Prayer For Wife Who Relies On Drugs

5 Powerful Prayers Every Wife Needs to Pray over Her Husband

Prayer For Wife Who Relies On Drugs

Praising God and praying His will for your spouse is guaranteed to be your most rewarding work as his wife. With these five powerful prayers, you will be arming your marriage with God’s Word and investing in his role as your spiritual leader.

Satisfaction in God Alone

I praise You, the God of all wisdom for husbands. Thank You, God, for knowing the longings of my husband’s heart far better than I do. You know why he hungers for ______ and ______. You know how these yearnings affect his decisions and how those decisions affect our marriage.

You are the God who satisfies the longing soul. You fill the hungry soul with good things. Here is _____’s heart and soul, Lord. I lift him up to You and ask You to fill him with the good You know He needs (Psalm 107:9; Matthew 6:8).

The world offers _____ so many things to temporarily satisfy his needs. Temptations abound, but You are his shield and his defender.  Please train him to resist the devil (Psalm 28:7; Psalm 59:9; James 4:7).

I celebrate that You triumph over every one of Satan’s schemes and the scars he has left on my husband’s heart. You are Jehovah Rapha, _____’s Healer. You are the restorer of his soul. Let the balm of Your perfect love and mercy touch the brokenness of his heart (Genesis 50:20; Exodus 15:26; Psalm 23:3; Jeremiah 17:14).

You joined Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, and when they came out unharmed, they didn’t even smell smoke. Use their courage to inspire ____ to fear You only. I trust You to give him rest and satisfaction while protecting him from harm (Daniel 3:8–30; Proverbs 19:23).

A Man of Your Word

Father, Your Word amazes me. The world is looking for the next “perfect” solution to their problems, and You are always offering it through Your Word. You sent Your Word to deliver, nourish, and counsel us. My heart’s desire is for ______ to feast on Your Word and find It immensely satisfying (Psalm 107:20; Proverbs 3:8; Psalm 119:24; 103).

With Your Word as His source of wisdom, I will rest secure in his leadership of our home. I trust Your Word to fill ____ with the insight he will need for our relationship, his work, and so much more (Ephesians 1:8,17; James 1:5).

Your Word will unite his heart to Yours. His oneness with You will lead his pursuit of oneness with me. Your ways will become His ways. Your faithfulness to me will become His faithfulness to me (1 Corinthians 6:17; Mark 10:8; Galatians 5:23).

Send him an abundance of confidants whose faith in You is bold and courageous. Let them be men who do not lean on their own understanding, but always acknowledge You and Your Word (Psalm 119:63; Proverbs 28:1; 3:5–6).

Humility: The Courage to Admit His Need of God

Thank You, Father for the gift of Jesus and His perfect example of humility. Jesus displayed His love for us with great humility and submissiveness to You. He denied Himself the comforts of heaven to save us. He chose to experience temptations, mockery, rejection, and even death. He rated our needs higher than His own.

You require _______ to love me as Christ loved the church. With great love for ____, I’m asking You to empower him to do this (Ephesians 5:25).

You know the pressure _____ feels to be successful and strong. You know how he is influenced to be self-reliant. You understand his fears and insecurities. He is simply human and at risk of denying his need for You, God. I do not want to see him destroy his life or our marriage because of pride (Proverbs 18:12).

I bring ____ to You, the river of life, and ask You to anoint him with a supernatural portion of Christ’s humility. With it he will be a ready recipient of Your grace. He will be free to boast about his weaknesses to You and wait for You to satisfy his needs with Your strength (Psalm 36:8; James 4:6; 2 Corinthians 11:30, 12:9–10).

You’ve promised that humility is rewarded with riches, honor, and life. Those are gifts I want for my husband, Lord. Help him to let go of any pride and false humility so that he can enjoy the abundant life Jesus died to give him (Proverbs 22:4; John 10:10).

