variety of stressful thoughts, beliefs and events.

Please note: If you have experienced serious trauma or have a mental condition, self-applying these techniques may not be right for you. Consult with a mental health professional first. Many therapists are trained in EFT and can guide you in using them in ways best for you.

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Prayer for Peace – An Ultimate Guide to Peaceful Life

Prayer for Peace from Inner Turmoil

Prayer for peace means worshiping Allah through intended communication. Muslims use prayers for different purposes and the same way, there are different types of prayers. There are prayers to request for something. We also offer prayers of supplication. People always use prayer to say thanks or to praise Allah. different types of prayers, one is a prayer for peace.

Prayer to Find Peace:

Muslims use peace when they request for peace to their Allah. Through the prayer of peace, Muslims petition for the peace of the world. They may also use peace of prayer for the achievement of personal inner peace as for Muslims, Allah is enough.

“If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the believers rely”

(Al-Quran 3:160)

World Peace and War:

This world has never a state of complete peace throughout the history. Wars have taken place and some parts of the world are still passing through the period of wars and terror.

The other reason for the wars, terror and absence of complete peace in this world are the misuse of power and misinterpretation of the meaning of word peace.

These reasons always caused and are also causing discomfort in this world of peace.  

Why Prayer is Powerful:

We also use the prayer for peace when we need to get peace of mind and heart, strength and protection. We all need inner peace as inner peace makes us live a care-free life full of happiness. That is why; civilized people and strong believers of Allah always move towards offering the prayer during their times of unrest and trouble.

Daily Prayer for Peace:

Seeing the situation of unrest in the present world, there is a need of daily prayer. Human beings have now become a prey of war and terror. The prayer is a strong part of the religion of Muslims. Each day, believers of Allah offer the prayer for the elimination of the situation of war and unrest in a specific country.  

“Allah places not burden on any soul but to the extent of his strength whatever good it earned is useful for it and whatever bad it earned is a loss for it.

O our Lord! Catch not us if we forget or miss the mark! O our Lord! And place not heavy burden on us as you had placed on those before us.

O our Lord! Put not that burden onus of which we have no strength to bear! And pardon us and forgive and have mercy on us. You are our Master; then help us against the infidels”

Islam a Religion of Peace:

Islam is a religion of peace. Allah does not those who cause terror and unrest for others. Therefore; he asks Muslims to fights such people who cause trouble for others and make this world a hell for others. The Muslims who do not have courage and strength to fight against such people, they use prayer for peace.

“Undoubtedly, Allah bids justice and good doing and giving to kindred and forbids indecency and wicked things and rebellion. He admonishes you that you may be mindful”

(Al-Quran 16:90)

“And fight them until there is no mischief and be there worship of one Allah, then if they desist, there is no violence save against oppressors”

(Al-Quran 2:193).

How Prayer Helps Us:

A peace of prayer makes us feel protected. It plays a major role in maintaining the peace of our mind and heart. When we do not offer prayer, our life seems to be full of troubles. The followers of Islam offer to seek help and guidance from Allah.

A way to Success:

A prayer leads us towards new ways of success and peace as when we pray we get solutions for our problems by the Allah. A prayer widens the paths for us as when we surrender ourselves to Allah, he takes the challenges and makes paths widen for us.

Spiritual Connection with Allah:

A prayer also establishes our connection with Allah. When we pray, we are very close to Allah; he listens to us and gives answers to our requests. Prayer is a way to establish a state of peace all around us.

The importance of prayer has been described in many scriptures. When we fail to achieve peace by our wealth and struggle, prayer is a sure way to get peace of mind and heart, strength and protection.  To make your prayers answerable, you need to pray from your heart.

When one prays from the heart, Allah surely answers to his question.

Prayer Gives Us Peace:

Satan always tries to trap human beings and enlightens the way of evil in the eyes of human beings. Therefore; we need to seek forgiveness for our daily sins as our sins take away our inner peace.

A short prayer is a solid way to seek forgiveness by promising the creator of the world to renounce Satan the next day and for making your bond with Allah stronger.

A short prayer for peace is indeed a great victory against Satan.

Prayer for Personal Peace:

Human beings get worried and also fearful as their lives get into a little trouble. The lost their peace of mind and heart. Prayer is a strong and a powerful way to overcome this anxiety and to get back peace of mind and heart. Only, Allah can grant us peace of mind and heart. A prayer for peace of mind and heart will take off your depression, worries, and anxiety.

“Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah.  Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured”

(Al-Quran 13:28)

“The devil dreads you of destitution and commands you of lewdness, and Allah promises you forgiveness and abundance. And Allah is All-Embracing All-Knowing”

(Al-Quran 2:286)

Prayer for Peace and Strength:

When we do not feel protected, we become restless and lose our peace of mind and heart as well as our strength. Remember, Allah is the only protector. Prayer for strength and a prayer for protection is a way the people use to handover them to Allah to get peace.

“Allah is the Protector of Muslims; brings them out from darkness towards light and the supporters of infidels are devils, and they bring them forth from light towards darkness. They are the people of hell, they are to abide therein”

(Al-Quran 2:257)

Prayer and Peace:

There is a situation of unrest and war in the present world. There is a need of peace of the world and peace of our inner as the soul of every one of us is in anxiety. A  prayer is a way to give yourself under the protection of Allah who only can fill you mind, heart, and the world with peace and happiness.

“O You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). Do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. He is an outright enemy to you.”

(Al-Quran 2:208)

A prayer for peace is a tool to make your crooked path straight and wide. Allah is the creator of everything in this world.

He knows everything and when we pray to him, we get closer to him and he promises to help his creature when his creature calls him.

Only Allah can give us freedom from worries and we can get inner peace only by renouncing Satan and by seeking forgiveness from Allah for our sins.

Recite  Surah al Kahf, Surah Naas, Surah Rahman and Surah Mulk after every prayer.

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This Prayer For Inner Peace Comes In Handy When Life Gets Crazy

Prayer for Peace from Inner Turmoil

Is your heart troubled? Are you feeling the psalmist, who asked his own soul, “Why are you in despair? And why have you become disturbed within me?” One of the hardest parts of knowing inner peace is understanding how it has nothing to do with control. If you’re having trouble with trust or finding the words to pray above the howling of the scary storms, feel free to offer up these words to the Lord now!

Credit: ThinkStock

Oh Lord, sometimes my insides feel a battle zone, where missiles are falling too close to home. Other times I’m caught in an endless storm, with thoughts flying control. Confusion reigns, and defeat creeps in to steal my joy.

I need your peace-the deep-down-in-your-heart kind that stays with me day and night and speaks confidently into the wind. Calm my anxious spirit, Lord; all the attacking “if-onlys” and “what-ifs” fill me with needless worry.

I know that trust is a big part of experiencing peace and that fear has no place in my life. Most of the things I worry about or dread don’t even happen. So I’m declaring my trust in you.

I’m releasing the reins of my life again and asking you to take control. I may need to pray this same prayer daily, but I’m tired of the frenzy of life that leaves my schedule and my thoughts without any margin.

I need more of you, Lord, and less of me.

I surrender and admit: I can’t control people, plans, or even all my circumstances, but I can yield those things to you, and focus on your goodness.

Thank you today for every good gift you’ve given, every blessing you’ve sent, all the forgiveness I did not deserve, and, yes, for every trial you’ve allowed into my life. You bring good every circumstance if I’ll only let go and believe you.

I know that when I pray and give thanks instead of worrying, you have promised that I can experience the kind of peace that passes all understanding. That’s your kind of peace, Lord. And it’s the kind I crave.

RELATED: 5 Psalms for people who struggle with anxiety

Whenever I'm stressed, anxious, or afraid, help me remember to run to you. You’re the only one that can calm my fears and end my fretful behavior.

Whether in trivial or heavy matters, I know you will not only give me peace; Lord, you will be my peace.

And when I draw close to you-in prayer, in reading your Word, in helping another, in taking my mind off myself-you will be there, up close and personal.

I can’t handle these times alone, Lord. Will you speak peace and calm my storms, or hold my hand while we walk through them together? Will you bring the reassuring wisdom of those who have come through similar times into my life? Thank you, Lord. I’m trusting you.

In the name of the One who makes the wind and the waves stand still, Amen.

Credit: ThinkStock

Rebecca Barlow Jordan is an inspirational author, speaker, and passionate follower of Jesus who loves to encourage others heart to heart.

She has written 11 books and over 1700 other articles, greeting cards, and other inspirational pieces. Her daily devotionalDaily in Your Presence is available for delivery through

You can find out more about Rebecca at


Kasey Simmons is a sweet guy who just wants to make others smile. He did just that for an elderly woman he found crying in an aisle at the grocery. And while the Applebee’s waiter didn’t do it for any type of reward, his kindness was repaid in the most unexpected way — a $500 tip!

