Prayer For A Baby’s Chronic Illness

Yoga for Chronic Illness: A Guide

Prayer For A Baby’s Chronic Illness

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that is known to positively impact one’s mind, body and spirit. Various studies have shown that practicing 10 minutes of yoga asanas everyday can be effective in healing several diseases.

There are many asanas which could help in managing diseases from joint pain and high blood pressure to diabetes. Therefore, more and more doctors are prescribing yoga not only for physical health but also for mental wellness.

This World Yoga Day, we share with you some easy yoga asanas you can use to keep your heart healthy, manage joint pains, achieve your weight loss goals, keep diabetes under control or ease breathing.

Read on to know more about the Yoga asanas that are helpful in dealing with chronic ailments!


Yoga is effective for people with arthritis as it helps lessen physical and psychological symptoms including joint pain, flexibility and function, lower tension and stress to promote better sleep.

Yoga for Arthritis

  • Child’s Pose: Efficient in relieving back pain and calming the mind
  • Cat Pose: Helps improve flexibility and stretching of the spine and wrist joints
  • Tree Pose: Strengthens the knees and hip joints as well as tones the muscles
  • Cobra Pose: Stretches the spine and hips, relieving any stiffness of those areas
  • Downward-Facing Dog Pose: Improves flexibility and stretching of the spine

Weight Loss

Yoga is known to have positive effects on obesity and excessive weight caused by physical, emotional and mental reasons.

Yoga for Weight Loss

  • Plank Pose: Strengthens your core
  • Warrior II Pose: Works on your legs, back, thighs and arms
  • Extended Side Angle Pose: Helps in shapely body, thighs and arms
  • Boat Pose: Burns stubborn belly fat by strengthening your core muscles
  • Upward-Facing Dog Pose: Works effectively on stomach, hips, thighs and back

Type 2 Diabetes

For patients with type 2 diabetes, yoga can do a lot more than just relax your body and mind. Many experts recommend yoga poses to help lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

Yoga for Type 2 Diabetes

  • Seated Forward Bend Pose: Helps relieve headache, anxiety and fatigue as well as lower blood pressure
  • Upward-Facing Dog Pose: Regulates blood pressure, boosts blood circulation, and promotes weight loss
  • Bow Pose: Helps lower blood sugar levels
  • Child’s Pose: Encourages relaxation that helps increase insulin-producing cells
  • Corpse Pose: Helps lower blood pressure and calms the mind

Cardiac Diseases

Practicing yoga may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. It as well improves heart rate, making it a useful lifestyle intervention. Studies have demonstrated that waist circumference (a marker for heart disease) reduced in adults who practiced yoga for at least three months.

Yoga for Heart Health

  • Mountain Pose: Involves deep breathing that helps expand the lungs and fortifies the heart
  • Head-To-Knee Forward Bend: Supports weight control, hence boosts the wellbeing of the heart
  • Big Toe Pose: Therapeutic for high blood pressure, as it calms the brain and relieves stress
  • Cobra Pose: Stretches the chest and strengthens the heart
  • Corpse Pose: A superb stress buster, it improves the general soundness of the heart and body.


Yoga is popular among people with asthma. One of the simplest yet promising solutions to tackle asthma, yoga helps reduce the effects of asthma.

Yoga for Easy Breathing

  • Easy Pose: Focuses on breathing and stress control, making it a great exercise for asthma and better lung function
  • Seated Forward Bend: Helps the lungs to open up for clear breathing thus providing relief from asthma
  • Bridge Pose: Stimulates blood circulation as well as relieves fatigue
  • Fish Pose: Helps open the lungs, so it is a great yoga pose for asthma relief
  • Corpse Pose: Brings the body in a meditative state which rejuvenates your body to tackle asthma


Consult your Physician or a Yoga expert before trying these asanas for you chronic ailments.

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8 Miracle Prayers For A Sick Child

Prayer For A Baby’s Chronic Illness

Caring for different people every single day can take a toll on nurses. This is particularly true for nurses working in the pediatric ward.

Since patients in this area are more vulnerable to stress, pain and discomfort, it’s not enough for nurses to concentrate on their physical needs.

Sending out prayers can help, too because inevitably, it’s so easy for these small people to capture our hearts again and again.

Below are some of the most powerful prayers for a sick child.

Prayer For A Sick Child In The Hospital

Jesus,You’re with us.Though you are not seen,

We know that you stay by our side.

Jesus,You love us,More than we could know,

And you feel each tear that we cry.

Jesus,We trust you,To take hold of our hands,

Until we’re recovered and well.

Jesus,You promise to,Comfort and care,

Until we are laughing and playing again.

Thank you Jesus.