Your Praise on His Lips

There is no one who compares to You, Lord. You are worthy of our spellbound attention (1 Samuel 2:2; Psalm 16:8).

Give ______ eyes to see that You deserve the highest praise. Let him personally experience Your grandeur and strength. Let him live with great conviction that Jesus has authority over all things on earth and in the spiritual realm (Psalm 145:3; Ephesians 1:22).

You inhabit the praises of Your people, and I want ____ to enjoy the comfort and power of Your presence every moment. So, Father, please grant him an irrevocable gift of praising You. Let Your Spirit continually offer up a sacrifice of praise through _____ so that his lips always acknowledge Your name (Psalm 22:3; Philippians 2:10; Hebrews 13:15)

Teach him to praise You in his lowest moments. Train him to exalt Your name during the trials and before the victories.

Let his faith in You lead him courageously into our own promised land despite the ominous giants of fear and doubt.

Use the psalmists to mentor him in lifting His head to praise Your faithfulness despite his present burdens (1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Chronicles 20; Numbers 13–14; Psalm 43:5).

Transform His Wife

You have promised _____ that a wife is a good gift from you. I want to be an excellent wife to my husband, one who consistently brings him honor (Proverbs 18:22, 12:4).

You know every one of my weaknesses and how they are impacting my role as ____’s helpmate. Lead me, Lord, to recognize the ungodliness hiding in my will, my expectations, and how I express my emotions.

I want to surrender them to You for healing.

Show me where I am investing my attention in things that will deteriorate my relationship with _____ (2 Corinthians 12:9–10; Luke 12:2; 2 Corinthians 4:18; Ephesians 1:8,17).

Let the power of Your Word transform my motives. Coach me relentlessly to be a wife who respects her husband in word and deed. Cause Your tenderness, gentleness, kindness, and humility to become my own (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 5:22–24; Colossians 3:12).

I want to be a content wife who does not harass my husband with quarrels and fretfulness. Please use me to create a peaceful home for him. Use me to encourage him, bear his burdens, and reflect Your extravagant love for him (Hebrews 13:5; Philippians 4:11–12; 2 Thessalonians 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Galatians 6:2; Ephesians 3:18–19).

May our souls feast on only on You (Psalm 63:5).

I pray these things with complete confidence in Jesus and Your Spirit at work in our marriage. Amen.

Jennifer O. White is the author of Prayers for New Brides: Putting on God’s Armor After the Wedding Dress and Marriage Armor for the #PrayingBride. Jennifer is a natural encourager who offers hope from the truths of God’s Word at her blog, Prayerfully Speaking. With every blog post, Jennifer is exalts the one true God who can empower us to do more than we can a

Ready to see your marriage transformed? Join the 30 Day Prayer Challenge for Your Husband! Each day you will spend a short time praying a very specific prayer need over your husband and you will begin to see how prayer changes lives! 

Your words have power in your husbands life to transform his attitude and spirit. Use these words of encouragement to speak life into your marriage and home – 44 Words of Encouragement and Affirmation for Men.

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Lilith: Lady Flying in Darkness

Prayer For Wife Who Relies On Drugs

“Half of me is beautifulbut you were never sure which half.”

— Ruth Feldman, “Lilith”

Lilith is the most notorious demon in Jewish tradition. In some sources, she is conceived of as the original woman, created even before Eve, and she is often presented as a thief of newborn infants.

Lilith means “the night,” and she embodies the emotional and spiritual aspects of darkness: terror, sensuality, and unbridled freedom.

More recently, she has come to represent the freedom of feminist women who no longer want to be “good girls.”

Biblical and Talmudic Tales of Lilith

The story of Lilith originated in the ancient Near East,where a wilderness spirit known as the “dark maid” appears in the Sumerian myth “The descent of Inanna” (circa 3000 BCE). Another reference appears in a tablet from the seventh century BCE found at Arslan Tash, Syria which contains the inscription: “O flyer in a dark chamber, go away at once, O Lili!”

