For God’s Healing Touch On Our Lives

The Power of Touch for Healing

For God’s Healing Touch On Our Lives
The Body Window › My Thyroid Cancer Story › Power of Touch

The key for healing through the power of touch, is in the art of showing compassion in your touch!

'Tis the human touch in the world that counts – the touch of your hand and mine – Which means far more to the sinking heart than shelter or bread or wine. For shelter is gone when the night is o'er, and bread lasts only a day. But the touch of the hand and the sound of the voice live on in the soul always.' – Spencer M. Free

The healing power of touch cannot be refuted. Human touch rules our very lives. Without human touch we die – maybe not our bodies, but our minds and our souls. The sense of touch and feeling are at the very core of our being, of the body-mind-soul connection.

Experiencing the world through your senses is the way you process information that is useful to you. Imagine a world without sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch. Even if you lost only one of your five senses, it would be a much less enjoyable world.

The sense of touch and feeling is a sense that is paramount to your survival. A baby is enveloped in the warmth of the womb, and the amniotic fluid, gently cushioned against the hostile world as it develops. The embrace and warmth of the mother, after birth, is vital for the maternal-infant bond, and is essential for the baby’s survival.

The word ‘feeling’ itself is a metaphor for the sense of touch and the emotion that it elicits. Touch equals emotion, or a ‘feeling.’ You feel with your physical body and you ‘feel’ with your emotions. This is the power of touch. To touch and feel is the power of the body-mind-soul connection at work.

Flax Wildflower near Crested Butte, Colorado

I believe that this use of language for ‘touch’ and ‘feel’ is no coincidence. When you ‘feel’ emotions, you also ‘feel’ it in your physical body, even though you have not actually ‘felt’ with your hands or the physical body.

This is another reason why it is so important to understand the connection between the body-mind-soul. They are one.

This is why the use of the Body Windowis so important for you to grasp – the physical manifestation of your emotions that help you discover who you really are.

You can speak to one another through the healing power of touch. The physical language of the soul is through the power of touch and the emotions that it elicits. When nothing is left to say, or you don't know what to say, you can convey your understanding and compassion, solely through a truly heartfelt, physical touch. This is the healing power of touch.

In my years of experience with patient care, never has a concept been so firmly sealed in my brain.

A patient can instantly tell the difference between a business- touch and a compassionate, healing touch. You can communicate that you care or don’t care, in the way you touch.

How is this possible? How is this message conveyed, if touch were only a physical experience? Yet you even speak this metaphor when you say, “I was ‘touched’ by his words.” You are ‘touched’ by the act of kindness that both your mind and your physical body ‘feels.

’ Others ‘touch’ your life. You say “Let's keep in 'touch.'”

The healing power of touch, the physical experience combined with the emotional experience to heal the soul is yet another example of the connection of the body-mind-soul or the body-mind connection that leads to healing of the soul.

The Human Touch – It Makes or Breaks You

Touch is not an isolated physical event. The caring or lack of caring is transmitted through your hands, through the power of your touch. If what is said, and the physical sensation of touch you actually feel are incongruent, the physical touch will prevail. Physical touch has power over words – every single time. The power of touch is that significant.

If caring is transmitted through my hands by means of physical touch, but I am emotionally detached, the sensation of caring will not be transmitted. If I ‘care’ for a patient by bathing and dressing him/her but do not do it in a compassionate manner, while remaining detached, the physical touch will be read as cold, uncaring, hurried or at the very best, neutral.

This is why the old adage, when you were being paddled as kids, when the parent said, ‘This is hurting me more than it is hurting you,’ or ‘spare the rod, spoil the child,’ never worked. You never felt loved during this process.

One never says, “My parents were so good to me, and I felt deep acceptance for who I was, and I felt love and understanding while I was being paddled!” Or for that matter, immediately after you were paddled. Or when you became an adult and thought about the paddling.

In fact, what you probably felt when you were paddled was anger, defiance, feelings of being control and even rage, or perhaps submission to your repressed rage. Then these powerful emotions have to be suppressed, for later dealings. In fact these feelings were most ly felt over and over again in you, if you were paddled and are honest with yourself.

