Grateful Thanks For My Job

Как выразить благодарность на английском языке?

Grateful Thanks For My Job

Основные слова благодарности на английском и варианты ответа

Для выражения благодарности на английском языке можно обойтись словами “Thank you”. Но что делать, если нужно не просто поблагодарить, а премного поблагодарить, от всей души поблагодарить? Как отвечать на слова благодарности? Как поблагодарить за что-то определенное? Обо всем этом читайте ниже.

Рассмотрим подробнее, как поблагодарить на английском, ответить на благодарность и поблагодарить за что-то определенное.

  • Thank you \ Thanks. – Спасибо.

Между thank you и thanks разницы нет никакой. И то, и другое – “спасибо” или “благодарю”. Единственный нюансик в том, что для формальной ситуации thanks меньше подходит, чем thank you.

  • Thank you very much. – Спасибо большое.
  • Thanks a lot. – Спасибо большое \ огромное.
  • Thank you so much. – Большое вам спасибо.

Эти три варианта тоже между собой практически не отличаются. Все это разные вариации “Спасибо большое” и подходят как для неформальных, так и для формальных ситуаций. Замечу, что в США часто любят добавлять фразу I appreciate it (я ценю это) после слов благодарности. Например:

– Thanks, I appreciate it.

– Thanks a lot for you help, I appreciate it.

Эту фразу могут сказать по поводу и без. Вы можете услышать ее от друга, которому помогли поднять рояль на 8-ой этаж, и от незнакомца, которому придержали дверь в лифте. Это просто способ немножко усилить благодарность.

  • Cheers. – Спасибо (неформ.)

Слово cheers в качестве “спасибо” используется в неформальных ситуациях. В деловой переписке или официальной беседе оно неуместно.

– Here’s that book you wanted to borrow. – Вот книжка, которую ты хотел у меня одолжить.

– Oh, cheers! – О, спасибо!

  • You saved my life. – Ты меня спас.
  • I owe you one \ I owe you big time. – Я у тебя в долгу.

You saved my life – это не в буквальном смысле “Ты спас мне жизнь”, а аналог нашего “Спасибо, что выручил!” или “Ты меня спас!”, то есть благодарность за какую-то помощь. I owe you one или I owe you big time – эквивалент нашего “Я у тебя в долгу!”.

  • You shoudn’t (have) – Не стоило.

“Спасибо, не стоило!” Так говорят, например, получив подарок. Имеется в виду, что не стоило дарить нечто такое ценное. You shouldn’t (have) – это, как и “не стоило”, незавершенная фраза. Полный вариант мог бы звучать так: You shouldn’t have done it! – Не стоило этого делать! You shouldn’t have presented this to me! – Не стоило мне этого дарить!

Oh, what lovely flowers. You shouldn’t have! – О, какие прекрасные цветы! Не стоило!

Подробнее об этом обороте читайте в статье о модальном глаголе should.

2. Как ответить на слова благодарности

Проще всего ответить на благодарность универсальным, безошибочным способом:

  • You’re welcome. – Пожалуйста.

Этот ответ подходит для любой ситуации! Есть другие его вариации:

  • Welcome. – Пожалуйста.
  • Always welcome. – Всегда пожалуйста.

Как и “You’re welcome”, они уместны практически везде.

Назову еще несколько вариантов ответа:

  • That’s all right. – Не стоит.
  • Don’t mention it. – Не за что.
  • Not at all. – Не за что.
  • It’s nothing. – Не за что \ Пустяки.
  • No problem. – Без проблем.

Все варианты значат что-то вроде “Не за что” или “Не стоит благодарности”. Вариант no problem можно назвать неформальным, уместным в дружеской беседе.

