Prayer To Follow The Example Of Jesus

The Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux With Additional Writings and Sayings of St. Thérèse

Prayer To Follow The Example Of Jesus

This Prayer was found after the death of Sister Teresa of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face in the copy of the Gospels which she carried night and day close to her heart.

O my God, O Most Blessed Trinity, I desire to love Thee and to make Thee loved–to labour for the glory of Holy Church by saving souls here upon earth and by delivering those suffering in Purgatory.

I desire to fulfill perfectly Thy Holy Will, and to reach the degree of glory Thou hast prepared for me in Thy Kingdom.

In a word, I wish to be holy, but, knowing how helpless I am, I beseech Thee, my God, to be Thyself my holiness.

Since Thou hast loved me so much as to give me Thy Only-Begotten Son to be my Saviour and my Spouse, the infinite treasures of His merits are mine. Gladly do I offer them to Thee, and I beg of Thee to behold me only through the Eyes of Jesus, and in His Heart aflame with love.

Moreover, I offer Thee all the merits of the Saints both of Heaven and of earth, together with their acts of love, and those of the holy Angels.

Lastly, I offer Thee, O Blessed Trinity, the love and the merits of the Blessed Virgin, my dearest Mother–to her I commit this Oblation, praying her to present it to Thee.

During the days of His life on earth her Divine Son, my sweet Spouse, spake these words: “If you ask the Father anything in My Name, He will give it you.” [1] Therefore I am certain Thou wilt fulfill my longing.

O my God, I know that the more Thou wishest to bestow, the more Thou dost make us desire. In my heart I feel boundless desires, and I confidently beseech Thee to take possession of my soul.

I cannot receive Thee in Holy Communion as often as I should wish; but, O Lord, art Thou not all-powerful? Abide in me as Thou dost in the Tabernacle–never abandon Thy Little Victim. I long to console Thee for ungrateful sinners, and I implore Thee to take from me all liberty to sin.

If through weakness I should chance to fall, may a glance from Thine Eyes straightway cleanse my soul, and consume all my imperfections–as fire transforms all things into itself.

I thank Thee, O my God, for all the graces Thou hast granted me: especially for having purified me in the crucible of suffering.

At the Day of Judgment I shall gaze on Thee with joy, as Thou bearest Thy sceptre of the Cross.

And since Thou hast deigned to give me this precious Cross as my portion, I hope to be unto Thee in Paradise and to behold the Sacred Wounds of Thy Passion shine on my glorified body.

After earth's exile I trust to possess Thee in the Home of our Father; but I do not seek to lay up treasures in Heaven. I wish to labour for Thy Love alone–with the sole aim of pleasing Thee, of consoling Thy Sacred Heart, and of saving souls who will love Thee through eternity.

When comes the evening of life, I shall stand before Thee with empty hands, because I do not ask Thee, my God, to take account of my works. All our works of justice are blemished in Thine Eyes. I wish therefore to be robed with Thine own Justice, and to receive from Thy Love the everlasting gift of Thyself. I desire no other Throne, no other Crown but Thee, O my Beloved!

In Thy sight time is naught–“one day is a thousand years.” [2] Thou canst in a single instant prepare me to appear before Thee.

* * * * * * *

In order that my life may be one Act of perfect Love, I offer myself as a Victim of Holocaust to Thy Merciful Love, imploring Thee to consume me unceasingly, and to allow the floods of infinite tenderness gathered up in Thee to overflow into my soul, that so I may become a very martyr of Thy Love, O my God! May this martyrdom, after having prepared me to appear in Thy Presence, free me from this life at the last, and may my soul take its flight–without delay–into the eternal embrace of Thy Merciful Love!

* * * * * * *

O my Beloved, I desire at every beat of my heart to renew this Oblation an infinite number of times, “till the shadows retire,” [3] and everlastingly I can tell Thee my love face to face.


The ninth of June, Feast of the Most Blessed Trinity, In the year of grace, 1895.

A Morning Prayer

O my God! I offer Thee all my actions of this day for the intentions and for the glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I desire to sanctify every beat of my heart, my every thought, my simplest works, by uniting them to Its infinite merits; and I wish to make reparation for my sins by casting them into the furnace of Its Merciful Love.