Credit: WFAA News

Kasey loves to make people smile. And God truly blessed him with a servant’s heart.

“It’s selfish really,” he says. “When people smile, I feel better. It lightens my world.”

The 32-year-old Applebee’s waiter was out doing his grocery shopping at Kroger when he saw an elderly woman crying. It broke his heart.

RELATED: Needy woman breaks down in tears on the street after a stranger pays for her vitamins

Kasey was determined to cheer her up, so he struck up a friendly conversation and paid for her groceries.

“It was only $17, but it’s not about the money — it’s about showing someone you care,” he said.

Credit: WFAA News

Of course, this chance encounter was no accident. The elderly woman never told Kasey why she was so upset, but God put the Applebee’s waiter in her path for a very specific reason!

RELATED: Complete strangers jump in to help a woman who breaks down into tears at the grocery store

Kindness Repaid

The woman’s daughter showed up at the restaurant where Kasey works to surprise him with a special “thank you.” She sat in his section, but kept her identity and purpose a secret from Kasey. As far as he knew, she was just another diner.

The woman’s daughter ordered the cheapest thing possible — a flavored water that cost $0.37. And when she paid the bill, she left a $500 tip and a message written on one of the napkins.

Credit: WFAA News

The heart-felt note explained how the elderly woman Kasey had comforted — her mother — was so upset because that day marked three years since she’d lost her husband. And the letter showed just how far one small act of kindness can reach. She wrote:

“On one of the most depressing days of the year … you made my mother’s day wonderful. You insisted on paying. Told her she is a very beautiful woman. I have not seen this woman smile this much since dad died.”

Credit: WFAA News

Kasey’s good deed not only blessed the elderly woman herself, but her daughter, too. And she wanted him to know just how much it meant to the family. And while the humble guy says he’d have declined the money if he’d had any idea that’s what they were there to do, he’s just glad to know his simple gesture made such a lasting impact.

Hear Kasey tell the story in the video below:

“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2

Mind-Body Inspirational Speaker

Prayer for Peace from Inner Turmoil

PEACE is what we really want to experience deep within ourselves and in everything around us: Inner peace and outer (world) peace.  As you know, since September 11 through 23 I have been hosting the PEACE Shows live from six countries, during eight broadcasts as 26 local guests shared their personal journeys with us. The PEACE stands for Planet Earth Amity Compassion Equality.

As our PEACE tour culminated the Pope arrived in the USA and today he addressed the United Nations and visited Ground Zero where the prayer for PEACE was shared through an inter-religious blessing.

The time has come my dears for each of us to once again reassess the very purpose of life, the very meaning of our own existence and the very thoughts, words and actions that we engage in each day and night as we live this life on Planet Earth, our home.

We must look within and each of us must do one thing as soon as possible.


These very words are shunned by those who do not realize their own inner existence and their own inner humanity that is connected with all of life. Alas, they miss out on the most fascinating of all adventures:

The adventure of an evolving human.

What is a prayer? Forget all the man-made religious meanings about prayer, which are most often laced with ideological agendas. Instead let us realize the true meaning of the word prayer.

It is an invocation, a meditation from deep within you, focused on all your will power, bringing together all the facets of your mind, as your life energies are concentrated on one point.

Whatever that one point is, be it to keep your loved one safe, be it to heal someone who is sick, be it to guide someone towards success, be it for a better life… whatever.

A prayer is focused attention that taps into the very profound nature of your human existence, the energies of your human potential. It brings out the most powerful of all your human powers.

Now, this power increases when you use these energies for the greater good of all life, a prayer for peace, you expand your human potential even further and ultimately become one with your true nature, which is nature, and evolve the human species to its next higher level: the very purpose of human life.

Inner War to World Wars

Today as you know very well, most of the over 7 billion people, humans, are not living in a state of inner peace. Within themselves they feel dissatisfied, less than what they are really meant to be, limited by their lifestyles, dependent on others and other things for their contentment, and hence in a state of inner turmoil.

They live daily lives fighting against their very purpose of life, to evolve the human species, to be the best human possible to be super conscious, super aware and a super human, the very best human possible. Instead, there is a battle within them that manifests in how they think, what they say and how they act with themselves, their loved ones, their colleagues and society at large. They become lesser beings.

But how did this happen?

How Did We Forget Our Purpose Of Life?

Yes we have forgotten the true meaning of life.

Just look around you, look at the hatred, look at the inequality, look at the poverty, look at the impure water, look at the unhealthy air, and look at the toxic foods that have all come about because of man’s greed for power-ego, the greed for dominance and the greed for sensual pleasures.