3. Как поблагодарить на английском за что-то определенное

Часто нужно не просто сказать “Thank you”, а поблагодарить за что-то конкретно. Для этого есть два основных способа:

Выбираем вариант в зависимости от того, можно ли выразить причину благодарности существительным или глаголом. Вот типичные примеры с существительными:

  • Thanks for your help! – Спасибо за вашу помощь!
  • Thank you for your support. – Спасибо за вашу поддержку.
  • Thank you for your assistance. – Спасибо за вашу помощь.
  • Thank you for your understanding. – Спасибо за понимание.
  • Thank you for the information. – Спасибо за информацию.

И несколько примеров с глаголами:

  • Thank you for visiting us. – Спасибо, что зашли к нам.
  • Thanks for helping me. – Спасибо, что помогли.
  • Thank you for shopping. – Спасибо за покупку.

Формальные способы выражения благодарности на английском

Формальных, вежливых способов поблагодарить на английском довольно много. В речи они используются на торжествах, официальных мероприятиях, церемониях, но по большей части формальные благодарности нужны для письменной речи, особенно для деловой переписки на английском.

Во многих случаях подойдет обычное “Thank you for + причина”. Вот, к примеру, типичные фразы благодарности из деловой переписки:

  • Thank you for contacting us. – Спасибо, что связались с нами.
  • Thank you for your (kind) cooperation. – Благодарим вас за сотрудничество.
  • Thank you for your attention to this matter. – Спасибо за ваше внимание к данному вопросу.
  • Thank you for your prompt reply. – Спасибо за быстрый ответ.

Но есть и другие способы выразить благодарность. Все они представляют собой клише, шаблоны для разных случаев.

  • Many thanks for your email. – Большое спасибо (премного благодарен) за ваше письмо.
  • I am very grateful to you. – Я очень вам благодарен.
  • I am eternally grateful for your trust. – Я бесконечно благодарен вам за ваше доверие.
  • I’d to express my sincere gratitude for… – Я бы хотел выразить мою искреннюю благодарность за…
  • I am very much obliged to you. – Я очень вам признателен.
  • I greately appreciate your kind words. – Я очень ценю ваши добрые слова.
  • I am very thankful for your kind help. – Я очень благодарен вам за вашу помощь.

Источник: //


Grateful Thanks For My Job

Whether you’re job searching, working on your professional development, or building your career, you’ve probably been in a situation that warranted showing appreciation and gratitude. Perhaps you received a job lead and a pep talk from a former colleague.

Maybe you had an informational interview with someone who has now taken you under their wing and is serving as a mentor. It might even be a family member who’s your greatest fan.

Whatever the situation, one way to show gratitude is to write a thank-you note that expresses your appreciation.

Why gratitude matters

Before getting into writing the content for your thank you letters, let’s ask the question, “why gratitude?” What is it about being appreciative that even makes it important? Showing gratitude is a great way to clear your mind when you are feeling overwhelmed.

After moving at top speed or going through routine motions for a while, slow down the pace so you can contemplate how those around you add value to your life in some way. Knowing who you are thankful for and for what reasons can really help you strike a balance.

a hug, expressing appreciation typically feels good to both giver and receiver. In addition to making someone else’s day, showing gratitude packs a powerful punch of other benefits. According to studies by Robert Emmons, gratitude’s physical, psychological, and emotional perks include:

  • Stronger immune systems and lower blood pressure
  • More joy and pleasure, more optimism and happiness
  • More forgiving and outgoing outlooks, less lonely and isolated feelings

For these reasons, we suggest exploring opportunities for saying “thank you.” It doesn’t have to be reserved for after a job interview. Here are some ideas for identifying other situations worthy of a note of thanks or gratitude. The following samples are designed to help you get your inspiration flowing:

The trusty “job lead” friend

Let’s say you have a friend who’s really in-the-know about the latest job openings, and customizes what she sends you your interests and a strong understanding of your abilities. A thank-you note is a great way to not only show appreciation but also let them know they are really on the mark with the job leads and suggestions they give. Try a note this:

Dear _______________,

I just wanted to share how much the job leads you send mean to me. The attention you pay to the details of each opportunity is clear to see, because the ones you send match not only my interests but my abilities. What you do is really motivating and keeps me uplifted in my job search.