O my God! I ask of Thee for myself and for those whom I hold dear, the grace to fulfil perfectly Thy Holy Will, to accept for love of Thee the joys and sorrows of this passing life, so that we may one day be united together in Heaven for all Eternity. Amen.

An Act of Consecration to the Holy Face

Written for the Novices

O Adorable Face of Jesus, since Thou hast deigned to make special choice of our souls, in order to give Thyself to them, we come to consecrate these souls to Thee.

We seem, O Jesus, to hear Thee say: “Open to Me, My Sisters, My Spouses, for My Face is wet with the dew, and My Locks with the drops of the night.

” [4] Our souls understand Thy language of love; we desire to wipe Thy sweet Face, and to console Thee for the contempt of the wicked. In their eyes Thou art still “as it were hidden . . . they esteem Thee an object of reproach.” [5]

O Blessed Face, more lovely than the lilies and the roses of the spring, Thou art not hidden from us. The tears which dim Thine Eyes are as precious pearls which we delight to gather, and, through their infinite value, to purchase the souls of our brethren.

From Thy Adorable Lips we have heard Thy loving plaint: “I thirst.” Since we know that this thirst which consumes Thee is a thirst for love, to quench it we would wish to possess an infinite love.

Dear Spouse of our souls, if we could love with the love of all hearts, that love would be Thine. . . . Give us, O Lord, this love! Then come to thy Spouses and satisfy Thy Thirst.

And give to us souls, dear Lord . . . We thirst for souls!–Above all for the souls of Apostles and Martyrs . . . that through them we may inflame all poor sinners with love of Thee.

O Adorable Face, we shall succeed in winning this grace from Thee! Unmindful of our exile, “by the rivers of Babylon,” we will sing in Thine Ears the sweetest of melodies. Since Thou art the true and only Home of our souls, our songs shall not be sung in a strange land.

[6] O Beloved Face of Jesus, while we await the Eternal Day when we shall gaze upon Thine Infinite Glory, our only desire is to delight Thy Divine Eyes by keeping our faces hidden too, so that no one on earth may recognize us . . .

Dear Jesus, Heaven for us is Thy Hidden Face!

Various Prayers

“If you ask the Father anything in My Name, He will give it you.”– John 16:23.

O Eternal Father, Thy Only-Begotten Son, the dear Child Jesus, belongs to me since Thou hast given Him. I offer Thee the infinite merits of His Divine Childhood, and I beseech Thee in His Name to open the gates of Heaven to a countless host of little ones who will for ever follow this Divine Lamb.

“Just as the King's image is a talisman through which anything may be purchased in his Kingdom, so through My Adorable Face–that priceless coin of my Humanity–you will obtain all you desire.” Our Lord to Sister Mary of St. Peter. [7]

Eternal Father, since Thou hast given me for my inheritance the Adorable Face of Thy Divine Son, I offer that Face to Thee, and I beg Thee, in exchange for this coin of infinite value, to forget the ingratitude of those souls who are consecrated to Thee, and to pardon all poor sinners.

Prayer to the Holy Child

O Jesus, dear Holy Child, my only treasure, I abandon myself to Thy every whim. I seek no other joy than that of calling forth Thy sweet Smile. Vouchsafe to me the graces and the virtues of Thy Holy Childhood, so that on the day of my birth into Heaven the Angels and Saints may recognise in Thy Spouse: Teresa of the Child Jesus.

Prayer to the Holy Face

O Adorable Face of Jesus, sole beauty which ravisheth my heart, vouchsafe to impress on my soul Thy Divine ness, so that it may not be possible for Thee to look at Thy Spouse without beholding Thyself.

O my Beloved, for love of Thee I am content not to see here on earth the sweetness of Thy Glance, nor to feel the ineffable Kiss of Thy Sacred Lips, but I beg of Thee to inflame me with Thy Love, so that it may consume me quickly, and that soon Teresa of the Holy Face may behold Thy glorious Countenance in Heaven.


Inspired by the sight of a statue of The Blessed Joan of Arc

O Lord God of Hosts, who hast said in Thy Gospel: “I am not come to bring peace but a sword,” [8] arm me for the combat. I burn to do battle for Thy Glory, but I pray Thee to enliven my courage. . . . Then with holy David I shall be able to exclaim: “Thou alone art my shield; it is Thou, O Lord Who teachest my hands to fight.” [9]

O my Beloved, I know the warfare in which I am to engage; it is not on the open field I shall fight. . . .

