For Success In my Career

Career Success | 10 Helpful Things to Change your Career Successfully

For Success In my Career

Most of us choose to get rotten in our current career journey because we don’t believe that we can make a shift. But nothing can be further from the truth. We can. You can. Everybody can. Question is whether we are willing to do or not.

This article is a nudge on your shoulder to make you realize that you have the abilities and resources available to you right here, right now to make a switch. It’s not just a list of 10 tips.

It’s a list of your work – step by step to get to world-class in the career success you most desire.

There are many people on earth who have given up their lucrative career success to find meaning and fulfillment. What made them tick? Did they believe in themselves in the beginning? Nope! They couldn’t. No-one can.

In the beginning, when a person is at a top position, earning a great pay-check and so many people are patting back, it’s very difficult to let that go for the path that will offer fulfillment and meaning to their journey.

Moreover, add some mockery and impossibility thinking (in a negative sense) of near and dear ones. And if the person is most of us, he would face tremendous resistance to take the path which is less traveled.

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But who said you’re ordinary? Who said that you can’t take that first step to begin a new leap of your career development goals? Who said that you can’t make that shift from mediocrity to world-class? You can. And we will show you how.

Top 10 Things for Career Success

When you’re the midst of a booming career development goals what makes you stop and think that something is not right? You may realize that everything is working just fine. You’re well appreciated for the work you do.

You’re highly compensated for your contribution to your organization. People at your workplace also value you immensely.

Still, something doesn’t ring true? What is it? It’s a willingness to grow beyond your current job and to reach your full potential.

If that’s not true, why a Vice President of a great company leaves his job and begins a career journey in writing full time? Why an investment banker of a reputed bank lets go of her job and travels the world as a photographer? What makes them take the decision to leave the known and embrace the unknown? It’s a deep need to grow.

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Growth is never one dimensional. Growth is dynamic. If you decide to grow in one dimension, you would naturally grow in other directions as well.

So, while reading this if you feel that you too have a deep need to grow and would to shift to a career success where your values, the person you are and the person you can be are given preference, you should make the switch.

You don’t need to wait till everything gets perfect because that never will. You need to be ready right away.

That doesn’t mean you need to leave your job now. What you need to do is to keep your job and start articulating a career plan right now. Spend some time at the weekend to figure out what you about this job and what you don’t .

And then take one action step, right away, setting a target to shift to a career success within 2 years. Writing down a deadline may be the first step you can take to make a changeover. The changeover is hard.

But if you think from the perspective of growth, it would become significantly easier.

Truth is you’re not good at everything. No-one can be. But you may not know what you’re good at and what you’re not good at. Begin a one-page analysis. Take a blank sheet of paper and fold it into four parts.

On the top left part, write STRENGTHS. On the bottom, on the left side, write WEAKNESSES. On the top right, write OPPORTUNITIES and on the bottom right, write THREATS.

When a company assesses its environment, it scans it by using this

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analysis. It’s called SWOT analysis. If you are on the brink of shifting career journey, doing a SWOT analysis would help immensely. Take an hour or so and sit in a room where you won’t be disturbed. Begin ruminating.

First strengths, then weaknesses, then opportunities and then threats! Write at least 5-6 points in each section and try to figure out real-life examples for each pointer. And keep that with yourself. Once you’re done, you need to do another exercise.

It’s to know your core values. Whether you know them or not, every decision you make is your current core values. You don’t know that and feel that you’re acting on a default mode. But the default mode was once a new mode.

So, you can pick your core values and choose to become a different person.

Make a list of 50 values you admire in people punctuality, positivity, open-heartedness, kindness, compassion, achievement-mindset, continuous-learning-ability and so on and so forth. Choose the top 10 from the list of 50.

Once you’re done, pick top 5-6 among 10 and match your SWOT Analysis. You need to know where those 5-6 values that you have or would to install belong in your SWOT analysis sheet.

Is it from your weaknesses/strengths? Or they’re different? And start working from there.

Mistakes are part of the equation. Once you’re through with self-assessment and now know what you would to pursue, it’s time to fire the arrow. You may not know the destination yet. That’s okay. Just be ready and fire.

Once you miss the target, aim then and fire again. It’s not a ready-aim-fire approach; rather it’s ready-fire-aim-fire! That’s the reason you need to still keep your current career success.

You’re exploring, touching your toes in the new water and understanding new skills you need to master.

