Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation

Praying for Salvation of Your Loved Ones

Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation
Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation

Per all of the articles we have discussing the different prayer strategies you can take with the Lord, and some of the conditions that He is looking for in order to answer more of your personal prayers – without question, the number one prayer request that each believer should be putting at the top of their personal prayer list with the Lord has to be that each one of us pray for any of our unsaved loved ones.

Your unsaved loved ones would be all of your immediate family members and all of the close personal friends that you may have in your life.

We can obviously pray for complete total strangers, but what makes praying for all of our immediate family members and close friends so special with the Lord is the direct personal connection that we already have with each one of them.

As a result of this direct personal connection that you already have with each one of them, you will have a much stronger desire to pray for each of them than you would have with a complete total stranger – and that stronger desire and passion that you will be showing in your prayers to God the Father may be the exact thing that will get Him to want to move on each one of them before they die and depart from this life.

One very special area in this realm is that every single Christian mother and father should be praying for all of their unsaved children.

Below I will give you a very dramatic and powerful testimony of a man who was literally spared going down into the pits of hell as a direct result of all of his mother’s continued prayers for him.

We all only have one chance, one window, one opportunity in the big-picture, eternal scheme of things to be used by the Lord to get other people saved in this life before we leave this life to be with Him for all of eternity.

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And with all of us only having this one short window to be able to do this with the Lord, every single one of us should make it our absolute top priority to pray to God the Father that He move mightily on any of our close loved ones who are not yet saved through the blood of His Son Jesus.

When you really stop and think about the big picture we are all dealing with – the number one thing that we should all be focused on is our eternal salvation in the Lord.

All of the money we will ever make in this life, all of the personal possessions we will be able to buy with that money, all of the successes we may have in the different jobs we may take, and all of the personal friends we will end up making in this life will all be for naught if we do not accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior before we die and depart from this life.

Not one ounce of all of the money you will make in this life, and not one ounce of all of your personal possessions will be going with you to the other side when you die and cross over.

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No suitcases will need to be packed on your deathbed. The only thing that will be crossing over to the other side when you die will be your soul and your spirit. Everything else will be left behind. Naked you came into this world, and naked you will leave this world.

Once we die and cross over, judgment will then be set on each one of us, and our eternal fates will be forever decided by the Lord – heaven for the saved and hell for the unsaved!

There will be no reincarnation back into this life to get another chance as the New Agers will try and tell you. We only have one chance in the eternal scheme of things to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior – and it can only be made on this side of heaven, not on the other side.

Granted, God has a set plan and purpose for each person’s life. But as we embark on that incredible journey to fulfill whatever God will be calling us to do for Him in this life, we must never, ever forget that the number one thing we must always do for Him is to keep our radars up to either witness to someone who may not yet be saved – and/or pray behind the scenes to God the Father for their eternal salvation if for whatever reason we cannot reach and witness to them direct.

Your direct, personal, intercessory prayers to the Lord for someone who may not yet be saved may be the only thing that will end up getting them saved, and thus preventing them from being thrown into the pits of a real, live, living hell where they will be forever tormented day and night with Satan and all of the rest of his fallen angels.

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Now here is a dramatic, bone-chilling testimony from a man who was spared from being thrown into pits of hell for all of eternity as a result of his mother’s continued prayers for him.

This dramatic and powerful testimony will show you how God can actually hear and answer your direct personal prayers to Him for a loved one’s salvation – if only you will be willing to take the time to actually pray for that loved one’s salvation in the first place!

The Testimony of Bishop Curtis Kelley

I had just heard this man’s testimony the other day on one of the Christian TV stations. This man’s name is Bishop Curtis “earthquake” Kelley. He now has his own church in Hollywood, California. He specializes in dealing with the worst cases in his area due to the kind of past he grew up in.

Long story short, he had a very strong, praying mother who was always preaching the Word to him, anointing his head with oil to protect him when he was running wild out in the streets in his early years, and telling him that he would be preaching the gospel when he got older.

Curtis said he was always running from this call as a young man.

When he was 4 years old, he heard a voice tell him that he did not have to wait for his brothers to lead him to the drugs that could get him high.

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This voice told him that he could get to these types of drugs much sooner. As a result of listening to this demonic voice over the following years, he became fully hooked on cocaine at the actual age of 10!

When he turned 15, the demonic voice came back to him and told him that he could get a bigger and better high than what he was getting from just using the cocaine by itself. The voice told him he could mix the cocaine with some of the other drugs he was using to get that bigger and more intense high.

Again, not realizing what he was dealing with, he went ahead and mixed the cocaine with the other drugs and he immediately overdosed. He was at a bar when this happened. He was then given some alcohol to top the drug mix he had just taken. He then told some of the people in the bar to take him home.

As he was in this overdosed condition from this lethal mixture, he literally saw demonic spirits coming out from underneath the bar floor. They started to grab and pull on him. When he got into the car, they were then able to literally drag him his body and into an actual pit in hell itself.

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He said the demons then started to do horrible and evil things to him down in this pit. But right in the middle of this horrible torment and torture being done to him by these demons, a “hand of light” all of a sudden appeared, grabbed him by his shoulders, and pulled him back up into his body. After he was pulled back into his body, another voice came to him and said:

“Because of your mother’s prayers, you were spared.”

Shortly after that experience, he went to a church. The pastor called him out from the back of the church and he then received his salvation from the Lord. He later became a professional boxer and then became a pastor of the church he now has.

As you are listening to his testimony, the one thing that he kept repeating was that a strong praying mother has the power to turn their sons and daughters back to the Lord with their strong prayers to Him. He said the only reason he is alive today and not burning in the pits of hell is all due to the powerful prayers of his mother on his behalf to the Lord.

His testimony just cuts right through you a knife when he gets to the part of the hands of light coming right down and pulling him back into his body from the pit of hell he was in – and then telling him that he was spared this final horrible fate as a result of his mother’s continued strong prayers for him to the Lord.

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His dramatic testimony shows how powerful and how important it is that all parents keep praying for their children, no matter how far off the track they may appear to be, and no matter how hopeless and dire their situation may appear to them in the natural.

He said he was as wild and messed up as you can be, but yet the power of God was able to come upon him and set him completely free, which was all as a direct result of his mother’s continued prayers for him! His testimony shows very graphically and very vividly how the power of intercessory prayer can help set a captive completely and totally free from the clutches of pure evil.


With the above testimony showing you how powerful of a thing it really is that we all pray for the salvation of all of our close loved ones, my personal recommendation is that you take an index card and write down all of the names of your close loved ones who are not yet saved.

Pray for each one of them as the Holy Spirit leads, even if it means staying with them for 10, 20, 30 years or more. Some people will literally get saved on their death beds. I would pray for their eternal salvation to the day they literally die, as you never know when the Lord will move on them based upon your direct, heartfelt, personal prayers to Him.

I do not believe that you can “over-pray” to the Lord, or pray in vain on these types of extreme situations. You will not be bugging, bothering, or pestering God with your continued and repeated prayer requests that He move on them in a mighty way to get them saved before they die.

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In fact, I believe God will really be moved and touched by your continued prayer requests, and this constant wrestling and prevailing with Him may be what will get Him to eventually make that big move on your close loved one He did on the above testimony.

The above testimony is a perfect example of God actually moving to save this young man’s eternal life – and this was all as a direct result of his mother’s passionate and intense prayers to Him to save her son in the first place.

I would play it out with each one of your unsaved loved ones until the last pitch has been thrown in the bottom of the ninth inning, which will be when they die and depart from this life. Sometimes games are actually won in the bottom of the 9th inning, with two outs left and one strike left to throw.

Again, if no one else is praying for any of your unsaved loved ones, your direct personal prayers to the Lord for their eternal salvation may be the only thing that will end up getting them saved before they die and depart from this life.

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And there will be no greater act of love that you can do for another human being than to be able to be used by the Lord to save that soul from a life of eternal torment and punishment.

Источник: //

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayer/Salvation And Repentance Prayer

Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation



Scripture: Read and meditate on EPHESIANS 6:10-18


Father, in Jesus’s holy name, by prayer & faith, I put on Your whole armor that I may stand against the wiles of the devil. I put on Your Helmet of Salvation…let the same mind be in me that is in Christ Jesus. I put on Your Breastplate of Righteousness…the Righteousness of Christ.