Correction of the misdeeds of children should never be coupled with physical pain of any nature, in my opinion. The power of touch that is applied in a manner intended to hurt, hurts us physically and emotionally and may leave deep scars.

A child who is coddled, and touched with the full love and caring that the power of touch can convey, that honors the child as an individual, is a healthy child. A child is always able to discern the physical touch that was meant to care and that which is detached, abusive or meant to harm.

When you want to care for a person that is grieving, hurting or suffering in any way, and you cannot find words to say, a caring, compassionate touch is all that is needed to convey your love.

This is such an effective way to communicate. The power of touch done in a loving, compassionate manner will convey all. No words will be needed.

The healing power of touch encompasses all and heals all.

We often touch our pets, our dogs and cats with more caring and compassion than we do our fellow human beings!

A child that is touched inappropriately in an adult manner will be scarred for life. The kind of ‘caring’ that this abuse portrays to the child will forever distort his/her concept of love.

The only healing that can occur after abuse is the surrender to the emotions that are currently manifested in your body.

Using the Body Windowto help you understand your stored emotions, the powerless feelings, the feelings of guilt, shame and confusion that exist deep inside you must be acknowledged, or dis-ease will surely be created in your body-mind-soul.

What is supposed to be the most powerful expression of love, human compassion and understanding is the single most abused sense you own – physical touch.

You may have also experienced horror through touch – physical beating, detachment and abuse. You all deserve more. When the power of touch is abused, the entire being, the body-mind-soul is affected.

The physical body retains these scars and this deeply held pain.

The power of touch needed to heal your soul and heal your scars when you have suffered abuse is immense.

You will need to at first recognize that Love and physical touch was not meant to be conveyed in an abusive manner but that Love could be experienced through the healing power of touch.

Seeking professional help from practitioners that convey this healing power of touch instead of the abusive power of touch will help you receive love and help you to heal. Seeking Love through Grace (See Grace Pays a Visit) will help you too.

Self-love and self-caring of your physical body through seeking its messages can also help you if you have a deep desire for self-healing. You will need to re-connect with your body and love your body (See Body Blessing Prayer). If you ignore your body, ignore its messages, your dis-ease will only grow deeper.

How to Touch with Caring and Compassion

The only way to portray caring through the physical act of touch is to be totally present to the individual you are touching. Remember that through the power of touch, physical touch also ‘touches’ the body-mind-soul.

Your mind must be empty of your own self-absorption. You cannot provide caring and warmth through your hands if you are thinking about what you will be cooking for dinner or who won last night’s game.

You must be thinking about the other person, and how it would feel to receive your touch.

Being present to the other person is so important in all your interactions with others. You all too often do not hear what others are saying, but are already formulating what you will say next.

We all think 2-5 steps ahead of the present moment, almost unconsciously. We are all so self-absorbed and not in the present moment!

Forget about words. Touch with your heart and soul. Honor the other being.

I often say ‘namaste’ to the person as I touch him/her, which I loosely translate to mean, ‘the spirit in me honors the spirit in you.’ Or say a prayer for the person.

Bless him/her and offer him/her to God and feel as if God is flowing from your hands to the heart of the other. The healing power of touch used in this manner is very great.

Longs Peak, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO

A Personal Tale of the Power of Touch

I was providing in-home care to a patient dying of cancer. The cancer that she had was a particularly brutal form, in which she was unable to eat, but had to take all nourishment through a tube in her stomach.

As the end approached, her abdomen became distended and swollen with the tumor to the point that it was doubtful that any nourishment was being absorbed. The pain that accompanied the cancer and the abdominal distension was severe. It became extremely difficult to feed her, as her pain was increased during feeding. To move her caused her extreme pain.

Mercifully, her doctor allowed her to take the highest doses of narcotics until pain relief was achieved. Unfortunately, with the use of narcotics, the whole gastrointestinal tract slows down, adding to the problem of abdominal pain and distention.

