Prayer For A Baby’s Chronic Illness

Prayers for a sick baby

Prayer For A Baby’s Chronic Illness

Caring for different people every single day can take a toll on nurses. This goes particularly true with nurses working on the pediatric ward.

Since patients in this area are more vulnerable to stress, pain and discomfort, it’s not enough for nurses to concentrate on their physical needs.

Sending out prayers can help, too because inevitably, it’s so easy for these small people to capture our hearts again and again.

Below are some of the most powerful prayers for a sick child.

Prayer For A Sick Child In The Hospital

Jesus, You’re with us. Though you are not seen,

We know that you stay by our side.

Jesus, You love us, More than we could know,

And you feel each tear that we cry.

Jesus, We trust you, To take hold of our hands,

Until we’re recovered and well.

Jesus, You promise to, Comfort and care,

Until we are laughing and playing again.

Thank you Jesus.


Prayer To Restore A Sick Child’s Health

O Lord God, I come to You for help and succor. You have afflicted my child . Help me to understand that You mean well. Give me grace to bear my child’s affliction with patience and strength.

Bless me, O Father, and restore my child to health. Do not forsake us, but give us an assurance of Your loving Kingdom. Bless this illness to me and my child , and help us both to be better children of Yours because of it.

In the name of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Prayer To St. Nicholas For A Sick Child

Saint Nicholas, who the Savior, loved children so tenderly and gave generously to those in need, listen to us who plead for this sick child

who is so dear to our hearts.

We thank God for the great gift of our child and we pray that He relieve this child of pain and free him/her from suffering. Obtain strength when he/she is weary, hope when discouraged, and joy when downhearted. May the Lord, through your intercession,

restore perfect health if such be His divine will.

These favors, we beg of you through your love for all children.


Prayer For A Sick Child Through St. Gerard

St. Gerard, who, the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many from disease and even death, listen to us who are pleading for our sick child. We thank God for the great gift of our son/daughter and ask Him to restore our child to health if such be His holy will. This favour, we beg of you through your love for all children and mothers.


Short Prayer for A Sick Child

Heavenly Father, watch over our child, and grant that he may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer For A Sick Child With Chronic Illness

Dear God, I pray for (child’s name) as he/she deals with this (specific illness) so often. I know You are the Master Healer and that You also provide times that are symptom-free for this dear little one. Please comfort and protect this dear child during this hard time.

Help them to know that they can come to You for the peace and health that only You can provide. Please be with the doctors as they continually study to find medicines and treatments that will comfort those that suffer from chronic illnesses.

I leave this in Your precious hands oh God my Father. Amen

See Also: 9 Powerful Healing Prayers for Cancer Patients

Prayer For A Sick Child With Threatening Illness

Lord I come to You today to present (child’s name) to You. This very deadly sickness that is upon him/her is very sad to all who know and love him/her. I know that in times this his/her Mommy and Daddy are in despair.

Please keep them strong in You so that they can be a comfort to this dear little child. Please keep (child’s name) from being scared of what is happening all around him/her. I ask Your mercy so that pain would be minimal or nonexistence. I love this small and fragile little child.

Bestow Your grace and peace to them and all who love them. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

Prayer To Bring Healing To A Child

Lord, you love our child as You love all children, Bring healing to our child who is not well. Stay by his side and comfort him through this trying time. Keep us ever mindful of Your loving presence Bless us with Your powerful healing and comfort us also. Thank You for hearing our prayer!

See Also: 20 Short But Effective Prayers for Surgery

Before we go to sleep tonight, let’s offer a heartfelt prayer for a sick child somewhere out there.

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How Living with a Chronic Illness Has Made Me a Stronger Mother

Prayer For A Baby’s Chronic Illness
Image Source: Thinkstock

My name is Rachel, and I’m a type 1 diabetic. My disease is considered chronic, autoimmune, and invisible. Currently, there is no cure for my useless beta cells, so I have to administer insulin through a pump that’s connected to my body at all times.

When I was diagnosed 10 years ago, I was at my rock bottom. I had been ill for a year-and-a-half with unquenchable thirst, constant hunger, extreme fatigue, sudden weight loss, and general weakness.

In the later stages, I had numbness in my feet, depression, brain fog, memory loss, and even bed wetting.

I visited five medical professionals, and received inaccurate diagnoses ranging from anorexia to hypochondria.