I put on the Girdle of Truth…Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the Life (John 14:6), the Truth, Integrity & the Holiness of God. I put on Your Sandals of the Gospel of Peace…Help us to stand on the solid ground of Jesus.

Above all, I put on your Shield of Faith to quench every fiery dart, arrow, spear & missile the enemy shoots our way…& Lord, I put on Your precious Sword of the Spirit, Your Holy Word that’s alive & powerful, sharper than any two edged sword (Heb. 4:12)…our offensive & defensive weapon.

Scripture: Job 1:10

“Have you not made a hedge around him, around his household, & around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, & his possessions have increased in the land.” (NKJ)


Father, In the name of Jesus, I ask you to keep the same hedge of protection around me, my family, my mind, my heart & emotions, as it is written in Job 1:10.

Scripture: Psalm 34:7

“The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear HIM, & delivereth them.” Psalms 91:11, 12 “For HE shall give HIS angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.”


Father, in Jesus’s holy name, I ask You to keep an encampment of Your powerful angels around me 24 hours a day.


Hebrews 1:14 “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (NKJV)


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Father, in Jesus’s holy name, I ask you to send a host of ministering angels (in addition to the one each believer has), to minister to our hurts, needs, pains and infirmities, strengthening us in every way.


Zechariah 2:5 “For I”, says the Lord, “will be a wall of fire all around her, & I will be the glory in her midst.” (NKJV)


Father, I just praise You & thank You that Your glory is my rear guard (Isaiah 52:12 & 58:8). In Jesus’s holy name, I ask You to surround me with Your supernatural wall of fire, to insulate me from any assaults of the devil.


Genesis 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” (NKJV) (Also Psalms 3:3)

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Prayer: Father, in Jesus name, by faith, I claim Your promise to be my shield & my protector.


2 Corinthians 10:3-5 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments & every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”


In the Mighty name of Jesus, I command my thoughts to come under the obedience & captivity to Jesus Christ as it is written in 2 Corinthians 10:5.


(Matthew 16:19) “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, & whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, & whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (NKJV)

(See also Matthew 18:18)


In the name of Jesus, the Name that is above every Name & ALL things (Phil. 2:9,10 & Eph. 1:20-23), I bind up every unclean spirit & assignment coming against me, (my children, and my family) from, by or through anyone or anything, named or unnamed, known or unknown, all the ay back to Adam and Eve.

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In the name of Jesus, I bind up the principalities, powers, rulers’ of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness & hosts in high places, & the prince of power of the air.

In Jesus’s holy name, I bind up the strongman, the old man, every prince & stronghold, the spirit of antichrist, every evil spirit & plague, the spirit of confusion, illusion & delusion.

In Jesus’s holy name, I bind up the spirit of infirmity, sickness, disease, pain, addiction, affliction, calamity, the devourer, the destroyer, the accuser, the deceiver, the corrupter & every spirit of poverty.

In the name of Jesus, I bind up the spirit of strife & division, back biting & gossip, critical & judgmental spirits, spirits of resistance & hindrance, every spirit of retribution, revenge & retaliation, & the lying, seducing, deceiving spirit of deception. (I TIM. 4:1,2) In the name of Jesus, I bind up every root of fear, doubt, unbelief, discouragement & every deadly D from despair to depression, the spirit of pride, rebellion, disobedience, self, ego, independence, unforgiveness, bitterness, lust & the flesh.


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3:2) I loose, in the name of Jesus Christ, deliverance, freedom & liberation, peace, joy, hope, gladness of heart, love, healing & wholeness, mercy & grace, blessings & favor, restoration of the years that the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25), the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, a mighty harvest, & a boldness to witness for Christ. Amen and Amen!!

ALWAYS REMEMBER, God hears ALL our cries and prayers (Ps. 34:4,6,15,17. His thoughts about us number more than the sands of the sea (Ps. 139:17,18), He loves us with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3 & John 3:16). His promises are Yes & Amen (II Cor. 1:20).

We know that satan’s a liar but God has never lied nor broken a promise or covenant (Heb. 6:18, Num. 23:19, Titus 1:2). He is the God of the second chance to infinity. Nothing is too hard (Jer. 32:17, Gen. 18:14), nor impossible for Him (Luke 1:37). With man it is impossible, but with God, ALL things are possible (Matt. 19:26, Mark 10:27).

He is faithful (Ps. 89, Heb. 10:23), His Word does not return void (Is. 55:11,12), He magnifies His Word above His name (Ps. 138:2) & His Word is settled in Heaven forever (Ps. 119:89).

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We need to trust Him & His Word, no matter what trials or tribulations we are facing, whatever mountain, valley, desert, storm or goliath that is in our life. TRUST HIM! Naham 1:7 tells us, “God is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble & He knows those who trust Him.” He tells us we have worth & value in His eyes (Jer.

29:11-13), He is our helper (Heb. 13:6) who has compassion, mercy & grace for each of us. Gods’ forgiveness is bigger than my sin. If I confess my sins, God is faithful & just to forgive me of my sins & cleanse me of ALL unrighteousness (I John 1:9). Once I confess & repent, God remembers them no more (Ps. 103:12).

They are put in the sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7:19). They are under the BLOOD of JESUS, and we are set FREE, with no condemnation (Rom. 8:1), especially from ourselves. We must learn to forgive ourselves. Praise and Worship must be included in our prayers. We have the VICTORY!


Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for sending Your SonJesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. I believe Hedied, was buried, and on the third day rose again from thedead. I do repent of my sins and come to You for mercy and forgiveness. I renounce Satan and the kingdom of darkness. I break every family curse over my family and me. By faith inYour promise, I receive Jesus Christ personally as my Saviorand confess Him as my Lord. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and give me eternal life and make me a child of God. Thank you, Lord, for accepting me and now, Lord Jesus, I am thirsty for more of You. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to baptizeme in Your Holy Spirit . By faith, I receive Your Holy Spirit now. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.Amen.YAHUSHUA'S PROMISES TO YOU

John 1:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name

John 3:16-17

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

John 6:47

47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

Ephesians 1:13

13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

1 John 1:9

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 5:11

11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.1 Peter 1:3-43 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for youPRAYER OF REPENTANCE

Lord Jesus Christ, Yahushua, Son of the Father,

In all humility and with our love and holy fear, we bow down before You, our Savior. May our guardian angels bow before You and bring You the prayers of our heart day and night and may they protect us from all evils when we sleep and rest. Hear the prayers from our lips whether alone in our quiet places or among our Brethren; through tears of sorrow or songs of praise and joy.

Lord, may we never ask for more than what is good for our souls and for our salvation. You showed us the Father and taught us how to pray and live as children of God.

You said we should seek, ask and knock when we're in need. You said you would never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus, You alone made us worthy to enter into Heaven when our lives come to an end.

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We thank You and praise You for Your love, Your life, and the promises You made and kept.

You said You would go and prepare a place for us in Your kingdom.

In Your kingdom Lord, hear our prayers now. You see and hear Your poor banished children of Eve. Before You, our world is so dark.

We Your children, Your people, see and hear the evils of our modern world. Families and children faithful to You tremble in fear of Your coming justice. Lord, we know Your Holy Words and love them. We repent of all our sins and call out to You our God.

As You took pity on Abraham, Moses, Noah, Ruth and Naomi, the children of Israel, and all Your beloved disciples, so too take pity on us in our trials and tribulations in our lives of this modern and depraved world we live in. You said You'd never leave us nor forsake us.

But Your Holy Words warned us of sorrows, persecutions, and even wars.

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Lord, we are weeping for ourselves, our families, and our children. We weep and repent of our own sins that wound You once more. Send Your Holy Spirit upon us, so that we may live more simple lives and be ever faithful, brave, forgiving, and charitable children of God the Father. Help us to shake off the ways of the world and be only faithful to You.

When the world sees us, may they give all honor and praise to You. We are Your bride who await Your coming. May you find us worthy.

In Your holy name we pray.


