Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

1.Food and Nutrition Board, and Institute of Medicine. “Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrates, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein, and amino acids (macronutrients). ” Washington, DC: The National Academy Press, 2002. Accessed at //www.nap.eduJ catalogll0490.html?onpi_newsdoc090502

2.National Academy of Sciences. Press Release. “Report offers new eating and physical activity targets to reduce chronic disease risk. ” Sept. 5, 2002. Washington, DC: National Research Council, Institute of Medicine. Accessed at //www4.nationalacademies.orglnews.nsC! isbnl03090B5373?OpenDocument

3.Wegmans Company. Recipe and nutrient facts . Accessed 2003. Available from//

4. U.S. Department of Agriculture. “USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.” Washington, DC: U.s. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, 2002. Accessed at //

5.The RDA has been expressed as a Singular quantity of protein, as O.B grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Assuming a daily intake of 2,200 calories for a 70 kg person, this O.B grams is equivalent to about 10-11%of total calories: 70 kg X O.B gmlkg X 4 caVgm X 112200 cal X 100z 10.2%

6.Wright JD , Kennedy-StephensonJ , Wang CY, et al. “Trends in Intake of Energy and Macronutrients – United States,1971-2000.”Morbidity and mortality weekly report 53 (February 6, 2004) :80-82.

7.Boseley S. “Sugar industry threatens to scupper WHO .” The Guardian April 21 , 2003

B.Brundtland GH. “Sweet and sour; The WHO is accused by the sugar industry of giving unscientific nutrition advice. But its recommendations are solid evidence, says Gro Harlem Brundtland.” New Scientist, May 03,2003: 23.

9.International Life Sciences Institute. ILSI North America. Accessed February 13, 2004. Available from //

10.Kursban M. Commentary: conflicted panel makes for unfit guidelines.Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. AccessedJune, 2003. Available from //www.pcrm.orglhealthl commentary/commentary0004.html.

11.Chaitowitz S. Court rules againstUSD~ secrecy and failure to disclose conflict of interestin setting nutritionpolicies. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. AccessedJanuary 27, 2004. Available from //www.pcrm.orglnewsihealth001002.html.

12.I have been for several years on the science adviSOry board of PCRM.

13. National Academy of Sciences, and Institute of Medicine. “Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids [summary statementl.” Washington, DC: National Academy Press, September, 2002.

14. National Institutes of Health. February 2004. Accessed at //

15. National Institutes of Health. “National Institutes of Health. Summary of the FY 2005 President's Budget.” February 2,2004. Accessed at //

16.National Institutes of Health. NIH Disease Funding Table: Special Areas of Interest.Accessed August IB, 2003. Available from //

17.Calculated from NIH Disease Funding Table: Special Areas of Interest. See previous reference.
lB. National CancerInstitute. “FY 1999 Questions and Answers provided for the record
for the FY 1999House Appropriations Subcommitee.” July 15, 2003. Accessed at


19. National Cancer Institute. FY 2001 Congressional Justification. Accessed March 2, 2004. Available from //

20. Angell M. “The pharmaceutical industry-towhomis it accountable?” NewEngl.]. Med. 342 (2000):1902-1904.

21.National Cancer Institute. FY 2004 Congressional justification. Accessed 2003. Available from //

22.Demas A. Food Education in the Elementary Classroomas a Means of Gaining Acceptance of Diverse Low Fat Foods in the School Lunch Program[PhD Dissertation]. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, 1995:325pp.

Chapter 17

1.Austoker J. “The 'treatment of choice': breast cancer surgery 1860-1985.” Soc. Soc. Hist. Med. Bull.(London)37 (1985): 100-107.

2.Naifeh SW The Best Doctors in America, 1994-1995.Aiken, S.c.: Woodward&: White, 1994.

3.McDougall JA, and McDougall MA. The McDougall Plan. Clinton, NJ: New Win Publishing, Inc., 1983.

4.Committee on Nutrition in Medical Education. “Nutrition Education in U.S. Medical Schools.” Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 1985.

