Prayer For Children in Hospital

Prayers for hospitals

Prayer For Children in Hospital

By Karen Barber | June 29, 2011

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A friend of mine who is a hospital administrator asked me to pray for her work.  Here’s a short prayer I composed that you might be able to use as a beginning point of a prayer for hospital administrators in your area.

Prayer for Hospital Administrators

May their experience and love guide their work.  May your peace and favor rest upon them.  Give them strength and insight moment by moment.  And may your greater good be worked for those who are receiving your healing through their place of work.  Amen.

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Praying For NeedsSpecific Groups About Karen Barber

Karen Barber is the Founding Director of Prayer Igniters International, a Contributing Editor with Guideposts Magazine, the author of Surprised by Prayer and the creator of the Personal Prayer Power video/study series. Personal Prayer Power emphasizes interactive prayer, including how to find an answer to every prayer and how prayer shapes your future. Visit Personal Prayer Power to order or for more information.

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Caring for different people every single day can take a toll on nurses. This is particularly true for nurses working in the pediatric ward.

Since patients in this area are more vulnerable to stress, pain and discomfort, it’s not enough for nurses to concentrate on their physical needs.

Sending out prayers can help, too because inevitably, it’s so easy for these small people to capture our hearts again and again.

Below are some of the most powerful prayers for a sick child.

Prayer For A Sick Child In The Hospital

Jesus, You’re with us. Though you are not seen,

We know that you stay by our side.

Jesus, You love us, More than we could know,

And you feel each tear that we cry.

Jesus, We trust you, To take hold of our hands,

Until we’re recovered and well.

Jesus, You promise to, Comfort and care,

Until we are laughing and playing again.

Thank you Jesus.


Prayer To Restore A Sick Child’s Health

O Lord God, I come to You for help and succor. You have afflicted my child . Help me to understand that You mean well. Give me grace to bear my child’s affliction with patience and strength.

Bless me, O Father, and restore my child to health. Do not forsake us, but give us an assurance of Your loving Kingdom. Bless this illness to me and my child , and help us both to be better children of Yours because of it.

In the name of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Prayer To St. Nicholas For A Sick Child

Saint Nicholas, who the Savior, loved children so tenderly and gave generously to those in need, listen to us who plead for this sick child

who is so dear to our hearts.

We thank God for the great gift of our child and we pray that He relieve this child of pain and free him/her from suffering. Obtain strength when he/she is weary, hope when discouraged, and joy when downhearted. May the Lord, through your intercession,

restore perfect health if such be His divine will.

These favors, we beg of you through your love for all children.


Prayer For A Sick Child Through St. Gerard

St. Gerard, who, the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many from disease and even death, listen to us who are pleading for our sick child. We thank God for the great gift of our son/daughter and ask Him to restore our child to health if such be His holy will. This favour, we beg of you through your love for all children and mothers.


Short Prayer for A Sick Child

Heavenly Father, watch over our child, and grant that he may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer For A Sick Child With Chronic Illness

Dear God, I pray for (child’s name) as he/she deals with this (specific illness) so often. I know You are the Master Healer and that You also provide times that are symptom-free for this dear little one. Please comfort and protect this dear child during this hard time.

Help them to know that they can come to You for the peace and health that only You can provide. Please be with the doctors as they continually study to find medicines and treatments that will comfort those that suffer from chronic illnesses.

I leave this in Your precious hands oh God my Father. Amen

See Also: 9 Powerful Healing Prayers for Cancer Patients

Prayer For A Sick Child With Threatening Illness

Lord I come to You today to present (child’s name) to You. This very deadly sickness that is upon him/her is very sad to all who know and love him/her. I know that in times this his/her Mommy and Daddy are in despair.

Please keep them strong in You so that they can be a comfort to this dear little child. Please keep (child’s name) from being scared of what is happening all around him/her. I ask Your mercy so that pain would be minimal or nonexistence. I love this small and fragile little child.

Bestow Your grace and peace to them and all who love them. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

Prayer To Bring Healing To A Child

Lord, you love our child as You love all children, Bring healing to our child who is not well. Stay by his side and comfort him through this trying time. Keep us ever mindful of Your loving presence Bless us with Your powerful healing and comfort us also. Thank You for hearing our prayer!

See Also: 20 Short But Effective Prayers for Surgery

A Prayer For My Sick Child

Loving Lord Jesus, You are the good Shepherd of the sheep and You are the One Who carries the little lambs in Your arms – and gently cares for those that are weak and afraid. Lord it is so hard to watch a child in distress and feel helpless to aid them – but I pray Lord that You would safely carry this little child and tend for him/her as only You can.

I lift up this precious child to You and ask for Your healing power to permeate through his/her frail body and return him/her to radiant health and strength. Relieve all the symptoms of this unpleasant illness that has invaded this little body – guard him/her from danger and may he/she respond to Your healing touch on his/her life.

