Prayer For Emotional Healing And Strength

Prayer For Healing

Prayer For Emotional Healing And Strength
Editor’s Note

I am privileged to introduce Rahi to our TSN family. Rahi was my beloved yoga teacher during my 3 months stay in India, and had guided me to bliss on many occasions.

To me, she is the embodiment of grace. The following was originally an email she had sent to me, which we edited to share with you here, along with a practical meditation that anyone can do at home.

With love, -Tina

An event such as this reminds us of the impermanent nature of our lives. It helps us remember that what's most important is to love each other, to be there for each other, and to treasure each moment we have that we are alive. This is the best that we can do for those who have died: we can live in such a way that they continue, beautifully, in us. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

When I saw the horrific scenes of the terrible earthquake and the tsunami that have devastated Japan and its people, my first response was one of deep pain.

All that my family, friends and I could talk about, and keep seeing again and again were the ongoing pain-filled visuals that every TV channel around the world was beaming into every home.

Then came the emails, postings, tweets, phone calls, etc….everyone was reaching out to every other person possible spreading the alarm and concern.

The cataclysmic events in Japan became personal because a dear student and now a fellow yoga teacher was living there. I was desperate to know that he and his family were safe.

I was anxious, restless and quite tense till I heard from him. His message was so calm, thanking me for my concern and informing me not to worry, as he and his fellow countrymen will weather this storm together as a nation.

Something about his calmness rubbed off on me and gave me a window of clarity. I went to my yoga den, sat down with a prayer for healing and started tapping on the acupressure points to calm myself and to lift me this downward spiral mode of thinking and feeling.

A few minutes into the tapping and I could visibly feel a change happening within me. And it is then that it occurred to me that I can sit in meditation and ‘send’ the vibrations of healing to Japan and all life forms affected by the devastation.

When I got up I felt the urge to call -minded friends for a group meditation that evening. Six people turned up and surprisingly all were women! We sat in a circle. Each person placed their right hand—in a giving gesture (palm facing down)—onto the next person’s left hand, which by default was in the receiving gesture (palm facing up, a bowl).

We started by inhaling freely and exhaling for 12 breaths. A deep calmness started happening within us. Then we visualized our beloved Earth in the center of the circle and focused on Japan and the Pacific region.

We visualized the pain and the enormous energy needed to bounce back to a semblance of normalcy. We started humming (“hmmm”) deeply and continuously for 21 minutes, allowing the vibrations of the heart centre to open up and radiate love, peace, compassion and healing.

When the humming stopped, the image within all of us changed to seeing the earth and Japan radiating joyful life. We held that vision in our hearts for a long time, feeling that something had been transformed. Then we ended with the beautiful Sanskrit chant of ”sarve bahvantu sukhina” which translate to “may peace, may happiness prevail”.

Every one of us in that group felt a deep, soft silence as a presence in that space…it was so compassionate, nurturing and all enveloping…as if the Divine Mother was wrapping us, Japan and the whole of Earth in Her loving arms.

The beauty is that, ever since that experience, whenever I continue to receive more information or visuals about the still occurring devastation, I no longer hook into the collective pain. Japan and the Earth seem to fall into my heart centre and I can feel a deep healing happening in me.

Why am I writing all this in such detail to you? I can give many reasons but the truth is I just feel impelled to do so.

Perhaps the learning is:

  • Don’t add to the collective pain by talking and thinking of all that horror being flashed on our screens.
  • Step aside, meditate and do your bit to raise the healing consciousness of humankind.

While help is pouring in from all corners of the world to rehabilitate the people of Japan, maybe, along with it, a different kind of help is needed to change the present vibrations.

Perhaps if a critical mass meditates, the energy generated can bring about positive changes that we cannot even conceive of?

Perhaps all this needs is to be communicated to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, so that in the coming days we can continue to maintain the healing momentum.

Prayer for Healing Through Meditation

If you felt resonated with the above story, try the following prayer for healing meditation—either as a group or as an individual in the comforts of your home.