In my care of my patient, I noticed that she had become crooked, and twisted in her upper body as she lay in bed. She needed to be positioned in a straighter and more comfortable position. I needed to lift up her upper body to reposition her, but I dreaded moving her and causing her more pain.

I remember hovering over her and talking to her in as soothing a voice as I could muster, as I gently stroked her face to let her know that I was going to lift her upper body and move it over to her left. With as gentle a movement as possible, I reached under her arms and gingerly lifted her towards me to move her.

As I was letting her upper body down onto the bed, I felt her struggle and try to pull herself towards my face. I heard a weak but forceful sound from her lips. Although I couldn’t discern what she was saying, I felt her message. I moved my face towards hers as she kissed me on the cheek, an emotional kiss of thanks. As I kissed her back, I was so filled with warmth and sadness.

This poor, dying soul was blessing me with a touch of gratitude.

From that moment onward, a new understanding existed between us. My touch now conveyed a deeper compassion and love and a deeper understanding of the power of human touch to comfort. My touch became more healing, as healing as it could be in her situation.

Mercifully, she died a few days later when her will to live finally succumbed to her desire to be pain free.

The Power of Healing Touch

Do not underestimate the healing power of touch. The power of touch to touch the soul for health and healing is great. Bodywork practitioners who perform their art in this fashion are the greatest healers of all. Seek out such practitioners who are more meditative in their presentation to healing.

The traditional art of Thai Yoga Massage requires the practitioner to enter the session with a prayer-, meditative and healing attitude! If only all our healthcare practitioners approached us in this manner with the power of healing touch on their hearts and minds.

The world would be full of healthier and more whole individuals.

For now, seek your own physical, bodily truth. Practice the techniques found in my website to reconnect with your body, love your body, and seek the messages it has to say to you through the Body Window.

May your physical touch always be full of healing, honor and compassion to all those around you! Peace and Healing to you!

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7 Ways to Heal Your Wounded Heart

For God’s Healing Touch On Our Lives

Perhaps you wonder if healing is really possible. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, we’re all desperately searching for relief.

On November 5, 2006, a drunk driver traveling more than eighty miles per hour struck our van head-on. In an instant, my husband, my two children, and I were physically broken, crushed in countless ways.

My daughter, Jen, wasn’t expected to live through the night because of traumatic brain injuries and multiple skull fractures. She remained in a coma for five weeks, and months passed before we were all reunited.

Today our lives don’t look they once did, and they never will.

In the years following our car accident, the one thing that would bring me comfort was to think about how God allowed his innocent Son to suffer and die on the cross for me. As I begged God for healing, I started listening very carefully to the words Jesus spoke when He was in those final hours of suffering.

Even though the cross is a one-time act of redemption, Jesus’s final words have also become a crucial part of my daily healing.

Jesus Final Words – A Unique Healing Prescription

1.  Ask God Why

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46; Mark 15:34).

In his deity, Jesus knew the heart and mind of God. He didn’t need to ask why. But Jesus was also a man. He felt pain just as we do. It’s comforting to know that when He hurt the most, He had to ask “why?”

By asking why, Jesus gave us permission to bring our tough questions to God. Because He asked why, we don’t need to be ashamed of our own doubts and fears. God isn’t angered because we need more answers. In fact, our tough questions may be the very thing that draws us closer to Him.

If you were standing before God right now, what would you ask Him?

Satan controls what we keep hidden in darkness, but when we bring our wounds into the light, Satan no longer has power over them. Jesus is the light! When we acknowledge our pain, He begins to heal us. Go ahead, ask Him!

2.  Choose Forgiveness

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).

While they were still driving the nails into His hands, Jesus said out loud, “Father, forgive them.” He refused to let any bitterness take root. I suspect He was teaching us that the sooner we forgive, the better.

Maybe someone who was supposed to protect you and keep you safe hurt you. Abused you. Destroyed your security. You might be thinking, It’s impossible to forgive. You’re right! I don’t think we can forgive in our own strength. We need to ask God our Father to help us.

My daughter, Jen, says it this: “Take people off your hook and put them on God’s hook. Then you will be free!”

3.  Share the Gospel

“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43).