Lilith later made her way into Israelite tradition, possibly even into the Bible. Isaiah 34:14, describing an inhospitable wilderness, tells us: “There goat-demons shall greet each other, and there the lilit shall find rest.

” Some believe this word “lilit” is a reference to a night owl, and others say it is indeed a reference to the demon Lilith.

A magical bowl from the first century CE, written in Hebrew, reads:” Designated is this bowl for the sealing of the house of this Geyonai bar Mamai, that there flee from him the evil Lilith…” Ancient images of Lilith which show her hands bound appear to be a form of visual magic for containing her.

In the Talmud, Lilith becomes not only a spirit of darkness,but also a figure of uncontrolled sexuality. The Babylonian Talmud (Shabbat151a) says: “It is forbidden for a man to sleep alone in a house, lest Lilith get hold of him.” Lilith is said to fertilize herself with male sperm to give birth to other demons.

Lilith as Escaped Wife

In Genesis Rabbah, we encounter a brief midrash that claims that Adam had a first wife before Eve.

This interpretation arises from the two creation stories of Genesis: In Genesis 1, man and woman are created at the same time, while in Genesis 2 Adam precedes Eve.

The rabbinic tale suggests that the first creation story is a different creation, in which Adam has a wife made, him, from the earth. For some reason this marriage doesn’t work out,and so God makes Adam a second wife, Eve.

In the ninth or tenth century, a clever collection of legends titled the Alphabet of Ben Sira draws on earlier stories of Adam’s wife, and of Adam’s coupling with demons, and spins an elaborate story in which Lilith is Adam’s first wife:

When the first man, Adam, saw that he was alone, God made for him a woman himself, from the earth.God called her name Lilith, and brought her to Adam. They immediately began to quarrel. Adam said: “You lie beneath me.” And Lilith said: “You lie beneath me! We are both equal, for both of us are from the earth.” And they would not listen to one another.

As soon as Lilith saw this, she uttered the Divine name and flew up into the air and fled. Adam began to pray before his Creator, saying: “Master of the universe, the woman that you gave me has fled.” God sent three angels and said to them: “Go bring back Lilith. If she wants to come, she shall come, and if she does not want to come, do not bring her against her will.

The three angels went and found her in the sea at the place where the Egyptians were destined to drown. There they grabbed her and said to her: “If you will go with us,well and good, but if not, we will drown you in the sea.”

Lilith said to them:”My friends, I know God only created me to weaken infants when they are eight days old. From the day a child is born until the eighth day, I have dominion over the child, and from the eighth day onward I have no dominion over him if he is a boy, but if a girl, I rule over her twelve days.”

They said: “We won’t let you go until you accept upon yourself that each day one hundred of your children will die.” And she accepted it. That is why one hundred demons die every day.

They would not leave her alone until she swore to them:”In any place that I see you or your names in an amulet, I will have no dominion over that child.” They left her.

And she is Lilith, who weakens the children of men….

Alphabet of Ben Sira 23a-b

Some believe that this story is a serious attempt to explain the death of infants, while others are convinced it is a humorous tale of sexual quarrels and unsuccessful angels.

The Lilith of this story confronts both Adam and God: she defies patriarchy, refuses a submissive sexual posture,and in the end refuses marriage altogether, preferring to become a demon rather than live under Adam’s authority.

Notice that Lilith flees to the Sea of Reeds:the place where the Hebrews will one day go free from slavery. In this version of the Lilith story, Lilith becomes what all tyrants fear: a person who is aware she is enslaved.

This version of the Lilith tale in the Alphabet of Ben Sira quickly spread throughout Jewish life, and others expanded on it. The Zohar, a mystical work from 12th century Spain, imagines Lilith not only as the first wife of Adam but also as the wife of Satan. In the Kabbalah, Lilith takes on cosmic power.