I am a prisoner held captive by Thy Love; of my own free will I have riveted the fetters which bind me to Thee, and cut me off for ever from the world.

My sword is Love! with it– Joan of Arc–“I will drive the strangers from the land, and I will have Thee proclaimed King”–over the Kingdom of souls.

Of a truth Thou hast no need of so weak an instrument as I, but Joan, thy chaste and valiant Spouse, has said: “We must do battle before God gives the victory.” O my Jesus! I will do battle, then, for Thy love, until the evening of my life.

As Thou didst not will to enjoy rest upon earth, I wish to follow Thy example; and then this promise which came from thy Sacred Lips will be fulfilled in me: “If any man minister to me, let him follow Me, and where I am there also shall My servant be, and . . . him will My Father honour.

” [10] To be with Thee, to be in Thee, that is my one desire; this promise of fulfilment, which Thou dost give, helps me to bear with my exile as I wait the joyous Eternal Day when I shall see Thee face to face.

Prayer to Obtain Humility

Written for a Novice

O JESUS! When Thou wast a wayfarer upon earth, Thou didst say:–“Learn of Me, for I am Meek and Humble of Heart, and you shall find rest to your souls.” [11] O Almighty King of Heaven! my soul indeed finds rest in seeing Thee condescend to wash the feet of Thy Apostles–“having taken the form of a slave.

” [12] I recall the words Thou didst utter to teach me the practice of humility: “I have given you an example, that as I have done to you, so you do also. The servant is not greater than his Lord . . . If you know these things, you shall be blessed if you do them.

” [13] I understand, dear Lord, these words which come from Thy Meek and Humble Heart, and I wish to put them in practice with the help of Thy grace.

I desire to humble myself in all sincerity, and to submit my will to that of my Sisters, without ever contradicting them, and without questioning whether they have the right to command. No one, O my Beloved! had that right over Thee, and yet Thou didst obey not only the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph, but even Thy executioners.

And now, in the Holy Eucharist, I see Thee complete Thy self-abasement. O Divine King of Glory, with wondrous humility, Thou dost submit Thyself to all Thy Priests, without any distinction between those who love Thee and those who, alas! are lukewarm or cold in Thy service.

They may advance or delay the hour of the Holy Sacrifice: Thou art always ready to come down from Heaven at their call.

O my Beloved, under the white Eucharistic Veil Thou dost indeed appear to me Meek and Humble of Heart! To teach me humility, Thou canst not further abase Thyself, and so I wish to respond to Thy Love, by putting myself in the lowest place, by sharing Thy humiliations, so that I may “have part with Thee” [14] in the Kingdom of Heaven.

I implore Thee, dear Jesus, to send me a humiliation whensoever I try to set myself above others.

And yet, dear Lord, Thou knowest my weakness. Each morning I resolve to be humble, and in the evening I recognise that I have often been guilty of pride. The sight of these faults tempts me to discouragement; yet I know that discouragement is itself but a form of pride.

I wish, therefore, O my God, to build all my trust upon Thee. As Thou canst do all things, deign to implant in my soul this virtue which I desire, and to obtain it from Thy Infinite Mercy, I will often say to Thee: “Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, make my heart unto Thine.

[1] John 16:23.

[2] Ps. 39[40]:4.

[3] Cant. 4:6.

[4] Cf. Cant. 5:2.

[5] Cf. Isa. 53:3.

[6] Cf. Ps. 136[137]:4.

[7] Sister Mary of St. Peter entered the Carmel of Tours in 1840. Three years later she had the first of a series of revelations concerning devotion to the Holy Face as a means of reparation for blasphemy. See Life of Léon Papin-Dupont, known as “The Holy Man of Tours.”

[8] Matt. 10:34.

[9] Cf. Ps. 143[144]:1, 2.

[10] John 12:26.

[11] Matt. 11:29.

[12] Phil. 2:7.

[13] John 13:15-17.

[14] Cf. John 13:8.


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Following Jesus’ Example? It’s Biblical

Prayer To Follow The Example Of Jesus

Do you remember the “What Would Jesus Do?” craze? While we don’t hear or see it as much now, it’s still out there. (Check out the WWJD Resources in one of our affiliate stores.) The intent is that we use Jesus’ example in the various decisions and activities of our lives as a guide for what we should do.