Источник: //

Praying for Salvation of Your Loved Ones

Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation
Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation

Per all of the articles we have discussing the different prayer strategies you can take with the Lord, and some of the conditions that He is looking for in order to answer more of your personal prayers – without question, the number one prayer request that each believer should be putting at the top of their personal prayer list with the Lord has to be that each one of us pray for any of our unsaved loved ones.

Your unsaved loved ones would be all of your immediate family members and all of the close personal friends that you may have in your life.

We can obviously pray for complete total strangers, but what makes praying for all of our immediate family members and close friends so special with the Lord is the direct personal connection that we already have with each one of them.

As a result of this direct personal connection that you already have with each one of them, you will have a much stronger desire to pray for each of them than you would have with a complete total stranger – and that stronger desire and passion that you will be showing in your prayers to God the Father may be the exact thing that will get Him to want to move on each one of them before they die and depart from this life.

One very special area in this realm is that every single Christian mother and father should be praying for all of their unsaved children.

Below I will give you a very dramatic and powerful testimony of a man who was literally spared going down into the pits of hell as a direct result of all of his mother’s continued prayers for him.

We all only have one chance, one window, one opportunity in the big-picture, eternal scheme of things to be used by the Lord to get other people saved in this life before we leave this life to be with Him for all of eternity.

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And with all of us only having this one short window to be able to do this with the Lord, every single one of us should make it our absolute top priority to pray to God the Father that He move mightily on any of our close loved ones who are not yet saved through the blood of His Son Jesus.

When you really stop and think about the big picture we are all dealing with – the number one thing that we should all be focused on is our eternal salvation in the Lord.

All of the money we will ever make in this life, all of the personal possessions we will be able to buy with that money, all of the successes we may have in the different jobs we may take, and all of the personal friends we will end up making in this life will all be for naught if we do not accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior before we die and depart from this life.

Not one ounce of all of the money you will make in this life, and not one ounce of all of your personal possessions will be going with you to the other side when you die and cross over.

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No suitcases will need to be packed on your deathbed. The only thing that will be crossing over to the other side when you die will be your soul and your spirit. Everything else will be left behind. Naked you came into this world, and naked you will leave this world.

Once we die and cross over, judgment will then be set on each one of us, and our eternal fates will be forever decided by the Lord – heaven for the saved and hell for the unsaved!

There will be no reincarnation back into this life to get another chance as the New Agers will try and tell you. We only have one chance in the eternal scheme of things to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior – and it can only be made on this side of heaven, not on the other side.

Granted, God has a set plan and purpose for each person’s life. But as we embark on that incredible journey to fulfill whatever God will be calling us to do for Him in this life, we must never, ever forget that the number one thing we must always do for Him is to keep our radars up to either witness to someone who may not yet be saved – and/or pray behind the scenes to God the Father for their eternal salvation if for whatever reason we cannot reach and witness to them direct.

Your direct, personal, intercessory prayers to the Lord for someone who may not yet be saved may be the only thing that will end up getting them saved, and thus preventing them from being thrown into the pits of a real, live, living hell where they will be forever tormented day and night with Satan and all of the rest of his fallen angels.

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Now here is a dramatic, bone-chilling testimony from a man who was spared from being thrown into pits of hell for all of eternity as a result of his mother’s continued prayers for him.

This dramatic and powerful testimony will show you how God can actually hear and answer your direct personal prayers to Him for a loved one’s salvation – if only you will be willing to take the time to actually pray for that loved one’s salvation in the first place!

The Testimony of Bishop Curtis Kelley

I had just heard this man’s testimony the other day on one of the Christian TV stations. This man’s name is Bishop Curtis “earthquake” Kelley. He now has his own church in Hollywood, California. He specializes in dealing with the worst cases in his area due to the kind of past he grew up in.

Long story short, he had a very strong, praying mother who was always preaching the Word to him, anointing his head with oil to protect him when he was running wild out in the streets in his early years, and telling him that he would be preaching the gospel when he got older.

Curtis said he was always running from this call as a young man.

When he was 4 years old, he heard a voice tell him that he did not have to wait for his brothers to lead him to the drugs that could get him high.

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This voice told him that he could get to these types of drugs much sooner. As a result of listening to this demonic voice over the following years, he became fully hooked on cocaine at the actual age of 10!

When he turned 15, the demonic voice came back to him and told him that he could get a bigger and better high than what he was getting from just using the cocaine by itself. The voice told him he could mix the cocaine with some of the other drugs he was using to get that bigger and more intense high.

Again, not realizing what he was dealing with, he went ahead and mixed the cocaine with the other drugs and he immediately overdosed. He was at a bar when this happened. He was then given some alcohol to top the drug mix he had just taken. He then told some of the people in the bar to take him home.

As he was in this overdosed condition from this lethal mixture, he literally saw demonic spirits coming out from underneath the bar floor. They started to grab and pull on him. When he got into the car, they were then able to literally drag him his body and into an actual pit in hell itself.

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He said the demons then started to do horrible and evil things to him down in this pit. But right in the middle of this horrible torment and torture being done to him by these demons, a “hand of light” all of a sudden appeared, grabbed him by his shoulders, and pulled him back up into his body. After he was pulled back into his body, another voice came to him and said:

“Because of your mother’s prayers, you were spared.”

Shortly after that experience, he went to a church. The pastor called him out from the back of the church and he then received his salvation from the Lord. He later became a professional boxer and then became a pastor of the church he now has.

As you are listening to his testimony, the one thing that he kept repeating was that a strong praying mother has the power to turn their sons and daughters back to the Lord with their strong prayers to Him. He said the only reason he is alive today and not burning in the pits of hell is all due to the powerful prayers of his mother on his behalf to the Lord.

His testimony just cuts right through you a knife when he gets to the part of the hands of light coming right down and pulling him back into his body from the pit of hell he was in – and then telling him that he was spared this final horrible fate as a result of his mother’s continued strong prayers for him to the Lord.

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His dramatic testimony shows how powerful and how important it is that all parents keep praying for their children, no matter how far off the track they may appear to be, and no matter how hopeless and dire their situation may appear to them in the natural.

He said he was as wild and messed up as you can be, but yet the power of God was able to come upon him and set him completely free, which was all as a direct result of his mother’s continued prayers for him! His testimony shows very graphically and very vividly how the power of intercessory prayer can help set a captive completely and totally free from the clutches of pure evil.


With the above testimony showing you how powerful of a thing it really is that we all pray for the salvation of all of our close loved ones, my personal recommendation is that you take an index card and write down all of the names of your close loved ones who are not yet saved.

Pray for each one of them as the Holy Spirit leads, even if it means staying with them for 10, 20, 30 years or more. Some people will literally get saved on their death beds. I would pray for their eternal salvation to the day they literally die, as you never know when the Lord will move on them based upon your direct, heartfelt, personal prayers to Him.

I do not believe that you can “over-pray” to the Lord, or pray in vain on these types of extreme situations. You will not be bugging, bothering, or pestering God with your continued and repeated prayer requests that He move on them in a mighty way to get them saved before they die.

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In fact, I believe God will really be moved and touched by your continued prayer requests, and this constant wrestling and prevailing with Him may be what will get Him to eventually make that big move on your close loved one He did on the above testimony.

The above testimony is a perfect example of God actually moving to save this young man’s eternal life – and this was all as a direct result of his mother’s passionate and intense prayers to Him to save her son in the first place.

I would play it out with each one of your unsaved loved ones until the last pitch has been thrown in the bottom of the ninth inning, which will be when they die and depart from this life. Sometimes games are actually won in the bottom of the 9th inning, with two outs left and one strike left to throw.

Again, if no one else is praying for any of your unsaved loved ones, your direct personal prayers to the Lord for their eternal salvation may be the only thing that will end up getting them saved before they die and depart from this life.

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And there will be no greater act of love that you can do for another human being than to be able to be used by the Lord to save that soul from a life of eternal torment and punishment.

Источник: //

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayer/Salvation And Repentance Prayer

Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation



Scripture: Read and meditate on EPHESIANS 6:10-18


Father, in Jesus’s holy name, by prayer & faith, I put on Your whole armor that I may stand against the wiles of the devil. I put on Your Helmet of Salvation…let the same mind be in me that is in Christ Jesus. I put on Your Breastplate of Righteousness…the Righteousness of Christ.