1. Group Prayer for Healing Meditation

If you are gathered in a group of 3 or more people, sit in a circle. If you are a couple, sit across from each other. Make the ambience as soothing as possible. Optionally, you can light candles, or play soft calming music (example, sound of water flowing).

  1. Open your left hand, palm facing up. Place your left hand on your left knee comfortably.
  2. Take your right hand, palm facing down, place it, gently, on top of your neighbor’s left hand (the neighbor on your right side).
  3. Sit comfortably and focus on being relaxed. Close your eyes.
  4. Connect everyone’s breathing pattern so that they sync with the same patterns of inhale and exhale. Slowly go into deep breathing with the exhale being longer than inhale. Perhaps do this for 12 breaths so that all of you are in sync with one another.
  5. Visualize the earth in the center of this healing circle.
  6. As you inhale, feel you are taking in Cosmic energy. As you exhale, direct this energy to the earth and specifically to Japan. See the healing happening to the people and all other life forms affected by the earthquake and tsunami.
  7. If you can, hold this visualization for 21 minutes. If not, do it for the maximum time available and comfortable to the group.
  8. Place your palms together in front of your heart center in a prayer gesture (Anjali Mudra). Either say a prayer for healing that all of you know, or silently pray for deep peace and quick recovery to the Earth and to Japan.
  9. Give gratitude to Existence for giving you this great opportunity to be of service.

If you want, make a commitment to do this on a daily basis, as a group or on your own for the next 21 days (or how ever many days you want).

2. Individual Prayer for Healing Meditation

As an individual, you can create a space of love and healing through your own meditation. Similar to the group meditation, create a soothing and comfortable ambience where you can sit. Dim the light, and optionally, light a few candles.

  1. Sit quietly in a place that is calming.
  2. Relax both your hands. Place them naturally in whichever gesture that feels comfortable to you. For example, you can have both palms facing up, or place one hand on top of the other.
  3. Inhale and exhale deeply. Placing your entire focus on your breath.
  4. When you feel relaxed, take your awareness into the heart center (in the middle of your chest, next to your heart).
  5. As you inhale, visualize the cosmic energy and healing light entering your heart center. Feel your heart center opening up.
  6. As you exhale, direct the healing energy—light, love, compassion, and strength—to the earth, to Japan, to the Pacific region.
  7. Visualize yourself sitting in a circle among other healers doing the same thing. All of you sitting together in a ring, encircling the earth and sending healing to the planet.
  8. Hold this visualization for as long as you are comfortable. If you have a hard time visualizing, you can say the words and allow the meditation to happen.
  9. Finish the meditation by bringing your palms together in a prayer position, giving gratitude to Existence for choosing you to be a conduit in its service.

If you found the above meditation to be comforting and relaxing, make it a daily practice for the next 21 days (or how ever many days you would ).

The above prayer for healing meditation is not limited to the current Japan devastation. It can also be adopted to help heal other inner emotional pains you may want to alleviate.

Thank you for listening.

With Love,
Rahi & Tina

* Please share your thoughts, experiences, wisdom or questions with us in the comment section. See you there!

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Prayers for Strength

Prayer For Emotional Healing And Strength

Sometimes the world can become a bit much for us to deal with on our own. We never knew what direction our life could suddenly turn in and when the unexpected happens, we can often feel a bit defeated.

It’s important to know that you can always reach out to you angels who are always watching over you. In this article we are going to explore some prayers for strength.

This will involve taking a look at the various aspects of strength and deciding what aspect we need to focus our prayer on. We’ll also take a look at whether there is a wrong way to pray.

How to Pray

Before we take a look at the various types of strength and some examples of prayers for strength you may choose to use, we have to discuss the nature of prayer itself.

Many people wonder if there is a right and wrong way to pray.

The power of prayer isn’t something many people have a great understanding of and so when it comes time for praying for strength and wisdom or protection and guidance, people feel a bit their depth.

The truth is that there isn’t a wrong way to pray. You can pray in your head or you can pray out loud. You could hold your hands together or pray while you meditate. Many people choose to pray in a religious building while others pray before they go to sleep.