I was sinking.

And then one day, exhausted and breathless, I laid down for a three-hour morning nap. When I wouldn’t pick up my ringing cell phone, my husband rushed home from work, scooped me up in his arms, and rushed me to the ER.

It was there that I finally had my answer: I had type 1 diabetes. With numbers so high they were not on medical charts, I was carted to the ICU and spent the next five days in the hospital.

I soon learned how to dose and inject insulin, test my blood sugar, and calculate the grams of carbohydrates in the foods I consumed.

Two years later, we brought home our first child: a little girl we adopted at birth. Then two years after that, we adopted another infant girl. clockwork, we brought home our son after waiting another two years.

And just last month, we adopted another little girl (though this time, we waited four years).

The thought of parenting four young children and living with a chronic disease may have once seemed daunting, but I swear it has made me a better mom in the end — and here’s why.

1. I say “no” more often

Too many mothers confess that they’re exhausted and stressed — and if they’re being honest, it’s often because of their own choosing. They simply cannot bring themselves to say no, either because of pride or guilt.

However, since my diagnosis, I say “no” to opportunities without apology.

If it’s not something I’m passionate about and fully committed to, or if it’s going to make my family or my disease suffer in some way, the answer is no.

No, I can’t make eight dozen cookies for the bake sale. No, I can’t be the chaperone for the holiday party. No, my children cannot be in three extracurricular activities each.

Saying “no” isn’t just empowering, it’s stress-reducing. My children hear me saying “no,” and they learn that Mommy knows how to prioritize.

2. I’m committed to self-care

We’ve all probably heard that same analogy about self-care — it’s just  when the flight attendant reminds us to put the oxygen masks on ourselves before helping the child seated next to us. We can’t take care of others unless we take care of ourselves.

I know, I know; it’s way easier said than done. But for me, self-care is essential to regulating my blood sugars and making sure that not only can I live a less-stressful life, but that I can get bed, get dressed, and get my kids where they need to be.

Self-care involves eating healthy meals and snacks, exercising, and having time to do what I love: write. Self-care is part of my disease management plan.

And by committing to self-care, I’m teaching my kids to do the same: to listen to their bodies, feelings, and hearts and to respond in a healthy way.

3. I’m honest

My disease is not easy.

I experience high blood sugar levels (which make me feel I have the flu) and low blood sugar levels (rendering me weak and shaky), I attend constant medical appointments (which are expensive and time consuming), and I am always “on” as a diabetic, meaning there is no vacation from my disease.

I definitely don’t use my disease as a tool to gain sympathy, but I don’t shy away from letting people know how demanding diabetes can be, either. I’m going to stand up for myself and my needs because if I don’t, who will? wise, my children are learning that it’s ok to have bad days and be clear about what they need.

4. I cut myself way more slack

There are days I simply cannot do the most basic of tasks; days where my disease is winning. Because of this, I have had to learn to give myself a lot of grace. I can eat all the right things, get enough sleep, exercise, and carefully monitor my blood sugars, and sometimes diabetes doesn’t cooperate.

I could beat myself up over every decision and every high or low blood sugar, or I can take the higher row, forgiving myself for any mistakes and committing to doing better. I can also see my disease for what it is: a beast that needs to be tamed, but is sometimes beyond my control.

Because my children witness my steadfast commitment to my heath which involves grace, they learn that the goal in life isn’t perfectionism, but instead, determination.

5. I appreciate what I have

My disease is relentless: demanding, cumbersome, angering, confusing. However, I’ve learned to appreciate what my body HAS done for me and how hard it works every day to not only stay alive, but thrive.

I’m blessed with the resources to buy healthy foods and attend medical appointments. I have a supportive husband. For everything my disease has taken, and tries to take, from me, there is so much more to be thankful for.

My children are witnessing a mom who says, “Diabetes sucks, but it’s not winning.”

Certainly, I hope that one day my disease is cured. I will happily chuck the syringes and vials over the nearest cliff. But until that day comes, I will relish in the lessons my disease teaches me, and subsequently, teaches my children, and I will continue to fight with everything I have.

