Prayer of Dedication to the Lord

Church Dedicatory Prayer

Prayer of Dedication to the Lord

The dedication of a church building to the worship of God is indeed a special occasion. It demands definite preparation and careful planning.

The dedicatory sermon should re­view the past history of the church in the com­munity and rehearse some of the experiences of the congregation in making possible the erec­tion of the building to be dedicated.

Also it would fittingly include a call to deeper conse­cration on the part of the worshipers and an invitation to all present to dedicate their hearts anew to the God to whom the building is to be consecrated on this particular occasion.

The part of the service whereby the church is actually set apart for divine worship is the dedicatory prayer. This is the dedication of the church. Such a prayer should be entirely differ­ent from prayers usually offered in regular worship.

The one who is to give the prayer would do well to think through carefully what would be fitting to pray for on such an occasion. It might be well if he wrote down some points that should be included, and prepared the prayer as he would a sermon.

It would be fitting for him to make a brief statement just before the prayer, and then lead the congrega­tion in a solemn invocation. The following might serve as an example of what should be in­cluded in the opening remarks and prayer.

The Introductory Remarks

Seeing that it has pleased our heavenly Father to prosper this congregation in their undertaking to build and equip this beautiful house of worship, and to bring it to completion under the blessing of God, it is fitting and proper now reverently to invoke upon this sanctuary the abiding blessing of the Lord.

It is, of course, made of but humble sand and clay and of wood from the forest, but just as our divine Saviour was tabernacled in the ­ness of mortal men and through that union brought blessing and salvation to lost mankind, even so in this earthly structure the Holy Spirit will dwell and make these walls and halls all glorious with the light of His saving truth, and resplendent with the bright and fervent hope of a soon-coming Saviour.

How fitting, therefore, that we today rever­ently set this building apart with prayer to our heavenly Father, so that this church in truth may be a house of prayer, and hereafter be put solely to sacred and holy uses and be pre­served from all other associations whatsoever. To this end let us pray.

The Dedicatory Prayer

O righteous and everlasting Father, Maker of heaven and earth, Thou who dwellest not in temples made with hands, we sincerely thank Thee today for the revelation of Thy love and mercy which Thou hast made through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We thank Thee today for revealing to us the light of truth from Thy sacred Word, and that so many in this city have been called out from the world to join Thy remnant church, which keeps the commandments of God and has the testimony of Jesus Christ. We thank Thee, O Lord, that from of old Thy presence has been manifest in the sanctuary, and that Thou bast ever sought those to worship Thee who worship in spirit and in truth.

We thank Thee, O Lord, that Thou hast put it into the. hearts of these Thy servants to erect this building for public worship, that it may abide in this city as a silent witness to Thy saving truth in these last days, and that it may afford a means of teaching those here present, and many others, the glorious message which has called it into being.

O God, our Father, we know that by reason of our sins we are not worthy to ask Thee to come into our midst today, but in humble con­fession we pray that Thou wilt forgive our transgressions and that Thou wilt help each of us today first to dedicate himself anew to his Lord and Saviour. O Lord, take us today, cleanse our hearts from all sin, and come into our midst as a welcome and abiding guest, we pray.

And now, O God, Most High and Holy One, whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain, how much less this temple made with hands, we beseech Thee that Thou wilt even now accept this building as our humble gift to Thy service, and that Thou wilt consecrate this church to the honor of Thy name and to Thy service.

O God, our Father, we do now dedicate this building as a house of prayer, where through communion and thanksgiving Thy holy name may be honored and Thy people blessed.

We dedicate it for the reading and hearing of Thy most Holy Word and for the proclamation of the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

We dedicate it as a bright and shining light of the third angel's message in this city and as a witness of our faith in the glorious Advent of our Lord.

We dedicate it for the celebration of the ordinances of the Lord's house, for the sacred rite of baptism, and for the performance of all other offices of our Christian faith.

We dedi­cate it for the saving of our children and youth in the Sabbath school and young people's serv­ices, and for missionary activities that will promote the gospel message both at home and in fields afar.

We dedicate it as a Sabbath home for Thy children in this city.

Accept, O Lord most gracious, this building as a freewill offering at the hands of these Thy servants, and may every member of this church find here during the months to conic a happy spiritual home and a holy rest.

Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that when Thy people assemble themselves together in this house for Thy worship, that the Spirit of God may rest upon them, and that with clean hands and pure hearts they may worship before Thine altars.