I put on the Girdle of Truth…Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the Life (John 14:6), the Truth, Integrity & the Holiness of God. I put on Your Sandals of the Gospel of Peace…Help us to stand on the solid ground of Jesus.

Above all, I put on your Shield of Faith to quench every fiery dart, arrow, spear & missile the enemy shoots our way…& Lord, I put on Your precious Sword of the Spirit, Your Holy Word that’s alive & powerful, sharper than any two edged sword (Heb. 4:12)…our offensive & defensive weapon.

Scripture: Job 1:10

“Have you not made a hedge around him, around his household, & around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, & his possessions have increased in the land.” (NKJ)


Father, In the name of Jesus, I ask you to keep the same hedge of protection around me, my family, my mind, my heart & emotions, as it is written in Job 1:10.

Scripture: Psalm 34:7

“The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear HIM, & delivereth them.” Psalms 91:11, 12 “For HE shall give HIS angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.”


Father, in Jesus’s holy name, I ask You to keep an encampment of Your powerful angels around me 24 hours a day.


Hebrews 1:14 “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (NKJV)


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Father, in Jesus’s holy name, I ask you to send a host of ministering angels (in addition to the one each believer has), to minister to our hurts, needs, pains and infirmities, strengthening us in every way.


Zechariah 2:5 “For I”, says the Lord, “will be a wall of fire all around her, & I will be the glory in her midst.” (NKJV)


Father, I just praise You & thank You that Your glory is my rear guard (Isaiah 52:12 & 58:8). In Jesus’s holy name, I ask You to surround me with Your supernatural wall of fire, to insulate me from any assaults of the devil.


Genesis 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” (NKJV) (Also Psalms 3:3)

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Prayer: Father, in Jesus name, by faith, I claim Your promise to be my shield & my protector.


2 Corinthians 10:3-5 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments & every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”


In the Mighty name of Jesus, I command my thoughts to come under the obedience & captivity to Jesus Christ as it is written in 2 Corinthians 10:5.


(Matthew 16:19) “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, & whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, & whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (NKJV)

(See also Matthew 18:18)


In the name of Jesus, the Name that is above every Name & ALL things (Phil. 2:9,10 & Eph. 1:20-23), I bind up every unclean spirit & assignment coming against me, (my children, and my family) from, by or through anyone or anything, named or unnamed, known or unknown, all the ay back to Adam and Eve.

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In the name of Jesus, I bind up the principalities, powers, rulers’ of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness & hosts in high places, & the prince of power of the air.

In Jesus’s holy name, I bind up the strongman, the old man, every prince & stronghold, the spirit of antichrist, every evil spirit & plague, the spirit of confusion, illusion & delusion.

In Jesus’s holy name, I bind up the spirit of infirmity, sickness, disease, pain, addiction, affliction, calamity, the devourer, the destroyer, the accuser, the deceiver, the corrupter & every spirit of poverty.

In the name of Jesus, I bind up the spirit of strife & division, back biting & gossip, critical & judgmental spirits, spirits of resistance & hindrance, every spirit of retribution, revenge & retaliation, & the lying, seducing, deceiving spirit of deception. (I TIM. 4:1,2) In the name of Jesus, I bind up every root of fear, doubt, unbelief, discouragement & every deadly D from despair to depression, the spirit of pride, rebellion, disobedience, self, ego, independence, unforgiveness, bitterness, lust & the flesh.


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3:2) I loose, in the name of Jesus Christ, deliverance, freedom & liberation, peace, joy, hope, gladness of heart, love, healing & wholeness, mercy & grace, blessings & favor, restoration of the years that the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25), the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, a mighty harvest, & a boldness to witness for Christ. Amen and Amen!!

ALWAYS REMEMBER, God hears ALL our cries and prayers (Ps. 34:4,6,15,17. His thoughts about us number more than the sands of the sea (Ps. 139:17,18), He loves us with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3 & John 3:16). His promises are Yes & Amen (II Cor. 1:20).

We know that satan’s a liar but God has never lied nor broken a promise or covenant (Heb. 6:18, Num. 23:19, Titus 1:2). He is the God of the second chance to infinity. Nothing is too hard (Jer. 32:17, Gen. 18:14), nor impossible for Him (Luke 1:37). With man it is impossible, but with God, ALL things are possible (Matt. 19:26, Mark 10:27).

He is faithful (Ps. 89, Heb. 10:23), His Word does not return void (Is. 55:11,12), He magnifies His Word above His name (Ps. 138:2) & His Word is settled in Heaven forever (Ps. 119:89).

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We need to trust Him & His Word, no matter what trials or tribulations we are facing, whatever mountain, valley, desert, storm or goliath that is in our life. TRUST HIM! Naham 1:7 tells us, “God is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble & He knows those who trust Him.” He tells us we have worth & value in His eyes (Jer.

29:11-13), He is our helper (Heb. 13:6) who has compassion, mercy & grace for each of us. Gods’ forgiveness is bigger than my sin. If I confess my sins, God is faithful & just to forgive me of my sins & cleanse me of ALL unrighteousness (I John 1:9). Once I confess & repent, God remembers them no more (Ps. 103:12).

They are put in the sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7:19). They are under the BLOOD of JESUS, and we are set FREE, with no condemnation (Rom. 8:1), especially from ourselves. We must learn to forgive ourselves. Praise and Worship must be included in our prayers. We have the VICTORY!


Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for sending Your SonJesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. I believe Hedied, was buried, and on the third day rose again from thedead. I do repent of my sins and come to You for mercy and forgiveness. I renounce Satan and the kingdom of darkness. I break every family curse over my family and me. By faith inYour promise, I receive Jesus Christ personally as my Saviorand confess Him as my Lord. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and give me eternal life and make me a child of God. Thank you, Lord, for accepting me and now, Lord Jesus, I am thirsty for more of You. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to baptizeme in Your Holy Spirit . By faith, I receive Your Holy Spirit now. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.Amen.YAHUSHUA'S PROMISES TO YOU

John 1:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name

John 3:16-17

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

John 6:47

47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

Ephesians 1:13

13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

1 John 1:9

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 5:11

11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.1 Peter 1:3-43 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for youPRAYER OF REPENTANCE

Lord Jesus Christ, Yahushua, Son of the Father,

In all humility and with our love and holy fear, we bow down before You, our Savior. May our guardian angels bow before You and bring You the prayers of our heart day and night and may they protect us from all evils when we sleep and rest. Hear the prayers from our lips whether alone in our quiet places or among our Brethren; through tears of sorrow or songs of praise and joy.

Lord, may we never ask for more than what is good for our souls and for our salvation. You showed us the Father and taught us how to pray and live as children of God.

You said we should seek, ask and knock when we're in need. You said you would never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus, You alone made us worthy to enter into Heaven when our lives come to an end.

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We thank You and praise You for Your love, Your life, and the promises You made and kept.

You said You would go and prepare a place for us in Your kingdom.

In Your kingdom Lord, hear our prayers now. You see and hear Your poor banished children of Eve. Before You, our world is so dark.

We Your children, Your people, see and hear the evils of our modern world. Families and children faithful to You tremble in fear of Your coming justice. Lord, we know Your Holy Words and love them. We repent of all our sins and call out to You our God.

As You took pity on Abraham, Moses, Noah, Ruth and Naomi, the children of Israel, and all Your beloved disciples, so too take pity on us in our trials and tribulations in our lives of this modern and depraved world we live in. You said You'd never leave us nor forsake us.

But Your Holy Words warned us of sorrows, persecutions, and even wars.

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Lord, we are weeping for ourselves, our families, and our children. We weep and repent of our own sins that wound You once more. Send Your Holy Spirit upon us, so that we may live more simple lives and be ever faithful, brave, forgiving, and charitable children of God the Father. Help us to shake off the ways of the world and be only faithful to You.

When the world sees us, may they give all honor and praise to You. We are Your bride who await Your coming. May you find us worthy.

In Your holy name we pray.