More On Article Posted 3 years Ago

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Chronic Illness and Depression

Prayer For A Baby’s Chronic Illness

A chronic illness is one that lasts for a very long time and usually cannot be cured completely. Examples of chronic illnesses include diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, kidney disease, HIV/AIDS, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Many of these conditions can be improved through diet, exercise, and healthy living, in addition to medication.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Common symptoms of depression include:

  • Depressed mood and/or loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Sleep disturbances (sleeping too much or not able to sleep)
  • Problems with concentration
  • Apathy (lack of feeling or emotion)
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

Patients and their family members often overlook the symptoms of depression, assuming that feeling depressed is normal for someone struggling with a serious, chronic illness.

Symptoms of depression such as fatigue, poor appetite, reduced concentration, and insomnia are also common features of chronic medical conditions.

This makes it difficult to decide if these symptoms are due to depression or to the underlying illness.

When a patient has a chronic medical illness and is also depressed, it is extremely important to treat both the depression and the medical illness at the same time.

Why is depression common in people who have a chronic illness?

Depression is one of the most common complications of chronic illness. It is estimated that up to one-third of individuals with a serious medical condition have symptoms of depression.

People who have chronic illnesses must adjust to both the illness and its treatment. The illness may affect a person’s mobility (ability to move) and independence, and change the way a person lives, sees him- or herself, and/or relates to others. These changes can be stressful and cause a certain amount of despair or sadness that is normal.

In some cases, having a chronic illness can trigger what is known as clinically significant depression, a potentially serious but treatable illness itself.

The doctor and the patient must decide whether symptoms of depression are just a normal reaction to the stress of having a chronic medical condition, or are so intense or disabling that they require additional treatment with an antidepressant.

Which long-term illnesses lead to depression?

Any chronic condition can trigger depression, but the risk increases if the illness is more severe and causes more disruption in the patient’s life.

Depression caused by chronic illness can aggravate the illness, causing a vicious cycle to develop. Depression is especially ly to occur when the illness causes pain, disability, or social isolation. Depression in turn can intensify pain, fatigue, and the self-doubt that can lead the patient to avoid other people.

The rates for depression that occurs with other medical illnesses is quite high:

  • Heart attack: 40%-65%
  • Coronary artery disease (without heart attack): 18%-20%
  • Parkinson’s disease: 40%
  • Multiple sclerosis: 40%
  • Stroke: 10% to 27%
  • Cancer: 25%
  • Diabetes: 25%

How can depression be treated?

Early diagnosis and treatment for depression can reduce distress, as well as any risk of suicide. Patients with a chronic medical condition who get treatment for co-existing depression often have an improvement in their overall medical condition, achieve a better quality of life, and find it easier to follow their treatment plan.

In some cases, improved treatment of the chronic medical condition will relieve the symptoms of depression that it caused. If so, specific treatment for depression may be unnecessary.

Some medications can cause depression; in these cases, the best thing to do is reduce or eliminate that particular medication.

However, when depression becomes a separate problem, it should be treated on its own.

The success of antidepressant treatment – any other treatment – cannot be guaranteed, but most people who are treated for depression will recover.

Recovery is often more rapid and complete when both antidepressant medication and psychotherapy (“talk therapy”) are combined. Many antidepressant medicines are available to treat depression.

How these drugs work is not fully understood, but they affect brain chemicals that are believed to be involved in depression.

Psychotherapy, or “therapy” for short, actually refers to a variety of techniques used to treat depression. Psychotherapy involves talking to a licensed professional who helps the depressed person:

  • Focus on the behaviors, emotions, and ideas that contribute to his or her depression.
  • Understand and identify the life problems or events–such as a major illness, a death in the family, the loss of a job, or a divorce–that contribute to depression, and help them understand which aspects of those problems they may be able to solve or improve.
  • Regain a sense of control and pleasure in life.

Tips for coping with chronic illness

Depression, disability, and chronic illness form a vicious circle. Chronic illness can bring on bouts of depression, which, in turn, can lead to a rundown physical condition that interferes with successful treatment of the chronic condition.

The following are some tips to help you better cope with a chronic illness:

  • Learn how to live with the physical effects of the illness.
  • Learn how to deal with the treatments.
  • Make sure there is clear communication with your doctors.
  • Try to maintain emotional balance to cope with negative feelings.
  • Try to maintain confidence and a positive self-image.
  • Get help as soon as symptoms of depression appear.