5.White PL, Johnson OC, and Kibler MJ. “Council on Foods and Nutrition, American Medical Association-itsrelation to physicians.”Postgraduate Med. 30 (1961):502-507.

6.Lo C. “Integrating nutrition as a theme throughout the medical school curriculum.”Am.]. Clin. Nutr. 72(Suppi) (2000):882~89S.

7.Pearson TA, Stone EJ, Grundy SM, et al. “Translation of nutrition science into medical education: the Nutrition Academic Award Program.” Am.]. Clin. Nutr. 74 (2001):164-170.

8.Kassler W]. “Appendix F: Testimony of the American Medical Student Association.” Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 1985.

9.Zeisel SH, and Plaisted CS. “CD-ROMsfor Nutrition Education.”]'Am. Coli. Nutr. 18 (1999): 287.

10.Two or three reputable agencies have also sponsored this program, but I suspect that the administrators of these agencies felt it necessary to associate with a project in medical education for their own purposes, regardless of the dubious list of other organizations.


12.Weinsier RL, Boker JR, Brooks CM, et al. “Nutrition training in graduate medical (residency) education: a survey of selected training programs.” Am.]. Clin. Nutr. 54 (1991):957-962.

13.Young EA. “National Dairy Council Award for Excellence in MedicallDental Nutrition Education Lecture, 1992: perspectives on nutrition in medical education.” Am.]. Clin. Nutr. 56 (1992):745-751.

14.Kushner RF. “Will there be a tipping point in medical nutrition education?” Am.]. Clin. Nutr. 77 (2003):288-291.

15.Angell M. “Is academic medicine for sale?” New Engl.]. Med. 342 (2000):1516-1518.

16.Moynihan R. “Who pays for the pizza? Redefining the relationships between doctors and drug companies 1: Entanglement.”Brit. Med.joum. 326 (2003):1189-1192.

17.Moynihan R. “Who pays for the pizza? Redefining the relationships between doctors and drug companies. 2. Disentanglement.” Brit.Med.joum. 326 (2003):1193-1196.

18.Avorn J, Chen M, and Hartley R. “Scientific versus commercial sources of influence on the prescribing behavior of physicians.”Am.]. Med. 73 (1982):4-8.

19.Lurie N, Rich EC, Simpson DE, et al. “Pharmaceutical representatives in academic medical centers: interaction with faculty and housestaff.”]. Gen. Intern. Med. 5 (1990):240-243.

20.Steinman MA, Shlipak MG, and McPhee SJ. “Of principles and pens: attitudes and practices of medicine housestaff toward pharmaceutical industry promotions.” Am.]. Med. 110 (2001):551-557.

21.LexchinJ. “Interactions between physicians and the pharmaceutical industry: what does the literature say?” Can .. Med. Assoc.]. 149 (1993):1401-1407.

22.Lexchin J. “What information do physicians receive from pharmaceutical representatives?”

Can. Fam. Physician 43 (1997): 941-945.

23 . Baird P. “Getting it right: industry sponsorship and medical research.” Can. Med. Assoc.Joum.

168(2003): 1267-1269.

24.Smith R. “Medical journals and pharmaceutical companies: uneasy bedfellows.” Brit. Med. Joum. 326 (2003):1202-1205.

25.Chopra SS. “Industry funding of clinical trials: benefit or bias?” JAMA 290 (2003):113-114.

26.Healy D. “In the grip of the python: conficts at the university-industry interface.” Sci. Engineering Ethics9 (2003): 59-71.

27.Olivieri NF “Patients' health or company profits? The commericalization of academic research.” Sci. Engineering Ethics 9 (2003):29-41.

28.johnson L. “Schools report research interest conflicts.” TheIthacaJoumal October 24, 2002: 3A.

29.Agovino T. “Prescription use by children multiplying, study says.” TheIthaca Joumal Sept. 19, 2002: lA.