The important part of any prayer is that it comes from deep within yourself. Don’t pray for something just because your friend does, pray because there is a matter that you wish to take further or because you require guidance or even protection.

All you have to do is pray from your soul and the rest is just bells and whistles.

What is Strength?

Before we actually cover a prayer for strength, we have to establish what strength actually means. If someone tells you they need strength, what would you imagine they are referring to? Would you think they needed physical strength or would you assume they meant emotional strength or even spiritual strength?

What if your friend was ill or had an injury then you might assume that what they really needed was healing and that perhaps the strength they were referring to is the strength to recover.

It’s also possible that by strength your friend could be referring to the need for will power. So to cut a long story short, prayers for healing and strength could essentially mean the same thing as could a prayer for strength and guidance.

Let’s take a look at a few examples of some prayers and when you may use them.

Prayers for Strength – Physical Healing process

The first example of prayers for strength we will take a look at will be one for physical strength that can also be used to encourage healing and recovery from a physical injury such as a broken bone or illness.

Keep in mind that you can use these prayers for strength (either as they come or as inspiration) or you can edit them to fit your own situation. Just have faith in your own ability.

This prayer would be to the Archangel Raphael as his name means “healing power of God”.

“Raphael, Archangel of Heaven and healing power of God, I reach out to you now in my time of need. My body is failing me and I lack the strength to pick myself up bed in order to return to work so that I may provide for my family. I ask for your healing energy and light in my time of need so that I can not only help myself but also others. I am grateful for your attention. Amen!”

Prayer for Emotional Strength/Will Power

As we already discussed: prayers for strength aren’t limited to physical strength. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us (or alternatively, the emotions of others do) and other times we simply lack the will power to carry out whatever task we should be doing.

When you feel physically strong but emotionally weak, you should turn to the Archangel Michael for help. His name translates as “He who is God” and he is arguably the most powerful of the Archangels. He can facilitate any emotional/mental growth.

This prayer may apply to someone whose mental health has taken a toll.

“Mighty Archangel Michael, I call out to you in the hopes that you are listening and can provide me with the aid that I so desperately seek.

I have lost my way in this world and have lost all hope of returning to the life I once knew. My own thoughts betray me and I simply lack the strength to continue.

I ask that you shine your healing light upon me in the hopes that I can pick myself up. Amen!”

Prayer for Spiritual Strength

Remember that a prayer for strength and guidance can be the same thing, particularly if you’re referring to spirituality. There is a certain power in prayer and when we lose our way and drift off our spiritual path, we tend to search for guidance and for the spiritual strength to accept that we have wandered.

Prayers for strength are sometimes necessary to demonstrate to our angels that we’re aware that our spirituality has taken a hit or has even left us entirely. When we doubt our beliefs, we tend to end up in the same situation.

So here is an example of a prayer to the Archangel Zadkiel (Righteousness of God) who is the angel to turn to in these matters.

“Dear Zadiel, Mercy of God, I have strayed from my spiritual path and no matter what I try, my path remains reach to me. I feel I’m lost in a thick, dense forest with no light to guide me and no path in sight. I ask that you send me a sign in order to show me the way back to my path so I can begin my spiritual journey once more.”

Discover some more interesting articles from Padre:


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Prayer for Emotional Wellbeing and Good Health

Prayer For Emotional Healing And Strength

This emotional wellness prayer will help you receive God’s help in keeping your thoughts, emotions and behaviors healthy.   

Emotional wellness means that your inner life provides you with the stability and resilience to handle the stress, joys and difficulties of life. 

Because God is the source of the strength and stability of our emotional wellness, prayer is one of the most important tools we can use in our quest for emotional wellness.  Christians aren’t exempt from life problems, but those who know God intimately are given power beyond themselves to endure and prosper no matter what. 

Emotional wellness prayer

Dear God, I come to you asking for your help in keeping mestrong and healthy in body, mind and spirit. 

I thank you that because you created me you know my innerthoughts.  You know all of my fears, myhopes and my dreams.  You know my past,present and future.  Only you know mypersonality and you know all of my emotional needs. 