You can say you’re starting out a part-time venture to understand whether it can be a full-time gig or not.

If you would to go in sales and currently in an administrative job, begin to enroll yourself in some multi-level-marketing and see for yourself how good you’re in sales and whether you can make a full-time career success doing that. If not, drop that and figure out something else.

But if you’re too bogged down with prevention; meaning preventing yourself from making mistakes, it would be difficult for you to learn new skills and to make a successful career-changeover.

Most people ignore this advice. They all want to follow their passion. But you need to be practical about certain things. Yes, you need to do what your heart tells you.

Yes, you need to play your A-game. Yes, money is secondary and contribution & passion are the most significant parts of your career-changeover.

But you need to remember that before making a living, it’s impossible to make a life.

Thus, you need to be smart about your finances. Before making a changeover, you need to save at least a year of savings and you also need to check how scalable your new career journey is.

Simply put, how much money you would make in your new career success in the beginning? Would it suffice your expenses? If not how would you manage? Think through all these things before making a leap to new career success.

Most people have issues in setting goals. Spiritual Teacher Marianna Williamson talks about “fearing our own light”. Most people are scared of their own light, their own possibilities and their own achievements. They don’t know what they can be if they take out the time to set goals on their own terms. Yes, the goals wouldn’t be any goals other than personal goals.

Goal setting doesn’t work if you don’t do the work. Success Coach, Robin Sharma talks about “one-page master plan”. He says that if you know what your big fives are for a year then it would be easier for you to make a leap.

Now, while making a decision to do a changeover you need to have certain goals – a finance goal, a growth goal, a goal on health and fitness, a goal for mastering the art of your new career journey and a relationship goal.

Most of the times, people who are our family members don’t support our decisions to take the leap.

Thus, it’s important to have goals in all areas of our lives. If you have above 5 areas covered and work on it every day, you would be at least reaching 80% of them. And that’s good enough.

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There are lots of people who may talk you your new plans for making a career development goals-changeover. They may say to you that you’re too old, too weak, too classy, too this and that. But better you pay heed to your daily devotion to skill building. When you’re taking the leap, all you need is skills, not the opinions of good-intentioned people.

It’s your life and only you can decide what the right path is for you at any given moment of your life.

If you’re sure about the career development goals shift, build all the skills that are needed to succeed in your new career journey.

Make a list of top 10 skills you require to be in the top position of your new career success. And begin with the most important skill. Don’t buy the opinions of others that this or that skill can’t be learned.

Almost anything is learnable if you’re willing to learn. There are books, audios, videos, podcasts, media and a lot of resources available if you are eager. Go out and start learning. Skills are more important than mere opinions and obstacles on your path.

While making this career journey shift there would be a lot of questions that you may need to face. Why you’re leaving the job? How would you make money? How would you take care of your responsibilities? What would be your earning? What would be your possibilities for the future? If you ask yourself these questions, it’s called reflection.

But when people close to you ask these questions, the questions become the reason for your anxiety.

Thus, before answering them, always remember, life is short and your contribution to the world is all that matters.

Yes, you need to think about your responsibility, your family and how you make a living, but never stop believing in yourself and in your vision of making a new leap into career success.

We regret the things we didn’t do that we did do. So, at your deathbed when you will ask yourself – Should I’ve made this shift at that time? We want you to say – Yes, I have no regrets. Think about making a living, but don’t forget to make a living, because life is much shorter than we think.

No-one values average. If you’re average, then you would only go so far; but you would never reach your potential if you set to achieve mediocrity. Rather be a pro.

Learn all the ground rules that you need to learn to be a pro. Have a mental attitude that you need to work at your highest, live a life that speaks to your deepest beliefs and makes you a champion of the work you do.

Remember the words of Comedian, Steve Martin –

“Be so good, they can’t ignore you.”

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Instead of listening to people who have never made a leap of new career success, talk to people who did. They would be able to tell you how it feels to make a move. Associate with them. Sit with them at dinner. And take notes. Ask them questions that are burning inside your heart and know how they’ve made the transition.

If you see others making the successful change of career journey, you would get the self-belief to do the same. And at the same time, you would have lots of friends who think the way you think. That would become a total game-changer for you.

In the movie “Peaceful Warrior” the hero, Dan was asked by a mysterious garage man (Soc) – “Are you happy?” Dan answered – “What is to do with happiness?” Soc replied – “Everything.” At the end of the day, what matters most is not the fleeting pleasures you get from the heap of cash, nicest homes and comfortable cars.