To know that you consider me able to do _____________ and _____________ enhances my confidence in myself. It keeps me inspired to apply for more jobs where my ________ skills can really shine.

I really appreciate that you’ve taken such an interest in my job search and am grateful for the way you’ve stepped in as my personal “career sleuth!”

Why this works: In addition to expressing your appreciation, you are affirming that what your friend has sent is helpful to you, and that if they continue sending similar leads, they are on the right track.

The informational interviewee-turned-mentor

So you got up the courage to ask someone for an informational interview, and they really took you under their wing.

Maybe they went above and beyond to keep the conversation going, shared great resources, or invited you to an event that will be attended by some key hiring managers in your field…plus gave you the low-down on their typical hiring practices. What to say to show your gratitude:

Dear ________________,

Thank you for taking the time to chat with me about your career in __(industry, cause area)_ over the last few weeks.

I learned so much about _____ and _______, and will be sure to check out the latest set of insights and leads you shared with me.

I am so appreciative of not only the way you have taken me under your wing after our first meeting, but your generosity with your time and resources. The interest that you show in my success and development is something for which I feel very grateful.

Please know that my offer to assist with your ________ project still stands. If my skills are not the best match, I’m happy to pass along the message to my contacts in an effort to find a great volunteer!

Why this works: In addition to showing your gratitude, you are offering to assist your mentor. If your skills are not an appropriate match, showing willingness to tap into your networks is a great alternative!

The “biggest fan” family member

Many of us have a family member who has earned the title “biggest fan.” In their eyes, no challenge is so insurmountable that we can’t overcome it and our every accomplishment is worthy of celebration and praise. Here’s an example of showing gratitude via the written word:

Dear ______________,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the support you’ve shown me throughout my career, particularly during my latest __(race to a promotion, job search, unemployment fiasco)______. You’ve always been someone I could call my “biggest fan.

” What means the most to me is that you do more than tell me I’m “great” at what I do, or that I’m a shoe-in for an opportunity. You take it a few steps beyond and share the reasons why you think so. Sometimes it seems you remember my achievements even better than I do myself.

I always appreciate your ability to see how my talents can make a difference and you’ve made me a believer too! After a chat with you, I always feel more confident and capable, and for that I will always be grateful.

Why this works: Keeping it warm and appreciative is a great way to strengthen familial bonds. It expresses not just appreciation but understanding of the effects your “biggest fan” has on your well-being and confidence. When they know it’s working, they are more ly to keep it up!

The “saved the day” colleague

Whether you’ve been stumbling over an appropriate response to a workplace issue or you’ve been scrounging for the most cost-effective way to get a project completed, sometimes the help of a colleague can really make the difference. When you’ve had a colleague “save the day,” try a note this:

Dear __________________,

When you found me sitting at my desk unproductively tapping my pen against it last week, you could have just walked on by and left me to my _(writer’s block, unresolved issue, confusion…)_. Instead, you pulled over a seat and went right to work with me.

I can’t thank you enough for not only your teamwork and support, but for your vote of confidence. You really pulled me my work slump.

I also appreciate the way you used your insights from your department to develop a really seamless solution that provides benefits all around! Knowing now how your team tackles ______, I’m happy to compare notes the next time you are working on ____________ so we can achieve similar success.

Why this works: Positive interactions with colleagues allow for a more supportive relationship that can help everyone thrive.

While your co-worker may have stepped in without any expectation of you returning the favor, always take an opportunity to see your organization and its work from the perspective of another department- maybe even identify a way that you can provide insights for that area.

The “just lets me vent” friend

This person knows that talking it out might just be all you need. No unsolicited ideas or solutions, brainstorming sessions, or “I told you so’s” this friend simply lets you vent and work out your feelings. When you want to express feelings of a different kind, try something this:

Dear ______________,

When you stopped by yesterday, you may not have known just what you were getting into by asking me how things are going. And after letting me talk for nearly an hour about __(current issue in your professional life)_____, I wanted to express my appreciation.