Following Jesus’ example is biblical. The Apostle Paul used it as the only ground for his own life to be used as a model. He said, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1).

But, there are also some cautions in using Jesus as our example which we will look at in the next post. Let’s first, however, consider ways in which Jesus is our example.

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Instances where Scripture specifically refers to Jesus as our example:

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I find it interesting that I could only find two specific instances where we are told to follow Jesus’ example:

1) His example in servanthood

I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. (Jn. 13:15)

More: Jesus’ Example of Servanthood

2) His example in suffering

To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. (1 Pet. 2:21)

  • Following Jesus’ example is not always glamorous or easy but these are two aspects that highlighted Jesus’ life. Are we willing to follow His example in laying aside our sense of entitlement and perhaps even in laying aside our very lives?

Notice how Philippians 2:5-8 refers to these same qualities in Jesus as a mindset, or attitude, not just a part of what Jesus would do (WWJD).

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human ness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross! (Phil. 2:5-8)

  • Following Jesus’ example, then, involves our inward being, not just our outward actions. Are we willing to let His example affect us to the core of our being?

Instances where Scripture Exhorts Us to Be Jesus:

To do something “just as” or “as” Jesus, implies following His example in that area. — “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” (1 Jn. 2:6) Following are some specific ways we are commanded to be Jesus:

1) Love as He loves. (Eph. 5:1-2; 1 Jn. 3:15-16)

2) Forgive as he forgives. (Col. 3:13)

  • Following Jesus example, then, affects our relationships with others. Are we willing to be self-less as He was?

Other instances in which we can follow Jesus’ example not specifically referenced that way in Scripture:

While I could only find two verses that specifically suggest areas in which Jesus is our example, we do find Scripture about God’s intent for us to be “conformed to the image of his Son” (Rom. 8:29). To be Christ-, we must follow his example in all areas of life.

Over the course of time, articles have been posted that hold Jesus up as our example. They primarily look at His life here on earth in the Gospels. I encourage you to click on the links below to learn more from His example in these areas:

Jesus’ example in communicating:

Christ- Communication (follow related links on that page for 8 more articles)

Jesus’ example in dealing with enemies:

Attitude Toward Those Who Do Us Wrong

Jesus’ example in developing leaders:

Developing Future Church Leaders: The Training Process

Jesus’ example in motivating people:

How to Get Unmotivated People Motivated

Jesus example in ministry:

Ministry Methodology: Do All in the Name of Jesus

Jesus’ example in prayer

Teaching Prayer by Example Requires Authenticity (follow related links on that page for 2 more articles)

Jesus’ example in teaching:

3 Important Lessons for Bible Teachers from the Master Teacher
3 More Important Lessons for Bible Teachers from the Master Teacher
Jesus, a Master Teacher in Using Object Lessons
Jesus, the Master Teacher, Used Questions

  • Following Jesus example, then, affects all areas of our walk with Him, of the way we serve, of the way we live. Are we willing to yield all of who we are to Him?
  • Following Jesus' Example? Cautions

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Learning From the Prayer Life of Jesus

Prayer To Follow The Example Of Jesus

Luke 11:1 reads, “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples'” (NIV). [1]

There's much to learn from this passage beyond the significant Lord's Prayer that follows it. For one, we learn that what sparked the unnamed disciples' curiosity to learn about prayer was the fact that he saw Jesus in prayer.

We also learn that John the Baptist taught his disciples to pray and, as a result, the disciples of Jesus were also interested in learning to pray, or at least one of them was! Isn't it interesting that all the disciples only one of them asked Jesus to teach them to pray? It sometimes seems the church is in a similar situation today regarding prayer. We talk about prayer, we study prayer, we say our prayers, but how many of us actually seek earnestly for God to teach us to pray?

One way we can learn to pray is by looking at the prayer life of Jesus. Although the Gospels don't provide a detailed biography of Christ, they do offer captivating glimpses into His prayer life. First, however, it will be helpful to answer the question, “Why did Jesus pray?” This is sometimes puzzling for Christians. After all, if Jesus is God, why did Christ need to pray?

Theologically speaking, there are at least three reasons that Jesus prayed. First, Jesus prayed as an example to his followers. This is an example we continue to learn from, as this article demonstrates.