Thank You that You are a God Who cares and loves little children and that You hear and answer prayers. Keep this precious lamb enfolded in Your arms and resting on Your bosom and raise him/ her back to full health I pray – and we will give You all the thanks and praise for You alone are worthy.


Prayer For The Recovery For A Sick Child

Almighty and most merciful God I bring before You this little child who is suffering such pain and discomfort – and I ask that in Your grace and mercy You would raise them back up into full health and strength and work a speedy recovery.

The Lord Jesus took little children in His arms of love and blessed them and I pray that in a very special way You would put Your arms of love and blessing around this little one and minister to each need and every pain.

Little ones do not understand why they are feeling so poorly and I just ask that You would have compassion for this little child and take away any fear and pain – and multiply Your grace so that they come to a quick and lasting recovery….

Thank You Lord in Jesus name we pray,


Before we go to sleep tonight, let’s offer a heartfelt prayer for a sick child somewhere out there.

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16 Best Catholic Prayers for Sick Babies

Prayer For Children in Hospital

Children can suffer from a variety of illnesses whether they are mental filled with anger and depression or physical with a sickness. Seeking a short blessing for children is one of the best ways to seek relief for your child. Here is a look at some of the best Catholic prayers for sick babies.

Prayer #1

St. Gerard, who, the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many from disease and even death, listen to us who are pleading for our sick child. We thank God for the great gift of our son (daughter) and ask him to restore our child to health if such be his holy will. This favor, we beg of you through your love for all children and mothers. Amen.

Prayer #2

Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden.

Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us.


Prayer #3

Strength and wholeness. I shall run and not be weary. I shall walk and not faint Come Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from above. Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide, Stay close by every child’s side. Amen!

Prayer #4

Dear Lord, you have witnessed the rebelliousness of youth since the very beginnings of time. You understand a parent’s anguish and helplessness over the actions of his child.

Please help us to transform our anger and frustration into loving care for our child who has gone astray. Help us begin to mend our broken fences and heal our broken hearts. Bless our child and also help him to mend the error of his ways. Help and bless us all to do right in Your name and restore us to peace and tranquility.

Prayer #5

Blessed is the Child of Light Who doth seek his heavenly Father For he shall have eternal life. He that dwelleth in the secret place Of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. For he shall give his Angels charge over thee To keep thee in all thy ways.

Know ye that the Lord hath been Our dwelling place In all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever he had formed The earth and the world Even from everlasting to everlasting, Hath there been love Between the Heavenly Father And his children.

And how shall this love be severed? From the beginning Until the ending of time Doth the holy flame of love Encircle the heads Of the Heavenly Father And the Children of Light: How then shall this love be extinguished?

For not as a candle doth it burn, Nor yet as a fire raging in the forest. Lo, it burneth with the flame Of Eternal Light, And that flame cannot be consumed.

From the Essene Gospel of Jesus

Prayer #6

Heavenly Father, my child is your greatest gift, and my biggest challenge! I know my child is truly distressed, and yet I am at my wit’s end to find a peaceful resolution.

I feel helpless and frustrated. I ask myself, What would my Heavenly Father do in His infinite wisdom and beneficence?

Lord, come into my heart and mind, and share Your loving wisdom with me! Help my child to heal his pain, and help me to become as loving and wise a parent, as You are for us Your children. Thank You Lord, for hearing me and coming to my aid! Bring your loving Peace to me and my child today.


Prayer #7

My children, do you know that the Earth And all that dwells therein Is but a reflection of the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father?

And as you are suckled and comforted By your mother when a child, But you go to join your father in the fields When you grow up, So do the Angels of the Earthly Mother Guide your steps Toward him who is your Father, And all his holy Angels, That you may know your true home And become true Sons of God.

While we are children, We will see the rays of the sun, But not the Power which created it; While we are children, We will hear the sounds of the flowing brook, But not the Love which created it; While we are children, We will see the stars, But not the hand which scatters them Through the sky, As the farmer scatters the seed.

Only through the Communions With the Angels of the Heavenly Father, Will we learn to see the unseen, To hear that which cannot be heard, And to speak the unspoken word.

Prayer #8

Lord, you love our child as You love all children, Bring healing to our child who is not well. Stay by his side and comfort him through this trying time. Keep us ever mindful of Your loving presence Bless us with Your powerful healing and comfort us also. Thank You for hearing our prayer!

Prayer #9

O Lord God, I come to You for help and succor. You have afflicted my child [child’s name]. Help me to understand that You mean well.

Give me grace to bear my child’s affliction with patience and strength. Bless me, O Father, and restore my child [child’s name] to health. Do not forsake us, but give us an assurance of Your loving Kingdom. Bless this illness to me and my child [child’s name], and help us both to be better children of Yours because of it. In the name of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Prayer #10

Come, Holy Spirit, come Let thy bright beams arise, Dispel the darkness from our minds, And open all our eyes.

Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove, And kindle in our breasts the flame Of everlasting Love. Amen!

Prayer #11

Lord, I awake and see your light, For You have kept me through the night, To You I lift my hands and pray, Keep me from sin throughout this day, And if I die before it’s done, Save me through Jesus Christ, Your Son.