I thank you that you are the source of health in my innerbeing.   When I draw close to your, you add your strengthto mine.  You help me cope. You guideme.  You comfort me.  You strengthen me. 

I pray that you will continue to develop in me the gracesthat create emotional wellness. 

I pray that you will renew my mind daily and keep my thoughtprocess clear.  Help me guard againstnegativity, judgementalism and worry. 

I pray that you will help me handle my emotions well.  I thank you that you understand my feelingsand that you hurt when I hurt and you rejoice when I rejoice. 

Guide me to use and express my emotions in appropriate and healthyways. 

Comfort me when I am hurting.  Calm me when I am distressed and anxious.  Heal me when I am broken.  

Alert me when I am overreacting.  Prevent me from acting before I think. 

When I am overcome with negative emotions to the point thatthey are interfering with my life, guide me to seek help from others. 

Show me how to handle stress.  Guide me how to keep my life balanced. 

Open my eyes to activities that can replenish my mind andspirit.

Connect me with others in meaningful ways.   Deepen my friendships, strengthen my familyties, connect me with other Christians.  

Show me your purpose for my life that I might be part ofsomething bigger than myself.  Give mevision, hope and promise. 

Never let my heart grow old. Keep me moving from glory to glory in your Kingdom.

Help me care for my body and keep it strong.  Help me to eat well and keep fit.

Most of all, draw me closer to you.  Fill me with faith, trust, love, grace andpeace.   

Let me sit at your feet in your presence, safe and secure inYou.


Emotional Wellness Prayer Scriptures           

“O Lord, you have searched me and you know me.  You know when I sit and when I rise; youperceive my thoughts from afar.  Youdiscern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.  Before a word is on my tongue you know itcompletely, O Lord.”  (Psalm 139 :1-4NIV)     

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and thatall may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”  (3 John verse 2 NIV)

“A cheerful heart is good medicine but a crushed spiritdries up the bones.”  (Proverbs 17:22 NIV) 

“A wise man’s heart guides his mouth, and his lips promoteinstruction.  Pleasant words are ahoneycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”  (Proverbs 16:23.24 NIV)   

“Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.  This will bring health to your body andnourishment to your bones.”  (Prov 3:7,8NIV)

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as youtrust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the HolySpirit.”  (Romans 15:13 NIV)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on yourown understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make yourpaths straight.”  (Proverbs 3:5,6 NIV)  

Emotional Wellness Prayer Activities

Many experts advise using meditativetechniques to promote emotional wellness.

 Christian prayer is more effective than these techniques because you aretaking your eyes off your own situation and entering into the presence of ourloving God.

  Christian emotional wellnessprayer activities offer much more than the peace or tranquility promised byother techniques because Christian prayer brings you closer to God’s presence,person and power.

Here are some suggested ideas for emotional wellness prayeractivities:

Secrets to developing powerful Christian mediation time

How to mediate in nature

How to mediate using art

How to do mediation using the Bible

How to pray Scriptures

How to request and receive confidential prayer

How to let go of things using prayer

Journaling as a form of prayer

Soaking prayer   

Living and praying a thankful life

How to have a prayer breakthrough by honestly talking with God

Copyright Karen Barber 2019. All rights reserved.    

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Prayer Healing Strength: Get A Miracle of Healing When You Need One

Prayer For Emotional Healing And Strength

Fritz the Cat in the hospital. He needs a miracle of healing for severe feline renal failure.

Are you facing a situation right now where you need to call on the power of prayer healing strength? Are you feeling overwhelmed and know that only a Higher Power can solve this problem?

You’ve come to the right place. Erika Awakening is a powerful holistic healer with extensive experience healing medical issues that doctors and veterinarians could not heal.

Erika Awakening applies an advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT tapping.

If you are not yet familiar with Emotional Freedom Technique, you can think of it as a super-charged form of prayer for healing strength.

Watch the Erika Awakening Intro to Emotional Freedom Technique EFT Tapping here.

In this article, we are collecting links to articles Erika Awakening has written over the years about how to get miracles with prayer healing strength. We are not relying on our own strength to get these miracles of healing. We are calling upon God and the Angels. And it really works. Especially when you learn how to use EFT tapping in a skillful way.