Second, the Incarnation consists of both divine and human natures. From His human nature, it was perfectly natural for a Jewish believer such as Christ to pray. Third, the nature of the Trinity allows for communication between its members.

As God the Son, Jesus could pray to God the Father.

Jesus prayed for others. In Matthew 19:13, we read, “Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them.

” Despite the fact that “the disciples rebuked those who brought them,” Jesus said the children should not be hindered “for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (v. 14). In John 17:9 we read, “I [Jesus] pray for them.

I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given Me, for they are Yours.” This underscores the need for intercessory prayer.

Jesus prayed with others.Luke 9:28 reads, “[Jesus] took Peter, John and James with Him and went up onto a mountain to pray.” Jesus prayed alone, as we'll read below, but He also knew the value of praying with others. Acts 1:14 underscores the importance of Christians praying with one another: “They all joined together constantly in prayer …”

Jesus prayed alone.Luke 5:16 reads, “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” As much as Jesus understood the value of praying with and for others, He also understood the need to pray alone.

Psalm 46:10 reads, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Sometimes it's important for us to “be still” before God, but the only way to do this, especially in our hectic culture, is to do so alone with God.

Jesus prayed in nature. Psalm 19:1 reads, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” What better place to commune with our Creator than among the wonders of nature? Luke 6:12 says, “One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray …

” He could have gone to a home, a synagogue or if He were near Jerusalem he could have gone to the temple to pray. But there were times when Jesus made the decision to pray where He was, which often happened to be in nature.

We are surrounded by so much that is “man made” that sometimes it's difficult for us to remember that this is not our world, but God's world (Genesis 1:1, Psalm 24:1) full of wonders for us to enjoy.

Jesus could pray as a sprinter or a marathon runner. The Lord's Prayer is full of wisdom, but it is short enough to be easily memorized and serve as an example of a sprint rather than a marathon prayer.

But Jesus also knew how to dedicate long periods of time to prayer. As we read in Luke 6:12, Jesus “spent the night praying to God.

” We, too, need to be able to offer short prayers, as well dedicate long periods of our lives to prayer.

Jesus prayed regularly.This insight is gleaned from a passage cited earlier, Luke 5:16: “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” The word “often” is not hidden, but makes it obvious that Jesus prayed regularly.

Throughout the Gospels whenever we read of Jesus and prayer, it comes up regularly and naturally. It was simply a part of His worldview, integrated into every aspect of Christ's life.

Can we say the same about prayer in our life?

The prayers of Jesus were heartfelt.Jesus did not pray in a cold, distant manner, but in heartfelt supplication, demonstrating empathy and a genuine love for God. This is demonstrated clearly in John 17, where Jesus prays for Himself, His immediate disciples, as well as for all believers.

Jesus prayed His knowledge of God and His truths.The prayers of Jesus were God's revealed truths and, as such, were in line with a solid biblical worldview.

In John 4:24 Jesus said, “God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” He also said, “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32), underscoring the importance of truth in the life of Jesus and, in turn, our lives.

Proper prayer requires us to have a truthful understanding of God and what He has revealed to us through His Word.

Jesus taught persistence in prayer.Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1). The parable Jesus shared is not meant to depict a pestering disciple who finally bugs God enough that He chooses to respond, but about persistence in prayer and waiting on God and His timing.

Jesus knew that not all his prayers would be answered as expected. This is a difficult prayer lesson to learn, but the fact of the matter is that not all our prayers are answered in ways we expect.

Even Jesus knew this hard lesson as he cried out to God the Father from Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-44). Three times Jesus prayed for God to allow an easier path, but Jesus knew, “Yet not as I will, but as You will” (26:39).

Unanswered prayer is such a challenge to the Christian life that we'll address the matter in more detail in another article in this series.

When Jesus prayed in Gethsemane, “Yet not as I will, but as You will,” He offered a tremendous but seemingly simple insight into prayer: God is in charge.

As we learn from the prayer life of Jesus – and there is much to learn – we need to keep this overarching principle in mind. A disciple asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray,” (Luke 11:1) and in response was taught the Lord's Prayer.

But by studying the prayer life of Jesus, we can learn not only the important truths of the Lord's Prayer, but so much more.