Yes, they do serve you, but you don’t change career success for them; rather you do want to change career development goals to experience that deepest happiness that only a cause can give you. You need to have a cause before you change your career success. You need to feel that deep drive within you that make it seem easy.

You need to experience that happiness which eludes most of the people in the top positions of their career success. Otherwise, why take such a gigantic effort to do a career development goals changeover? Thus, ask yourself at the end of every day – “Am I happy?” If you know the answer is yes, always, you’re on the right path and striving for your highest potential.

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This has been a guide to Career Success. Here we discuss the top 10 things that will help you to change your career successfully. You can also go through our other suggested articles to learn more –

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Career Success: 10 Tips to Excel in your Career

For Success In my Career

Are you keeping these tips for success in mind at work?

Once you graduate from college and land a job, your next immediate concern is how to succeed in your career. Because the world has become so competitive, doing well in your job and moving forward with your career is more important now than ever.

Career advancement and recognition are on every professional’s list of goals. But what sets the exceptional professionals apart? The answer is simply willingness and a strong desire to perform well.

Once you have the willingness and the right mindset, you can begin climbing the the ladder.

Here are the top 10 career success secrets on how to excel at work.

Take initiative

Today’s career requirements are highly developed and require much more than someone who won’t take risks. In today’s competitive career landscape, employers are looking for individuals who can bring fresh ideas to the table and take initiative, start new projects, pitch new solutions and create new opportunities for the business.

Be your own evaluator

One of the best ways to achieve career success is to keep assessing your performance. Don’t wait for your annual appraisal – do it yourself. An ideal way to do this would be to identify quantifiable goals and set a timeline for achieving them. Start with setting short-term goals when you’re new to a job. Create a detailed plan to achieve these goals.

Break the tasks down into weekly or even daily tasks and fill out a small form at the end of the week to assess where you’re headed and whether you need to change your strategy. You can even show your own performance report to your managers at some point to show how you’ve progressed.

This will show that you understand the importance of constant self-evaluation and improvement.

Be ready to learn

To excel in your career, you have to be willing to learn. No matter what university you graduated from or what grades you had, professional life will be very different from college.

Be prepared to have a million questions pop up every day regarding what you’re doing.

It might take you days to get a hang of your duties at your new job, so show management that you are coachable, paying attention and always willing to learn new things.

Anticipate needs

To succeed in your new job and achieve career success, you will have to be well aware of what your manager needs. Stay a step ahead of your boss by asking yourself, “If I were my boss, what would I want done next?” By making sure you get things efficiently done in time, and take the initiative to do them yourself, you will be showing a positive, go-getter attitude to higher management.

Communicate well

Communication is key to an employee’s and an organization’s success. If your manager has to ask you for a status report, you’re not doing everything you could be doing. The idea is to proactively communicate and let them know when a task is done, and move on to what needs to be done next.

Set goals to achieve

Remember you’re not being paid for ‘working hard’ or ‘staying busy.’ At the end of the day, what matters to your employer is how you’re contributing to fulfilling the company’s goals and mission, both short term and long term.

Therefore, keep in mind that you’re being paid to deliver on clearly defined goals that significantly impact the company’s performance and overall mission and vision.

This goal-oriented mindset will help you achieve career success, no matter where you are on the corporate ladder.

Show, don’t tell

The value of action is far greater than that of mere words. Use this as a principle in your dealings at the office. Instead of bragging about all the things you can do, and then never actually delivering, you ought to show management what you are capable of.

Gain trust

This is one of the most important tips for success you need to ensure success when you start a new job.

Think of it this way: the quicker you earn your boss’ trust, the sooner they’ll have less to worry about and hence more free time to focus their attention on other pressing matters. If your boss finds you trustworthy, they’ll delegate tasks to you.

Make sure you meet your deadlines and keep your promises. It’s critical, especially early on in your relationship with your boss, that you fulfill every commitment you make, no matter how difficult it may seem.

Create solutions

Everyone can turn their problems into their manager’s problems. Be the solution provider, not the problem creator. Great employees solve problems. If you don’t have the authority to give the final verdict on a problem relevant to your work or department, then make sure you offer solutions to your boss and try to help as much as you can, wholeheartedly.