30.Associated Press. “Survey: many guidelines written by doctors with ties to companies.” The

IthacaJoumal Feb. 12, 2002

31.Weiss R. “Correctly prescribed drugs take heavy toll; millions affected by toxic reactions.” The Washington Post Apr. 15, 1998: A01.

32.Lasser KE, Allen PD, Woolhandler Sj, et al. “Timing of new black box warnings and withdrawals for prescription medications.” JAMA 287 (2002):2215-2220.

33.Lazarou j, Pomeranz B, and Corey PN. “Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients.” JAMA 279 (1998):1200-1205.

Chapter 18

1.Macilwain G. The General Nature and Treatment of Tumors.London, UK: john Churchill, 1845.

2.Williams H. The Ethics of Diet.A Catena of Authorities Deprecatory of the Practice ofFlesh-Eat-ing.London: F Pitman, 1883.

3.U.s. Census Bureau. “U.s. Popclock Projection.” March, 2004. Accessed at //

4.Centers for Disease Control. “Prevalence of adults with no known risk factors for coronary heart disease-behavioralrisk factor surveillance system, 1992.”Morbidity and mortality weekly report 43 (February 4,1994) :61-63,69.

5.Kaufman DW, Kelly jP, Rosenberg L, et al. “Recent patterns of medication use in the ambulatory adult population of the United States: the Slone survey.” ]. Am. Med. Assoc. 287 (2002) :337-344.

6.Flegal KM, Carroll MD, Ogden CL, et al. “Prevalence and trends in obesity among U.s. adults, 1999-2000.”JAMA 288 (2002):1723-1727.

7.American Heart Association. “High blood cholesterol and other lipids-statistics.”March, 2004. Accessed at //www.americanheart.orglpresenter.jhtml?identifier=2016

8.Wolz M, Cutler j, Roccella Ej, et al. “Statement from the National High Blood Pressure Education Program: prevalence of hypertension.” Am.]. Hypertens . 13 (2000):103-104.

9.Lucas jw, Schiller jS, and Benson V “Summary health statistics for U.S. Adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2001.” National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat. 10(218). 2004

10.Robbins J. The Food Revolution. Berkeley, California: Conari Press, 2001.

11.I strongly recommend reading john Robbins' “The Food Revolution,” which convincingly details the connection between your diet and the environment.

12.World Health Organization. “The World Health Report 1997: Press Release. Human and social costs of chronic diseases will rise unless confronted now, WHO Director-Generalsays.” Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 1997. Accessed at httpJ/www.who.inti whr200 1/2001/archiveS/1997/presse.htm

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SWTOR Chapter 16 Story and Companion Recruitment Guide

Chapter 16

SWTOR Chapter 16 Battle of Odessen Story and Guss Tuno companion recruitment guide.

Story Cutscenes

“Dark” Side Choices (Koth kicked out previously)

“Light” Side Choices (Koth remains with the Alliance)