One of the criminals hanging next to Jesus on the cross understood that his sin was to blame for his problems and Jesus was his only hope. He says, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And Jesus replies, I will do more than remember you, I will be with you.

While He was dying, Jesus was intentional about saving others. He modeled for us what it is to care for others in the midst of our own suffering.

Your pain gives you the right to be heard. When you share the gospel, your pain has a purpose. What if your temporary earthly pain could change someone else’s heavenly reality forever?

Who could you share the love of Jesus with today?

4.  Secure Your Spirit

“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46).

This isn’t just a phrase that Jesus said because He was dying. He was quoting a phrase Jewish boys said daily before they went to bed at night from Psalm 31, teaching us to use it daily as well.

I can’t describe the relief that washes over me when I know my Father is holding my fragile spirit securely in His strong and loving hands. I can start to breathe again. I can start to think again. I can put one foot in front of the other and keep moving.

Next time Satan reminds you of wounds from your past. Try saying, “Father, wrap up my wound; I give it to You to hold.” You are safe and secure in your Father’s hands.

5.  Find Someone to Serve

“Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother” (John 19:26-27).

In the midst of His pain, Jesus noticed His mother standing near the cross. He chose to take care of her instead of focusing on Himself. Don’t you think Jesus was leaving us a powerful remedy for our pain? When you’re suffering, look to the needs of others. Whom can you help? Whom can you serve?

Jesus modeled what I’ve discovered to be true in my own experience: sometimes the only way to survive or make sense of your own pain is to help someone else.

6.  Schedule Margin

 “I am thirsty” (John 19:28).

The great I AM cried, “I am thirsty.” And when He did, He gave you and me permission to ask for help and admit your physical weakness.

God created our bodies with enough frailty to need His help. Feelings thirst, hunger, and fatigue expose the limits of our humanity and remind us daily that we need more of God.

With that frailty comes our need for rest and margin, which means designated space and time to take a break. Often we’re so busy taking care of our families that we forget to take care of ourselves.

What are you doing to take care of your body and your mental health? What is one thing you could schedule daily or weekly to start getting some physical relief?

7.  Exchange Your Brokenness for Healing

“It is finished” (John 19:30).

When Jesus said “It is finished,” it wasn’t a cry of defeat. It was a sh victory! In the Greek, these three words are actually one word, tetelestai, which means “paid in full.”

This is a game changer! When Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself for us, it wasn’t only a substitute punishment—His life for our sin. It was a full exchange—all of Him for all of us. He did more than pay for our sin and take it away. Jesus gave us His right standing with God. He took everything that was wrong about us and exchanged it for everything that was right about Him.

Jesus traded our sin, sorrow, and pain for His unlimited righteousness, joy, and healing. You don’t have to carry around shame any longer. God exchanges your wounds and brokenness for the wholeness and beauty of His Son.

Do you view yourself the way God views you?

My experience convinces me that God will use you in greater ways because of what you’ve been through. He often allows our wounds to change our destiny and the destinies of others. God not only heals our wounds, but He also turns our scars—the reminders of what we’ve endured—into beauty marks of purpose.

Now picture Jesus Himself holding your face in both of His nail- scarred hands and looking directly into your eyes. Hear Him say to you, “I love you. I see you. I hear your cries. I remember you. I will take on your pain. I will heal you.”

Let those words soak into your soul!

Linda Barrick is the author of Beauty Marks: Healing Your Wounded Heart. Check out free videos at //

Linda Barrick, author of Miracle for Jen and Total Bliss Bible study, is an inspirational speaker and founder of Hope Out Loud, an international ministry. Linda leads a weekly Bible study of over 500 women in Lynchburg, Virginia, where she lives with her husband Andy and their children Jennifer and Joshua. For more information visit

Linda and her daughter, Jen, have been on many national and international television shows sharing their story:
The Today Show (NBC)
Fox & Friends
Life Today with James Robison
100 Huntley Street

Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock/m-gucci

Publication date: September 25, 2017

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Is Psychic Healing Really Possible?

