
A Prayer to Share the Gospel


7 Ways to Share the Gospel Without Being a Jerk

Nobody s a jerk, but so often this is the impression many Christians give when sharing the faith. There are many people who claim to follow Christ but share their faith in a way that completely contradicts Jesus’ message and manner.

This happens even with well-meaning, kind-hearted, Christians. They want their friends and family to know Jesus Christ, but they fall into unhealthy patterns of sharing the faith, patterns that push people away from God rather than draw people near.

I want to begin by saying that I understand. Sharing the Christian faith is hard.

Rico Tice, in his book, Honest Evangelism: How to Talk about Jesus even When It’s Tough, says, “I find evangelism hard. The problem with being an evangelist is that people assume that you find evangelism effortless; but I don’t find it easy, and never have. For me, telling people about Jesus has often been nerve wracking” (11)”

Through the years, I have had the privilege of having friends who seemed to be naturally gifted in sharing their faith. They made it look easy, but when I spoke to them, I discovered they had the same difficulties that I experienced. They had the same fears and worries. They stumbled over their words. Here are seven helpful points I learned from them.

1. Kindness goes a long way

This may seem obvious, but too often when Christians share the faith, it turns into a heated argument. The cross is offensive enough. When I share the faith, I need to make sure that I am respectful and kind.

I know plenty of people who have turned away from Christianity even though they think it’s true, because church people were jerks.

As you seek to share your faith in a kind way, you may be surprised that people are more willing to listen.

2. Honesty shows and gains respect

Some people who share their faith put on a character. They become “spiritual.” This “spiritual” person never doubts, worries, or sins. This “spiritual” person always loves Jesus more than life.

This “spiritual” person doesn’t respect people enough to say, “I don’t know the answer to that question.

” This “spiritual” person is afraid to admit that he or she may need to learn something about what others think.

Too many Christians are afraid to be honest. They fear that honesty will lose people’s respect. It doesn’t. The truth is that honesty often gains respect.

When Christians treat people as people and not as numbers or “sinners,” they often gain respect.

When Christians admit their sin, when they ask for forgiveness after failing to show kindness, they often gain respect. Don’t be afraid to be honest.

3. Ordinary conversations matter most

You don't need a formula, a method, or a program to share the faith. You need to have ordinary, honest, kind, and respectful conversations about the faith. Try this: ask people if they would to talk about Christianity. Sometimes just asking, “Can I talk with you about Jesus?” opens people up.

If people don't want to talk, you probably won't persuade them by raising your voice or trying to force them. Respect their decision. Remember that these conversations are hard for people.

To have serious conversations with some people, you need to gain a certain level of trust. Frustration, anger, or force will only push those people away. Be patient. Make yourself available.

Don't worry.

4. You can only share what you know

I have found that a big reason most people fail to share their faith is because they know very little about the faith. Think of it a language. It is much easier to read a foreign language than to speak it. It is much easier to hear and understand the gospel than to teach it and talk about it.

To talk about the gospel—to share it—requires a certain amount of gospel fluency. It takes regular Scripture reading and prayer to attain gospel fluency. Too many Christians haven’t given enough time to learn the faith.

When you take the time to read Scripture, pray, and study the Christian faith, you will discover that you, too, will have much to say about God and the gospel.

5. Share the actual gospel

The message we share with people is not about hell, morality, or the church. Hell, morality, and church are important. But the message of the gospel—that which is of first importance—is that Jesus came to save sinners. You don't really need to convince people that they are sinners. You don't need to ask them if they keep the Ten Commandments.

Tell them about what Jesus did on the cross. The fact that Jesus suffered and died on the cross is evidence enough that there is something wrong with the world. Most people have a sense that there is something wrong with their life. Talk about what Jesus came to do and why he came to do it.

Start with Jesus, and you might be surprised how many people will grant that they are sinners who need a savior.

6. Don't talk too much. Listen

Whenever I share my faith, there is a lot I want to say. I want to tell people about Jesus’ perfect life. I want to talk about his crucifixion.