The sympathetic way you just listened without going into “solution mode” was just what I needed. I really felt heard and understood- you have a rare gift for that! Thank you not only for being there, but for giving me exactly what I needed at the time.

I can now say that after thinking “out loud”, I feel ready to tackle this issue head-on. Thank you!

Why this works: This note shows that in addition to being appreciative of the person’s time and attention, you are ready to take the “next step.” People are more inclined to help out in the way you need them to when they feel it makes a true, lasting difference.

Which of these scenarios rings most true for you right now? Pick a person to thank and tweak the templates to best fit your situation. Share your experience in the comments below!

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Reply to Wedding Congratulation Messages

Grateful Thanks For My Job

Expressing your good thoughts and appreciation to someone who congratulates you is a sign of good manners. A word that congratulates can give us a good feeling and it calls for a good response.

You want to make them feel good as much as they did to you when you receive the congratulation messages. Now, if you don’t know how to respond to a congratulations, you’re at the perfect place.

Here, we will give you some tips and advices on responding to those who congratulate you. We will give you a list of samples as well. Read on.

How To Say Thank You for the Congratulations

  • Know the person – You have to know the person you are thanking to. If it is your boss or someone who is superior or senior to you, then the letter should show some respect and humility. If, then, you are writing to your friends or someone that is close to you, you can just be natural or really friendly. As long as you make them feel that you really appreciate their greeting, then that would be the best way to write your letter.
  • Determine their contribution – If the person whom you are writing to has contributed to what you have achieved, then it is only right for you to notice or appreciate what he/she has done to help you in any way. You can point out some specific instances where that person has helped you and mention it in your letter. With that, they would feel that they were, in a way, part of your success or achievement. They would be more proud and feel appreciated by the time you remember the simple things they have done for you through your journey.
  • Thank them for the greetings – Of course, you have to thank the person for congratulating you. Tell the person that if it is not for them or the people supporting you, then you wouldn’t achieve what you have achieved. They play a big role on your success because without those people supporting you and having your back from the very start, then you wouldn’t be molded into a person of what you are right now. A support or encouragement is a big help to any circumstances, it can be problems or trial, and so it is important to have anyone who believes in you and your capacity to achieve your goals. This needs to be thanked and appreciated for.
  • Wish them well – As your letter ends, never forget to wish them well with what they are doing and continue in achieving their dreams and goals. Now it is your time to give some encouragement to them as what they have done when you were the one who needed it the most. Maybe you can also wish them good health, and of course a successful career that may come in the future or as soon as possible as long as they won’t give up in everything they do. Remind them to always trust God in His plans, and that everything that happens with their career or personal life has a purpose and is always the best for them.

Samples of Thank you Messages for the Congratulations

There are many things that we should thank for, and even having to be told “Congratulations” should be appreciated.

When we achieve something great or our ordinary daily routine, we often hear the word “congratulations” thus, we should thank them for congratulating us.

This means that they have noticed what you have achieved and they are happy for you because of it. To show our appreciation to those who have congratulated us, here are some samples you may want to consider:

“Thank you so much for recognizing my efforts. I must say that your congratulation messages really touched my heart.”

“Not everyone is happy when you succeed, but it is always great to be reminded of good friends you. Thank you for the congratulations!”

“Your kind and encouraging message has motivated me to do even better than I have done. Thank you!”

“I’m grateful to know that you share in my happiness and success. Kindly receive my appreciation!”

“Thank you so much for your congratulation but I cannot take all the credit because it was team effort. If it were not for all our collective hard work, I would not have made it.”

“Thank you for the congratulations! It is nice knowing that you are thinking of me.”

“We appreciate your message and are happy to know friends you rejoice in our success. Thank you!”