Grant, O Lord, that when Thy ministers here proclaim the gospel of Thy grace, sinners may be converted unto Thee and Thy true servants edified and comforted. Grant that from this sanctuary there may go out constantly mes­sengers of divine truth to carry the gospel of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour to this community.

Grant, O Lord, that when the emblems of Thy broken body and spilled blood are ad­ministered in this place that Thy saving love may make them effectual means of grace to Thy people.

Grant, O God, that when precious souls are buried with their Lord in baptism in this place, that they may rise to walk in newness of life and be kept faithful even unto the end.

We beseech Thee, O God, that Thou wilt make this church a gateway to heaven for our chil­dren and youth, and that here they all may be born again and enter into that experience that will lead them on to the kingdom.

Grant, O Lord, that as from Sabbath to Sabbath we assemble here to worship our blessed Saviour, we may come in reverence and godly fear, and that the Holy Spirit may never be grieved from this place, but always abide here as a welcome guest.

And now we also pray that Thou wilt bless Thy waiting people in all lands today, and may they with us and our children be quickly pre­pared for the glorious appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

And finally we be­seech Thee to bring us, and all who in coming days worship in this house, together with Thy redeemed from all ages, to that city of God, where there will be no temple, but the Lamb will be the light thereof.

And now unto the King Eternal, our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

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Prayer for Troops

Prayer of Dedication to the Lord

Priest: Let us pray for our brothers and sisters as they go forth with courage and determination to face the forces of violence, weapons of destruction and hearts filled with hate. 


Deacon or Reader:
For our Commander-In-Chief, President N.N., and our political and military leaders that they may tirelessly seek peaceful settlements to international disputes; we pray to the Lord:

That the Lord may preserve the members of our Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and Air Force from all harm; we pray to the Lord:

That even in war, we may keep clearly before us the defense of all human rights, especially the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; we pray to the Lord:

That the families, relatives and friends of our military members may be strengthened in this time of concern and anxiety; we pray to the Lord:

That the Lord may help families with men and women in the armed forces to cope with daily challenges in the absence of their loved ones; we pray to the Lord:

That our homeland will be preserved from violence and terrorism; we pray to the Lord:

That the nations of the world will seek to work together in harmony and peace; we pray to the Lord:

That the hearts of all men and women will be moved to pursue true peace and justice; we pray to the Lord:

That violence may be overcome by peace; that weapons of destruction be transformed into tools of justice, and hate give way to true charity; we pray to the Lord:

That grateful for and inspired by those veterans who have given their lives for our country we may bravely face the challenges ahead; we pray to the Lord:

Priest: Lord God, Almighty Father,creator of mankind and author of peace,as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess,we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces.

Give them courage, hope and strength.May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing.Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to light.

To you be all glory, honor and praise, now and forever. Amen.

Prayers in a Time of War

  1. For TroopsAll-powerful and ever-living God,when Abraham left his native landand departed from his peopleyou kept him safe through all his journeys.Protect these soldiers.Be their constant companion and their strength in battle,their refuge in every adversity.Guide them, O Lord, that they may return home in safety.

    We ask this through Christ our Lord.

  2. Prayer of a Spouse for a SoldierGod of power and might,at every moment and in every placeyou are near to those who call upon your name in faith.In marriage you have blessed us with a share in your divine love.Look upon my husband/wife and keep him/her in your safekeeping,no matter where the road may lead.

    And when the battle is ended,bring him/her safely home to those who love him.We ask this through Christ our Lord.

  3. Prayer of a Son or Daughter for a ParentLoving Godyou watch over each and every one of your childrenHear my prayer for my father/motherBe his/her constant companion.

    Protect him/her no matter where he/she goes,and bring him/her safely and quickly home to those who love him/her.We ask this through Christ our Lord.

  4. Prayer of a Parent for a SoldierFather all-powerful and ever-loving God,from before we were born,your love has nurtured and sustained us.Hear my prayer for N., my son/daughter.

    Keep him/her safe in time of battleand faithful to you, day in and day out.Bring him/her safely home to those who love him/her.We ask this through Christ our Lord.

  5. Prayer for Those who Await a Soldier's ReturnGod of all goodness,Look with love on those who waitfor the safe return of their loved oneswho serve in the armed forces of their country.

    In faith and hope, we turn to you for comfort.Grant that we may trust in your mercyand send an angel to sustain us as we await their safe return.We ask this through Christ our Lord.