For God’s Healing Touch On Our Lives

Psychic healing is something that I first heard about in 2000 when NSYNC’s Bye Bye Bye was a #1 hit. (Doesn’t that seem forever ago?)  At first, the idea of balancing my psychic energy seemed wild.

But now? I totally believe it can help. Here’s how and why it worked for me – and can work for you, too:

What is Psychic Energy?

Did you know that quantum physicists have proven that all matter can be broken down into waves of energy?

If you’re anything me, you’re thinking, “Blah, blah, boring“. (I know the only time I care about physics is when I’m watching Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory).

But stick with me a minute, it gets exciting!

Basically, this “energy wave” thing means:

All living things, including your cat, Ryan Reynolds, and the ivy plant that you keep forgetting to water, are made up of energy. 

This is our “life force” energy, and it connects our minds, bodies and energy fields. It flows through our bodies in pathways called chakras, meridians, and nadis.  And this is super important when it comes to the idea of psychic healing.


Because we are ALL surrounded by life force energy—our aura. And when one of your energy streams is balance, it can affect you on ALL levels.

Imbalances or blockages disrupt the energy flow so that our bodies, minds and spirits aren’t able to function at peak form.

For example, most people agree that negative thinking can affect your physical health. wise, if your energy field is balance, it can cause mental, emotional and physical issues.

What is Psychic Healing?

Sometimes a person will have a medical or emotional issue that a medical professional can’t figure out.

Or maybe they aren’t responding to typical treatments…  or are suffering from emotional issues that they can’t find help for.

In each of these cases, psychic healing may be able to provide some relief.

Psychic healing is a way to locate, analyze and treat the entire person and their energy field.

Instead of putting a “Band-Aid” on an issue, the psychic healing attempts to uncover the root cause of the problem so that it can be relieved.

Don’t get me wrong, psychic healing is wonderful, but you should not throw traditional medicine aside and rely on psychic healing to diagnose or treat you. When my daughter had strep throat, I got her to her doctor ASAP!

Okay, so how does this work?

Well, typically the psychic healer will evaluate a person and “sense” or “see” blockages or weaknesses in the flow of life force.  Here’s a story to help put things in context:

My Psychic Healing Story

When I was younger, I used to get throat infections ALL the time. On top of that, I’ve been battling an autoimmune disorder since I was 11 years old.

Years ago, when I first started developing my psychic abilities, I was at a mediumship class and struck up a conversation with this really nice lady named Jackie.

I was telling her about my health issues and she mentioned that, in addition to being a medium, she also did psychic healing work. She invited me to her home so she could work on me and I said, “Sure, why not?!”

Well OMG, that was the beginning of my love of psychic healing! While Jackie was working on me I felt AMAZING! My body relaxed, my solar plexus tingled, and I felt absolutely heavenly!

During the session, I cried – not the way I cry when I watch The Notebook, but a big, cathartic CRY – 100 pounds of bricks had just been lifted off of my chest!

As Jackie worked on me, she also shared things about:

  • My past lives and how they were affecting me in this current lifetime.
  • How things that I was holding onto from childhood were affecting my physical and emotional health.
  • My throat chakra (it was closed and when she energetically opened it, it was liberating!)

It’s been about 20 years now and psychic healing is still a huge part of my life. It’s not a “cure”, but it does give me relief from physical and emotional issues challenges.

The overall goal of psychic healing is to move the mental, physical and spiritual energy of the person into complete balance, which can help their symptoms.

Who are Psychic Healers?

Psychic healers are individuals with highly-tuned intuition and psychic abilities. They connect with others on an energetic – or psychic – level.

Typically (from my own experiences), psychic healers are kind people who work for the highest and best good of their clients.

They use their medical intuition, mediumship, clairvoyance and other psychic abilities (the 5 “clairs”) to perceive any flaws in the energy force.

While working, they receive messages from their client’s angels and Spirit Guides to learn what’s going on. Once they understand the energetic issues involved, they use a variety of techniques to clear out or strengthen the client’s energy.