Be compassionate

Being a good employee requires compassion and understanding that your manager, and fellow employees are doing their best. Throwing a tantrum is not going to do anyone any good, neither will constantly complaining about how much work you’re doing. At the end of the day, everyone is doing their fair share of the work they’re getting paid for.

Many of these traits and behaviors that can help you excel in your career are also found in great leaders. By keeping these 10 career success secrets in mind, you can put yourself on the path to true greatness and achieve your ultimate career goals.

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15 Tried and Tested Tips for Career Success

For Success In my Career

When you’re younger, and you’re asked what you want to be when you’re older, you usually come up with singer, vet or astronaut, but the common denominator of all these occupations is success!

Success is defined by climbing up the career ladder to a prominent position, one that makes you feel you’ve made it in life. The meaning of success, however, differs from person to person. For some, it’s defined by salary; for others, by job satisfaction or even a great work-life balance.

Here are 15 tips that can help you advance in your career and discover ultimate success.

1. Identify Your End Goal

The first step to succeeding in your career is figuring out what your end goal is. Is it advancing within your current position? Is it changing careers altogether?

Whatever it is, by identifying your end goal, you’ll have something tangible to work towards. You can also set a timeframe for your goals and monitor how far you’ve progressed towards them. If circumstances change, or things become too tricky, adjust your targets accordingly.

If you’re just starting out in your career, meanwhile, consider taking a personality test to identify what it is that you’d be good at, and set goals your findings.

2. Step Your Comfort Zone

Although it might be scary to take on a big project, go on a business trip or give a presentation, you should always strive to step your comfort zone.

Once you get comfortable in a position, you stop advancing, and you stop pushing boundaries. One way around this is to regularly volunteer to do tasks that you usually wouldn’t.

Not only will you feel good about what you’ve accomplished, but also more confident – promise!

3. Never Stop Learning

Learning and development are vital in the working world. It doesn’t matter if you’re a CEO or an administrator, you should always continue to grow your knowledge, both in and outside of your field.

You can do so by reading current news, books, talking to people within your industry or even listening to podcasts.

The options are truly endless; what’s important is to have the right mindset and always absorb new information a sponge!

4. Embrace Failure

Many millennials view failure as something negative; they assume that they’ve let themselves down and will never achieve their targets ever again!

Failure, however, is just a steppingstone; you should own your mistakes and learn from them. Look at all the great entrepreneurs: they have all had their fair share of setbacks before making it big.

Take Arianna Huffington for example, the former CEO of HuffPost, who, before launching the popular news site in 2005, had trouble publishing her second book – in fact, it was rejected by 36 different publishers.

5. Don’t Compete with Anyone but Yourself

Having a role model to look up to throughout your career is great, but when this admiration turns into a competition, you’re in trouble! You’ll end up spending all your energy trying to get one over your colleague that you’ll miss opportunities in advancing your career.

Instead, try not to focus on other people’s promotions, salary or previous experience, and learn to be content with your current position.

6. Stay Organised

Staying organised when trying to achieve your career goals is vital; it not only saves time fiddling through piles of paper, but it also helps you stay focused.

And while many organisational apps help you stay on top of your A-game, you can’t beat an old-fashioned diary! When managing your career, you should select a method that works for you, and use it to track your work and progress.

7. Eat Healthily

Food is fuel for your brain, and a car, you need the right gas to keep you going! If you indulge in heavy carbs and sugary foods on a daily basis, you’ll end up feeling lethargic, and you won’t have the right energy to perform to the best of your abilities. If you eat healthier snacks, though, you’ll be a lot more focused and determined.

8. Take Care of Yourself

As well as food, you should also look after your mental wellbeing to avoid burnout. Practise mindfulness, find a good work-life balance and learn to switch off once in a while. Find hobbies to take your mind off work, and just have some fun! When you’re happy in your personal life, you’re more ly to be satisfied at work too.

9. Be a Good Listener

While you might think that having the gift of the gab will get you a golden ticket to advance in your career, you’re sorely mistaken! Having the ability to listen carefully to what your peers are saying is integral. Listening carefully, absorbing information and asking questions will prove useful as you gain more experience and get promoted.

10. Dress for Success

If I haven’t hammered this enough already, here’s another shot!

You should dress for the job you want, not the one you have. The power of clothes is magical, and if you always dress professionally, you’ll naturally be treated with more respect and will be viewed differently. If you arrive to work wearing creased clothes or, worse, tracksuits, you’ll prove nothing other than you have no interest in your job.