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Praying for Salvation of Your Loved Ones

Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation
Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation

Per all of the articles we have discussing the different prayer strategies you can take with the Lord, and some of the conditions that He is looking for in order to answer more of your personal prayers – without question, the number one prayer request that each believer should be putting at the top of their personal prayer list with the Lord has to be that each one of us pray for any of our unsaved loved ones.

Your unsaved loved ones would be all of your immediate family members and all of the close personal friends that you may have in your life.

We can obviously pray for complete total strangers, but what makes praying for all of our immediate family members and close friends so special with the Lord is the direct personal connection that we already have with each one of them.

As a result of this direct personal connection that you already have with each one of them, you will have a much stronger desire to pray for each of them than you would have with a complete total stranger – and that stronger desire and passion that you will be showing in your prayers to God the Father may be the exact thing that will get Him to want to move on each one of them before they die and depart from this life.

One very special area in this realm is that every single Christian mother and father should be praying for all of their unsaved children.

Below I will give you a very dramatic and powerful testimony of a man who was literally spared going down into the pits of hell as a direct result of all of his mother’s continued prayers for him.

We all only have one chance, one window, one opportunity in the big-picture, eternal scheme of things to be used by the Lord to get other people saved in this life before we leave this life to be with Him for all of eternity.

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And with all of us only having this one short window to be able to do this with the Lord, every single one of us should make it our absolute top priority to pray to God the Father that He move mightily on any of our close loved ones who are not yet saved through the blood of His Son Jesus.

When you really stop and think about the big picture we are all dealing with – the number one thing that we should all be focused on is our eternal salvation in the Lord.

All of the money we will ever make in this life, all of the personal possessions we will be able to buy with that money, all of the successes we may have in the different jobs we may take, and all of the personal friends we will end up making in this life will all be for naught if we do not accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior before we die and depart from this life.

Not one ounce of all of the money you will make in this life, and not one ounce of all of your personal possessions will be going with you to the other side when you die and cross over.

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No suitcases will need to be packed on your deathbed. The only thing that will be crossing over to the other side when you die will be your soul and your spirit. Everything else will be left behind. Naked you came into this world, and naked you will leave this world.

Once we die and cross over, judgment will then be set on each one of us, and our eternal fates will be forever decided by the Lord – heaven for the saved and hell for the unsaved!

There will be no reincarnation back into this life to get another chance as the New Agers will try and tell you. We only have one chance in the eternal scheme of things to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior – and it can only be made on this side of heaven, not on the other side.

Granted, God has a set plan and purpose for each person’s life. But as we embark on that incredible journey to fulfill whatever God will be calling us to do for Him in this life, we must never, ever forget that the number one thing we must always do for Him is to keep our radars up to either witness to someone who may not yet be saved – and/or pray behind the scenes to God the Father for their eternal salvation if for whatever reason we cannot reach and witness to them direct.

Your direct, personal, intercessory prayers to the Lord for someone who may not yet be saved may be the only thing that will end up getting them saved, and thus preventing them from being thrown into the pits of a real, live, living hell where they will be forever tormented day and night with Satan and all of the rest of his fallen angels.

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Now here is a dramatic, bone-chilling testimony from a man who was spared from being thrown into pits of hell for all of eternity as a result of his mother’s continued prayers for him.

This dramatic and powerful testimony will show you how God can actually hear and answer your direct personal prayers to Him for a loved one’s salvation – if only you will be willing to take the time to actually pray for that loved one’s salvation in the first place!

The Testimony of Bishop Curtis Kelley

I had just heard this man’s testimony the other day on one of the Christian TV stations. This man’s name is Bishop Curtis “earthquake” Kelley. He now has his own church in Hollywood, California. He specializes in dealing with the worst cases in his area due to the kind of past he grew up in.

Long story short, he had a very strong, praying mother who was always preaching the Word to him, anointing his head with oil to protect him when he was running wild out in the streets in his early years, and telling him that he would be preaching the gospel when he got older.

Curtis said he was always running from this call as a young man.

When he was 4 years old, he heard a voice tell him that he did not have to wait for his brothers to lead him to the drugs that could get him high.

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This voice told him that he could get to these types of drugs much sooner. As a result of listening to this demonic voice over the following years, he became fully hooked on cocaine at the actual age of 10!

When he turned 15, the demonic voice came back to him and told him that he could get a bigger and better high than what he was getting from just using the cocaine by itself. The voice told him he could mix the cocaine with some of the other drugs he was using to get that bigger and more intense high.

Again, not realizing what he was dealing with, he went ahead and mixed the cocaine with the other drugs and he immediately overdosed. He was at a bar when this happened. He was then given some alcohol to top the drug mix he had just taken. He then told some of the people in the bar to take him home.

As he was in this overdosed condition from this lethal mixture, he literally saw demonic spirits coming out from underneath the bar floor. They started to grab and pull on him. When he got into the car, they were then able to literally drag him his body and into an actual pit in hell itself.

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He said the demons then started to do horrible and evil things to him down in this pit. But right in the middle of this horrible torment and torture being done to him by these demons, a “hand of light” all of a sudden appeared, grabbed him by his shoulders, and pulled him back up into his body. After he was pulled back into his body, another voice came to him and said:

“Because of your mother’s prayers, you were spared.”

Shortly after that experience, he went to a church. The pastor called him out from the back of the church and he then received his salvation from the Lord. He later became a professional boxer and then became a pastor of the church he now has.

As you are listening to his testimony, the one thing that he kept repeating was that a strong praying mother has the power to turn their sons and daughters back to the Lord with their strong prayers to Him. He said the only reason he is alive today and not burning in the pits of hell is all due to the powerful prayers of his mother on his behalf to the Lord.

His testimony just cuts right through you a knife when he gets to the part of the hands of light coming right down and pulling him back into his body from the pit of hell he was in – and then telling him that he was spared this final horrible fate as a result of his mother’s continued strong prayers for him to the Lord.

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His dramatic testimony shows how powerful and how important it is that all parents keep praying for their children, no matter how far off the track they may appear to be, and no matter how hopeless and dire their situation may appear to them in the natural.

He said he was as wild and messed up as you can be, but yet the power of God was able to come upon him and set him completely free, which was all as a direct result of his mother’s continued prayers for him! His testimony shows very graphically and very vividly how the power of intercessory prayer can help set a captive completely and totally free from the clutches of pure evil.


With the above testimony showing you how powerful of a thing it really is that we all pray for the salvation of all of our close loved ones, my personal recommendation is that you take an index card and write down all of the names of your close loved ones who are not yet saved.

Pray for each one of them as the Holy Spirit leads, even if it means staying with them for 10, 20, 30 years or more. Some people will literally get saved on their death beds. I would pray for their eternal salvation to the day they literally die, as you never know when the Lord will move on them based upon your direct, heartfelt, personal prayers to Him.

I do not believe that you can “over-pray” to the Lord, or pray in vain on these types of extreme situations. You will not be bugging, bothering, or pestering God with your continued and repeated prayer requests that He move on them in a mighty way to get them saved before they die.

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In fact, I believe God will really be moved and touched by your continued prayer requests, and this constant wrestling and prevailing with Him may be what will get Him to eventually make that big move on your close loved one He did on the above testimony.

The above testimony is a perfect example of God actually moving to save this young man’s eternal life – and this was all as a direct result of his mother’s passionate and intense prayers to Him to save her son in the first place.

I would play it out with each one of your unsaved loved ones until the last pitch has been thrown in the bottom of the ninth inning, which will be when they die and depart from this life. Sometimes games are actually won in the bottom of the 9th inning, with two outs left and one strike left to throw.

Again, if no one else is praying for any of your unsaved loved ones, your direct personal prayers to the Lord for their eternal salvation may be the only thing that will end up getting them saved before they die and depart from this life.

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And there will be no greater act of love that you can do for another human being than to be able to be used by the Lord to save that soul from a life of eternal torment and punishment.

Источник: //

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayer/Salvation And Repentance Prayer

Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation



Scripture: Read and meditate on EPHESIANS 6:10-18


Father, in Jesus’s holy name, by prayer & faith, I put on Your whole armor that I may stand against the wiles of the devil. I put on Your Helmet of Salvation…let the same mind be in me that is in Christ Jesus. I put on Your Breastplate of Righteousness…the Righteousness of Christ.