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Chronic Illness

Prayer For A Baby’s Chronic Illness

Photo by: Eisenhans

A chronic illness is a mental or physical disorder that lasts for a long time, perhaps even a lifetime.

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Crohn's disease

Diabetes melitus




Genetic disease



Sickle-cell anemia

What Is Chronic Illness?

Chronic (KRAH-nik) illnesses are different from illnesses such as flu or chicken pox, where a person becomes sick for a short time and then returns to health.

These short-term illnesses are called acute (a-KYOOT) illnesses. Un people with acute illnesses, people with chronic illnesses usually don't return to completely normal health.

The illness does not go away, even when the symptoms are controlled.

What Are Different Types of Chronic Illness?

There are many types of illnesses that are chronic, each with its own symptoms, causes, and course. Some chronic illnesses affect people of any age or ethnic background, while others are more ly to appear in a particular age or ethnic group. Some chronic illnesses are present at birth, while others develop later in life.

Chronic illnesses are sometimes inherited. Diseases that are inherited develop because a person has certain genes, the material in the body that helps determine physical and mental characteristics, such as hair and eye color. An example of an inherited chronic illness is sickle-cell anemia.

This disease affects the blood's ability to carry oxygen through the body. Sickle-cell anemia is more ly to occur in people of African descent who carry the gene for the disease. Sometimes the symptoms of inherited chronic illnesses appear early in childhood.

At other times, symptoms of an inherited chronic illness do not show up until much later in life.

Some chronic illnesses are caused by environmental factors such as exposure to pollutants. Coal miners may breathe so much coal dust in the air that they begin to show symptoms of a chronic lung disorder called black lung disease. Bacteria * or viruses * also can cause chronic illnesses.

For example, Lyme disease, a bacterial disease spread by the bite of ticks, causes an acute flu illness at first, but it also can cause long-term joint, heart, and nervous system problems that may not show up for months or years. Some chronic illnesses are progressive.

Progressive illnesses such as muscular dystrophy * , cystic fibrosis * , multiple sclerosis * , Parkinson disease * , or Alzheimer disease * can get worse as time passes.

How Is Chronic Illness Treated?

When doctors diagnose a chronic illness, they also recommend treatments that can relieve symptoms or keep the body functioning at its healthiest. Sometimes treatments involve medications the doctor will prescribe.

Sometimes managing the illness also will depend on things the ill person can do to remain as healthy as possible, such as making changes in diet, quitting smoking, or exercising more.

People with chronic illness seem to do best when they work as partners with their doctors to take an active role in caring for their health.

The symptoms of many chronic illnesses can be controlled with medication or changes in diet and activity. For example, people with diabetes (dy-a-BEE-teez) are unable to process sugars properly for use by the body.

By taking insulin * or other medications and by eating properly, people with diabetes can lead very active, normal lives.

Bobby Clarke, who played professional ice hockey for many years, is an example of a person with diabetes who has had a vigorous and demanding career, even though he takes insulin every day.

Some people with chronic illnesses have symptoms that appear only under certain conditions. For example, some people with asthma (AZ-ma), a chronic illness that affects the lungs, may experience difficulty breathing only when they exercise, breathe in pollutants, or are under stress.

Others with asthma may need to take medications or use inhalers daily to prevent wheezing. When the symptoms of a chronic illness are not present or are minimal, the illness is said to be in remission (ree-MI-shun).

Having an illness that is in remission is not the same as being cured, because the disease that causes the illness is still present.

* bacteria are round, spiral, or rod-shaped single-cell microorganisms without a distinct nucleus that commonly multiply by cell division. Some types may cause disease in humans, animals, or plants.

* viruses are tiny infectious agents that lack independent metabolism (me-TA-bo-li-zum), the chemical processes by which living things produce and use energy. Viruses can reproduce only within the cells they infect.

* muscular dystrophy (DIS-trofee) is a group of inherited disorders in which there is a gradual deterioration and weakening of muscles.

* cystic fibrosis is an inherited condition in which certain glands produce very sticky mucus (MYOO-kus) that clogs the lungs, the intestines, and some other organs of the body, making it difficult to breathe and digest food properly.

* multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease of the nervous system that disrupts communication between the brain and other parts of the body, that can result in weakness, paralysis, blindness, and other symptoms.

* Parkinson disease is a disorder of the nervous system that causes shaking, rigid muscles, slow movements, and poor balance.