I want to speak about the glorious resurrection, but I have to remember that a conversation is not a speech. I am not giving a sermon. I’m supposed to have a conversation.

Throw out the agenda, and give up on trying to get in all you want to say. Trust God. Enjoy the conversation.

7. Play the long-game. Persevere. 

Becoming a Christian can take a long time. Sometimes when people hear the gospel, they immediately believe it and become Christians.

The Holy Spirit's regenerating work of creating faith happens in an instant, but only God can see that. You and I see people questioning, learning, doubting, and believing.

No one believes everything all at once, because no one can learn it all at once. There is a lot to learn in Christianity.

We should expect people to take time to ask questions and to express doubts. Learning takes time. This is why sharing the faith is not something Christians do once.

Whenever a pastor preaches, he should be reminding the congregation of the mercy and love of God in sending Jesus Christ to die and rise for sinners. As Christians, you and I will be learning the gospel for the rest of our lives.

As you share your faith, trust God to save your friends and family in his timing.


In sharing the faith, me, you will often fail. It happens. Don’t worry about it. When you fail to show kindness, to speak honestly, to be authentic, to share the gospel message, to listen, or to display patience, admit your fault and ask for forgiveness. Remember, God draws straight lines with a crooked stick.

Related Resources

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The Perfect Place to Share the Gospel [August Prayer Focus]

Jian* was already behind when he started at his new school. It was a full quarter into the school year. Then, for the first two months, Jian had a far-off look in his eyes. His teachers weren’t sure he was even paying attention.

But one of Jian’s teachers was TEAM missionary, Rachel*. Jian’s lack of interest couldn’t stop her from talking to him about “the Father,” “the Son” and “the Word.” And one day, suddenly, Jian wanted to know more.

Jian decided to specifically ask Rachel to tell him more about the Son — he wanted to know Jesus the way she did.

“Education is a great and versatile platform for ministry because it provides teachers with a lot of freedom in how to communicate the Good News to their students,” says Rachel. “Kids are going to be in schools regardless, so what better way than to meet them where they’re at?”

As schools begin their fall semesters this August, will you pray with us for education ministries around the world?

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1. Pray for opportunities to build meaningful relationships between teachers and students.

Missionary teachers look forward to creating spaces for learning and discipleship inside and outside the classroom.

It’s hard for teachers to find time to interact with students one-on-one, but that’s often when they form the deepest relationships. And those relationships are what open the door for discipleship.

One TEAM missionary, Seth O’Day, teaches at an international school in the Philippines. He helps lead extracurricular activities so he can get to know his students on a more personal level. One example is his homeroom group.

“Once per week, I meet with a small group of boys for a homeroom group that is specifically intended to provide an opportunity for spiritual growth and discipleship,” Seth says.

Pray that teachers will find opportunities to get to know students inside and outside the classroom. Pray for effective discipling and mentorships.

2. Pray for wisdom as parents decide how to educate their kids.

Deciding where to send your child to school is a big decision for parents, especially as the available options continue to grow.

Today’s parents have many choices for educating their kids.

For missionaries, the decision isn’t just about education, but also about learning the host language and navigating the culture. Homeschooling, public schools, international schools, online schools and missionary-run schools are just a few of the options.

For local parents, missionary-run schools can present better academic opportunities, but they have to be willing to let their kids hear the Gospel. This gives missionary teachers a chance to witness to kids who may never hear about Jesus otherwise.

Pray that education decisions will be as stress-free as possible for parents. Pray also that kids will be put in environments where they can learn about Jesus and thrive.

3. Pray for new teachers and supporters.

No matter the country, teachers still need encouragement to continue inspiring their students.

Workers who serve in the education field have enormous opportunities to share their faith. But many missionary-teachers have to raise their own support to teach abroad. And it can be hard to explain to supporters why the school doesn’t just pay you a salary.

This can make it hard to recruit new teachers. But that doesn’t lessen the demand for education-based missionaries. Even if they cannot explicitly share the Gospel in the classroom, teachers have a chance to graciously share God’s love with those they are teaching.