Prayer Healing Strength to Heal Chronic Kidney Failure in Cats

In September 2012, Erika Awakening had a harrowing experience when her cat Fritz was diagnosed with sudden and severe kidney failure. The prognosis was dire.

If you are familiar with feline renal failure, you know the statistics are horrible.

Only 40 percent of cats even survive and most of those who do survive are left with permanent kidney damage and succumb to chronic kidney failure. Fritz the Cat was not given very long to live, according to the veterinarian.

Erika Awakening applied her advanced prayer healing system of EFT tapping to this dire kidney failure situation. And we are happy to report that we got our miracle of healing.

Not only that, as of writing this article nearly two years later, Fritz the Cat has no symptoms of chronic kidney failure. He has a hearty appetite and loves to eat! Fritz the Cat loves to play a kitten.

If you are facing a dire kidney failure or other life-threatening situation, you may find hope, inspiration, and new skills in these articles:

Feline Renal Failure: Fritz the Cat Needs A Miracle of Healing

Feline Kidney Failure: Fritz the Cat Miracles of Healing Continue

Six Secrets Your Veterinarian Probably Won’t Tell You About Beating Feline Chronic Kidney Failure

Prayer Healing Strength to Heal Your Health Yourself

Learning how to heal your health yourself is an investment. It took Erika Awakening many years to learn the healing skills that she has, including advanced EFT tapping, intention setting, karma clearing, and much more. Then again, the payoffs are huge. How liberating it is not to have to call a doctor or veterinarian for every little thing.

Erika Awakening discovered and appreciated the value of these healing skills while traveling abroad. In foreign countries, one never knows how easy it will be to access emergency medical care. Or quality medical care. And so these healing skills are extra valuable:

Travel Medical Insurance: How to Heal Your Health Yourself

Living without health insurance can feel stressful if you don’t know how to get yourself a miracle of healing. Erika Awakening shares how she speeded her recovery from a serious ski accident here:

The Problem with Vulnerability and How Prayer Healing Strength Can Keep Us Healthier

In this article, Erika Awakening shares how recording her 30-Day Health & Fitness Challenge led to a miracle of healing with varicose veins that had plagued her since childhood:

EFT Tapping Prayers for Healing Leads to A Miracle of Healing for Varicose Veins

Prayer Healing Strength to Heal Dental Cavities

We had another little adventure with Fritz the Cat when he was diagnosed with the kitty version of a dental cavity. The veterinarian told us our only option was extraction surgery under general anesthesia. Fortunately EFT tapping prayer healing strength came through for us yet again:

How to Heal Dental Cavities with EFT Tapping

And Erika Awakening can share so many more stories of the results of prayer for healing strength through EFT tapping. Erika Awakening has also had amazing results with healing chronic pain and a chronic skin condition.

This is without pharmaceuticals or ongoing medical care. Erika Awakening is not a licensed medical practitioner and nothing on this blog should be construed as medical advice.

These are complementary therapies to assist you in learning how to heal your health yourself.

Prayer Healing Strength to Recover A Lost Loved One

This is not a physical healing, technically. It was definitely a miracle. My brother’s cat lost in the wilderness for days in the middle of a blizzard with coyotes roaming in our backyard. Use this EFT Tapping script and adapt it to your situation to get a miracle.

How Advanced EFT Helped Bring My Brother’s Cat Home Safely

Is EFT Tapping A Scam? How to Get Miracles of Healing with EFT Tapping

A final note. It is heartbreaking to me how many people have said they tried Emotional Freedom Technique also known as EFT tapping who were not able to get results I describe here. If you have tried EFT tapping and did not get results, you may be interested in this article that helps you troubleshoot the Emotional Freedom Technique process:

Ten Reasons Why EFT Tapping May Not Work: Is EFT Tapping A Scam?

Learn more about Erika Awakening and her healing power, which comes from God. Anyone can tap into this power at any time. Just pray. And use EFT tapping to make your prayer healing strength more effective. 🙂


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