O Lord God, I come to You for help and succor.You have afflicted my child [child’s name].Help me to understand that You mean well.Give me grace to bear my child’s affliction with patience and strength.

Bless me, O Father, and restore my child [child’s name] to health.Do not forsake us, but give us an assurance of Your loving Kingdom.Bless this illness to me and my child [child’s name], and help us both to be better children of Yours because of it.

In the name of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Prayer To St. Nicholas For A Sick Child

Saint Nicholas, who the Savior,loved children so tenderly and gave generously to those in need,listen to us who plead for this sick child

who is so dear to our hearts.

We thank God for the great gift of our childand we pray that He relieve this child of painand free him/her from suffering.Obtain strength when he/she is weary,hope when discouraged,and joy when downhearted.May the Lord, through your intercession,

restore perfect health if such be His divine will.

These favors, we beg of you through your love for all children.


Prayer For A Sick Child Through St. Gerard

St. Gerard, who, the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many from disease and even death, listen to us who are pleading for our sick child. We thank God for the great gift of our son/daughter and ask Him to restore our child to health if such be His holy will. This favour, we beg of you through your love for all children and mothers.


Short Prayer for A Sick Child

Heavenly Father, watch over our child, and grant that he may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer For A Sick Child With Chronic Illness

Dear God, I pray for (child’s name) as he/she deals with this (specific illness) so often. I know You are the Master Healer and that You also provide times that are symptom-free for this dear little one. Please comfort and protect this dear child during this hard time.

Help them to know that they can come to You for the peace and health that only You can provide. Please be with the doctors as they continually study to find medicines and treatments that will comfort those that suffer from chronic illnesses.

I leave this in Your precious hands oh God my Father. Amen

See Also: 9 Powerful Healing Prayers for Cancer Patients

Lord I come to You today to present (child’s name) to You. This very deadly sickness that is upon him/her is very sad to all who know and love him/her. I know that in times this his/her Mommy and Daddy are in despair.

Please keep them strong in You so that they can be a comfort to this dear little child. Please keep (child’s name) from being scared of what is happening all around him/her. I ask Your mercy so that pain would be minimal or nonexistence. I love this small and fragile little child.

Bestow Your grace and peace to them and all who love them. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

Prayer To Bring Healing To A Child

Lord, you love our child as You love all children, Bring healing to our child who is not well. Stay by his side and comfort him through this trying time. Keep us ever mindful of Your loving presence Bless us with Your powerful healing and comfort us also. Thank You for hearing our prayer!

See Also: 20 Short But Effective Prayers for Surgery

A Prayer For My Sick Child

Loving Lord Jesus, You are the good Shepherd of the sheep and You are the One Who carries the little lambs in Your arms – and gently cares for those that are weak and afraid. Lord it is so hard to watch a child in distress and feel helpless to aid them – but I pray Lord that You would safely carry this little child and tend for him/her as only You can.

I lift up this precious child to You and ask for Your healing power to permeate through his/her frail body and return him/her to radiant health and strength. Relieve all the symptoms of this unpleasant illness that has invaded this little body – guard him/her from danger and may he/she respond to Your healing touch on his/her life.

Thank You that You are a God Who cares and loves little children and that You hear and answer prayers. Keep this precious lamb enfolded in Your arms and resting on Your bosom and raise him/ her back to full health I pray – and we will give You all the thanks and praise for You alone are worthy.


Prayer For The Recovery For A Sick Child

Almighty and most merciful God I bring before You this little child who is suffering such pain and discomfort – and I ask that in Your grace and mercy You would raise them back up into full health and strength and work a speedy recovery.

The Lord Jesus took little children in His arms of love and blessed them and I pray that in a very special way You would put Your arms of love and blessing around this little one and minister to each need and every pain.

Little ones do not understand why they are feeling so poorly and I just ask that You would have compassion for this little child and take away any fear and pain – and multiply Your grace so that they come to a quick and lasting recovery….

Thank You Lord in Jesus name we pray,


Before we go to sleep tonight, let’s offer a heartfelt prayer for a sick child somewhere out there.

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5 Ways Be a Better Parent If You Are Suffering with Chronic Pain

Prayer For A Baby’s Chronic Illness

Last fall we decided to take my youngest son daycare so that he could stay at home with me during the day.  At first I was nervous because I wasn’t sure how I was going to care for him during the day.

 I am thankful that he has started learning how to play independently and can entertain himself for a few minutes.  During those first several weeks, I was so excited and wanted to continue teaching him the things that he was currently learning in daycare.

 Things changed dramatically in August/September of 2013, I suddenly started feeling horrible.

Disclosure:  This post is for informational purposes only.  This post may contain affiliate links.

Most people with chronic pain has had to find alternative ways to cope with the pain and to function somewhat normally each day.  Chronic pain is referred to as pain that is felt on a daily basis for 6 months or longer.