Pray that God will call both teachers and supporters to education ministries. Pray that their hearts will be open and receptive to those calls.

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer! Click here to get a print- this month’s Prayer Focus requests and praise reports.

*Names Changed.

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Four Reasons We Don’t Share the Gospel

My yard is littered with awful yellow weed-flowers. Yes, dandelions. As a kid it was great fun to pluck a fuzzy white one, hold it up, and blow. This scattered the fluff into the air, eventually landing again in the grass.

At the time, I had no idea I was spreading this wild invasive weed to disturb the carefully manicured grass.

Now as a homeowner and the resident gardener, each weekend I toil to pluck up this weed that seems to spread regardless of what I do to stop it.

Dandelions multiply and spread by nature, much the gospel. Consider for a moment how news of Jesus spread wherever he went (Mark 1:21–28, 40–45; 5:1–20).

Despite Jesus’s best efforts to temper the excitement, his fame and healings spread far and wide. It was the ripe dandelion scattering into the wind, taking root wherever it flies.

The gospel travels that, from person to person, family to family, and community to community.

The word of God takes off this, with a life of its own, in the story of Acts:

So if the word of God — the good news of Jesus Christ — inherently possesses the power to increase and multiply through the work of the Holy Spirit, then why is evangelism so difficult? Why don’t we share the gospel more than we do? We need to ask if we are a fresh wind that causes the seed of the good news to spread, or instead, obstacles that keep it from moving further and faster. Unfortunately, many of us are more wall than breeze. But why?

1. Lack of Gospel Knowledge

How many times have you heard the gospel in a sermon, book, or conversation? If you’ve been a Christian, even for a short time, you have ly heard the gospel hundreds of times. Yet, many of us still struggle to articulate the truths of the gospel in a simple, coherent, and intelligible way. Could you share the essential message of the gospel in sixty seconds, right now?

2. Apathy

Some of us just don’t care that much about lost people. We wouldn’t ever say it, but our priorities and lives reveal it. We make no time in our busy schedules to interact and engage with those who don’t know Christ.

We have long stopped praying for lost people in our neighborhoods and workplaces. We have no non-Christian friends, and barely any ties. Lost people are a low priority.

For instance, when was the last time you invited someone into your home who did not know Christ?

3. Fear

What will others think of me? What if they don’t me or my family? Some are paralyzed by the thought of being disd, marginalized, laughed at, or openly mocked.

We’re afraid we’ll lose business or get passed up for that promotion.

What if they stop inviting my kids to the birthday parties? What if talking about Christ makes seeing my neighbors awkward? What if they lump me together with Ned Flanders or the Westboro Baptist Church-cult?

4. Lack of Compassion

We lack compassion for the lost. We have long forgotten what it was to live without hope, lost and apart from Christ. We rarely consider that those who do not obey Christ “will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord” (2 Thessalonians 1:9).

We just don’t care that much. We might say we care, but we rarely cry out to God for the salvation of our lost neighbors, coworkers, and classmates.

Paul’s compassion in Romans 9:3 is utterly foreign to us: “I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers.”

We Overcome Obstacles Together, Not Alone

If making disciples is our mission (Matthew 28:18–20), how can followers of Christ overcome these obstacles to be conduits of grace to the lost? One of the primary ways we can overcome our lack of gospel knowledge, apathy, fear, and lack of compassion is by gathering together with fellow believers to remember and cultivate our core calling and convictions.

We are people who have died to ourselves and live for Christ (Galatians 2:20). We have the profound privilege of spurring on fellow believers to love and good works that God has set before us (Hebrews 10:24; Ephesians 2:10). Some of those good works will be giving verbal testimony to the grace of God in our lives and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost.

Within the context of Christian community, another believer can speak and remind us of the very truths we need to hear. Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it this way:

We speak to one another on the basis of the help we both need. We admonish one another to go the way that Christ bids us to go. We warn one another against the disobedience that is our common destruction. We are gentle and we are severe with one another, for we know both God’s kindness and God’s severity. (Life Together, 106)

All Christians need fellow believers to help them grow in their understanding of the gospel. We all need others in our lives who spur us on to a greater compassion and zeal to love the lost by sharing the good news of Jesus willingly, winsomely, and boldly. Here are four ways this can work itself out in a community.