She is a chaotic counterpart to the Shekhinah (the feminine Divine Presence, the bride of the Infinite). In fact, the Zohar imagines that while the Jews suffer in exile, the Holy One (the masculine aspect of the Divine) separates from the Shekhinah, and consorts with Lilith.

Lilith’s sexual-spiritual link with the Divine will only end when the Messiah comes and the brokenness in the world is mended.

In folk Judaism, the primary myths about Lilith continue to identify her principally as a stealer of babies.

Numerous amulets for pregnant women and babies from medieval through modern times use the three names of the angels mentioned in the Alphabet of Ben Sira (Sanvi, Sansanvi, and Samangelof) to ward away Lilith.

Such amulets may also contain a circle with the names of Adam and Eve on the inside of the circle, and the name of Lilith on the outside: a clear warning to Lilith to stay outside the family realm. A red ribbon is also sometimes placed on a crib to ward off Lilith.

Lilith and Modern Jewish Feminist Midrash

In the modern period, the tale of the put-upon wife who flees to a place of liberation became a celebrated paradigm. Numerous modern Jewish poets and authors, female and male, wrote accounts of Lilith that use old stories to express new ideas.

Perhaps the best-known of the new Lilith tales is”The Coming of Lilith,” by Judith Plaskow. In this feminist midrash, Lilith flees the garden because she is an “uppity woman” who doesn’t want to be pushed around by Adam or God.

However, she misses female companionship.Lilith soon sneaks back into the garden and befriends Eve.

Eve has been told Lilith is a demon, but once the two women share their stories, they become allies and companions in the search for knowledge.

Enid Dame, in her poem “Lilith,” imagines Lilith as an eternal bohemian who leaves Eden, drops in and men’s sexual fantasies in the Middle Ages, and now lives with a cab driver in New Jersey,where she still cries in the bathroom as she remembers Eden “and the man and the God I couldn’t live with.”

In Lynn Gottlieb’s story of Lilith, Lilith is made from the sky and Adam from the earth. In her love for Adam, Lilith chooses to forget she came from the sky, and she becomes Eve, settled and happy but ignorant of her own true nature. In her story, Gottlieb dramatizes the struggle of women to love men while still loving themselves.

On the other hand, Jacqueline Lapidus’ brief poem”Eden” imagines a lesbian encounter between Lilith and Eve. Using the Lilith legend, Lapidus invents an origin story for love between women.

Scholar and author Ohad Ezrachi frequently writes about Lilith as a split-off sexual component of women, an image created by men fearful of a full relationship.

He encourages men and women to see Lilith and Eve as the same person.

Lilith has become such a popular figure that whole enterprises ( the women’s music concert Lilith Fair and the Jewish feminist journal Lilith Magazine) are named after her. Once a source of fear, Lilith has been transformed into an icon of freedom.

While some disapprove of this widespread embrace of a former demon, Lilith’s rehabilitation makes sense.

The frightening character of Lilith grew, in part, repression: repression of sexuality, repression of the free impulse in women, repression of the question “what if I left it all behind?” As modern Jews begin to ask questions about sex, freedom, and choice more directly, Lilith becomes a complex representation of our own desires.

Pronounced: TALL-mud, Origin: Hebrew, the set of teachings and commentaries on the Torah that form the basis for Jewish law. Comprised of the Mishnah and the Gemara, it contains the opinions of thousands of rabbis from different periods in Jewish history.

Pronounced: ZOE-har, Origin: Aramaic, a Torah commentary and foundational text of Jewish mysticism.

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A Prayer For Wives Who Don’t Feel Loved

Prayer For Wife Who Relies On Drugs

Commitment is hard to honor when marriage doesn't feel love. There are undoubtedly unsafe situations that require immediate escape through the Father's guidance. But for many, marriage slowly fades into an agreement on paper. This leaves so many wives who don’t feel loved.