This rebalancing may:

  • Provide emotional release from fear, guilt, depression, anxiety, stress, etc.
  • Remove toxins from the body.
  • Free up stuck energy to alleviate pain.
  • Enable better blood circulation.
  • Clear out energy pathways.
  • Relieve mental and spiritual angst to improve sleep and relaxation.

There are many different types of energetic healing techniques. Psychic healers may use one or a combination of tools to heal different types of issues. Energetic healing includes:

  • Pranic healing
  • Shamanic healing
  • Reiki
  • Angel healing
  • Healing Touch therapy
  • Acoustic healing (sound therapy)
  • Crystal healing
  • Quantum Touch

So, Is Psychic Healing Really Possible?

Yeah, totally! It just makes sense, right?

Since we are made up of energy and surrounded by energy, then all types of mental, physical and spiritual ailments can be helped by balancing that energy.

It’s easy for our energy to get whack. Stress, illness, major life changes, negative thoughts and toxins can all wreak havoc on our life force energy.

Finding a psychic healer you resonate with and trust can make a difference in the quality of your life.

Final Thought and Disclaimer

I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on the internet. If you are ill, make sure to see a medical professional! I am not recommending that you only frequent psychic healers. Many people find the combination of Western medical treatment and psychic healing beneficial, but don’t avoid being seen by a medical doctor.

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6 Important Reasons To Bring Hidden Hurts To God For Healing

For God’s Healing Touch On Our Lives

Why do we hide our hurts? For some of us it’s because of pride, fear, or shame. Yet in order to grow up spiritually, we must deal and bring to light our hidden hurts for healing.

There’s no painful experience that God can’t touch and use for His glory. We must be willing to admit our weakness and receive His divine hand to move on our behalf.

Look at the 6 important reasons to bring your hidden hurts to God:

#1) God knows

“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13).

We can bring our hidden hurts to God because He already knows about them. He knows when we avoid dealing with our pain. God is patient and willing to wait until we grow to accept His unmerited grace to cope with it. God’s knowledge of our hidden hurts can encourage us as we know that He will take care of us. Healing is possible because God knows when no one else does.

#2) God cares

“…God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 4:8-10).

The love of God is greater than the pain of our hidden hurts. His unconditional love interweaves through our past, present, and future hurts to give us comfort and peace.

We have to be willing to embrace His love if we are to get beyond the pain of the past. There’s a confidence that rises in our hearts when we experience God’s love.

Healing is possible because God cares even when we can make ourselves care enough.

#3) God provides

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

Many of our hidden hurts are due to lack of something—whether lack of love, trust, peace, or comfort. The Lord provides whatever we need to overcome hidden hurts.

He can bring what no one else could provide due to their finite abilities. Our trust is in the all-powerful God to do above and beyond what we could ask or imagine.

Healing is possible because God provides everything we need to move forward.

#4) God desires

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing” (Luke 13:34).

The God we serve isn’t some cosmic, unfeeling force in heaven. He is a loving Father who desires nothing but the best for His children. He wants each of us to succeed in this life and He knows we can’t have success while carrying the baggage of hidden pain. Healing is possible because God desires the good things for our lives.

#5) God heals

“Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me” (Psalm 30:2).

Much of our hidden pain is due to incomplete spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. The Lord we serve is the greatest Doctor and He can heal us in ways we could’ve never imagined. We must pray and seek His healing touch for our hidden hurts. Healing is possible because God heals in His perfect way and timing.

#6) God delivers

“Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:25).

Many times we have hidden hurts because of our own bad decisions. We can feel trapped by the consequences of our sins and the enemy continues to hold us captive in our minds. However, we can be set free because God delivers His people as they cry out to Him. Healing is possible because God delivers those who submit to Him with a pure heart.

Healing Hidden Hurts

Our hidden hurts aren’t really hidden at all. Not only are they evident to God, but also to those who live or work around us will sense the brokenness within our hearts. We can first make sure that we are seeking God’s forgiveness and put our hope in Him regardless of the situation. God is more than able to heal our hurts and present us spotless to His Son.

More in the Bible about healing: 12 Helpful Scriptures for Healing

Resource – New International Version Bible, The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblca, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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