1. Pray Together for the Lost

As Christians are gathered together in small groups or missional communities, we ought to make it a priority to pray for the lost in addition to our normal prayer concerns.

In Acts 4:23–31, after Peter and John are released from prison, the disciples gather to pray for God to give them boldness to speak his word.

If the early church needed to pray for greater evangelistic zeal and boldness, how much more do we need to pray similarly in our gatherings?

One simple way to consistently do this in a Bible study or small group setting is to conclude your study with this question: What truths did we learn about God and who can we share this with in our spheres of influence? This can naturally transition to praying for those who need to know Christ in our lives. As we pray for God to work in the lives of our lost friends, apathy is transformed to an eagerness and readiness to engage others for the sake of Christ.

2. Recall the Gospel Together

In 2 Timothy 2:8–13, Paul reminds Timothy of the truth of the gospel to encourage him to press on and be faithful to the message that has been entrusted to him.

If Timothy — a student of Paul, a faithful servant, a pastor, preacher and teacher — needed to be reminded of the truth of the gospel to keep going, how much more do you and I need to be reminded of the eternal truths of the gospel?

Much of this reminding happens in the context of gathering together with fellow believers.

As God’s people recall his truths — week to week in homes and gathered together in worship — we combat gospel-amnesia by reminding one another that God’s mission is to save sinners through the work of his Son Jesus.

As we re-preach the gospel to ourselves and to one another, we’ll be more prepared to speak it afresh to those without Christ.

3. Apply the Gospel Together

In Galatians 2:11–14, Paul opposes Peter because Peter’s conduct and behavior were not in accord with the gospel. Similarly, we need fellow Christians who will tell us that it’s not okay to not care about the lost. Such attitudes are not in accord with the gospel.

When fear and apathy are exposed, it is a fresh opportunity to apply the gospel to our own lives. If we are fearful of what others may think, we are reminded that our identity is in Christ and our lives belong to him.

If we lack compassion, we are rebuked as we consider God’s deep compassion for sheep without a shepherd.

Evangelism is one measure of our spiritual maturity. For many, theological knowledge does not translate to fruits of the Spirit — into love for fellow believers, or serving others, or sacrificial giving, or evangelism. Together in community we help one another become more Christ by being faithful disciple-making disciples.

4. Prove the Power of the Gospel Together

If we do not believe the sufficiency of the gospel, we will never share it boldly and simply.

Yet, if we truly believe that God’s word does the work of conversion through the power of his Holy Spirit, we will unabashedly share the simple and unadorned truth of the gospel.

A truncated and inadequate gospel will quickly be abandoned and never shared. But a gospel that can save by grace through faith — apart from works — as a free gift (Ephesians 2:8-9) is believed, treasured, and declared boldly.

With fellow believers, we must remind each other of the sufficiency of God’s word to do his work for his purposes. If we are confident in the ability of the gospel to transform lives, we can boldly and indiscriminately proclaim this good news with sacrificial love to the lost in the hope that some will be saved.

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3 Prayers to Deepen Your Understanding of the Gospel

Ephesians 1:3-14 mentions glorious gospel truths in a way that sometimes feels too good to be true—at least for me. The passage opens by praising the Triune God for every spiritual blessing we have in Christ (v3) before unpacking some of these glorious blessings.

God the Father chose me to be adopted into His family? And He did this before time began?!? He lavished His love upon me by sending His Son to die for me to redeem me from my sins and become the bridge over the chasm of sin that separated man from God? And God sends the Holy Spirit as the down payment of a glorious inheritance that awaits those “in Christ” in heaven?

Contemplating these gospel truths often leaves me speechless, or grasping for the words of the Psalmist, “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it” (Psalm 139:6).

How can we respond to truths that are too glorious and too gracious for us to comprehend with our finite, sin-tainted minds? How can we transport these lofty ideas from our heads and plant deep in our hearts to stir our affections and move us to Christ-adorning action? There are two ways.