Prayer removes the sharp edge of sadness, and restores life to hopeless marriages.

1. Seek God first.

God said, “It's not good for man to be alone,” (Genesis 2:18) but He never said we couldn't survive without marriage. Jesus died so the void of every earthly relationship could be filled by the reciprocal love we are wired to crave from our Father in heaven. Sometimes the riff in our marriage is caused from a lack of time in His presence.

2. Build up from the hurt.

“Suffering produces perseverance,” Paul said in Romans 5:3. Our trials produce strength when we navigate them in honesty with God, ourselves, and our spouses. The timely anguish inside a marriage can fester and destroy, unless we choose to see the opportunity for growth in every hurt.

3. Come to God with your sorrows in prayer.

“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9). Honest prayer is a powerful weapon. God honors our transparency when we come to Him in hopeless moments. When we seek His will over ours, God promises to mend our hearts.

RELATED: 5 lies from the enemy when infidelity attacks your marriage

Please pray with me:

Father, You are powerful to seek us out individually when we cry to You. Marriage is a gift and a treasure, perfectly designed by You and executed by us. Praise You for Your patience to hear us when we cry and comfort us when we want to give up.

“Till death do us part” seems an eternity when it's crumbling. We did not expect “for worse” to mean “overlooked” by the man who stood at the end of the aisle.

Tears aren't so sweet when they fall decades into the same struggles. Help us hold on tight to the promise that You love us infinitely more than our husbands every could.

We praise You for proclaiming the impossible over our lives when we feel hopeless and forgotten.

Turned down pictures hide smiles of unkept promises, but happy memories keep our hearts from imploding under the strain of fading friendship. Forgive us for the blessings we take for granted in our marriages. Homes, children, pets, family, shared meals, vacations, laughter, and the blessed day we all said, “I do.”

Thank you for giving us someone to share jokes, mourn loss, take adventures and raise little lives with.

When we acknowledge that You love us infinitely more than our spouse is obliged, our expectations are blessed. Bless us to know the difference between intentional hurt and mistaken words. Forgive us for holding our husbands accountable for a love that we can only receive from You, Father. A love that sent Jesus to the cross to pay for our sins.

The world surrounds us with reminders of lonely people. And though we sometimes feel alone in married life, we are not. You have blessed us with another person to walk through this life with.

There are many hard times, but also many good. Thank You for the blessings You bestow on our lives. You did not build this world on fading feelings, and those moments that crumble upon our backs are fleeting.

Uphold us under attack, and stir our hearts to run to You in prayer for the survival of our marriages.

RELATED: 5 Bible passages to soothe an overwhelmed women’s heart

Father, there are wives in dangerous situations all over the world tonight. Much more than arguments and loneliness, they battle abuse of all kinds.

Please be with those women in a special way as we pray today and strengthen them to run to you for deliverance from their pain. Bless these women that suffer with the courage they need to seek shelter from fear and life-threatening situations.

Move their hearts to cry out to You for rescue, knowing in faith that You hear them, Lord.

Father, You are love. We are not. Help us to remember that it's not our job to get it right all of the time. We are created in Your image but we are not You and cannot love, or receive love, perfectly.

Bless our marriages with a camaraderie of seeking You above each other, in trust that You hear us, love us, and are capable of the impossible. Send Your Spirit to guide us in daily prayer for our husbands and our marriages.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Megs is a stay-at-home mom and blogger at //, where she writes about everyday life within the love of Christ.

Credit: Crosswalk


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Powerful Prayers for Marriage and Restoration [Quotes + Verses]

Prayer For Wife Who Relies On Drugs

Do you feel your relationship is in trouble? Perhaps your better half has left, your marriage is on the rocks, or you simply feel place with the person you are with. You value the relationship that you have with your husband or wife, and you honor and respect the vows that you took in front of God and witnesses.