I put on the Girdle of Truth…Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the Life (John 14:6), the Truth, Integrity & the Holiness of God. I put on Your Sandals of the Gospel of Peace…Help us to stand on the solid ground of Jesus.

Above all, I put on your Shield of Faith to quench every fiery dart, arrow, spear & missile the enemy shoots our way…& Lord, I put on Your precious Sword of the Spirit, Your Holy Word that’s alive & powerful, sharper than any two edged sword (Heb. 4:12)…our offensive & defensive weapon.

Scripture: Job 1:10

“Have you not made a hedge around him, around his household, & around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, & his possessions have increased in the land.” (NKJ)


Father, In the name of Jesus, I ask you to keep the same hedge of protection around me, my family, my mind, my heart & emotions, as it is written in Job 1:10.

Scripture: Psalm 34:7

“The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear HIM, & delivereth them.” Psalms 91:11, 12 “For HE shall give HIS angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.”


Father, in Jesus’s holy name, I ask You to keep an encampment of Your powerful angels around me 24 hours a day.


Hebrews 1:14 “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (NKJV)


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Father, in Jesus’s holy name, I ask you to send a host of ministering angels (in addition to the one each believer has), to minister to our hurts, needs, pains and infirmities, strengthening us in every way.


Zechariah 2:5 “For I”, says the Lord, “will be a wall of fire all around her, & I will be the glory in her midst.” (NKJV)


Father, I just praise You & thank You that Your glory is my rear guard (Isaiah 52:12 & 58:8). In Jesus’s holy name, I ask You to surround me with Your supernatural wall of fire, to insulate me from any assaults of the devil.


Genesis 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” (NKJV) (Also Psalms 3:3)

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Prayer: Father, in Jesus name, by faith, I claim Your promise to be my shield & my protector.


2 Corinthians 10:3-5 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments & every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”


In the Mighty name of Jesus, I command my thoughts to come under the obedience & captivity to Jesus Christ as it is written in 2 Corinthians 10:5.


(Matthew 16:19) “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, & whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, & whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (NKJV)

(See also Matthew 18:18)


In the name of Jesus, the Name that is above every Name & ALL things (Phil. 2:9,10 & Eph. 1:20-23), I bind up every unclean spirit & assignment coming against me, (my children, and my family) from, by or through anyone or anything, named or unnamed, known or unknown, all the ay back to Adam and Eve.

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In the name of Jesus, I bind up the principalities, powers, rulers’ of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness & hosts in high places, & the prince of power of the air.

In Jesus’s holy name, I bind up the strongman, the old man, every prince & stronghold, the spirit of antichrist, every evil spirit & plague, the spirit of confusion, illusion & delusion.

In Jesus’s holy name, I bind up the spirit of infirmity, sickness, disease, pain, addiction, affliction, calamity, the devourer, the destroyer, the accuser, the deceiver, the corrupter & every spirit of poverty.

In the name of Jesus, I bind up the spirit of strife & division, back biting & gossip, critical & judgmental spirits, spirits of resistance & hindrance, every spirit of retribution, revenge & retaliation, & the lying, seducing, deceiving spirit of deception. (I TIM. 4:1,2) In the name of Jesus, I bind up every root of fear, doubt, unbelief, discouragement & every deadly D from despair to depression, the spirit of pride, rebellion, disobedience, self, ego, independence, unforgiveness, bitterness, lust & the flesh.


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3:2) I loose, in the name of Jesus Christ, deliverance, freedom & liberation, peace, joy, hope, gladness of heart, love, healing & wholeness, mercy & grace, blessings & favor, restoration of the years that the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25), the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, a mighty harvest, & a boldness to witness for Christ. Amen and Amen!!

ALWAYS REMEMBER, God hears ALL our cries and prayers (Ps. 34:4,6,15,17. His thoughts about us number more than the sands of the sea (Ps. 139:17,18), He loves us with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3 & John 3:16). His promises are Yes & Amen (II Cor. 1:20).

We know that satan’s a liar but God has never lied nor broken a promise or covenant (Heb. 6:18, Num. 23:19, Titus 1:2). He is the God of the second chance to infinity. Nothing is too hard (Jer. 32:17, Gen. 18:14), nor impossible for Him (Luke 1:37). With man it is impossible, but with God, ALL things are possible (Matt. 19:26, Mark 10:27).

He is faithful (Ps. 89, Heb. 10:23), His Word does not return void (Is. 55:11,12), He magnifies His Word above His name (Ps. 138:2) & His Word is settled in Heaven forever (Ps. 119:89).

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We need to trust Him & His Word, no matter what trials or tribulations we are facing, whatever mountain, valley, desert, storm or goliath that is in our life. TRUST HIM! Naham 1:7 tells us, “God is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble & He knows those who trust Him.” He tells us we have worth & value in His eyes (Jer.

29:11-13), He is our helper (Heb. 13:6) who has compassion, mercy & grace for each of us. Gods’ forgiveness is bigger than my sin. If I confess my sins, God is faithful & just to forgive me of my sins & cleanse me of ALL unrighteousness (I John 1:9). Once I confess & repent, God remembers them no more (Ps. 103:12).

They are put in the sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7:19). They are under the BLOOD of JESUS, and we are set FREE, with no condemnation (Rom. 8:1), especially from ourselves. We must learn to forgive ourselves. Praise and Worship must be included in our prayers. We have the VICTORY!


Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for sending Your SonJesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. I believe Hedied, was buried, and on the third day rose again from thedead. I do repent of my sins and come to You for mercy and forgiveness. I renounce Satan and the kingdom of darkness. I break every family curse over my family and me. By faith inYour promise, I receive Jesus Christ personally as my Saviorand confess Him as my Lord. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and give me eternal life and make me a child of God. Thank you, Lord, for accepting me and now, Lord Jesus, I am thirsty for more of You. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to baptizeme in Your Holy Spirit . By faith, I receive Your Holy Spirit now. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.Amen.YAHUSHUA'S PROMISES TO YOU

John 1:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name

John 3:16-17

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

John 6:47

47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

Ephesians 1:13

13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

1 John 1:9

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 5:11

11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.1 Peter 1:3-43 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for youPRAYER OF REPENTANCE

Lord Jesus Christ, Yahushua, Son of the Father,

In all humility and with our love and holy fear, we bow down before You, our Savior. May our guardian angels bow before You and bring You the prayers of our heart day and night and may they protect us from all evils when we sleep and rest. Hear the prayers from our lips whether alone in our quiet places or among our Brethren; through tears of sorrow or songs of praise and joy.

Lord, may we never ask for more than what is good for our souls and for our salvation. You showed us the Father and taught us how to pray and live as children of God.

You said we should seek, ask and knock when we're in need. You said you would never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus, You alone made us worthy to enter into Heaven when our lives come to an end.

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We thank You and praise You for Your love, Your life, and the promises You made and kept.

You said You would go and prepare a place for us in Your kingdom.

In Your kingdom Lord, hear our prayers now. You see and hear Your poor banished children of Eve. Before You, our world is so dark.

We Your children, Your people, see and hear the evils of our modern world. Families and children faithful to You tremble in fear of Your coming justice. Lord, we know Your Holy Words and love them. We repent of all our sins and call out to You our God.

As You took pity on Abraham, Moses, Noah, Ruth and Naomi, the children of Israel, and all Your beloved disciples, so too take pity on us in our trials and tribulations in our lives of this modern and depraved world we live in. You said You'd never leave us nor forsake us.

But Your Holy Words warned us of sorrows, persecutions, and even wars.

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Lord, we are weeping for ourselves, our families, and our children. We weep and repent of our own sins that wound You once more. Send Your Holy Spirit upon us, so that we may live more simple lives and be ever faithful, brave, forgiving, and charitable children of God the Father. Help us to shake off the ways of the world and be only faithful to You.

When the world sees us, may they give all honor and praise to You. We are Your bride who await Your coming. May you find us worthy.

In Your holy name we pray.