Robert Velarde is author of Conversations with C.S. Lewis (InterVarsity Press), The Heart of Narnia (NavPress), and primary author of The Power of Family Prayer (National Day of Prayer Task Force). He studied philosophy of religion and apologetics at Denver Seminary and is pursuing graduate studies in philosophy at Southern Evangelical Seminary.
[1] Unless otherwise noted all Scripture quotations are from the New International Version of the Bible.

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If I Really Want to Follow Jesus, Do I Have to Go Off to a Solitary Place to Pray? – GOSPEL BLOG

Prayer To Follow The Example Of Jesus

In the devotions of the last couple of days, we considered the question, “If I really want to follow Jesus, do I have to get up early to pray?” I believe that the biblical answer to this question is “No,” though I would never discourage anyone from the excellent discipline of getting up early to pray. Yet, those who insist that all Christians must get up before the sun to pray are wandering into legalism that doesn’t fit with the example or message of Jesus.

You need it . . . and God desires it

In my experience, the well-intended folk who insist that we must follow Jesus’ example by praying in the early morning do not often demand that we go “off to a solitary place,” even though that’s what Jesus did (1:35). The NIV translation somewhat misses the nuance of the original language.

The Greek work translated as “solitary” (eremos) actually means “isolated, desolate, deserted.” It’s the standard Greek word for “desert” or “wilderness.” So, the point of Mark 1:35 isn’t just that Jesus found a place to be alone.

Rather, he went out into the wilderness near Capernaum in order to be isolated and to be in a place where people often encounter God with particular intimacy.

Seeking Solitude 

Now, ironically, this is something I personally could get excited about, even suggesting that all Christians do wise. Why? Because, though I’m not genetically wired to be a morning person, I am a lover of nature.

If I want to spend an extended time in conversation with the Lord, I will go to my own version of the wilderness. These days, my “wilderness” is the mountainous region just to the north of Pasadena, California, where I live. For me, hiking in the mountains is a perfect place for deep prayer.

(During a recent trip to New York City, I was able to find a bit of semi-solitude in one of the city’s wonderful parks.)

For me, that is. I recognize that this would not be everyone’s cup of tea.

(I’m actually glad for this, because if thousands of Christians were hiking and praying in my “wilderness,” it wouldn’t be an ideal place for prayer anymore.

) My point, once again, is that we should surely imitate Jesus by finding times and places to be alone with the Lord. But we miss the point if we focus on the details.

So, whether you head for the hills or find a quiet corner in your own home, by all means follow the example of Jesus by taking time to be alone with God in prayer. You need it . . . and God desires it.


Are there certain places that you find particularly conducive to prayer? Why do you think these places help you to pray?

Have you built into your life a regular pattern of solitary, extended prayer?

Could you put such a time into your calendar right now, so that you might get alone with the Lord in the next couple of weeks?


Gracious God, thank you once again for the example of Jesus, who helps us learn how to pray. Though we may not be able to go to the wilderness, we can find places to get alone with you. Our souls need this! So help us, Lord, to find such places and set aside the time for a deeper relationship with you. Amen.

Dr. Mark D. Roberts is the executive director for the Max De Pree Center for Leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary. In this role, Mark is responsible for the mission, strategic direction, and operations of the Center.

He also provides resources for the Center’s work as the principal writer of theLife for Leaders daily devotional and as a major contributor to the Insights for Leaders blog of the De Pree Center.

With years of experience as a pastor and non-profit leader as well as a mentor to leaders in business and other fields, Mark is deeply committed to helping the De Pree Center serve leaders in the marketplace, education, government, non-profits, arts, family, and the church.

He envisions leaders flourishing in every part of their lives as well as their leadership, thus contributing to God’s work throughout the world.

With a PhD in New Testament from Harvard University, Mark has taught for years as an adjunct professor at Fuller Seminary. He has written eight books and dozens of articles for journals and magazines. His newest book, a commentary on Ephesians, will be published by Zondervan in 2016.Mark’s blog at Patheos.

com receives more than a million visits a year, with articles on the Bible, culture, Christian living, and leadership. Mark regularly speaks at conferences, business meetings, retreats, schools, and churches on themes of leadership, vocation, faith and work, digital media, church life, and biblical theology.

Mark is married to Linda, a licensed therapist, spiritual director, and executive coach. Linda and Mark enjoy speaking together at churches and retreat centers on issues of discipleship, spiritual growth, leadership, and marriage. They have two children who are students on the East Coast.

You can find out more about Mark at //

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