* Alzheimer (ALTS-hy-mer) disease is a condition that leads to gradually worsening loss of mental abilities, including memory, judgment, and abstract thinking, as well as changes in personality.

Coping with Chronic Illness

Accepting that one must live with the limitations of a chronic illness can be emotionally difficult. How people react to the diagnosis of a chronic illness and how they cope depend partly on the nature of the illness, and the age and resilience of the person.

The changes they believe the illness will make in their lives, and how the illness will change their family and social support, also influence how people cope. Many people go through a process of grieving for the health and freedom of activity that they have lost.

They may pass through stages of denial, anger, depression, and worry when they find out that they have a chronic disease.

Self-image and self-esteem may suffer when a person must cope with a chronic illness, especially if that illness is painful or imposes limitations that interfere with social activities, school, or work.

Chronic illness may be difficult for other family members, who frequently must take on additional responsibilities at home. Many chronic illnesses may get better or go into remission, only to reappear unexpectedly, sometimes with worse symptoms.

Uncertainty about the course of the illness can be stressful. This uncertainty also may make planning for vacations or special activities difficult.

Support groups dedicated to specific illnesses are often effective in helping the person with a chronic illness and that person's caregivers make emotional and physical adjustments to the disease.

Counseling and therapy for both the chronically ill person and caregivers or family members may help people find ways of dealing with the stress of chronic illness.

Many people with chronic illness, even children, cope well with their condition and find ways of adjusting to their disease and leading full and meaningful lives.

* insulin is a kind of hormone, or chemical produced in the body, that is crucial In controlling the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood and in helping the body use glucose to produce energy. When the body cannot produce or use insulin properly, a person must take insulin or other medications.

See also

Huegel, Kelly. Young People and Chronic Illness: True Stories, Help, and Hope. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing, 1998. True stories about teens with asthma, diabetes, lupus, hemophilia, Crohn's disease, and epilepsy, and strategies for how to cope with chronic illness.

Kaufman, Miriam. Easy for You to Say: Q and As for Teens Living with Chronic Illness or Disability. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1995.


Center for Disability Information and Referral, Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, 2853 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47408-2696. This organization focuses on the disability aspect of chronic illness. It provides referrals for all types of disabilities. Telephone 812-855-9396


KidsHealth website has much valuable information for children, teens, and parents. Articles on muscular dystrophy, diabetes, and coping with chronic illness are available at their website.

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The Odd Ways Having a Chronic Illness Prepped Me for Pregnancy

Prayer For A Baby’s Chronic Illness

Because I’ve lived with a chronic illness for several years now, there are certain things that I've grown accustomed to. Fatigue, pain, pacing myself, canceling plans, a strict diet — these are all are normal to me. Little did I know all this would prepare me for one of life’s momentous experiences.

In my first trimester of pregnancy, I was extremely sick. Before I realized I was pregnant, I actually thought I was having a psoriatic arthritis flare. A few days later, I thought perhaps I had a stomach bug. But a week into feeling sick, I started putting two and two together and realized I was pregnant.

I was throwing up five or six times a day, I had absolutely no energy, and I felt I had been hit by a bus. The headaches made it hard to concentrate, and I lost patience over little things. I work from home, so between meetings I was either in the bathroom or lying on the floor next to my desk.

I was miserable. I thought, many times, “Why do women do this?” only to shake the thought a second later after thinking about the invaluable gift I’d be receiving at the end of it all.

As my first trimester wore on, I began to think, “Wow! Living with a chronic illness has prepared me for this.” Having a chronic illness forced me to grow accustomed to many of the symptoms I was now experiencing in pregnancy. Because of my psoriatic arthritis, I truly think I found pregnancy more manageable.

Here are a few standout ways that living with my chronic illness prepared me for pregnancy.


For a good two and a half months, I honestly didn’t have the energy to sit up straight. If I wasn’t lying down, I was laying my head down on my desk or the nearest counter.

The fatigue reminded me of the bad days of psoriatic arthritis flare-ups, when it took effort just to open my eyes. Sure, having no energy at all was frustrating. But the difference between pregnancy and chronic illness was that I knew the fatigue would eventually let up.

I knew the exact cause for my symptoms and that once my little baby was here (or perhaps sooner), I would regain some of my energy.