Источник: //

Praying for Salvation of Your Loved Ones

Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation
Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation

Per all of the articles we have discussing the different prayer strategies you can take with the Lord, and some of the conditions that He is looking for in order to answer more of your personal prayers – without question, the number one prayer request that each believer should be putting at the top of their personal prayer list with the Lord has to be that each one of us pray for any of our unsaved loved ones.

Your unsaved loved ones would be all of your immediate family members and all of the close personal friends that you may have in your life.

We can obviously pray for complete total strangers, but what makes praying for all of our immediate family members and close friends so special with the Lord is the direct personal connection that we already have with each one of them.

As a result of this direct personal connection that you already have with each one of them, you will have a much stronger desire to pray for each of them than you would have with a complete total stranger – and that stronger desire and passion that you will be showing in your prayers to God the Father may be the exact thing that will get Him to want to move on each one of them before they die and depart from this life.

One very special area in this realm is that every single Christian mother and father should be praying for all of their unsaved children.

Below I will give you a very dramatic and powerful testimony of a man who was literally spared going down into the pits of hell as a direct result of all of his mother’s continued prayers for him.

We all only have one chance, one window, one opportunity in the big-picture, eternal scheme of things to be used by the Lord to get other people saved in this life before we leave this life to be with Him for all of eternity.

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And with all of us only having this one short window to be able to do this with the Lord, every single one of us should make it our absolute top priority to pray to God the Father that He move mightily on any of our close loved ones who are not yet saved through the blood of His Son Jesus.

When you really stop and think about the big picture we are all dealing with – the number one thing that we should all be focused on is our eternal salvation in the Lord.

All of the money we will ever make in this life, all of the personal possessions we will be able to buy with that money, all of the successes we may have in the different jobs we may take, and all of the personal friends we will end up making in this life will all be for naught if we do not accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior before we die and depart from this life.

Not one ounce of all of the money you will make in this life, and not one ounce of all of your personal possessions will be going with you to the other side when you die and cross over.

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No suitcases will need to be packed on your deathbed. The only thing that will be crossing over to the other side when you die will be your soul and your spirit. Everything else will be left behind. Naked you came into this world, and naked you will leave this world.

Once we die and cross over, judgment will then be set on each one of us, and our eternal fates will be forever decided by the Lord – heaven for the saved and hell for the unsaved!

There will be no reincarnation back into this life to get another chance as the New Agers will try and tell you. We only have one chance in the eternal scheme of things to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior – and it can only be made on this side of heaven, not on the other side.

Granted, God has a set plan and purpose for each person’s life. But as we embark on that incredible journey to fulfill whatever God will be calling us to do for Him in this life, we must never, ever forget that the number one thing we must always do for Him is to keep our radars up to either witness to someone who may not yet be saved – and/or pray behind the scenes to God the Father for their eternal salvation if for whatever reason we cannot reach and witness to them direct.

Your direct, personal, intercessory prayers to the Lord for someone who may not yet be saved may be the only thing that will end up getting them saved, and thus preventing them from being thrown into the pits of a real, live, living hell where they will be forever tormented day and night with Satan and all of the rest of his fallen angels.

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Now here is a dramatic, bone-chilling testimony from a man who was spared from being thrown into pits of hell for all of eternity as a result of his mother’s continued prayers for him.

This dramatic and powerful testimony will show you how God can actually hear and answer your direct personal prayers to Him for a loved one’s salvation – if only you will be willing to take the time to actually pray for that loved one’s salvation in the first place!

The Testimony of Bishop Curtis Kelley

I had just heard this man’s testimony the other day on one of the Christian TV stations. This man’s name is Bishop Curtis “earthquake” Kelley. He now has his own church in Hollywood, California. He specializes in dealing with the worst cases in his area due to the kind of past he grew up in.

Long story short, he had a very strong, praying mother who was always preaching the Word to him, anointing his head with oil to protect him when he was running wild out in the streets in his early years, and telling him that he would be preaching the gospel when he got older.

Curtis said he was always running from this call as a young man.

When he was 4 years old, he heard a voice tell him that he did not have to wait for his brothers to lead him to the drugs that could get him high.

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This voice told him that he could get to these types of drugs much sooner. As a result of listening to this demonic voice over the following years, he became fully hooked on cocaine at the actual age of 10!

When he turned 15, the demonic voice came back to him and told him that he could get a bigger and better high than what he was getting from just using the cocaine by itself. The voice told him he could mix the cocaine with some of the other drugs he was using to get that bigger and more intense high.

Again, not realizing what he was dealing with, he went ahead and mixed the cocaine with the other drugs and he immediately overdosed. He was at a bar when this happened. He was then given some alcohol to top the drug mix he had just taken. He then told some of the people in the bar to take him home.

As he was in this overdosed condition from this lethal mixture, he literally saw demonic spirits coming out from underneath the bar floor. They started to grab and pull on him. When he got into the car, they were then able to literally drag him his body and into an actual pit in hell itself.

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He said the demons then started to do horrible and evil things to him down in this pit. But right in the middle of this horrible torment and torture being done to him by these demons, a “hand of light” all of a sudden appeared, grabbed him by his shoulders, and pulled him back up into his body. After he was pulled back into his body, another voice came to him and said:

“Because of your mother’s prayers, you were spared.”

Shortly after that experience, he went to a church. The pastor called him out from the back of the church and he then received his salvation from the Lord. He later became a professional boxer and then became a pastor of the church he now has.

As you are listening to his testimony, the one thing that he kept repeating was that a strong praying mother has the power to turn their sons and daughters back to the Lord with their strong prayers to Him. He said the only reason he is alive today and not burning in the pits of hell is all due to the powerful prayers of his mother on his behalf to the Lord.

His testimony just cuts right through you a knife when he gets to the part of the hands of light coming right down and pulling him back into his body from the pit of hell he was in – and then telling him that he was spared this final horrible fate as a result of his mother’s continued strong prayers for him to the Lord.

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His dramatic testimony shows how powerful and how important it is that all parents keep praying for their children, no matter how far off the track they may appear to be, and no matter how hopeless and dire their situation may appear to them in the natural.

He said he was as wild and messed up as you can be, but yet the power of God was able to come upon him and set him completely free, which was all as a direct result of his mother’s continued prayers for him! His testimony shows very graphically and very vividly how the power of intercessory prayer can help set a captive completely and totally free from the clutches of pure evil.


With the above testimony showing you how powerful of a thing it really is that we all pray for the salvation of all of our close loved ones, my personal recommendation is that you take an index card and write down all of the names of your close loved ones who are not yet saved.

Pray for each one of them as the Holy Spirit leads, even if it means staying with them for 10, 20, 30 years or more. Some people will literally get saved on their death beds. I would pray for their eternal salvation to the day they literally die, as you never know when the Lord will move on them based upon your direct, heartfelt, personal prayers to Him.

I do not believe that you can “over-pray” to the Lord, or pray in vain on these types of extreme situations. You will not be bugging, bothering, or pestering God with your continued and repeated prayer requests that He move on them in a mighty way to get them saved before they die.

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In fact, I believe God will really be moved and touched by your continued prayer requests, and this constant wrestling and prevailing with Him may be what will get Him to eventually make that big move on your close loved one He did on the above testimony.

The above testimony is a perfect example of God actually moving to save this young man’s eternal life – and this was all as a direct result of his mother’s passionate and intense prayers to Him to save her son in the first place.

I would play it out with each one of your unsaved loved ones until the last pitch has been thrown in the bottom of the ninth inning, which will be when they die and depart from this life. Sometimes games are actually won in the bottom of the 9th inning, with two outs left and one strike left to throw.

Again, if no one else is praying for any of your unsaved loved ones, your direct personal prayers to the Lord for their eternal salvation may be the only thing that will end up getting them saved before they die and depart from this life.

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And there will be no greater act of love that you can do for another human being than to be able to be used by the Lord to save that soul from a life of eternal torment and punishment.

Источник: //

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayer/Salvation And Repentance Prayer

Prayer Of Praise and Thanks for Our Salvation



Scripture: Read and meditate on EPHESIANS 6:10-18


Father, in Jesus’s holy name, by prayer & faith, I put on Your whole armor that I may stand against the wiles of the devil. I put on Your Helmet of Salvation…let the same mind be in me that is in Christ Jesus. I put on Your Breastplate of Righteousness…the Righteousness of Christ.