The domino effect started as humans created civilizations and structures leadership, one leader around whom the masses rallied and learned to fear. Thrones were worshiped as the closest connection to the Creator.

As soon as this duality was set, greed and its brother inequality were inevitable.

The “elite versus the enslaved” became the norm that we see in full force even today over 10,000 years later, coveted as trendy lifestyle.

Pope Francis Story of Brothers Able and Cain

Pope Francis said the following at his Peace Talk to World Meeting of Families this year “First there was Adam and Eve…then came the family…two brothers Able and then Cain…until one day Cain killed his brother Able,” then chaos followed.

Because we have allowed for chaos to happen and flourish under the guise of power and material wealth, we have sacrificed our human freedom to access our true inner powers of love and compassion for the sake of material comforts and sensual pleasures. Alas today we have not only stopped evolution of the human species, but we are responsible for taking our human species back in evolution.

Devolving the Human Species

As we continue, absent minded of our true nature, our real human potential, ensnared by the material and sensual acquisitions, the tool kit, our brains are decreasing in size and usability, as machines and drugs replace our very thinking and our inventions eat up our own brains.

Yet we continue blissfully unaware of our diminishing inner powers.

Use it or lose it! Abuse it and devolve it!

We have abused our six senses.

   Now we have become addicts to these senses: we lust for foods, we abuse kids, we sexually abuse children and women even in houses of worship and in houses of renowned families, we violate women and the weak, we buy and sell humans, we slaughter innocent animals to feed our tongue, we lust after worldly possessions…we have become lesser than gross animals because we have lost our dignity of being human. Yet at the same time some of us say we are religious…but we do not follow the revelations of the wise prophets whom we profess to respect.  Some agnostics and the atheists say that this is how life is to be enjoyed.

The real truth is this:

We have lost our humanity and our human powers of super consciousness.

Today’s world is symptomatic of restricted human potential

In the developed countries, we cannot even breathe in healthy air, the water from our taps is polluted, and the food for our farms is toxic. We have robbed our Planet Earth (our very own home, our very own Mother who nourishes us) off her water, plants, animals and minerals while at the same time filling her with poisons.

How can we not realize that every action has a reaction?

Now we are reaping all the follies that we have sown.

Nationals “leading the world” in technology, are themselves sick: they have diabetes, cancer, hypertension, autism, dementia, they pop pills, live on treatments and therapy, have multiple personalities as they re-shape their body parts to look celebrities, are obsessed with fashion, own several homes and multiple vehicles…yet their brains are being affected and they are unsatisfied.

While at same just down their streets, children are dying of hunger, people are being trafficked, and folks live under bridges.  The human potential of both the elite and the poor are equally affected. This is the age of the new human.

Eventually those who have less do rebel in some way, be it through vengeful acts or to survive. What does the future hold?

Can humans get their acts together? Will the Pope’s visit spark some motivation for humanity?

Fear not, there is hope yet, as all is not lost.

The Key To Evolving Humans

Through the PEACE Shows in six countries, you heard of the challenge facing our adults and in the final show in the series of eight, you met four amazing youth from South Africa.

You heard their words of wisdom, you heard their inspirations for compassion you heard them say:

“What we do will be our future.”

“Parents are role models, we do what they do.”

“If only everyone can respect each other.”

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

These youth have a plan…they are our hope, and the hope for all youth…who can rescue humanity from devolving. These are our superkids.


There has been a huge demand for our live PEACE Shows.

Now tune in to our follow-up shows where you can actively participate in our monthly sessions where our Youth come together and plan for the future and where several of the topics discussed during the preceding sessions (autism, stroke, domestic violence, empowerment, work life balance, depression) will also offer support discussions.

Do join us, for the time is now. We must take action. Every step counts. Perhaps it is time for a prayer for peace. Your own inner peace is where it all starts.

As always I am here to support you in your journey in any way that I can.

Do contact me.

With lots of love,


Dr. Vie

Your Guide, Planet Earth, Our Great Cosmos


Author of Taming The Female  Impostor® A Women’s Guide To Being her Powerful Self. //

Producer of Dr. Vie PEACE Shows

Previous Articles:

Prayer for PEACE //

For World is one Family click here: //

For the PEACE SHOWS click here //

For Live Stream Rescuing Humanity click here : //

Truth About The Foods You Eat click here //

Yoga  Click  //

Part 3 click //

To Register for Free for our PEACE Shows click here. //

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