Response to Congratulations on Job Promotion

Colleagues and friends took time to send you congratulatory wishes. It’s only proper to express your appreciation and gratitude towards them. But if you’re lost what to tell them or how to respond to those warm wishes, you’re at the right place. Here, we wrote some samples that you can use.

Thank you very much for such a kind gesture. You’re one of the reasons while this work is so worthwhile.

I appreciate your kindness to send me a congratulation letter on my job promotion. I am truly overwhelmed with happiness and appreciation. Thank you.

I’d to express my appreciation to your warm congratulation wishes. I am so happy to receive them.

Thank you for dropping me a kind note of congratulation. It was such a nice gesture that warmed my heart.

I feel so blessed to have me efforts recognized. Thank you for all the warm congratulations wishes.

Thank you for all the best wishes and congratulations. I feel surrounded with appreciation and love.

I’m grateful to all people who supported me through the years. Thank you for your kindness and warm wishes you sent.

Your congratulations wishes warmed my heart and made me so happy. Thank you very much for your support and encouragement.

Thanks for thinking of me. Your warm wishes always make my heart grow. 

Reply to a Congratulations

“Thank you for sharing in our joy as first time parents. We greatly appreciate your congratulatory message.”

“I am humbled to receive congratulatory messages from my role model. Thank you for the encouragements!”

“Thank you for whichever way you contributed to making our wedding a success and more so for your congratulatory texts. We appreciate you very much!”

“I received your congratulatory letter with a lot of joy and gratitude. Thank you for remembering me!”

“It’s not every day you receive a congratulatory message from a long lost friend. Thank you very much and it was great hearing from you!”

“Thank you for remembering my baby on his first birthday and for your wonderful congratulatory messages!”

“I must say it feels good knowing that you follow up on my success and are happy when I prosper. Thank you very much!”

“Your congratulatory note was received and very much appreciated. Thank you.”

Wedding celebration maybe a busy and full of tiring festivities, you must not forget to write or compose a response to all of the wedding congratulations you have received from the loving family and friends.

You can keep it short yet thoughtful. show your appreciation and gratitude to those who support and made the wedding more worthwhile with these samples of thank you messages for the congratulations on wedding.

I appreciate your warm message of congratulations on our wedding. It was very loving and encouraging.

I feel so blessed to have loving friends and family you. Your best wishes of congratulations made us so happy. Thank you!

Thank you to all, friends and family, who sent us heartfelt congratulations messages. They made us so happy. Thank you for supporting our marriage.

I’d to express me gratitude for all the heartwarming congratulations you have sent. We’re touched by the flood of congratulatory and warm wishes for our wedding. Thank you.

I feel so glad to have such a supporting and loving family and friends. All of the congratulations messages we received are truly heartwarming. Thank you to all of you.

Thank You Messages for Congratulations Wishes

“Thank you for congratulating me on being a mother. I hope I follow in your foot steps!”

“Thank you for the congratulations! Your wishes, prayers and blessings have done me a lot of good.”

“It is very heart-warming to know that even you, are happy when I succeed.”

“Thank you for congratulating me!”

“Thank you for all the help you offered me at every stage that led to this success. I feel glad that I received not only your support but also your congratulations.”

“I have graduated and I must confess that I am surprised to receive a congratulatory message from you. Thank you very much!”

“I’m glad you dropped me a congratulatory message. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

“Thank you for sending your congratulation messages even after all the help you have given me.”

“Be blessed for all the warm wishes and congratulation notes!”

“Thanks much for your congratulatory messages! Dully received.”

Thank You Response to a Congratulations

“My husband and I would to take this opportunity to just say thank you for sharing in our happiness.”

“Thank you for the fabulous gifts and congratulation messages! I am lucky to be surrounded by precious friends you.”

“This is to extend a note of appreciation for the warm and kind congratulatory messages. Thank you for putting a smile on my face!”

“I heartily thank you for your blessings and congratulatory messages. It was all because of the love and support from people you.”