We praise God. He has revealed the mystery of His will to us in uniting all things under the Lordship and dominion of Christ.

Instead of trying to wrap our mind around all of the details and questions we still have, let us lift our hearts up to God in heartfelt worship—this is the purpose of the glorious truths of Ephesians 1:3-14, that we might live “to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14).

We also pray. And that is exactly what Paul does in the second half of Ephesians 1.

Very rarely in Scripture does God give us a prayer of application for a specific passage, and that is exactly how Ephesians 1:15-23 functions for the opening portion of Ephesians (1:3-14).

It’s important that we take note of the Spirit-inspired prayers of the Scriptures so our prayers can be shaped by Scripture and God’s priorities, not our own.

So what do we pray for a deeper understanding of the gospel? Paul prays in verse 18 and following that we would have a spirit of wisdom and revelation to know three things:

1. Pray for a deeper knowledge of the hope we have in Christ

“…that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you…” Ephesians 1:18a

Knowing that we have every spiritual blessing in Christ both now and for all of eternity should well up in an unspeakable hope in our hearts. That’s why Paul prays for us to know this hope. This hope allows us to rejoice in our sufferings and persevere during hardship (Romans 5:2-5).

The idea of hope is not just a pipe-dream, “I hope I will win the lottery.” This hope is an eager expectation of something guaranteed. Pray for a hope in Christ that will so fix your eyes on heavenly things that earthly troubles only increase your longing for your true home.

2. Pray for a deeper knowledge of God’s love for us in Christ

“…what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints…” Ephesians 1:18b

Many think the inheritance Paul refers to in verse 18 is our inheritance in God, but it clearly says “the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints”—God’s inheritance in us. What?! We, as God’s dearly beloved family, are His inheritance because are united to His dearly beloved Son by faith.

Just there is a strong relational bond (albeit imperfect due to sin) between a parent and child, there is a perfect and unbreakable relational bond between God and believers. The Father won’t let anyone or anything pluck His dearly beloved children from His hand (John 10:28).

God could have chosen anything in the entire universe to be His inheritance, His treasure—and He chooses human beings you and me. We are His bride, His glorious inheritance. How many of you want to experientially know more of God’s love for you? Then pray to know the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints.

3. Pray for a deeper knowledge of God’s power

“…what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places…” Ephesians 1:19-20

We Christians need to know we are not powerless. The same power that raised Christ from the dead and that rules above every earthly and heavenly authority not only lives in us, but is available to help us when you pray. God’s power is available to give us strength during weakness and do far more abundantly than we can ask or think in every area of our lives (Ephesians 3:20).

How would it change your life knowing and depending on the immeasurable greatness of God’s power toward us who believe? Pray to know it and you will find out.

As you incorporate these truths into your prayer repertoire and meditations, God will bolster your faith and deepen your experience of “the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge” and so you will “be filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19).

Article adapted from a portion of a sermon I preached on Ephesians 1:3-14.

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20+ Simple Ways to Share the Gospel

Maybe you need some hand holding when it comes to sharing the gospel? Yeah, me too.

Even though I’ve been a missionary for many years, sharing the gospel with a stranger can feel scary, intimidating, and awkward.

Maybe your wondering how how to share the gospel?

Or maybe your looking for fresh, creative ways to share the gospel.

Maybe you just want someone to walk beside you while stepping out into the uncomfortable. You want to know you’re not alone.

Creative Ways to Share the Gospel:

(Note: When you see purple text below, it links to the respective resource)

When we talk about how to share the gospel, it’s important to understand what the gospel is. It is not your personal testimony. It isn’t sharing a random scripture. It isn’t an apologetic debate. Neither is it a heated argument over theology.

The gospel is simply the good news about the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ… important tidbit to keep in mind as we learn how to evangelize and look at the following ways to share our faith.

Before you get started, I invite you to check out my 6 personal tips for sharing the gospel. Finding your own favorite simple way to share the gospel can give you confidence when it’s time to present the gospel with someone, so try several different ideas!