I put on the Girdle of Truth…Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the Life (John 14:6), the Truth, Integrity & the Holiness of God. I put on Your Sandals of the Gospel of Peace…Help us to stand on the solid ground of Jesus.

Above all, I put on your Shield of Faith to quench every fiery dart, arrow, spear & missile the enemy shoots our way…& Lord, I put on Your precious Sword of the Spirit, Your Holy Word that’s alive & powerful, sharper than any two edged sword (Heb. 4:12)…our offensive & defensive weapon.

Scripture: Job 1:10

“Have you not made a hedge around him, around his household, & around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, & his possessions have increased in the land.” (NKJ)


Father, In the name of Jesus, I ask you to keep the same hedge of protection around me, my family, my mind, my heart & emotions, as it is written in Job 1:10.

Scripture: Psalm 34:7

“The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear HIM, & delivereth them.” Psalms 91:11, 12 “For HE shall give HIS angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.”


Father, in Jesus’s holy name, I ask You to keep an encampment of Your powerful angels around me 24 hours a day.


Hebrews 1:14 “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (NKJV)


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Father, in Jesus’s holy name, I ask you to send a host of ministering angels (in addition to the one each believer has), to minister to our hurts, needs, pains and infirmities, strengthening us in every way.


Zechariah 2:5 “For I”, says the Lord, “will be a wall of fire all around her, & I will be the glory in her midst.” (NKJV)


Father, I just praise You & thank You that Your glory is my rear guard (Isaiah 52:12 & 58:8). In Jesus’s holy name, I ask You to surround me with Your supernatural wall of fire, to insulate me from any assaults of the devil.


Genesis 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” (NKJV) (Also Psalms 3:3)

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Prayer: Father, in Jesus name, by faith, I claim Your promise to be my shield & my protector.


2 Corinthians 10:3-5 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments & every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”


In the Mighty name of Jesus, I command my thoughts to come under the obedience & captivity to Jesus Christ as it is written in 2 Corinthians 10:5.


(Matthew 16:19) “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, & whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, & whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (NKJV)

(See also Matthew 18:18)


In the name of Jesus, the Name that is above every Name & ALL things (Phil. 2:9,10 & Eph. 1:20-23), I bind up every unclean spirit & assignment coming against me, (my children, and my family) from, by or through anyone or anything, named or unnamed, known or unknown, all the ay back to Adam and Eve.

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In the name of Jesus, I bind up the principalities, powers, rulers’ of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness & hosts in high places, & the prince of power of the air.

In Jesus’s holy name, I bind up the strongman, the old man, every prince & stronghold, the spirit of antichrist, every evil spirit & plague, the spirit of confusion, illusion & delusion.

In Jesus’s holy name, I bind up the spirit of infirmity, sickness, disease, pain, addiction, affliction, calamity, the devourer, the destroyer, the accuser, the deceiver, the corrupter & every spirit of poverty.

In the name of Jesus, I bind up the spirit of strife & division, back biting & gossip, critical & judgmental spirits, spirits of resistance & hindrance, every spirit of retribution, revenge & retaliation, & the lying, seducing, deceiving spirit of deception. (I TIM. 4:1,2) In the name of Jesus, I bind up every root of fear, doubt, unbelief, discouragement & every deadly D from despair to depression, the spirit of pride, rebellion, disobedience, self, ego, independence, unforgiveness, bitterness, lust & the flesh.


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3:2) I loose, in the name of Jesus Christ, deliverance, freedom & liberation, peace, joy, hope, gladness of heart, love, healing & wholeness, mercy & grace, blessings & favor, restoration of the years that the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25), the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, a mighty harvest, & a boldness to witness for Christ. Amen and Amen!!

ALWAYS REMEMBER, God hears ALL our cries and prayers (Ps. 34:4,6,15,17. His thoughts about us number more than the sands of the sea (Ps. 139:17,18), He loves us with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3 & John 3:16). His promises are Yes & Amen (II Cor. 1:20).

We know that satan’s a liar but God has never lied nor broken a promise or covenant (Heb. 6:18, Num. 23:19, Titus 1:2). He is the God of the second chance to infinity. Nothing is too hard (Jer. 32:17, Gen. 18:14), nor impossible for Him (Luke 1:37). With man it is impossible, but with God, ALL things are possible (Matt. 19:26, Mark 10:27).

He is faithful (Ps. 89, Heb. 10:23), His Word does not return void (Is. 55:11,12), He magnifies His Word above His name (Ps. 138:2) & His Word is settled in Heaven forever (Ps. 119:89).

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We need to trust Him & His Word, no matter what trials or tribulations we are facing, whatever mountain, valley, desert, storm or goliath that is in our life. TRUST HIM! Naham 1:7 tells us, “God is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble & He knows those who trust Him.” He tells us we have worth & value in His eyes (Jer.

29:11-13), He is our helper (Heb. 13:6) who has compassion, mercy & grace for each of us. Gods’ forgiveness is bigger than my sin. If I confess my sins, God is faithful & just to forgive me of my sins & cleanse me of ALL unrighteousness (I John 1:9). Once I confess & repent, God remembers them no more (Ps. 103:12).

They are put in the sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7:19). They are under the BLOOD of JESUS, and we are set FREE, with no condemnation (Rom. 8:1), especially from ourselves. We must learn to forgive ourselves. Praise and Worship must be included in our prayers. We have the VICTORY!


Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for sending Your SonJesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. I believe Hedied, was buried, and on the third day rose again from thedead. I do repent of my sins and come to You for mercy and forgiveness. I renounce Satan and the kingdom of darkness. I break every family curse over my family and me. By faith inYour promise, I receive Jesus Christ personally as my Saviorand confess Him as my Lord. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and give me eternal life and make me a child of God. Thank you, Lord, for accepting me and now, Lord Jesus, I am thirsty for more of You. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to baptizeme in Your Holy Spirit . By faith, I receive Your Holy Spirit now. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.Amen.YAHUSHUA'S PROMISES TO YOU

John 1:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name

John 3:16-17

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

John 6:47

47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

Ephesians 1:13

13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

1 John 1:9

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 5:11

11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.1 Peter 1:3-43 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for youPRAYER OF REPENTANCE

Lord Jesus Christ, Yahushua, Son of the Father,

In all humility and with our love and holy fear, we bow down before You, our Savior. May our guardian angels bow before You and bring You the prayers of our heart day and night and may they protect us from all evils when we sleep and rest. Hear the prayers from our lips whether alone in our quiet places or among our Brethren; through tears of sorrow or songs of praise and joy.

Lord, may we never ask for more than what is good for our souls and for our salvation. You showed us the Father and taught us how to pray and live as children of God.

You said we should seek, ask and knock when we're in need. You said you would never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus, You alone made us worthy to enter into Heaven when our lives come to an end.

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We thank You and praise You for Your love, Your life, and the promises You made and kept.

You said You would go and prepare a place for us in Your kingdom.

In Your kingdom Lord, hear our prayers now. You see and hear Your poor banished children of Eve. Before You, our world is so dark.

We Your children, Your people, see and hear the evils of our modern world. Families and children faithful to You tremble in fear of Your coming justice. Lord, we know Your Holy Words and love them. We repent of all our sins and call out to You our God.

As You took pity on Abraham, Moses, Noah, Ruth and Naomi, the children of Israel, and all Your beloved disciples, so too take pity on us in our trials and tribulations in our lives of this modern and depraved world we live in. You said You'd never leave us nor forsake us.

But Your Holy Words warned us of sorrows, persecutions, and even wars.

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Lord, we are weeping for ourselves, our families, and our children. We weep and repent of our own sins that wound You once more. Send Your Holy Spirit upon us, so that we may live more simple lives and be ever faithful, brave, forgiving, and charitable children of God the Father. Help us to shake off the ways of the world and be only faithful to You.

When the world sees us, may they give all honor and praise to You. We are Your bride who await Your coming. May you find us worthy.

In Your holy name we pray.


Источник: //

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Praise

Источник: //

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