Trigger: Lana says GEMINI Prime remains unresponsive
  1. This is my fault/I fell into trap/Something doesn’t add up
  2. No one betrays me – Gault, Torian approves
  3. SCORPIO will die, painfully – Gault approves
Trigger: SCORPIO says the partnership is incomplete
  1. We’re not partners – Theron approves
  2. Is this an apology? – SCORPIO is amused
  3. Your death will conclude it
Trigger: SCORPIO says she was curious what was more important to Arcann
  1. You can’t manipulate me – Lana/Senya/Theron approves
  2. You’re up to something/Are you helping me now?
  3. Arcann doesn’t frighten me – SCORPIO/Torian approves
Trigger: Theron says massive fleet inbound
  1. [Lie] I appreciate the heads-up – SCORPIO/Theron approves
  2. Keep the throne warm for me – Lana approves
  3. You’ll pay for your betrayal
Trigger: Theron/Lana says might want leave someone else on Odessen
  1. Torian can handle it – Torian approves
  2. Vette, you’re up – Vette approves
  3. Leave that to Gault – Gault approves
Agent Only Trigger: Kaliyo says to grab the Phantom and get off this rock
  1. You don’t meant that – Kaliyo disapproves
  2. Tempting, but not an option
  3. You love this – Kaliyo approves
Trooper Only Trigger: Aric Jorgan says this time you might not come back
  1. I will. I’m coming back, Jorgan – Aric Jorgan approves
  2. Stop being so serious – Aric Jorgan disapproves
  3. This is the job
Trigger: Theron asks if you would listen if he asked you to be careful
  1. I could be convinced – Theron approves
  2. Stop worrying. I’ll be fine – Theron disapproves
  3. Probably not
  • Go to the Gravestone Shuttle Access
Warrior Only Trigger: Vette says the whole thing smells funny
  1. It’s going to be okay
  2. Smells a Davaronian – Vette approves
  3. This is the final battle
BH Only Trigger: Torian says Ib’tuur jatne tuur ash’ad kyr’amur.
  1. Say that again?
  2. Well put. – Torian approves
  3. I’m ready to finish this.
Trigger: Lana says you are ready for this
  1. Been a long time coming.
  2. [Flirt] I’m ready for a kiss – Lana approves
  3. I’m done hiding – Lana approves
  4. No time to chat.
Trigger: Theron say he will man the omnicannon
  1. You’re staying here?
  2. Much appreciated – Theron approves
  3. Clear more than a path – Theron disapproves
Trigger: Lana say only way to ensure planet’s safety is to annihilation his ship
  1. Oh, is that all?
  2. Stay focused on our goal – Lana disapproves
  3. Way ahead of you – Lana approves
Trigger: Lana asks you who you want to disable the guns
  1. Gault – Gault approves
  2. Torian – Torian approves
  3. Vette – Vette approves
Trigger: Koth say he has never been a part of something this
  1. You played a major role – Koth approves
  2. I’m just getting started.
  3. We haven’t won yet.
Romance Only Trigger: Koth wanted to say thank you
  1. A bit character for you – Koth disapproves
  2. I feel the same – Koth approves
  3. Just kiss me.
  • Clear the Hangar of Hostiles
  • Speak to Lana Beniko
Trigger: Vaylin says she love what you done with the hangar
  1. You’re not my target – Lana disapproves
  2. Inspired, isn’t it?
  3. Shut up.
Trigger: Vaylin says run along outlander
  1. Vaylin is still your daughter – Senya approves
  2. We can fight together – Senya approves
  3. Kill her, or I will.
  • Infiltrate Arcann’s Flagship
  • Confront KJ-931
  • Infiltrate the Bridge Deck
  • Defeat Arcann
    • The fight with Arcann has some mechanics you need to be aware. At certain point in the fight, Arcann becomes immune to damage and you will see green arrows directing you to a shield you can pick up. This shield will give you certain skills you can use in a separate hotbar.
    • Use the shield (shield icon skill) whenever you see him summoning Force Manifestations that target you with yellow arrow, these attacks from them will charge up your shield so you can use Empowered Bash (arm icon skill) on Arcann that deals massive damage.
    • Neat the end of the fight Arcann will jump away and attack you with Empowered Lightning, just put your shield up and walk towards Arcann and bash his head in. You will get over 100 stacks of that shield buff this way and can immediately end the fight

Shining in the Darkness Alliance Alert

Prerequisite: Complete previous Alliance alerts from Sana-Rae.


  • Alliance alert will have you talking with Sana Rae in the alliance base and then Blizz. Blizz will lead you to this “Shiny Jedi Man” found on a casino in Nar Shaddaa (Star Cluster Casino)
  • To locate Guss’s master, you will need to take a taxi in the Lower Promenade marked on your map.
  • Both Tarisian Ale and Urchin Roll can be found in Corellian Sector. You can either do it the short way and use the cheat option in the conversation window or try earn light/dark side points and drag it out. If you drag it out, Guss will lead you to 3 places and you can earn up to 150 LS/DS points.
  • This is a short mission with not much to do other than running around in Nar Shaddaa.

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