And just for fun, what is the best way to share the gospel? I  this answer here; and this admonition to talk to strangers.  Sharing the gospel can be fun!

Ready? Let’s get equipped!

Personal Testimony

Our stories are not the gospel; the gospel is the good news about Jesus Christ. Our stories can incorporate this good news though! Every believer should be ready in season and season to share what God has done in her life.

If you’re me, something as simple as a personal testimony can seem overwhelming.

Never fear because this is actually super simple if you know the three simple elements Paul included when sharing his testimony in Acts 26:1-23.

First, take three minutes to read Paul’s testimony for an example of what you’re aiming for. Now you’re ready to prepare your own short story.

Here are the three elements to a basic testimony:

1. Give a brief description of what your life was before you received Christ. (see verses 4-11)

2. Describe how God spoke to your heart and opened your eyes to spiritual truth. Include the basic facts of the gospel and your response of faith. (verses 12-18)

3. Finally, share how your life has changed since receiving the forgiveness available in Christ. (verses 19-23)

That’s it! If you haven’t taken the time to jot down your personal testimony, why not do it now? This is probably the easiest way ever to share your faith and everyone s to hear a personal story. It’s okay to practice this a few times so it is natural and you are comfortable with it first. Try to keep it short (2-3 minutes) and authentic. Each time you share, speak it from the heart!

For a worksheet to help walk you through these steps, check out Laura’s free personal testimony worksheet here.

Ask Spiritual Questions

Sometimes before you can share your testimony or a gospel presentation, you simply need to get to a spiritual conversation. You can do that by asking a few good questions. This is the approach I personally take with strangers I encounter during the course of every day living. I do this with taxi drivers, store clerks, and others I happen to strike up conversation with.

I do need to say that we are people talking with other people. The goal isn’t just to vomit gospel facts all over someone. It is to show the love of Christ and be the aroma of Christ. This means that you’ll need to listen. a lot.

Sometimes I listen a whole lot and end up sharing a verse or only saying something , “God loves you” to the other person before our time is up. While my goal is to share the entire message, it sometimes doesn’t work out. That’s okay because I want to be authentic and genuinely compassionate.

I trust the Lord to take the little I do and multiply it.

Here are some ideas to get you brainstorming on conversation starters. I suggest you take a few minutes to come up with your own set of questions that come naturally for you.

> Are you a religious person?

> Do you know how to have a relationship with God?

> Did you grow up in church? What were you taught about God growing up? Do you still believe that?

> May I pray for you? Do you have any special needs I can pray for?

> What do you think the solution to (insert recent troubling news event) is?

> Do you have time for a short story? It’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me and I love to tell people about it!

> What did you think of the pastor’s message this week? (After attending a church service.)

For a good article on asking deep questions that lead to sharing the gospel, read this post from Desiring God Ministries.


This method of sharing the gospel uses pictures and is super easy to use. When we first arrived on the mission field, we kept one of the cubes in our home and used it to share the gospel.

This simple gospel presentation came in handy when we had limited language ability- the pictures were so helpful! The makers of the cube have produced many different resources you can carry on your person, such as a bracelet, a card, a key chain, a cube, a ball, and more. Click the link to check them all out.

Sidewalk Chalk Gospel Presentation

Courtney shows a super fun way to share the gospel using sidewalk chalk. This is a creative way to share the gospel with you and you can do this at the beach in the sand or at the cafe on the back of a napkin. Kids can learn this too!

Give a Tract

There are many, many great gospel tracts available for every occasion imaginable. You’ll want to find one or two you personally feel comfortable giving out and talking about. I shorter tracts simply because they are more ly to be read.

Here is a list of bestselling tracts written by people Billy Graham, John MacArthur, John Piper, Josh McDowell, and others. You can get a pack of 25 for just $2.50. Start with one of the variety packs to find a few you really love.

Share the gospel with an international

Can’t speak a foreign language? With these resources, you don’t have to! This site has tracts, audio, and other resources in many different languages. If someone in your community is from another country, be sure to check out this site for free resources. *Note: I have not read all the material on this site. I recommend reading through their English materials before using.