  6. For Government LeadersGod of power and might, wisdom and justice,through you authority is rightly administered,laws are enacted, and judgment is decreed.

    Assist with your spirit of counsel and fortitudethe President and other government leaders of these United States.May they always seekthe ways of righteousness, justice and mercy.Grant that they may be enabled by your powerful protectionto lead our country with honesty and integrity.We ask this through Christ our Lord.

  7. For the Safety of SoldiersAlmighty and eternal God,those who take refuge in you will be gladand forever will shout for joy.Protect these soldiers as they discharge their duties.Protect them with the shield of your strengthand keep them safe from all evil and harm.

    May the power of your love enable them to return homein safety, that with all who love them,they may ever praise you for your loving care.We ask this through Christ our Lord.

  8. For our EnemiesJesus, Prince of Peace,you have asked us to love our enemiesand pray for those who persecute us.We pray for our enemies and those who oppose us.

    With the help of the Holy Spirit,may all people learn to work togetherfor that justice which brings true and lasting peace.To you be glory and honor for ever and ever.

  9. For Courage in the time of BattleO Prince of peace, we humbly ask your protectionfor all our men and women in military service.

    Give them unflinching courage to defendwith honor, dignity and devotion,the rights of all who are imperiledby injustice and evil.Be their rock, their shield, and their strongholdand let them draw their strength from you.For you are God, for ever and ever.

  10. In a Time of WaitingAll powerful and ever-living God,Guard our churches, our homes, our schools,our hospitals, our factories, and all the places where we gather.Deliver us from harm and peril.Protect our land and its peoples from enemies within and without.Grant an early peace with victory founded upon justice.

    Instill in the hearts and minds of men and women everywherea firm purpose to live forever in peace and good will toward all.We ask this through Christ our Lord.

  11. For Deceased VeteransO God,by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest,look kindly on your departed veterans who gave theirlives in the service of their country.Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of your Sonthey may share in the joy of your heavenly kingdomand rejoice in you with your saints forever.We ask this through Christ our Lord.

A Soldier's Prayers

  1. For Families and friends Left At HomeO God, Protector of all people and nations,protect my family and friends at homefrom the violence and evil of others.Keep them safe from the weapons of hate and destructionand guard them against the deeds of evildoers.Grant them your protection and carein tranquility and peace.

    Grant this through Christ our Lord.

  2. On the Eve of BattleGod of power and mercy,maker and love of peace,to know you is to live,and to serve you is to reign.Through the intercession of St. Michael, the archangel,be our protection in battle against all evil.

    Help me [us] to overcome war and violenceand to establish your law of love and justice.Grant this through Christ our Lord.

  3. For Hope in the Midst of DestructionGod of mercy,you know the secrets of all human hearts,for you know who is just and you forgive the repentant sinner.

    Hear my prayer in the midst of destruction;give me patience and hope,so that under your protection and with you as my guide,I may one day be reunited with my family and friendsin peace, tranquility, and love.Grant this through Christ our Lord.

  4. Prayer For Officers In CommandGod and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ,Hear my prayer for these soldiers under my command.Grant that I may bring the spirit of Christto all my efforts and ordersas I exercise my authority over those entrusted to my care.

    Inform my judgment with your Holy Spiritso that I may make decisionsin conformity with your law and for the common good.Grant this through Christ our Lord.

  5. For Fellow CombatantsLord God,Remember Christ your Son who is peace itselfand who has washed away our hatred with His blood.

    Because you love all men and women,look with mercy on all who are engaged in battle.Banish the violence and evil within all combatantsso that one day, we may all deserve to becalled your sons and your daughters.Grant this through Christ our Lord.

  6. For the innocent victims of warLord God,your own Son was delivered into the hands of the wicked,yet he prayed for his persecutorsand overcame hatred with the blood of the Cross.Relive the sufferings of the innocent victims of war;grant them peace of mind, healing of body,and a renewed faith in your protection and care.

    Grant this through Christ our Lord.

  7. Prayer for refugees and victims of warLord God,no one is a stranger to youand no one is ever far from your loving care.In your kindness, watch over refugees and victims of war,those separated from their loved ones,young people who are lost,and those who have left home or who have run away from home.Bring them back safely to the place where they long to beand help us always to show your kindnessto strangers and to all in need

    Grant this through Christ our Lord.

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