“Nothing else matters as long as you are proud of me. Thank you for your congratulation messages!”

Источник: //

How to Write Thank You Notes and Appreciation Letters for a Coach

Grateful Thanks For My Job

Your coach inspires, teaches, and helps you become better at everything you do. Here’s a collection of phrases and messages to help you express your gratitude for their investment in your life.

In this guide, you will find:

  • Thank you notes and thoughtful messages
  • Inspirational quotes to encourage your coach
  • A guide to writing a thank you note
  • General phrases to say thanks

If you want to show your appreciation for them on social media (ex. , Instagram, etc), you can download the images I've included throughout the guide and tag your coach to let them know how much you care!

If you want to go beyond a simple thank you, use the sample messages below and tweak them to fit your sport and coach!

  • When I thought I couldn’t reach my goals, you always supported me and kept me going. I want to thank you for helping me reach my potential.
  • I want to let you know how much we appreciate your investment in our lives. You saved the club from relegation this season, and it's been an amazing experience from beginning to end. You are our role model and live as an example of how to persevere in difficulty.
  • I am so lucky to have a coach who inspires me every day to be better than the day before. I hope I can inspire future champions as you have inspired me all these years. You’re awesome!
  • You taught me so much, but also went beyond that to show your love and care for the team. We're so grateful for your efforts!
  • I know I can be stubborn and irritating at times. Despite everything, you relentlessly worked with me to help me reach the top. You are an amazing coach.
  • I am indebted to you for being my patient guide and personal trainer. Thank you for helping me out and being there for me in both the good and the bad.
  • I honestly don’t know what I would have achieved without you in my life. Although the workouts you create can be hard for me to get through, they've helped me improve my mind and body. You’re an incredible trainer, and I'm so grateful for your work.
  • Your encouragement and constant motivation pushed me to heights I never thought possible. Thank you for inspiring me to be excellent in everything I do.
  • Your leadership and sportsmanship are top-notch. You've helped me improve my performance on the court with less than two months of training! I'm inspired to continue working hard and being a successful teammate. Thank you, coach!
  • Thank you for bringing out the best in me. You've influenced my life for the better.
  • I’m dedicating today’s victory to you, my patient trainer and role model. You never gave up on me, and I couldn’t have achieved this success without your guidance. Thank you!
  • Thank you for training me to become a capable athlete. As an expression of our gratitude, we've arranged a special dinner for you, our special coach who loves inspiring his team to success.
  • This note is a reminder that your hard work and time do not go unnoticed. I value everything you do to make me become the best athlete I can be.
  • Thank you, coach! I'm excited to say that your efforts paid off, and it’s time to celebrate my victory with you.
  • I know the sky is the limit with a coach you in our camp. Here's to training for more golden trophies in the upcoming season!
  • We can't think of a coach more motivating, patient, and inspirational than you. You are truly the best coach ever, and we are so grateful to be working with you!
  • Thank you for standing by my side. It means so much to me, and I hope to be able to do the same for you one day.
  • I consider myself fortunate to be able to learn from you and your experiences. Your advice has helped me to make it beyond what I imagined myself capable of achieving. I am thankful for and blessed by you!
  • It’s a blessing to have such a fantastic and energetic trainer you in my life. I’m deeply indebted to your diligent service.
  • You are the greatest coach and boss I have ever met in my life.
  • Your coaching skills and time investment pushed the team to a successful season. Thank you for inspiring us to keep working hard!
  • Thank you for being my guiding light, for encouraging me, and for making me who I am today. I am extremely thankful for everything that you do.
  • Having you as my coach helped me realize what I need to do to be successful not only in sports but also in life. Thank you for caring for me!
  • You helped identify my weaknesses and turned them into my strengths. I will always be grateful for your valuable input and investment in my life.
  • Great coaches are hard to find. I am so thankful to have found one in you!
  • Thank you for being our strength. The happiness and success you brought into our lives can't be measured. Thank you for being the person you are!
  • If anyone deserves a standing ovation today, it’s you. We're so blessed to have you as our guide and trainer!
  • Words can't express how thankful we were for the opportunity to participate in the tournament. If it weren't for you, we would never have made it this far.
  • Thank you for inspiring us to be confident and to never give up on our dreams.
  • Thank you for reminding us that every competition is an opportunity to showcase our talents and practice. You told us we could do it and you were right!
  • Thank you for your insight and valuable time!
  • Thank you for boosting our morale and lifting up our spirits. We will always strive to be the best because of you!
  • I am so thankful for your commitment and willingness to help me grow.
  • Your motivation, encouragement, and support constantly inspire us. Thank you for everything you've done for us.
  • You taught me that success does not come by working alone, but only when we work together as a united team.
  • You’re the best professional I have ever worked with. Thank you!
  • I’m lucky to have found a trainer who is friendly and always willing to help.
  • We had tons of fun at camp. We can't thank you enough for everything that you did to make training fun and enjoyable.
  • If anyone deserves appreciation for the brilliant performance at the tournament, it’s you, coach!
  • Thank you for the valuable time you spent to train the team to be better than it ever was before.
  • A coach you comes only once in a lifetime. We're blessed to have you!
  • Your vision, commitment, and courage pushed the club to a championship. You’re awesome!
  • Thank you for your love, determination, and sportsmanship. We’re proud to call you our coach!
  • Thank you for your intense energy, support, challenging workouts, and being a remarkable trainer!
  • Thank you for choosing me to be a part of the team and for believing in me. I won't let you down!
  • “All coaching is, is taking a player where he can’t take himself.” – Bill McCartney
  • “A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.” – John Wooden
  • “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier
  • “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward
  • “It’s amazing how far you can go when someone believes in you.” – Katie Kacvinsky
  • “I’ve never felt my job was to win basketball games—rather, that the essence of my job as a coach was to do everything I could to give my players the background necessary to succeed in life.” – Bobby Knight
  • “Successful coaches are visionaries. They have a picture of success set in their minds.” – Gavin McGinnis
  • “Selecting the right person for the right job is the largest part of coaching.” – Phil Crosby
  • “I hated every minute of training, but I said, don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” – Muhammad Ali
  • “Being able to help someone learn something is a talent.” – Margaret Riel
  • “It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.” – Tom Brokaw
  • “Every noble work is at first impossible.” – Thomas Carlyle
  • “What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