Despite the best of intentions, there are times when even the most perfect relationship has problems and issues. It is common for a member of the relationship to run-away from those problems, or refuse to face them by trying to leave the relationship and the home you’ve made together.

Do not despair, there is hope, you just have to find faith and encouragement from our gracious Lord above.

Prayer can repair the most damaged marriage. The power of God can bring two people, who are intended to be together, back into a love filled marriage. Your union will know the love from the blessings of God if you keep your eyes on Him in all things. Through prayer, anything is possible.

God is all-powerful and all-knowing, He can mend any bridges that may have been burned by conflict, clear away any confusion, and give you the power to forgive when needed most. If your relationship is in need of a blessing and you have nowhere to turn, always consider the power of prayer.

God is always there to listen, and his followers on earth are always ready to assist in having your prayer requests heard.

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

Prayer for Restoring Marriage

Lord, I come before you today with a heavy heart; my marriage is in grave trouble, and I need Your help and closeness. Please make changes in my spouse's heart. Make us compatible again, and bring us closer together as we were before.

Fill us with Your love and give us the strength to love one another, care for one another, and fulfill your life long wishes for us. Show us the harm caused by careless, uncalled for words, and the pain caused by emotional distance. Heal the division between the two of us.

Make us one again. In Your precious name I pray, amen. 

Prayer for a Loving Soulmate

I seek a partner who enhances me by his/her very being.

who brings more love, joy, peace and prosperity to my life, Who I can love fully and who can fully receive my love, Who loves, honors and cherishes me completely, and always.

May my heart be open and my head be clear. May my life be ready to welcome True love. May I be embraced in a circle of your love An uplifted by your grace. And so it is.

Prayer for a Marriage In Need

My heart cries out to You, my Maker of Heaven and of Earth! Please bring healing to our broken hearts, bring restoration to our relationship, ignite lost passion, and inspire forgotten intimacy. Please transform the two of us from the inside out, and lead us in Your way. We trust in you, Precious Jesus. Always. Amen.

Prayer for a Lost Love/Partner

Precious Savior, please pray that my heart's desire be granted, and the return of the love of my life would come to fruition.

I pray that my spouse/partner may have healed his/her wounds from the past, and forgiven all that has gone wrong between the two of us.

Lord, help my lost love be able to follow his/her heart to their desire and love me for me. I ask that we be forever reconciled as one, from this day forward.

Prayer for a Friends’ Troubled Marriage/Relationship

Heavenly Father, I come before you and lay this troubled marriage/relationship in your hands. I ask that you would revive this couple, and draw them toward happiness shared together.

I ask that you would renew their love and passion for one another, and that you would untangle the conflicts and strife that has damaged and angered them towards one another. Please bring understanding and tenderness of heart to both of them.

May they both embrace the miracle that you desire to do for them, and within their spirits. Amen.

Prayer for Financial Peace In Marriage

I lift up my heart to You today, my precious Lord. Please help us to rely on You more in our marriage when it comes to our finances. We can be easily distracted by the amount of money in our bank account, or even by the jobs we currently have.

Help us not to trust in the matter of money itself, but more importantly, trust in Your economy and Your word. May Your Holy Spirit fill us with wisdom in how to manage our finances, give us generous hearts to give to those in need, and teach us to not worry about money so much.

We pray there would be peace in our marriage, especially over finances, at all times, and in all ways. May Your presence keep us grounded, keep us calm, and keep us in Your will always.

Prayer for Clear Communication in Relationships

Lord, I feel my partner and I have had a difficult time clearly communicating with one another lately. We are both lacking in our compassion and understanding towards each other.

I pray we would be better than this, and that You will open our hearts to You. Holy Spirit, please help us be better communicators with each other.

I pray that we would live with understanding for what the other person is going through, and that we are thoughtful in our words and actions. Amen.

Bible Verses about Marriage:

“Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Mark 10:9

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.” 1Peter 4:8

“Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun—all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 9:9

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