Use an App

These days you can use your phone to share the gospel. I’m grateful for those who have designed Bible apps specifically for sharing God’s Word, aren’t you? To find an app (or two or more!) for your device, simply go here and select the device you are using. Wow!

Life in 6 Words book and video

This is a gospel sharing campaign designed for teenagers (but suitable for everyone!) The folks at Dare 2 Share have put together some great resources and a simple plan for using them. I highly recommend checking them out to know what’s available.

Scripture Presentation

This is another way of presenting the gospel that every believer should know. There are many different scriptures that can be used for giving a simple presentation of the gospel message. One set of evangelism verses is the Romans Road. This selection of scripture is taken solely from the book of Romans and covers the basics as follows:

I personally suggest having the other person read the scriptures for themselves. This is much more effective than you trying to tell them a bunch of facts. Ask them to tell you what the verse is saying.

If someone is ready to respond to the Gospel, re-read Romans 10:9-10 and invite them to confess their sin and their faith in Christ through prayer. Explain to them there are no magic words to pray; prayer is simply an expression of the faith they have in their heart. Encourage them to talk to God in their own words.

Write a Letter

Maybe you have someone on your heart but emotional distance keeps you from having a good conversation with them. Writing a letter and including your personal testimony and the facts of the gospel is a great way to share the good news.

Folded Paper Method

Use one sheet of paper to tell the gospel story. This is so fun and will keep young and old a riveted!  You’ll want to practice before hand so you have it down; then just keep a piece of paper with you at all times and you’ll be ready to go!

 Navigator’s One Verse Method

This simple method covers the basic message of Christ using Romans 3:23. It is an easy way to share the gospel conversationally and visually. This article walks you through how to use it.

Jesus film, HOPE film, or Magdelena film

Each of these films are adaptations of scripture. Some have been around for awhile but are still great ways to present the gospel. Host a movie night and invite neighbors over or have each family in your small group invite a lost friend or family member to the movie night. Be prepared to follow up with spiritual questions.

Host a Movie Night

Speaking of movie nights, we know a missionary family in our city who regularly hosts movie nights for the purpose of sharing the gospel afterwards.

Some of the movies they have watched are Courageous, Soul Surfer, Luther, and Fireproof. There are many new Christian movies that would work well for a movie night and for talking about God and our faith in Christ.

Be intentional about presenting the gospel after the movie.

Creation to Christ

Besides my personal testimony, this is the method I use most. I don’t include every aspect of the story every time because the entire presentation takes about 15 minutes. But this method is very effective when sharing with those who do not have a church background. You can download an app from this site as well as a PDF,  and view the entire presentation.

Plan of Salvation Bracelet

You’ve probably seen this one~ it is a simple bracelet with colors representing the facts of the gospel. Just wear it and use it! Christian carries the bracelet and scripture reference card. This is a great resource if you’re looking for how to share the gospel in five minutes or less.

Home Bible study

If you have a relationship with an unbeliever who is open to learning more about Christ, starting a short study with them is a great option.

You can help them learn how to study the Bible for beginners with these 10 best Bible study tools.

This is a wonderful option for discipleship and sharing more about the gospel in-depth. Two my husband and I have to use with unbelievers are:

Christianity Explained: a six week study of the book of Mark

Storyteller’s Bible Study: From Creation to Christ in 12 Lessons: a 12 week overview study from Creation to Christ

More Resources For Personal Evangelism Ideas, Trainings, and Tools:

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Way of the Master with Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron

CROSS training by North American Mission Board

145 Ideas for sharing the gospel 

Open Air Campaigners

Christian Outreach Tools – church outreach ideas, or activities for your community

Christian Outreach Tools – a simple way to share the gospel using the most familiar verse in the Bible

I hope this helps equip you with practical resources for becoming someone who shares her faith. In fact, let’s each commit to choosing one of these methods of personal evangelism this week. Let me know what you’re committing to in the comments!

Let me know how I can pray for you and be sure to share your favorite resources as well…I’m praying for you!

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