If you want to share something more personal or write more details about how your coach influenced you for the better, a short letter is a great idea. Below are two samples to inspire you.

Sample Letter #1: From the Team or Players

Dear ______,

We’d to thank you for giving us care and attention beyond the call of duty. We wouldn't have been able to win the championship three times in a row or be known as the best team without your inspiration, guidance, and encouragement.

Thank you once again for instilling the values of discipline, perseverance, and hard work in us—and for making us the world's best. If anyone deserves honor and great respect, it’s you, and you have it from us all.


[Your Name]

Sample Letter #2: From the Parents

Dear _____,

You are an incredible coach! We've seen the hard work, support, and care you've invested in our child this season. Thank you for motivating my [daughter/son] to set goals and strive diligently to accomplish them. For that, you have our sincere thanks.


[Your Name]

If you want to write your own letter from scratch or add a few lines to a sample letter template, follow this guide to express your thoughts.

  1. Start your letter with “Dear [coach’s name],”
  2. Express what you appreciate about them.
  3. Mention how their training, motivation, and guidance made a positive impact in your life.
  4. Thank them again.
  5. Conclude the letter with “sincerely”, “yours truly”, “warm regards”, or “kindly”.
  6. Add your name at the bottom.
I value everything you do
I cannot thank you enough
I'm deeply indebted to you
I'm very grateful for you

You can use these general phrases to keep the message short and sweet. Write them in a card or send your coach a text!

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