11. Be Trustworthy

When people trust you, you’re more ly to be given more responsibilities, and you’ll be at the front of the line when the next promotion comes around.

But what makes a trustworthy employee?

To keep it simple, authenticity and consistency sum up the most essential qualities of a trustworthy person. It’s someone who doesn’t slack, who is always positive, honest and is relied on in a time of need.

12. Work Smarter, Not Harder

While many workers think that burning the midnight oil will help them succeed, the truth is quite the contrary – why work 10 hours, when you can effectively do the same work in 8? The solution is simple: work smarter and not harder. Develop methods to stay focused and power through your tasks without slacking or getting distracted. That way, you’ll have more free time to enjoy outside of work and will generally feel a lot more satisfied.

13. Build Strong Connections

You never know when you’ll need someone’s professional help, which is why it’s important to develop an active list of connections. You don’t want the first time someone has heard from you in five years to be when you’re looking for a new job.

Instead, make genuine friendships with those in your circle and try to help them where you can too. Networking is a two-way street, and if you can help someone, why not do so?

14. Create Your Own Opportunities

When something doesn’t go your way, don’t sit around and mope about it! Instead, go out there and create your own opportunities. If you can see a gap in the market or a role in your organisation that needs filling, why not bite the bullet and suggest it?

Entrepreneur and businesswoman Huda Kattan did just that when she left a secure finance job to fund her hobby of creating mink eyelashes and professional makeup. She has since advanced from a struggling makeup artist and beauty blogger to a social media sensation in no time and now has a successful brand (Huda Beauty) tucked under her belt.

15. Think of Solutions, Not Problems

While identifying problems is good, you also need to be able to solve those problems. In other words, if you don’t have the solution, it’s pointless highlighting an issue.

Instead, shift your mindset to resolve an issue, even when the answer isn’t lying right in front of you.

It’s all about thinking on your feet and adapting to the situation you’re in! If you can find this stability, you’ll undoubtedly succeed in your career.

Although you won’t achieve career success overnight, you can get there at a steady pace by following the above tips. You just need to make sure you put in the effort and stay focused on the prize. Don’t let small hurdles knock you off course or deter your interests. Remember: everything is possible once you set your eyes on it!

Have you got any other key pieces of advice to share with fellow professionals? Let us know how you achieved success in your career in the comments section below.

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Tips for Pursuing Career Success, Tools and Advise for Career Success

For Success In my Career

We provide the newbie pursuing career success in you with tools, tips and guide for a successful career, work and life.

Have you just graduated? Have you just landed yourself with that first job? Are you ready to take on the world but you feel lost? Are you at your first few years of work or at a career crossroad? And feeling disgruntled, demotivated, confused and in need of guidance?

What do you do next in order to progress?

Life in the working world is very different from school or college. There are no clear rules so to speak. But there are guidelines and principles you can follow to increase your chances of career success.

our real life experiences, we want to provide you withguidelines, advice and tips to help you ease into the working world. In the hope this will help you achieve career success.

This is our toolbox, tools we have used in the course of our own pursuit of a successful career. The tips, techniques and advice are geared for you to be a success with bosses, colleagues, clients and foes.

While we can share our experiences with you, YOU need to belief that you are in charge of your own destiny. Everything starts and ends with you. You are the one in control, no one else.

We do not have magic formulas here you can learn in a night and be on your way to greatness. But what we know is this – the advice, tips and techniques here are used by ourselves.

We aim to guide you towards a successful career, work and life.

We have collected them for you to freely use in pursuing career success. You are your own career builder; we are the supplier of the tools. You need to decide which tools to use, which suits you best and then put them into action.

There are three things we ask of you:

  1. Bring Enthusiasm. Unless you are interested to improve yourself and attain success, no amount of reading can help you.
  2. Take Action. Internalize the relevant materials. Then decide to take action. Nothing happens until you act upon that change you desire.
  3. Be Patient. Nothing happens overnight. Success many things in life takes time. Drop by drop an empty bucket is soon filled with water. Small steps at a time. Pursuing career success is a marathon. Not a sprint.

As you peek around you will see things in a different perspective, so you can enjoy and feel more satisfied pursuing career success. Well, come on in and let’s get started!

Free Ebooks for You to Read

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Career Success Recipe for Newbies

If you are sincere in getting off to a great start pursuing career success and need to be pointed in the right direction, then this book is for you. It has the career success recipes you need. Get it now.

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