I paced myself and did what I could. I didn’t get upset if I didn’t get everything done. In fact, many things fell off my to-do list because they didn’t seem so important at the time. Having already accepted that I sometimes must pace myself with psoriatic arthritis, I knew I had to give my body the chance to rest when it needed it during pregnancy. Otherwise, I’d end up regretting it!

Aches and pains

My back ached, my head throbbed, and my expanding belly hurt. It would have been extremely easy to reach for an ibuprofen or turmeric capsule, but being pregnant, you’re not encouraged to take any extra substances. So, I muddled through.

And to be honest, the pain I was experiencing was nothing in comparison to the pain I had when my complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) wasn’t in remission, or when my avascular necrosis (AVN) peaked, or when my psoriatic arthritis was at its worst.

Sure, backaches aren’t the most pleasant of things, but they definitely beat living with the feeling that my leg was on fire for years on end (thanks CRPS and AVN).

I have yet to give birth, but I can’t help but wonder if living with chronic pain will help my labor and delivery process. With my AVN and CRPS, I was constantly in pain. If you look on a pain scale, it’s claimed that the pain from CRPS is more intense than childbirth or losing a limb. So, if that is accurate, I should be able to take childbirth head on!

Yet, I will say that every extremely painful moment I’ve had in my life had to be dealt with in that moment. Of course, I know that labor will be intense and extremely difficult. But having learned to cope with chronic pain, I believe I’m better equipped to handle it. I have my pain-coping tools ready to call upon at a moment's notice.

You must be flexible

Living with a chronic illness forces you to go with the flow. There have been many times I’ve had to cancel plans because of flare-ups. Because of this, my family and friends are more willing to understand and accommodate me in these situations.

During my first trimester, when I was extremely sick, I had to cancel several plans and even a big trip to my close friend’s wedding. Sure, having to cancel these things bothered me (especially the wedding), but I realized I had to put my health first. I knew if I pushed myself too far, it would take me twice as long to recover.

I think others would have gone stir-crazy from being cooped up in the house for so long in poor health, but to me, it was almost normal! I know that being flexible is a way of life, and if I’m not flexible, I’ll just end up frustrating myself.

Not having control

At one time in my life, I was a complete control freak. If things didn’t go my way, I’d freak out. But, disability leave and chronic pain have definitely taught me that — as much as I’d love to have control — I am not always in control of what happens.

Sure, there are things I CAN control; the way I think, the things I eat, the activities I participate in. But at the end of the day, I realize that I need to go with the flow and accept challenges as they come.

Having studied holistic health, I always thought it was strange that pregnant women complained so much of heartburn. In my mind, it was simple — just avoid the foods that are causing it.

But once I was pregnant, and noticed anything and everything I ate caused me heartburn, I quickly realized I didn’t have as much control over heartburn as I thought. Because I was accepting of this fact, I was able to adjust.

And with some small modifications ( using ginger oil or building a ramp of pillows in bed before I slept), I could soothe the symptoms as best I could.

Accepting the unknown

The biggest thing I believe chronic illness helped me to do is to accept the unknown. When I started on this pregnancy journey, I had no idea what to expect. And to be frank, I was terrified (you can read about it here). But once I realized that I didn’t have control, I started to move toward acceptance.

In a weird way, I really look forward to my doctor and midwife appointments now because they’re the first health appointments where I know the end result will be positive. I’m getting a baby girl at the end of this journey. With my rheumatologist, dermatologist, or pain management appointments, I can’t say that I know I’ll get something positive in the end.

Being able to move past my frustration of physical discomfort, and not focus on every little symptom, has helped me enjoy my pregnancy so much more. And honestly, I truly believe I have my chronic illness to thank for that!

I don’t know how my pregnancy story ends yet. Will I have a complicated birth and then a huge flare-up of my psoriatic arthritis? Or will I have a dream birth that ends up with me happy as can be and in complete remission? Only God knows that answer now. I won’t know until the time comes.

Until then, I need to support my body, be flexible, control what is in my control, and live as happily as I can. I know all the discomforts, pains, and frustrations I have during my pregnancy will be worth it. I can’t wait to hold my little one, look into her eyes, and know how just worth every moment of pregnancy it was.

See more helpful articles:

7 Ways to Manage Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms During Pregnancy

Fear, Worry And Pregnancy With An Inflammatory Condition

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