 If you are a parent and suffer from chronic pain, you will learn quickly that you have to alter your lifestyle in order to take care of your children.  For example, I have a hard time picking up my son and holding him while standing up.

 I have to explain to him that I can’t hold him unless I am sitting down.  Sometimes he doesn’t understand and sometimes he gets it.

Talking to your Child About Chronic Pain or Illness

Today I wanted to share with you some tips on how to help your children understand chronic pain.

  • Explain Your Case – It is important that you explain to your child or children what you are going through so that they can understand your limitations or at least understand that you are always sick or in pain.  Don’t get frustrated with your child if you feel you have to constantly repeat yourself and explain it to them several times before they are able to understand what you deal with on a daily basis.
  • Be Open and Honest – When your child is younger, you can simply tell them that “Mommy doesn’t feel good” or “Mommy is sick today”.  This should be sufficient enough for a toddler or young child to understand.  As your child gets older, continue to share with them more details about your medical diagnosis and what it means to have chronic illness or pain.  Be sure to share with your child, if you are unable to do something.  Open and honest communication allows them to come to you with questions about your medical condition and helps them realize that you aren’t lazy.
  • Calm Their Fears – If your diagnosis isn’t life-threatening, explain to them that you aren’t going to die.  Also, be sure to let them know that being around you isn’t going to make them sick especially if it isn’t contagious.
  • Allow Them to Help – You can allow your child to help you out with simple things ie bringing you something to drink, doing age appropriate chores, ect.  However, you don’t want your child to end up being your caregiver.
  • Ask Your Child for Feedback – Don’t be afraid to ask your child how they feel about your medical condition.  Actively listen to their concerns and fears.  If they ask you questions be sure to answer them honestly.

Learn How to Continue Being An Active Parent while Suffering From a Chronic Illness or Pain

Parenting is hard enough as it is without dealing with chronic pain.  As a parent you want to remain as active in your child’s life as much as possible but you also don’t want to overdo it.  Learn how to continue being an active parent for your child using these tips.

  • Make Plans for Special Events – If your child has a special event coming up soon, you should plan on doing your best to be there for your child.  If you haven’t heard of “The Spoon Theory“, I highly recommend that you check it out.   Basically, it says that each day you are allotted a certain number of spoons and as you go through the day, you slowly use up your spoons.  However, if you have a bad day you can easily use up your spoons just taking care of your own daily need.  If you are lucky and have any extra spoons left at the end of the day, you can carry over to use the next day.  As you are planning your week, do everything in your power to save a few extra spoons for the special event.  To save up extra spoons you might end up taking it easy during the week so that you have the energy to go to your child’s special event.
  • Don’t Forget to Take Your Medication – If you know that you are going to be more active on a certain day, don’t forget to bring your medications with you.  In fact, you can pre-medicate before you go on your outing, so that you don’t let your pain get control.  If you take narcotics or other heavy duty pain medications, make sure that you don’t get behind the wheel on the car.  Even though the medications are prescribed legally, you can still be charged with driving while impaired.
  • Focus on What You Can Do – Negative thinking can quickly ruin your child’s mood, get their hopes up, or make them think that you don’t care about the things that are important to them.  Instead of focusing on the things that you can’t do, turn it around and come up with an alternative list of ideas of things that you can do.  For example, your child wants you to take him to the park so that he can play.  Remember that even if you can’t play with him at the park, you can sit on the bench and watch him play.
  • Find Alternative Ways to Enjoy Activities – Learn how to become aware of the things that increase your pain so that you can find alternative ways to still enjoy the things that matter to your children.  For example, during football season my daughter is active in marching band and it is very hard for me to sit on the hard bleachers especially if there isn’t any back support.  Last year, I took a blanket to sit on while we watched her perform.
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help – If you are having a high pain day, a bad day, or can’t participate in a certain activity that is very important to your child, you should consider asking for help.  You can ask your spouse, family members, or even friends to help you out.  Chances are someone is willing to help you out if you ask.  The worst thing that someone can say is “no” but you won’t know unless you speak up.

If you suffer from chronic pain, please know that you aren’t alone.  I have found it very important to connect with other people who suffer from chronic pain. As I was writing this post, I wanted to come up with a way to try and explain my pain.

 The best way that I can describe my current situation is feeling I have the flu.  If you have ever had the flu and suffered from all over body aches, then you kinda get the idea of the pain that I experience except mine doesn’t go away after a few days.

 Plus, I have constant back pain.

Do you have any additional tips for parents who suffer from chronic pain?

5 Ways Be a Better Parent If You Are Suffering with Chronic Pain was last modified: November 5th, 2015 by Christy



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