Prayer #12

Lord, look upon a little child, By nature sinful, weak and wild; O lay Thy gracious hands on me, And make me all I ought to be.

Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon a little child; Pity my simplicity Suffer me to come to Thee.

O supply my every want Feed this young and tender plant Day and night my keeper be, And every moment watch round me. Amen!

Prayer #13

O Jesus, I am grateful for your mercy and compassion. You healed all those, that approached you in faith. In your suffering and death, you redeemed my infirmities and those of the human race. I join my suffering to yours, and ask for your healing mercy. Give me the strength and courage

to overcome all adversities. Amen.

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Prayers and Liturgics

Prayer For Children in Hospital

This page is intended to be a simple compilation of different prayers that could be said after a miscarriage, as well as prayers for prevention of a miscarriage while you are pregnant. There is a blessing, a novena, links to various Saints connected to miscarriage, and more. And as we’ve stated many times on this site, please also know that we are praying for our visitors.

Blessing of Parents After a Miscarriage

This is a beautiful blessing that can be done by a priest, deacon, or layperson. A priest or deacon will already have it in their book of blessings. You may view it here.

Christian Miscarriage Prayer

Father, in the name of Jesus I come to you with a broken heart because of the loss of my baby. I know that your ears are open to my prayers. I am hurting and restless and feel overwhelmed. Please rescue me this pit of hopelessness and fear. You know the tears that I cry and my sleepless nights. Father, I give you all my hurts, worries, and cares.

I thank you that you are not finished with me yet. I will chose not to be held down by a spirit of discouragement and grief. By your grace I will stand firm and trust you. Help me to remember that others are going through the same pain as me, help me to get strong, so that with the same comfort that you comfort me with, I will be able to comfort others.

by Patty Larsen; used with permission.

Order for the Naming and Commendation of an Infant Who Died Before Birth

The Archdiocese of  St. Louis has created a rite for parents who have miscarried a child, allowing them to name their child and commend him in faith to the loving mercy of God.  You can find a pdf of the rite here.

Prayer for Those Experiencing Miscarriage

God, We remember all babies who have died as a result of miscarriage. We remember all mothers and fathers whose hearts are aching and arms empty, who never had a chance to love or hold their babies. We ask God’s healing to fill the void and emptiness that has been left. Amen.

by Jane Parkinson; used with permission.

Prayer for Questions and Understanding

Dear God,People ask me how I am coping.I’ve learned to smile in company.I’ve learned to appear calm and even relaxed.But this is not the real me.It is a person that I watch going through the motions of living.Inside, I’m still screaming, or else I’m just numb.

Sometimes the ache is so strong that my whole body is racked with pain.The pain and the questions are often bound up together.Why did I have to miscarry (again)?The questions chase around inside my mind.I feel there ought to be answers.I feel I am owed some explanations.

Yet no explanations come, and there seems to be nowhere to go to find any.You alone know the reasons for our loss.Help me to accept your mysterious ways and your divine plan for me, which may differ from my human hopes and dreams.

Help us to understand that at the very heart of the universe there is not despair but hope, not evil but a God of love.

by Jane Parkinson; used with permission.

Miscarriage Prayer

My Lord, the baby is dead!

Why, my Lord—dare I ask why? It will not hear the whisper of the wind or see the beauty of its parents’ face—it will not see the beauty of Your creation or the flame of a sunrise. Why, my Lord?

“Why, My child—do you ask ‘why’? Well, I will tell you why.

 You see, the child lives. Instead of the wind he hears the sound of angels singing before My throne. Instead of the beauty that passes he sees everlasting Beauty—he sees My face. He was created and lived a short time so the image of his parents imprinted on his face may stand before Me as their personal intercessor. He knows secrets of heaven unknown to men on earth.

He laughs with a special joy that only the innocent possess. My ways are not the ways of man. I create for My Kingdom and each creature fills a place in that Kingdom that could not be filled by another. He was created for My joy and his parents’ merits. He has never seen pain or sin. He has never felt hunger or pain.

I breathed a soul into a seed, made it grow and called it forth.”

 I am humbled before you, my Lord, for questioning Your wisdom, goodness, and love. I speak as a fool—forgive me. I acknowledge Your sovereign rights over life and death. I thank You for the life that began for so short a time to enjoy so long an Eternity.

by Mother M. Angelica

©2012 EWTN. Used with permission.
For more Catholic prayers and additional resources, visit the EWTN website.

Saints for Miscarriage Prevention and Healing

  • Catherine of Siena (Patron Saint of Miscarriage)
  • Catherine of Sweden (Patron Saint of Miscarriage)
  • Eulalia (Patron Saint of Miscarriage)
  • Gianna Beretta Molla (Doctor and mother who suffered two miscarriages, as well as chose the life of her last child over her own)
  • Gerard (Intercessions are asked of him for mothers, particularly those who are expecting)

Prayer to St. Catherine of Siena to Avoid Miscarriage

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